Unit 5 The Value of Money Period 4 Reading for Writing (48张PPT)+教案


名称 Unit 5 The Value of Money Period 4 Reading for Writing (48张PPT)+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-04-24 13:41:01



Unit 5 Period 4 Reading for Writing教学设计

课题 Period 4 Reading for Writing 单元 Unit 5 The Value of Money 学科 English
教材分析 During this period, the class will focus on reading for thinking.Students are expected to get the skill to write a scene of a play.The teachers would inspire students to master the skill to make scene work.
教学目标与核心素养 Learn and master the key words and phrases. Train the students’ ability to write a scene. Enable the students know about how to make scenes work. Encourage students to know more about famous playwrights.
重点 Master the usage of key words and phrases. Improve the students’ ability to write.
难点 Let students master how to write a scene of a play.

教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Daily routine
Step 1 Warm upT greets the whole class as usual. Activate students and remind them to concentrate.
Step 2 Preview checkT asks students the meaning of words, phrases and knowledge points learnt last lesson. Students answer the questions loudly together. Check the teaching situation of last lesson quickly.Help students consolidate the knowledge points.
Step 3 A beautiful moral story One day, a rich Dad took his son on a trip. He wanted to show him how poor some can be. They spent time on the farm of a poor family. On the way home… Did you see how poor they are? What did you learn? We have one dog, they have four. We have a pool, they have rivers. We have lanterns at night, they have stars. We buy food, they grow theirs. We have fences and walls to protect us, they have friends. Thank Dad, for showing me how poor we are! It’s not money that gives us riches. It is about simplicity in our life. It is about love and peace. Will your attitude towards others be affected by their wealth? After getting the information and the meaning of the new words, answer the questions. Use pictures to catch students’ attention. Expand their horizons and spark their interest.
Step 4 New wordsT explain the meaning of the new words, and ask Ss to translate the meaning of the whole sentence. He established himself as a tailor. The clerk is looked to be promoted. Sit at a table downstairs and use the Internet or sit outside on the balcony. In that case, by far the best thing to do is nothing. We have no option but to adapt our technology strategy to this. If that was indeed what was going on,I hope everything goes on as usual. Teach the meaning of new words.
Step 5 Let’s playT choses students to answer the questions. The ________ tailored him a suit. He was promoted from a _______ to a manager. "We should go ________," she said. ____ that case, you have to define it explicitly. In this section, you learn the pros and cons of each _______. He chooses the gold box ________, and indeed it is real gold. keys:1. tailor 2. clerk 3. downstairs 4. In 5. option 6. indeed Familiarize the new words Clear the tackle of next step.
Writing practice
Step 6 Let’s learnTeacher shows the questions and asks students to answer.Read the scene and answer the questions.Where does Henry go? What does he want? What do the clerks show Henry at first? Why? What makes the people in the store change their attitudes towards Henry? Why would the owner be willing to wait for a long time to get paid? Is it right to judge people by their clothes? Why or why not?keys:He goes to a tailor’s shop and wants to have a suit coat.They show him ready-made suits, because they believe Henry cannot purchase an expensive one. Henry shows the bank note. Because they think Henry is rich and can afford many expensive suits. No, because we should not judge people by their appearance or their wealth. Study the Language features. Underline the sentences that show how people's attitudes change towards Henry.(in a rude manner) See him there. (pointing to another clerk) (pulling the 3rd clerk aside and whispering) Mr. Reid says you’d better serve him quick and get him out quick. (looking at him with a frown) (trying not to show he’s angry) Never mind (with a broad smile) Oh, it’s perfect! We can wait forever! Fine, fine. Read the scene again and find an example for each of the following elements Then discuss with your partner how to write each element.character names; lines of dialogue; narration;scene; stage directions; title of play Keys: Henry is walking along the street. He sees a sign for a tailor’s shop. (entering the shop) (in a rude manner) (pulling the 3rd clerk aside and whispering) Henry, 1st Clerk, 2nd Clerk, 3rd Clerk, Owner Do the practice. Familiarize students with analysis skills. Exercise students’ writing skills.
