牛津上海版高中三年级第一册英语 - Unit 5 A tale with a twist


名称 牛津上海版高中三年级第一册英语 - Unit 5 A tale with a twist
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文件大小 108.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津上海版(试用本)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-03-20 22:47:16



The Constitution of Plot in Narration
----Necklace 教学设计
Necklace是法国作家莫泊桑最著名的一部短篇小说,故事讲述了美丽的公务员之妻玛蒂尔德为参加一次晚会,向朋友借了一串钻石项链来炫耀自己的美丽。不料,项链在回家途中不慎丢失。她只得借钱买了新项链还给朋友。为了偿还债务,她节衣缩食,为别人打短工,整整劳苦十年,最后却得知所借的项链原是一串假钻石项链。 《项链》采用了以物写人的方法,将项链作为一条主线推进情节发展,使故事情节更为有序而集中,这种结构能够直观的表现事物发展的过程,使读者轻松自然的了解到整个故事的发展脉络。作者在构思布局上也不落俗套,其中“十年后相遇揭示项链真假”的艺术巧思极具匠心,小说之所以不急于把谜底点破,而是放到十年之后,就是要让当事人和读者同时为之一惊,增强出人意料的喜剧效果,从而使作品结束时产生强烈的震撼人们心灵的悲情艺术效果。文章在结局时情节的反转给读者留下无限遐想空间,在主题呈现上,除了玛蒂尔德前期因为虚荣所付出的代价,在后期塑造上却又让读者看到了另一个尊重契约,有责任感的玛蒂尔德。学生们不仅能学到情节塑造的技巧及方式,还能在分析情节的同时深刻领会文本主题,拥有自己的独特见解。由于课堂时间有限,笔者在教学材料的选取上,进行了主要情节的保留并且根据教学设计将文本整合成三个部分。教学过程中,教师引领学生通过对叙事结构,叙事技巧的分析最终得出作者对于戏剧冲突的塑造方式并进一步升华主题。
After reading, the student will be able to
Know the types and characteristics of narrative structures (明确文章叙事结构及其特点)
Master the narrative devices and their characteristics in the text (掌握文章叙事技巧及其特点)
Acquire the parts of dramatic conflicts and characteristics of each part (习得戏剧冲突的主要构成及其特点)。
Grasp the theme of the novel and its significance(获取文章主题及其深刻内涵)
对比两幅“婚戒”和“钻石项链”的图片,引导学生探讨婚戒和项链的不同意义, 激活话题,让学生思考婚戒所代表的婚姻的“契约精神”和钻石项链所代表的对美和地位的追求,为下一步分析叙事结构做铺垫。
Step 1:Lead in
Show two pictures about the “marriage ring” and “diamond necklace”, and free talk with students about their significance. Through talk, students could arouse the interest to the subject.
T: Can you see my difference today?
S: (laughing) Yes, you look more beautiful today, because of your dress.
T: I have something else. Look at my shoes, what do you think about my look?
S: You look as you will take part in a party soon.
T: Good guess! Besides the dress, I also wear my ring and necklace. Look at these two pictures, think about it, What are they standing for?
S: “Ring” stands for marriage and promise, and the “diamond necklace” stands for beauty and wealth.
T: Excellent! Today, we are recognizing a girl who pays a great cost to a diamond necklace. Have you ever read this novel before?
S: Chinese version.
T: OK, now let’s read the novel to know what happens.
Step 2:Bones--Linear narrative structure analysis
Introduce three common types of narrative structures to students and ask students to focus on one type--linear narrative structure and its characteristic.
(Due to its length, students have read the passage in the previous class)
T: Because you have known the main plot, now I want to introduce you a conception-- narrative structure. There are three common types--frame, linear, ring. Which one do you think this novel belong to according to the illustrations?
S: Perhaps linear. Because this novel is written along the string-- necklace.
T: Yes, a string of plot units. So now, please make a pair work to discuss the plot units of the novel.
(After discussion)
T: Now, what’s your opinion?
S1: There are four plot units along the string in the novel. The sequence is borrowing necklace-- losing necklace--searching necklace--returning necklace.
T: Good, but you missed an important part--the ending. Do you have other opinion?
S2: In our opinion, the four units are borrowing necklace--losing necklace--returning necklace--knowing the necklace. Since searching necklace could belong to losing necklace, the ending--knowing necklace is really surprising and it should be the main part of plot units.
T: Great! Now let’s look at the details.
Step 3:Flesh-- Narrative devices analysis
Propose four calculated questions to lead the students to deduce the specific narrative devices used in the text--foreshadowing, hint, up and down, and twist.
1. Why did Mathilde want to borrow a necklace? what kind of inner impulse of her action?(foreshadowing)
2. Where did the author imply the authenticity of necklace? (hint)
3. Where did the passage thrill you most? why? (twist)
4. What is your impression of Mathilde's fate? How could you get ? (up and down)
T: You know a body contains bones and flesh. Structure is bone, and devices is flesh. First, please make a group of four to answer these four questions. Group one to group four answer the first two questions, and group five to group eight answer the second two questions.
(After discussion)
T: Ok, what’s the answer to the first question?Y
G1: Because Mathilde is a beautiful woman, but she married a common clerk who can not give her what she wants. The text describes a lot about her mood, her anger and her beauty.
