Unit 5 The Value of Money Period 1 Listening and Speaking (46张PPT)+教案


名称 Unit 5 The Value of Money Period 1 Listening and Speaking (46张PPT)+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-04-17 13:48:05


Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Thinking教学设计
Period 1 Listening and Thinking
Unit 5 The Value of Money
During this period, the class will focus on listening and thinking.
Students are expected to get insight into the attitude towards money.
The teachers would inspire students to practice listening skill.
Learn and master the key words and phrases.
Train the students’ ability to pronunciation and listening.
Enable the students know about the suitable attitude toward money.
Encourage students to learn more about the value of money.
Master the usage of key words and phrases.
Improve the students’ listening and speaking ability.
Let students pay attention to tone and intonation in listening.
Make the students know about how to make inference.
Daily routine
Step 1
Warm up
T greets the whole class as usual.
Activate Ss and remind them to concentrate.
Step 2
Preview check
T asks Ss the meaning of words, phrases and knowledge points learnt last lesson.
Students answer the questions loudly together.
Check the teaching situation of last lesson quickly.
Help Ss consolidate the knowledge points.
Step 3
Teacher shows the pictures to lead the topic.
Money is a great servant but a bad master.
——Francis Bacon
What does Francis Bacon’s saying mean?
Why? Do you agree with him?
1.What do people have to buy in order to lead a good life?
2.What can people not buy with money?
3.Is money the basis of a happy life? Why or why not?
After acknowledging the information and the meaning of the new words, answer the questions.
Use pictures to catch Ss’ attention.
Expand their horizons and spark their interest.
Step 4
New words
T explain the meaning of the new words, and ask Ss to translate the meaning of the whole sentence.
We wanted to bottom our plan on a solid basis.
The band loan rate is unbelievably high.
The plastic coating is easy to apply on any surface.
I apologize for what I said about you.
I think this scene was filmed in my hometown.
Some error messages will be displayed, but you can ignore them, because we'll correct them in the subsequent steps.
Teach the meaning of new words.
Step 5
Let’s play
T choses Ss to answer the questions.
Our theory bottoms on a solid _________.
That would make it harder for you to take ________ a loan or borrow money to expand a business.
What do metals, glass, and ______ have in common?
If this offends anyone, I ________, but it's the truth.
He should not ________ it. The report contains many useful recommendations.
Do not _____ someone by their appearance.
I have a picture at home of the whole ________.
keys:1. basis 2. out 3. plastic 4. apologize 5. ignor 6. judge 7. scene
Familiarize the new words
Clear the tackle of listening practice.
Step 6
Pair work
Discuss the questions in groups.
What do people have to buy in order to lead a good life?
What can people not buy with money?
Is money the basis of a happy life? Why or why not?
Discuss with their patterner and voice their opinions
Familiarize Students with key words.
Make students use core words and phrases.
Exercise students’ expression and speaking skills.
Listening & Speaking
Step 7
Listening practice
Teacher shows the questions. Then teacher plays the listening material and asks students to answer.
Listen to the news report and match the people with the correct information.
The owner of the lost money.
A cleaner at Taiyuan railway station.
A police officer living in Chen's apartment building.
Chen's 16-year-old daughter.
Keys: BACD
Listen again and put these events in the correct order.
Chen Liyan found Wang Zheng’s money and returned it to him.
Chen gave an interview to the local newspaper.
Wang built a website to help raise funds for Liu Xia.
Ma Dongbao shared Chen’s story with Wang.
Chen spent all her savings and took out a large loan.
Wang offered Chen 5000 Yuan.
Keys:2 6 5 4 1 3
Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
It was the first time Chen Liyan’s story was reported.
Chen found 10000 Yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan railway station.
Wang Zeng apologized to Chen because he couldn't offer her more money.
Chen took up a large loan to cure her daughter.
Wang set up a fundraising website for Chen’s daughter after Chen told him about her situation.
Listening for details
1). How old was Chen?