Step 7 What is a play? A play is a work of drama, usually consisting mostly of dialogue between characters and intended for theatrical performance rather than just reading. The writer of a play is a playwright.How to make your scenes workGoal Action Conflict Result A video about how to make your scene work. Two famous playwrights in the world Tang XianzuHe was a Chinese playwright of the Ming Dynasty. Generally considered his masterpiece, the Mudan Ting (The Peony Pavilion) has been translated into English several times. Tang died in 1616, the same year as famed English playwright William Shakespeare. William ShakespeareHe was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist. Shakespeare's greatest plays include Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice.A video: When Shakespeare meets Tang XianzuUse what you have learnt to write a new scene for the play where Henry will try to use the bank note. Work in groups. Brainstorm a place that Henry will go to and what difficulties he might face.In your group: A Make a list of the characters. B Make an outline of the events in the scene. C Decide how the characters’ feelings change during the scene. D Think of an exciting ending. E Write the dialogue. F Write the stage directions which tell the actors what to do or how to say something. Students learn how to write. Get the tips of writing. Improve their fast-writing skill.
Step 8 Pair workExchange drafts with your partner! In your group, use this checklist to help you revise the draft.Are all the elements of a play included and in good order? Do the characters use suitable language? Are the stage directions clear and useful? Is the plot clear and exciting enough? Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors? Perform your scene before the class. Use what they have learnt to check their partner’s writing. Practice their writing and analysis skills. Share their ideas and broaden their horizons. Practice their team work sprit.
Step 9 Language pointsTeacher explains the language points and makes some exercise. manner n. 举止;行为方式;方法 [pl.] 礼貌;礼仪 in a … manner 以一种…的方式;带着一副…的样子all manner of 各种各样的;形形色色的(人,东西等)good manner 好方法;有礼貌in like manner 同样地in a manner 在某种程度上;在某种意义上 The project team would continue _____ this manner until they were back on schedule. 项目团队将以这种方式继续下去,直到他们回到进度上来。 The author talks about how in his day it is a New Year's ritual to welcome all manner ____ friends, neighbors and even strangers into one's home.该书的作者谈到,在他所处的时代,作为一种欢度新年的仪式,人们将各种各样的人,包括朋友,邻居,甚至是陌生人请到家中做客。 keys: in, ofaside adv. 到旁边;在旁边;留;存 aside from 除…以外lay aside 储蓄;搁置;留存push aside 把…向旁边推 set aside 留出;驳回,撤销turn aside 避开;使转变方向He stood aside for us to pass.他站到一边,让我们过去。 Aside from learning about unconditional love, they also learn responsibility and respect. 除了从中学习无条件的爱,他们还能够学习责任感和尊重。normal adj. 电信的;正常的;一般的;精神正常的 n. 常态;通常标准;一般水平反:abnormal adj. 异常的,反常的;变态的above normal 高于正常的;超额的 normal school 师范学校 I'm normal. And I just want to have a normal life.我是普通人 我也只想要普通的生活。 Please be back to normal. 请一定要回归正常。be willing to do sth. 愿意或乐意做某事You have to be willing ____ see other people's points of view. Those who are willing to go with me for the task subscribe here.愿意同我一起去执行这项任务的人请在这儿签名。keys: to Help students know about the knowledge points deeper.Let students know how to use these words and phrases.
Step 10 ExerciseTeacher asks students to fill the gap together. What does each word mean as a noun and a verb? Complete the sentences using the correct forms of these words.We should all try to be the _________ of person who maintains a balance between their income and expenses well. The director of the opera decided immediately during the woman's audition (试唱)that the role _________ her perfectly. I feel that we should not _________ people on the basis of how they look or how much money they have. Qualities like kindness and honesty should not be ignored. The school hired an experienced ________ to make the lifelike dinosaur costumes the students needed for their performance. She became a professional actress after she was _________ by a talent scout (星探) who saw her perform in a school play.keys: sort suitjudgetailorspotted — May I stop here?— No, you ___________.A.mustn’t B.might not C.needn’t D.won’tkeys:A You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers _____ not like the design of the furniture.A.must B.shall C.may D.needkeys:C One ought _______ for what one hasn’t done A. not to be punished B. to not be punished C. to not punished D. not be punishedkeys:A He ought ________ have done so even though possible. A. not to B. to not C. not D. neverkeys:A -May I watch TV now, Mum? -No, you_______. You_______ do your homework first. A. don’t; must B. don’t; can’t C: can’t, must D. can’t; cankeys:C
Summary and Homework
Step 11 SummaryTeacher leads students to have a summary of this lesson. Language pointstailor, clerk, manner, downstairs, stair, aside, option, broad, indeed, normal, element, plot, be willing to do sth., in that case, in a… manner,Others:What is a play? How to make your scene work Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu Follow the teacher’s thinking flow and read the words and phrases loudly. Consolidate students’ knowledge. Form knowledge system.
Step 12 HomeworkPerfect your draft about the new scene for the play. Take notes. Consolidate Ss’ knowledge and prepare for the following lesson.

