Unit 1 How tall are you?B Read and write 教案


名称 Unit 1 How tall are you?B Read and write 教案
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版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-03-28 08:45:05



六年级下册 Unit1 How tall are you? B Read and write
2. 能根据所学词汇和句型,询问并回答两个人或事物之间的重量、高度、年龄等并进行比较。
2. 能够通过讨论图片中季节的变化,激活相关背景知识及话题词汇;
3. 能用正确的语音、语调及意群朗读课文,并进行思维拓展,回答开放性的问题。
4. 能够在Wu Yifan 向 Robot 叙述的故事文段中捕捉不同类型的信息,通过简单的推理,提炼出文段的主旨大意;
5. 能够根据阅读所获取的信息完成填充内容梗概的活动;
6. 通过阅读 Little Duck与 Old Tree 之间故事,学会思考。
1.理解句型: You are older and smarter than me. Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower? Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller.
2.能够听、说、认读词汇:countryside, lower, smarter, become, shadow.
1.学生能够在语境中理解生词 lower, smarter, become, shadow 的意思,并能正确发音。
2.在具体的语境中,理解并使用下列句型:You are older and smarter than me. Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower? Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller.
Step 1: preparation
1.师生互致问候, 自由对话。
师问生答: How old/How heavy/How tall/ What size are your shoes?
并对两个学生之间的信息进行比较: He is older than you….
2.T: Now, look at something about me. Do you want to know anything about me? You can ask me some questions.
生问师答: How old/How heavy/How tall/ What size are your shoes?
3.T: Now,Spring is coming. The trees turn greener and greener. Flowers come out. The weather is becoming warmer and warmer.
Talk about the four seasons. Using which season do you like best? I like…best, I can…
4.T: I like spring best. In spring I can go on a trip to the countryside. Explain the new word.
(设计意图:通过对话,激活 A 部分学习的内容,并简单引出春季的到来,为下一步旅游做铺垫。)
Step2 Pre-reading
Look and tick.
T: Spring is coming. The sky is clearer. The sun is brighter.
T: Can you think of any other changes? Look and tick
(设计意图:进一步巩固学生学生比较级的知识。为下面的 tick 环节 做好准备。)
Step3 In-reading
1. 引入 Wu Yifan 一家人郊游照片。引入故事。
T: In spring,I like going on a trip to the countryside. So does Wu Yifan’s family.
Now, look, they are going on a trip to the countryside. Wu Yifan has a story to tell Robin.
2. Read the story quickly and answer:Who is in the story?
3. Read again,finish the following questions
① Read the story quickly, choose a title for the story.
A. Old Tree’s shadow B. Little Duck’s shadow
② Who is younger?
A. The duck B. the tree
③ When is the duck’s shadow longer?
A. In the morning B. In the afternoon
4. Think and discuss. Can you answer Little Duck’s questions? What’s your answer?
“Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?”
Students can share with their opinions.
5. Read the story again and finish the dialogue.
Think and discuss.
Do you agree with Old Tree? Why?
6. Imitate the short dialogue between Little Duck and Old Tree.
(设计意图: 在阅读选择之前,让学生有目的的阅读,有效利用教材所给的资源,养成良好的观察和阅读的习惯。)
Step4 Post-reading
1. Read the story and circle the words with “er”.
Then talk about the changes with your partners.
2.T: Now, let’s play a game. Look at the sheep of the words, You can put the sheep in their houses, put them in their right Group…
3. Let’s write
Finish the short passage with the words’ right form.
hot clear tall heavy strong
Hello, I’m Little Duck. Summer is coming. The sky is ____________. The sun is _________ and ___________. And I’m _________ and __________. I’m _________ and ___________. I’m _________ and ___________. Look at me! I’m becoming a big beautiful bird! What about you?
Step 5 Homework
1. Listen to the tape three times,and read to your parents
2. Write something about a friend’s age, height, weight, shoes’ size….