2). Where was the small plastic bag?
3). How long was Chen waiting for the owner?
4). Why did Chen refuse to accept Wang’s money?
5). What does Chen’s story show to us?
She was 45 years old.
It was near a chair in Taiyuan railway station.
Over 2 hours.
Because Chen believed it would be wrong to accept money that she was not earned.
It shows a different way of thinking about money.
Listen to the materials carefully and do the listening exercises.
Familiarize students with key words.
Exercise students’ speaking skills.
Step 8
Make inferences
Sometimes things are not said directly. However, you can make logical guesses on the basis of what the speakers say. To draw a conclusion, you need to understand the given information and use your background knowledge. Also, while listening, don't ignore the speaker's tone and intonation - these can be important clues, too.
Watch the video about “Fell the intonation in The Big Bang Theory”
Students listen to the tips.
Help students learn tips in listening practice.
Make students master the listening skill better.
Better finish the testing task.
Step 9
Teacher shows the topic and gives students examples to discuss.
Discuss your answers to the questions with your partner and explain your reasoning.
What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is?
Did Chen return the money because she didn't need it?
Is it common for people to do what Chen did?
How did Wang Zheng feel about the return of his money?
Why did Ma Dongbao tell Wang about Chen’s family?
How did the news reporter feel about Chen’s actions?
A: What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is?
B: I think she must be an honest person because …
A: I bet she’s really determined to. You can tell this by how …
1. I think she is a kind and principled person.
2. No, she didn’t, because she thought the owner might need it badly.
3. No, it isn’t. It is hard for most people to make a decision like that.
4. Wang felt grateful and sorry.
5. Because he knew Chen’s difficulty and wanted to help her.
6. The news reporter thought Chen’s attitude to money is great.
Work in groups of four. Discuss the following questions.
Do you agree with Chen Liyan? What would you do if you were in her situation?
When we help someone, should we expect to get something in return?
What do you think is the best way to get money?
Should we judge people based on how much money they have?
A: I think that Chen Liyan did the right thing by returning the money and refusing to take a single cent from Wang Zheng.
B: Well, I think that Chen Liyan was correct in returning the money, but she should have accepted the money Wang offered.
1. Yes. I suppose I will do the same thing.
2. No, because we do right things to keep principle in our hearts rather than to get something in return.
3. I think earing money with our abilities is the best way.
4. Definitely not, because we do not expect other judge us based on how much money we have, we should not do the things that we don’t like to other.
Use what they have learnt from the interview to help you and discuss in groups.
Voice their opinions.
Practice their team spirit.
Practice their thinking skill and imagination.
Practice their speaking and listening.
Step 10
Listen to the short conversation and mark the intonation with ↑↓. Then discuss with a partner what they intend to convey by using different intonation
Owner: You know what? It’s a million-pound bank note.
Waiter 1: Really?
Waiter 2: Really!
Waiter 3: Really?!
Listen to the conversations. Underline the parts that are stressed and mark the intonation. Then talk about the implied meanings of the responses with different intonations. Listen again and repeat.
Henry: It’s a nice suit.
Owner: Oh, it’s perfect!
Henry: Well, that’s very kind of you.
Owner: Kind, sir? No, it’s kind of you. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honor!
Henry: Well, to be honest, I have none.
Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brother, what luck!
Henry: Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.
Roderick: Please don’t go …
Students do the exercises.
Improve the students’ pronunciation skill.
Step 11
What is the implied meaning?
It’s the deeper/underlying meaning of texts that stretches beyond the words that you see.
Helps you to make an inference of what the text could mean or what the consequences there could be.
Understanding the implied meaning could help you build an argument.
How to understand the implied meaning
Break quote into parts
Look for commas/full stops in the quotation
Look for conjunctions in your quotation
Analyze each part of the quotation
Try and analyze what each part of the quotation could mean
Remember to keep the context of the text in mind
Come up with an holistic answer for the quotation
Use the parts from your analysis in step 2 to compile your explanation
Remember to include examples in your answer
Learn the related knowledge point.