板 书 Unit 5 The Value of MoneyPeriod 4 Reading for WritingLanguage pointstailor, clerk, manner, downstairs, stair, aside, option, broad, indeed, normal, element, plot, be willing to do sth., in that case, in a… manner,Others:What is a play? How to make your scene work Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu

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Unit 5
The Value of Money

Period 4
Reading for Writing
人教版(2019) 必修三
On the way home…
New words
The clerk is looked to be promoted.
She established herself as a tailor.
clothes maker
make clothes
service desk worker
general office worker
government worker
New words
In that case, by far the best thing to do is nothing.
Sit at a table downstairs and use the Internet or sit outside on the balcony.
because of the mentioned situation
New words
If that was indeed what was going on,I hope everything goes on as usual.
We have no option but to adapt our technology strategy to this.
right to buy or sell
in reality
as a mater of fact
Let’s play
Let’s play
1. The ________ tailored him a suit.
2. He was promoted from a _______ to a manager.
3. "We should go __________," she said.
4. ____ that case, you have to define it explicitly.
5. In this section, you learn the pros and cons of each _______.
6. He chooses the gold box ________, and indeed it is real gold.
Let’s learn
Read the text and answer the questions.
Where does Henry go? What does he want?

2. What do the clerks show Henry at first? Why?
He goes to a tailor’s shop and wants to have a suit coat.
They show him ready-made suits, because they believe Henry cannot purchase an expensive one.

Let’s learn
3. What makes the people in the store change their attitudes towards Henry?
4. Why would the owner be willing to wait for a long time to get paid?
5. Is it right to judge people by their clothes? Why or why not?
Henry shows the bank note.
Because they think Henry is rich and can afford many expensive suits.
No, because we should not judge people by their appearance or their wealth.

Let’s learn


Underline the sentences that show how people's attitudes change towards Henry.
(in a rude manner) See him there. (pointing to another clerk)
(pulling the 3rd clerk aside and whispering) Mr. Reid says you’d better serve him quick and get him out quick.
(looking at him with a frown)
(trying not to show he’s angry)
Never mind (with a broad smile) Oh, it’s perfect!
We can wait forever!
Fine, fine.
Read the scene again and find an example for each of the following elements.
Henry is walking along the street.
He sees a sign for a tailor’s shop.
(entering the shop)
(in a rude manner)
(pulling the 3rd clerk aside and whispering)
character names


lines of dialogue

title of play
Henry, 1st Clerk, 2nd Clerk, 3rd Clerk, Owner
Henry is walking along the street holding the bank note in his hand. His coat is worn in several places. He sees a sign for a tailor’s shop.
Henry: I’d like to have a suit coat.
1st Clerk: See him there.
The Million Pound Bank Note
How to write each element?
A play is a work of drama, usually consisting mostly of dialogue between characters and intended for theatrical performance rather than just reading. The writer of a play is a playwright.
How to make your scenes work
Reading Extension
He was a Chinese playwright of the Ming Dynasty.
Generally considered his masterpiece, the Mudan Ting (The Peony Pavilion) has been translated into English several times.
Tang died in 1616, the same year as famed English playwright William Shakespeare.
Tang Xianzu
Reading Extension
He was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist.
Shakespeare's greatest plays include Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice.
William Shakespeare
Let’s write
Pair work
Brainstorm a place that Henry will go to and what difficulties he might face.
In your group
Pair work
4. Think of an exciting ending
5. Write the dialogue
6. Write the stage directions which tell the actors what to do or how to say something
Let’s check
Let’s check
Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.
Are all the elements of a play included and in good order?
Do the characters use suitable language?
Are the stage directions clear and useful?
Is the plot clear and exciting enough?
Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors?

Role - play
manner n. 举止;行为方式;方法
[pl.] 礼貌;礼仪
Language points
in a … manner

all manner of

good manner
in like manner
in a manner
The project team would continue _____ this manner until they were back on schedule.

The author talks about how in his day it is a New Year's ritual to welcome all manner ____ friends, neighbors and even strangers into one's home.
Language points
2. aside adv. 到旁边;在旁边;留;存
Language points
aside from
lay aside
push aside
set aside
turn aside
He stood aside for us to pass.

Aside from learning about unconditional love, they also learn responsibility and respect.
Language points
3. normal adj. 电信的;正常的;一般的;精神正常的
n. 常态;通常标准;一般水平
abnormal adj. 异常的,反常的;变态的
Language points
above normal
normal school
我是普通人 我也只想要普通的生活。
I'm normal. And I just want to have a normal life.

Please be back to normal.
Language points
4. be willing to do sth. 愿意或乐意做某事
Language points
You have to be willing ____ see other people's points of view.

Those who are willing to go with me for the task subscribe here.
1. We should all try to be the _________ of person who maintains a balance between their income and expenses well.
The director of the opera decided immediately during the woman's audition (试唱)that the role _________ her perfectly.
judge sort spot suit tailor
3. I feel that we should not _________ people on the basis of how they look or how much money they have. Qualities like kindness and honesty should not be ignored.
4. The school hired an experienced ________ to make the lifelike dinosaur costumes the students needed for their performance.
5. She became a professional actress after she was _________ by a talent scout (星探) who saw her perform in a school play.
judge sort spot suit tailor
1. — May I stop here?
— No, you ___________.
A.mustn’t B.might not C.needn’t D.won’t

2. You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers _____ not like the design of the furniture.
A.must B.shall C.may D.need
3. One ought _______ for what one hasn’t done
A. not to be punished B. to not be punished
C. to not punished D. not be punished

4. He ought ________ have done so even though possible.
A. not to B. to not C. not D. never
5. -May I watch TV now, Mum?
-No, you_______. You_______ do your homework first.
don’t; must
don’t; can’t
can’t, must
can’t; can
We know what we are, but not what we may be.
― William Shakespeare
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