课件26张PPT。M3U1igSSnThe first periodWe can see them in parks.
We can see them in museums.
We can see them at schools.
We can see them everywhere.
They can tell us what we can do.
And they can tell us what we can’t do. /sainz/signsWe can see signs in parks.
We can see signs in museums.
We can see signs at school.
We can see signs everywhere.
Signs can tell us what we can do.
And signs can tell us what we can’t do. Read and guessSigns in the parkLook at this sign.
It says /sez/ ‘Toilet’.
It means /mi:nz/ we can use
the toilet here.
Look at this sign.
It says /sez/ …
It means /mi:nz/ we can …
Look at the sign. It says ’Restaurant’.
It means we can have nice food and
drinks here.Look at the sign. It says ’Telephone’.
It means we can make a phone call
here.Look at the sign. It says ’Exit’.
It means we can go out from here.Look at the sign. It says ’Entrance’.
It means we can get in from here.It says/sez/ ‘_________’ .
It says ‘No smoking’.What ___ this sign ____?doessay/sei/Don’t smokeIt means________________.we can’t smoke hereWhat does this sign mean?Signs are very important.
Signs tell us many things.
We should follow signs.
What do you want to say to them?What do you want to say to them?Hey, you! Look at the sign!
You shouldn't ________________here.
Because we need a _____ park.walk your dogcleanHey, you! Look at the sign!
You musn't _______________here.
Because we need a ____ park.pick the flowerniceHey, you! Look at the sign!
You can't ________________here.
Because it’s ____________.climb the treedangerousHey, you! Look at the sign!
You mustn't/shouldn't /can't_________here.
Because _____________.We mustn’t pick the flowers or walk on the grass.
Because we need _______________.We can’t ride a bicycle or play football in the park.
Because it’s _____________.We shouldn’t walk our pets or leave rubbish in
the park. Because we need _____________.dangerousa clean parka nice park We can see a lot of _______ in the park.
For a nice park, please look at the sign .It means we can’t ______________. The sign ____
means we can’t ____________either.
For a ____ park, please look at the signs____
and ___.They mean we shouldn’t _____________ or __________ in it.
Look at the signs___and____. They mean we mustn’t _____ or climb there. Because they are dangerous. Boys always like playing ball games. But look at the sign_____. So don’t play ball games in the park. Because it’s _________, too.
Signs are very important for us. They tell us what we can do and what we can’t do.Signs in the parksignswalk on the grasspick the flowercleanthrow the rubbishwalk your dogridedangerousSigns at schoolA. B. C. D. E. F.G. H.I.J. N. M. L. K.P. Q.O.R.fightWhat does this sign say?What does it mean?Where can we put it?Why do you put it there?Ask and answer
A. B. C. D. E. F.G. H.I.J. N. M. L. K.P. Q.O.R.fightSigns are here. Signs are there.
Signs are everyhere.
Signs tell us what we can do.
Signs tell us what we can't do.
Signs tell us many things.
Signs are important.Assignment2. Read the text. Copy the new words and sentences. 3.Get to know more signs in our life. Then introduce their names in the next class.4. Design a sign for our school.Some signs tell us what we can do.Some signs tell us what we can't do.Signs tell us different things.
Some signs tell us what we can do.
Some signs tell us what we can’t do.
Signs are important.We can see signs in parks.
We can see signs in museums.
We can see signs at school.
We can see signs everywhere.
Signs can tell us what we can do.
And signs can tell us what we can’t do. Signs tell us what we can do.Signs tell us what we can't do.Signs tell us what we can do.Signs tell us what we can't do.Some signs tell us what we can do. We can see a lot of signs in the park.
For a nice park, please look at the sign .It means we can’t pick the flowers. The sign means we can’t walk on the grass either.
For a clean park, please look at the signs.
They mean we can’t leave rubbish or walk our pets in it.
Look at the signs .They mean we can’t ride or climb there. Because they are dangerous. Boys always like playing ball games. But look at the sign . So don’t play ball games in the park. Because it’s dangerous, too.
Signs are very important for us. They tell us what we can do and what we can’t do.Signs in the park