Help students understand and master related knowledge points.
Step 12
Language points
T explains the language points and makes some exercise.
basis n. 基础;根据;基点
on the basis of 在某事的基础上;根据某事
basis for 以…做基础;为…打基础
theoretical basis 理论基础
What is the basis ______ your opinion?
My theory is established _____ the solid basis _____ facts.
keys: for, on of
apologize vi. 道歉;谢罪
apologize for 为…道歉,替…道歉
apologize to 道歉,认错;向某人道勤
apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉
I apologize _____ my laziness.
Apologize _____ your mother _____ that rude remark.
keys: for, to for
scene n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面
a change of scene 改变环境
behind the scene 幕后;幕后花絮;未开拓市场
make a scene 当众大吵大闹
on the scene 到场;出现;在场
set the scene 为…作好准备
urban scene 城市风光
This is the scene of ending pose of their program.
The ring suggests that he was on the scene of the crime.
in return 作为回报;作为回应
in return for 作为…的报答
return to 回到;恢复到
return trip 回程
without return 无利润;不可退货
timely return 及时归还
To earn it, therefore, requires the contribution of something valuable in return.
We learn both how to love and how to be loved in return.
Listen to the key knowledge points carefully and take exercise.
Help students know about the knowledge points deeper.
Let students know how to use these words and phrases.
Step 13
T asks Ss to fill the gap together.
Complete the passage with the phrases in the box.
I come to love stage design _________. When I was in the ninth grade, my teacher Ms. Weaver asked me to join her stage design team for a play. I told her that I didn't know anything about stage design. But Ms. Weaver said, 'Give it a try, _________ you have a talent for it!’, so I became part of her team. And _________, Ms. Weaver turned out to be right — I was good at stage design! Ms. Weaver was strict and spoke _________, but she was always encouraging and inspiring. For example, if we could not figure out what kind of stage design to create for a scene, she would say, ‘_________, think about the plot from a different point of view. You never know what will pop into your mind!’ I have to say, learning stage design greatly broadened my mind. And thanks to Ms. Weaver, I began to have more confidence in my own creativity, and I developed such a strong interest in stage design that I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing it.
keys:1. by accident 2. in case 3. as a matter of fact, 4. in a direct manner 5. in that case
Summary and Homework
Step 14
T leads Ss to have a summary of this lesson.
Language points
basis, loan, plastic, apologize, ignore, judge, scene, in return, take out a loan, on the basis of,
Tone and intonation
What is the implied meaning?
How to understand the implied meaning
Follow the teacher’s thinking flow and read the words and phrases loudly.
Consolidate Ss’ knowledge.
Form knowledge system.
Step 15
Write an essay about “The attitude to money”.
Take notes.
Consolidate Ss’ knowledge and prepare for the following lesson.

Unit 5 The Value of Money
Period 1 Listening and speaking
Language points
basis, loan, plastic, apologize, ignore, judge, scene, in return, take out a loan, on the basis of,
Tone and intonation
What is the implied meaning?
How to understand the implied meaning
Unit 5
The Value of Money
Period 1
Listening and Speaking人教版(2019) 必修三Lead-inWhat does Francis Bacon’s saying mean?Lead-inDo you agree with him?Lead-inWhat do people have to buy in order to lead a good life?
What can people not buy with money?
Is money the basis of a happy life? Why or why not? E.g. food, clothes, houseE.g. friendship, family, beliefNew wordsThe band loan rate is unbelievably high.We wanted to bottom our plan on a solid basis.foundation
starting point
main componentmoney lent
lendingNew wordsI apologize for what I said about you.
/'pl?st?k/The plastic coating is easy to apply on any surface.acknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing
make excuses for by reasoningNew wordsSome error messages will be displayed, but you can ignore them, because we'll correct them in the subsequent steps.I think this scene was filmed in my hometown. 这将显示一些错误消息,但您可以忽略它们,因为我们将在随后的步骤中更正这些错误。picture
the place where some action occurs
viewrefuse to notice somebody or somethingLet’s play看谁猜的快又准!Let’s play1. Our theory bottoms on a solid _________.
