Module 4 Unit 12 The five peas 第三课时 课件(23张PPT)+视频


名称 Module 4 Unit 12 The five peas 第三课时 课件(23张PPT)+视频
格式 zip
文件大小 88.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-05-14 17:25:30


课件23张PPT。课题: Unit 12 The Five Peas教材版本: 义务教育教科书英语
单词: 复习、巩固1—12册相关词汇;
难点:故事推荐。 因为本课时是在对具体故事阅读、理解基础上,写出故事推荐,以读促写。写作内容为介绍故事,学生需要提炼故事精髓,写出自己的理解和感悟,这些对学生来说都是不小的挑战。Oxford English12Module 4 Things we enjoyPeriod 3How to recommend a storyTask 1 Review. participated in the story?
happened in the story?
did the story happen?
did the story happen?
did they(people in the story) do that? 5Wh-questionsWhoWhatWhenWhereWhyHow to read a story? Task 2 Look and say.Famous storiesIt’s Harry Potter.Who’s the main character?Harry Potter is the main character. What’s the title of the story?Task 2 Look and say.Famous storiesIt’s Journey to the West.Who’s the main character?Monkey King is the main character. What’s the title of the story?Task 2 Look and say.What’s the title of the story?It’s……Who’s the main character?......Famous storiesWhat’s the title of the story?……Who’s the main character?……Task 3 Look and learn.What did she do in the story?Her grandmother was ill and she went to visit her grandmother. But the big wolf wanted to eat her. The hunter helped her and she was safe at last.What do you think of her?I think she is smart and brave. What’s the title of the story?……Who’s the main character?……Task 3 Look and learn.What did he do in the story?At that time, there were 10 suns in the sky. It was too hot. People couldn’t grow anything. They had a hard life. So Houyi shot down 9 suns for the people. What do you think of him?I think he is kind, strong and brave. What’s the title of the story?……Who’s the main character?……Task 3 Look and learn.What did she do in the story?……What do you think of her?……Task4 Learn to recommend.Recommend to others.The title and the characterThe eventsMy viewTask4 Learn to recommend.Recommend to others.The title and the characterThe eventsMy view is an interesting story. There are five peas in a pea pod. They have different dreams.One day, a boy took them out of the pea pod and ……I like the fifth pea best. Because he helped the little girl. He’s helpful. I would like to do something useful, too.Task 5 Watch and answer.Nuwa fixes the sky 1 What’s the title of the story?
2 Who’s the main character of the story?
3 What did she/he do?Task 5 Try to comprehend.Nuwa fixes the sky 4 Was it easy to make more people for Nuwa?
5 What was her problem?
6 How did she solve the problem??Nuwa was a goddess. One day, she took some mud and made the first person. She liked the person and wanted to make lots of people. She made more with her hands but it was very hard work.
Then she had another idea. She took a branch and put it in the mud. The drops of mud hit the ground and became people. Soon there were lots of people. They worked hard and lived happily.
?Task 5 Try to comprehend.Nuwa fixes the sky 7 Did Nuwa have another problem? What happened next?
8 How did she solve it??
Then, one day, a terrible storm came. It was very strong. It made a hole in the sky and it rained and rained.
There was water everywhere. Nuwa wanted to save the people, so she built a fire and melted rocks. She took some of these rocks and flew into the sky. She worked for seven days and seven nights. Finally, Nuwa fixed the sky and the people were safe again.
Nuwa fixes the sky Task 5 Try to draw.The problemThe solutionThe resultshard to make more with hands with a branchlots of people a hole in the skywith a fire and rockssafe again What do you think of Nuwa?Task 6 Try in groups.My recommendation:Task 7 Try to present.Show Time!Recommend your favourite story to your friends. Write down your recommendation. OR Act out the story with your friends. OR Draw cartoons of the story.After class: 本课的重点在于让学生能从文章中独立提炼出关键信息并能简单的写出故事推荐,同时学生还能通过故事阅读、理解,感悟故事中对自己有启迪和有教育意义的内容。教学难点在于在阅读后写出故事推荐,从读到写,过程中学生做到了从内容、语言、思维到情感同步推进。根据本课教学目标及重难点,我运用了第一课时所学的阅读方法,引导孩子自主阅读。同时运用了任务型教学法等进行课堂活动,渲染了课堂气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣,在教学中充分体现了教师的主导地位和学生的学习主动性。在阅读教学中,也能层层递进,引导学生进行深度思考。当然,在教学的过程中也发现了一些遗憾。如:时间把控不佳,导致最后小组展示的时间不够。如果在教学的前半程里,节约一些时间,为后面的小组合作多预留一些时间就更理想了。学生的课堂表现是教学的一个变量,既要激发孩子们的学习积极性和参与性,又要在规定时间内落实教学设计,是一个需要继续研究的课题。课后反思Nuwa fixes the sky
Nuwa was a goddess. One day, she took some mud and made the first person. She liked the person and wanted to make lots of people. She made more with her hands but it was very hard work.
Then she had another idea. She took a branch and put it in the mud. The drops of mud hit the ground and became people. Soon there were lots of people. They worked hard and lived happily.
Then, one day, a terrible storm came. It was very strong. It made a hole in the sky and it rained and rained.
There was water everywhere. Nuwa wanted to save the people, so she built a fire and melted rocks. She took some of these rocks and flew into the sky. She worked for seven days and seven nights. Finally, Nuwa fixed the sky and the people were safe again.
My recommendation:
The title and the main character:
What’s the title?
Who’s the main character?
Nuwa fixes the sky
The events:
What happened in the story?
OR: What did he /she do ?
My view:
What do you think of her/him?
OR:What do you learn from the story?