T: Yes, this device is called“foreshadowing”.what about the second one?
G2: I have found two points that imply the necklace is fake. One is when her friend lent the necklace to her. I will never lend my friend a diamond necklace without a second thought. Second point is when Mathilde returned the necklace, and her friend did not even check it. I think it is really strange.
T: Good. This device is called “hint”, and the third one?
G3: The ending surprised me most, because I can not imagine the necklace is fake. What a shock to Mathilde! I thought the story will have a happy ending, but the author surprised me!
T: (laughing) This is called “twist” and the fourth one?
G4: Mathilde is really a sad figure. Her fate is full of sorrows. First second, she was sunk into the happiness of showing her beauty, next second, her borrowed necklace was lost. She tried her best to repay the money, but next moment, she knew the necklace was fake. It is really torturing.
T: This is called “up and down”. There are other narrative devices used in the text, but today our focus is on these four. Good job!
Step 4 Soul--Dramatic conflicts analysis
Get the Ss to analyze the dramatic conflicts in the passage and its main elements-- desire, obstacle, acts and denouement.
T: The body and the soul can not be separated, and the body is the conveyor of the soul. Narrative structure and narrative devices constitute the soul of plot constitution-- dramatic conflicts. And a dramatic conflict has its desire, obstacle, acts and denouement. Now make a group of four to discuss the dramatic conflicts in each part of passage and fill the chart below.
(After filling the chart)
T: Well done. Now let’s look at the words from the text “What would have happened if she had never lost those jewels. Who knows? Who knows? How strange life is, how fickle! How little is needed to ruin or to save!”, what ruined her life? And what saved her life?
S: Vanity ruined her life. Her diligence saved her.
T: Good idea. Any other ideas?
S: In my opinion, her husband’s loyalty also saved her. She did something wrong, and her husband kept supporting her and working hard to pay back the debt.
T: Excellent, anything else?
S: Her faithfulness saved her. She was faithful to her friend, because she did not give up or escape when she lost the “expensive” necklace.
T: Unbelievable! You have so many ideas that I can not think out. Actually, the loyalty to marriage and friendship or the spirit “YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR COST” is called “social contract”,which is an important spirit in western culture, like “filial piety” in Chinese culture. Now look at the curve of Mathilde’s fate and think about other questions.
Step 5 Appreciating the theme conveyed in the plot
Propose questions to acquire the theme of the text. Ask students to make a group to choose a question to answer.
What ruined Mathilde?And what saved Mathilde?
What did the author actually hope to reveal through plot constitution?
What actions would happen after the original ending?
(After discussion)
T: Now, let us check your answers. I am interested in the third question. Who could share his/ her imagination?
S: Mathilde was at first a little shocked, but she quickly took it easy. After ten years hard work, she became a lot. She was not that young woman who loved clothes and jewel most. She remembered her husband had bought her a new dress with the money he intended to buy a gun. This time, Mathilde wanted to give her husband some care and love. They bought the new house with the extra money, but this time Mathilde did not care it any more. They lived happily forever.
T: So you set a happy ending for Mathilde?
S: Yes, she deserved such a happy ending. Why is the author so cruel to a young beautiful girl?
T: I am not sure the real motive, but I guess he wants to be an objective observer who just show a choice question to the reader. Now let’s make a short summary.
Step 6 Homework
1. Try to analyze the trait of each character in the passage.
2. Contemplate the relationship among three elements in narration--character, plot and theme.
每一部经典名著,无论情节的塑造多么耗费作者的笔墨和心血,但最终目的还是为了突出作者的意图及主题。本节课的设计在解读主题方面,突出了对于西方文化中“契约精神”的探讨,而这种解读在很大程度上受到毕飞宇先生的《小说课》这部作品的启发。看《项链》英文译作时,有一句原文让我百思不得其解,“What would have happened if she had never lost those jewels. Who knows? Who knows? How strange life is, how fickle! How little is needed to ruin or to save! “. ”毁灭“和”救赎“本来是一组反义词,而我之前的理解是女主角放弃虚荣,热爱劳动等美好品质救赎了她,可是十年的辛劳并不算”few”,为什么作者会说只需要极少的东西就能毁灭或者救赎一个人呢?如果是虚荣毁了玛蒂尔德,那么是什么救赎了她呢?毕飞宇先生在品评《项链》这部作品中提到了西方文化中很重要的一个元素--契约精神,这种解读让我茅塞顿开。玛蒂尔德丢失了钻石项链的时候,她的丈夫路瓦塞遵守了”婚姻“契约,陪她一起借钱,做苦工还债,玛蒂尔德遵守了”忠诚“契约--借钱要还,丢物要赔,她可以放弃自己以往的安逸生活和虚荣,去践行”契约精神“,这种深刻的主题解读对于培养学生的批判性思维大有裨益。在这一部分的教学设计中,不仅加入了主题的探讨和解读,更是鼓励学生设计一个续篇来将这个故事续写下去,学生们在获得了足够的语言输入后,可以将自己的态度和价值观融入在语言输出中,对于培养学生的创新思维也很有帮助。
The Constitution of Plot in Narration