2. That would make it harder for you to take ________ a loan or borrow money to expand a business.
3. What do metals, glass, and ______ have in common?
4. If this offends anyone, I ________, but it's the truth.
5. He should not ________ it. The report contains many useful recommendations.
6. Do not _____ someone by their appearance.
7. I have a picture at home of the whole ________.basisoutplasticapologizeignorejudgesceneLet’s listenListen to the news report and match the people with the correct information.A the owner of the lost money.
B a cleaner at Taiyuan railway station.
C a police officer living in Chen's apartment building.
D Chen's 16-year-old daughter.1 Chen Liyan
2 Wang Zheng
3 Ma Dongbao
4 Liu XiaBACDListen again and put these events in the correct order.Chen Liyan found Wang Zheng’s money and returned it to him.
Chen gave an interview to the local newspaper.
Wang built a website to help raise funds for Liu Xia.
Ma Dongbao shared Chen’s story with Wang.
Chen spent all her savings and took out a large loan.
Wang offered Chen 5000 Yuan.265413Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. It was the first time Chen Liyan’s story was reported.
2. Chen found 10000 Yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan railway station.
3. Wang Zeng apologized to Chen because he couldn't offer her more money.
4. Chen took up a large loan to cure her daughter.
5. Wang set up a fundraising website for Chen’s daughter after Chen told him about her situation.TFTFTFTFTF1).How old was Chen?
2).Where was the small plastic bag? She was 45 years old.It was near a chair in Taiyuan railway station.Listening for detailsListen to the conversation and answer the questions.3).How long was Chen waiting for the owner?
4).Why did Chen refuse to accept Wang’s money?
5). What does Chen’s story show to us?Over 2 hours.Because Chen believed it would be wrong to accept money that she was not earned.It shows a different way of thinking about money.DiscussionAnswer the questions and explain your reasoning.Share your idea!Discussion1. What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is?
2. Did Chen return the money because she didn't need it?
3. Is it common for people to do what Chen did?
4. How did Wang Zheng feel about the return of his money?
5. Why did Ma Dongbao tell Wang about Chen’s family?
6. How did the news reporter feel about Chen’s actions?Questions:Discuss with your partner!What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is?
Did Chen return the money because she didn't need it?
3. Is it common for people to do what Chen did?I think she is a kind and principled person.No, she didn’t, because she thought the owner might need it badly.DiscussionNo, it isn’t. It is hard for most people to make a decision like that.How did Wang Zheng feel about the return of his money?
Why did Ma Dongbao tell Wang about Chen’s family?
6. How did the news reporter feel about Chen’s actions?Wang felt grateful and sorry.Because he knew Chen’s difficulty and wanted to help her. The news reporter thought Chen’s attitude to money is great.Pair workWork in groups!DiscussionEXAMPLE:
A: I think that Chen Liyan did the right thing by returning the money and refusing to take a single cent from Wang Zheng.
B: Well, I think that Chen Liyan was correct in returning the money, but she should have accepted the money Wang offered.Questions:
1. Do you agree with Chen Liyan? What would you do if you were in her situation?
2. When we help someone, should we expect to get something in return?
3. What do you think is the best way to get money?
4. Should we judge people based on how much money they have?
Share your idea!Do you agree with Chen Liyan? What would you do if you were in her situation?
When we help someone, should we expect to get something in return?
Yes. I suppose I will do the same thing.DiscussionNo, because we do right things to keep principle in our hearts rather than to get something in return.3. What do you think is the best way to get money?
