Honesty or Lies
依据《英语学科基本要求》,完成高中学业任务的学生应具备英语语言运用能力,“正确理解语言交流活动和生活会话内容,并作出恰当的反应;能从有声媒体中获取、分析、处理信息;能根据交际对象和目的,连贯、灵活地表达思想、观点和情感”。 这样的要求体现在日常教学中,都是围绕着话题展开学习活动并引发讨论的。在高三的复习冲刺重要阶段,以话题为学习形式展开语言听说能力的训练,既可以帮助学生巩固和操练已学知识,又可以激活旧知的新用法,将知识与能力以话题的形式串联起来,能在学生的头脑中留存更加有功能意义的知识模块。
话题是日常生活中各种事件的集合和分类。本节课的话题属于《教学基本要求》中“人与社会”的范畴,围绕Honesty or lies这一话题展开听与说的语言实践活动,丰富话题所包含的语音、词汇、词法、句法和语篇等知识。本节课话题来源于生活实际,也是学生日常生活中所面临的、需要深入思考的问题之一。本课的学习主题Honesty or Lies,以选择性的标题来激发学生的思考和探索兴趣。听力材料Honesty is the best policy和Lies, lies, lies,取材于《World Link》,其内容是关于谈论在日常交际中应该选择诚实还是善意谎言的话题。通过听力输入学会如何辨别speaker的观点和论据,即对于Honesty和white lies之间的选择,以及listener的互动反馈。以话题Honesty or lies为载体,巩固相关的语言知识,丰富和深化对该话题的认识,探究话题的内涵和外延,拓宽和加深对Honesty or lies话题内容的认识。学生在学习的过程中主动获取、交流、分享话题信息,形成有效的学习策略,提高语言理解和表达能力。
本节课学生要听懂Honesty or lies话题中的有关对话和独白,获取关于Honesty or lies的观点态度的相关信息和语汇,运用与此话题有联系的词汇和功能性的句式表达对Honesty or lies这一话题的看法。围绕这一核心任务,本节课采用“前-中-后”三阶段听力教学模式,不同阶段各有侧重点:
听中:首先,学生视听第一遍视频材料Honesty or lies,对其中三位人物的观点进行辨别,理清他们各自的立场。接着,学生听第二遍,了解人物发表观点背后的支持信息。然后,学生基于之前所听内容预测该对话的结尾部分内容并给出分析原因,教师播放视频中的结尾对照,引导学生关注说话人的内容、语气、肢体语言与表情等传递的言外之意。接着学生视听视频材料Lies,lies,lies,了解四位被采访者对于Honesty or lies这一话题的看法,这个语料听3遍,分为整体理解、论点和论据捕捉,学生需要记录每个人观点背后的支持论据。
听后:学生综合所听与思悟,讨论并发表自己对Honesty or lies的观点并陈述支持论据。
Teaching Plan
Teaching objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to
1. understand the content in the two video clips and gain viewpoints and supporting arguments through listening.
2. express their viewpoints on choosing to be honest or tell lies .
3. further understand the importance of honesty and skills of social communication.
Teaching focus:
To help students interpret people’s viewpoints and express their convincing opinions.
Teaching Procedures:
Teaching steps Students’ activities Purpose
Pre-listening preparation Answer teacher’s questions and have a general idea of the topic “ Honesty or lies”activate some phrases for the listening tasks. To lead in the topic and pave the way for the following listening tasks.
While-listening procedure Watch video clip1 and finish exercise 1: Identify each character’s statement. To gain speakers’ viewpoint and learn from their supporting arguments.To provoke their thought on the choice of Honesty or lies.
Listen to the video clip again and finish the exercise2.Guess the ending of the video.What may be Claudia’s response?Why?
Listen to the ending and answer questions:What did Claudia say? Does Claudia really mean it?How can you tell?
Watch video clip2 and fill the Column 1 of Ex C Watch it again (or third time if necessary) and fill the Column2 about supporting arguments. To know how to express viewpoints and supporting arguments.
Post-listening task Students have a discussion and present their ideas on Honesty or lies. Do you tell the truth or lies in your daily life? Why?Under what circumstances, if any, do you think it’s OK to lie? To consolidate what they have learnt by presenting their own ideas.
Assignments Write a short speech of about 100 words on the viewpoints and supporting arguments you hold.
课题:牛津上海课标版Unit 2 Wonderful sea animals
教学词汇的难点集中在与海洋生物与渔船相关的词汇,例如anchor锚,jaw嘴,marine海洋的,predator捕食性动物,live off以…为生,plankton浮游生物,cartilage软骨,hatch孵化等。
By the end of the class, students are expected
1. to know and understand the new words: anchor,jaw,marine,predator,live off,plankton,cartilage,hatch. fascinate, sight, flexible
2. to understand and summarize the main idea of the text.
3. to learn to introduce a thing (e.g a product, a new species, an object) in the same way as the text, which is from the specific one to the general type.
?. Pre-reading:
Watch a video and ask the students the following questions.
1. What do you see in the video? What happened?
2. What do you know about sharks?
3. If you are asked to write an article about sharks, how will you write it?
Ⅱ. While-reading:
1. General Reading ----- Skimming
Understand the main idea of each paragraph and how the text is organized.
2. Leaning new words with the help of the multi-media equipment
anchor, navy, crew, marine
3. Detailed Questions and Answers---- Scanning
--- Questions and Answers (Understanding new words in the context: fascinate, jaw, sight, live off, plankton, in common, flexible, cartilage, hatch.)
Ⅲ. Post reading
1. Exercise 1: Write the new words
2. Exercise 2: T or F
3. How does the author organize the text? How can we organize our own articles in the same way?
Ⅳ. Homework
1. Write the summary of the text.
2. Write an outline to introduce something from the specific one to the general type. (E.g. a new product, a new species and etc. )