S1B M2U4 Friend or enemy? 第一课时教学说明
Analysis of the teaching material:
本文是剧本Winston and the Spider的选段,是Winston和妻子Betty在厨房里围绕蜘蛛所展开的一段对话。
本文的标题Friend or enemy?以问题的形式直接引起读者对文本的关注和兴趣,而边上的一幅小插图则直观地呈现了本文的主题:蜘蛛。本文的体裁是剧本,主要内容由Winston和Betty的对话来推进,而括号内的舞台提示则辅助表现了主人公的情感态度。
本文对高一年级的学生而言篇幅长度适中。由于体裁属于剧本,所以语言特点较为口语化。其中Betty所说的句子较为简短,而Winston由于需要向Betty解释蜘蛛的各种作用,个别语句较复杂,甚至出现了现在分词作状语和定语的情况(Surviving winter in them, the spiders…; a material having similar properties)。在阅读文本时出现该语法现象不用刻意向学生提出,以能读懂为宜,等到了本单元语法学习的环节再深入。就用词而言,除了个别在医学、战争等领域使用的单词学生较为陌生外,生词并不多;而那些生词也可以通过鼓励学生利用语境猜测来完成理解。
本文主要介绍了蜘蛛这种生物。从Winston和Betty在厨房发现一只蜘蛛开始,Betty想要让Winston杀死它,但是Winston则向Betty讲述了自己认为蜘蛛很有用(useful),而且它们是人类的朋友,昆虫的敌人(the friends of humans, the enemies of insects)。Winston从蜘蛛在害虫防治中的作用,蜘蛛丝的特性和蜘蛛毒素的作用入手,逐步改变了Betty对自然界中事物的看法——要理解而不是破坏(understand things in nature and not destroy them)。另外,从舞台提示中也可以看出Betty对蜘蛛态度的改变。
Analysis of the students:
在词汇认知上,对学生而言,文本中的一些生词基本上都集中在形象的名词(tent, organs等)和易感知的形容词(elastic, bulletproof等)上,教师可以结合实物或图片等开展教学。
就对于文体的认知而言,学生是第一次接触剧本这样的体裁,对该文本的语言和结构特点不太熟悉。教师在教学中需要做一些相应的引导,比如注意stage direction的提示作用。
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the period, students will be able to
know the fact that spiders are useful in various ways and find out the change of Betty’s attitude towards spiders through predicting, skimming, reading aloud, inferring, concluding, tasting stage directions, etc.
understand the meanings of some new words and expressions such as shelter, tent, survive, emerge, elastic, property, artificial organs, bulletproof, rarely, etc.
cultivate a positive attitude towards the things in nature—understand and not destroy.
Teaching procedures:
Look at a picture and answer some questions.
What can you see in the picture?
What kind of creature do you think it is? (Adj.)
If a spider emerges in your place, what are you going to do with it?
Do you think it our friend or enemy?
Skimming: Look at the title, the italicized sentences under the title and the picture and answer the following questions.
What is the “friend” or “enemy” mentioned in the title?
Where is the passage from?
Who are the characters in the passage?
Where are they when the scene begins?
Intensive reading (Line 1-10)
Read aloud together from Line 1 to Line 10 and answer the following questions:
When Betty sees the spider, what does she do and how does she feel?
What does Betty want to do with the spider? Does Winston agree to do so? Why (not)?
Does Betty want to hear about Winston’s opinions? Why?
Are spiders insects, according to Winston?
Intensive reading (Line 11-24)
Read from Line 11 to Line 24 and fill in the following table and blanks:
What happens in different seasons?
Next spring
What farmers realized years ago was that spiders are __________________ and __________________. The above table shows us a natural method of _____________, which is now __________ all over the world.
设计说明:这里通过表格的填写帮助学生梳理清楚蜘蛛是如何在害虫防治领域起到作用的。而句子填空能够引导学生关注该方法的广泛性,同时第一次点题,即明确了蜘蛛的身份——人类的朋友,昆虫的敌人。另外,此处在学生完成表格填写的过程中,可用图片形象地展示tent一词,在此基础上引导他们猜测shelter的含义;还需要引导学生利用语境猜测survive, emerge等词的含义。
Intensive reading (Line 25-40)
Read from Line 25 to the end and answer the following questions:
What properties does spider silk have?
__________ steel; __________ a feather; __________ a rubber band
Where can a material with similar properties be used?
Why does Betty still think spiders are nasty and should be killed?
[Are spiders’ bites really dangerous?]
Where might spiders’ poison be used?
[What is brain disorder?]
What should and should not we do according to Betty in the end?
设计说明:这个部分内容包含了蜘蛛丝的特性和蜘蛛毒素作用的介绍,以及Betty最终对蜘蛛态度转变的呈现。通过以上问题,可以让学生充分了解到这些内容。第一个方括号中的追问的问题旨在第二次点题,因为蜘蛛是人类的朋友,昆虫的敌人,所以它们的毒素对人类几乎不危险,而对昆虫才有危险。另外,这一部分中包含的生词相对较多,可以用实物橡皮筋来帮助学生理解elastic,用strong, light和elastic来揭示property的内含;organ一词可以根据下文的hearts来猜测,bulletproof vest和brain disorder用图片展示来解决。
Further reading
Read through Betty’s words and stage directions again and find out clues which show the change of Betty’s attitude towards spiders. Then, read aloud the words or sentences in quotation marks with the help of the stage directions.
feel frightened: (jump in fright, and then shouting) Kill it!
feel ________: (________) ______________ you are going to tell me anyway.
feel seemingly interested: (________) __________________ I must go and ...
feel ________: ________________________, aren’t they?
understand: We should try to understand things in nature and not destroy them.
Discuss the following questions with your partner(s) first and then share the answer with the whole class.
Is a spider a friend or an enemy?
Next time a spider emerges in your place, what are you going to do with it? Why?
(Group 1: farmers; Group 2: scientists; Group 3: doctors; Group 4: Winston and Betty’s children)
Listen to and read aloud the excerpt at least three times. And prepare to roleplay the part of Betty and Winston in the next period.
Write 5-8 sentences to answer the question in further thinking:
Is a spider a friend or an enemy?
Next time a spider emerges in your place, what are you going to do with it? Why?
Underline useful and difficult words and expressions in the excerpt for further studying.
本课较好地完成了目标。从读后活动中可以看出,学生对蜘蛛的认识有了很大的变化。读前都认为是enemy,都打算kill it,读后大部分变成了friend或者至少不是enemy,而且也不是统一地kill it,而是想办法研究和利用蜘蛛的特性或者让它回归自然——这是情感态度上的一个明显变化。同时,很多同学结合文本内容,谈到了可以利用蜘蛛杀虫、蜘蛛丝的特性值得研究、蜘蛛可以运用到医疗中等,这体现了知识目标的达成。当然还是有个别同学认为蜘蛛是enemy,想要kill it,这个时候,教师其实可以表明到了本单元的Speaking: Listing pros and cons环节我们将继续探讨这个选择的利弊,一方面尊重学生的选择和表达的权利,另一方面呈现单元教学的连贯性和整体性。
另外,由于该文本属于剧本,在教学过程中能够给学生朗读的机会是很好的,齐声朗读、个别朗读等方式在本课中多处运用到了。但是在学生不能很好地演绎剧本的时候,教师可以给予更多地情感铺垫,甚至是亲身示范,以辅助学生更好地借助stage direction来体现文本中的情感态度。