4. Should we judge people based on how much money they have?
I think earing money with our abilities is the best way.DiscussionDefinitely not, because we do not expect other judge us based on how much money we have, we should not do the things that we don’t like to other.Sometimes things are not said directly. However, you can make logical guesses on the basis of what the speakers say. To draw a conclusion, you need to understand the given information and use your background knowledge. Also, while listening, don’t ignore the speakers’ tone and intonation – these can be important clues, too.Make inferencesFeel the intonation in The Big Bang TheoryVideoPronunciationOwner: You know what? It’s a million-pound bank note.
Waiter 1: Really?
Waiter 2: Really!
Waiter 3: Really?!Listen to the short conversation and mark the intonation with ↑↓. Then think about what they intend to convey by using different intonationPronunciationHenry: It’s a nice suit.
Owner: Oh, it’s perfect!
Henry: Well, that’s very kind of you.
Owner: Kind, sir? No, it’s kind of you. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honor!Henry: Well, to be honest, I have none.
Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brother, what luck!
Henry: Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.
Roderick: Please don’t go …Underline the parts that are stressed and mark the intonation. PronunciationHenry: It’s a nice suit.
Owner: Oh, it’s perfect!
Henry: Well, that’s very kind of you.
Owner: Kind, sir? No, it’s kind of you. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honor!Henry: Well, to be honest, I have none.
Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brother, what luck!
Henry: Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.
Roderick: Please don’t go …Talk about the implied meanings of the responses with different intonations.Just nice? No! It’s perfect!You are too polite!I’m not happy with that!What is the implied meaning?It’s the deeper/underlying meaning of texts that stretches beyond the words that you see.
Helps you to make an inference of what the text could mean or what the consequences there could be.
Understanding the implied meaning could help you build an argument.How to understand the implied meaning1. Break quote into parts2. Analyze each part of the quotation3. Come up with an holistic answer for the quotationbasis n. 基础;根据;基点 Language points在某事的基础上;根据某事以…做基础;为…打基础理论基础on the basis of
basis for
theoretical basisbasisWhat is the basis ______ your opinion?
My theory is established _____ the solid basis _____ facts.
我的理论是以可靠的事实作为根据的。Language pointsACD为…道歉,替…道歉道歉,认错;向某人道勤为某事向某人道歉2. apologize vi. 道歉;谢罪 Language pointsapologize for
apologize to
apologize to sb. for sth. apologizeI apologize _____ my laziness.
Apologize _____ your mother _____ that rude remark.Language pointsABA改变环境幕后;幕后花絮;未开拓市场当众大吵大闹到场;出现;在场3. scene n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面Language points城市风光a change of scene
behind the scene
make a scene
on the scene
set the scene
urban scenescene为…作好准备这是在他们的表演结束的时候的场景。This is the scene of ending pose of their program.
The ring suggests that he was on the scene of the crime.Language points这只戒指表明他在作案现场。作为…的报答回到;恢复到回程无利润;不可退货4. in return 作为回报;作为回应Language pointsin return for
return to
return trip
without return
timely return
及时归还要想拥有它,需要做出具有回报及有价值的贡献。To earn it, therefore, requires the contribution of something valuable in return.
We learn both how to love and how to be loved in return.Language points我们学会爱别人,也学会如何接受别人回馈的爱。ExerciseI come to love stage design ___________. When I was in the ninth grade, my teacher Ms. Weaver asked me to join her stage design team for a play. I told her that I didn't know anything about stage design. But Ms. Weaver said, 'Give it a try, ________ you have a talent for it!’, so I became part of her team. by accidentin caseExerciseAnd ________________, Ms. Weaver turned out to be right — I was good at stage design! Ms. Weaver was strict and spoke ________________, but she was always encouraging and inspiring. For example, if we could not figure out what kind of stage design to create for a scene, she would say, ‘____________, think about the plot from a different point of view. You never know what will pop into your mind!’ as a matter of factin a direct mannerin that caseExerciseI have to say, learning stage design greatly broadened my mind. And thanks to Ms. Weaver, I began to have more confidence in my own creativity, and I developed such a strong interest in stage design that I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing it.SummaryHomeworkWrite an essay about “ The attitude to money”.谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员?