Konwledge Aims:Students can use past tence to describe activities.
Skill Aims:Students can retell the story and creat a new one.
Emotion:To adopt a pet instead of buy a pet.
Culture:To describe the general situation of different countries.
Teaching Strategy:TPR,Cooperative method, task based teaching method.
Do you have a pet?What's his/her name?NextWhere?Who?Said?Did?A mouse!
A mouse!A mouse!
A mouse!A mouse!
A mouse!Where is the little mouse?Who will find mouse?The will find him!!!!How do they feel?Where is the little mouse now?What's the name of the book?Can you give the book a name?Lucky's Adventure If you were Lucky, where do you want to go?Do you like Lucky? WhyWould you like to keep Lucky as your pet?