课名 Stay Healthy 教师姓名
学科(版本) 英语(冀教版) 章节 Lesson 38
学时 1学时 年级 七年级
二、教学目标1、知识与技能目标:①使用词汇:remember, information, keep, brain, ping-pong②掌握短语及句型:stay healthy We should exercise our minds. A healthy body is a healthy mind.③能从听、说、读、写四个方面掌握保持健康的书面和口头表达。 2、过程与方法目标: ① 通过图片、听力、视频、小组合作等活动,让学生在愉快的氛围中学习。 ② 通过PPT展示,教师口语,学生朗读等形式反复呈现课文内出现的句型,利用目标语言去解决实际问题。 ③充分利用EN软件等媒介,师生互动,让学生主动参与课堂教学,充分体现学生的主体地位。 3、情感态度、价值观目标: ①培养学生热爱英语,积极用英语交流,大胆开口说英语的习惯。 ②通过小组合作学习,培养学生合作、交流、探究、创新的能力。 ③帮助学生更多地了解如何保持健康,培养学生注重健康的情感。三、 教材分析《冀教版英语》七年级(下册),全书共有八个单元。本教材各单元话题灵活,贴近生活实际。本册书将学习的一些语法知识点有:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、感叹句、There be 句型等。同时每个单元都提供了大量日常用语,用以训练学生的交际能力,提高学生的兴趣。
四、学情分析 通过半年的英语学习,大多数学生已能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段和简短的故事。能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题交换信息。能读懂短篇故事,能写便条和简单的书信。但由于各种因素的影响,学生发展参差不齐。有少数学生因为基础不够好,学习很吃力而自暴自弃,有的因此扰乱课堂次序,这给教学带来不少困难。??????? 学生已经学习了有关保持健康的部分词汇和句型,对描述如何保持健康已经有了一定的知识积累;本课时,通过让学生观看精美的动画视频,聆听标准的英语朗读,再结合生动形象的PPT动画设计,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中很容易地学习本课的重点知识词汇和句型;让学生动手操作,亲自体验英语学习的乐趣和现代信息技术的先进性。
五、教学重难点1. 重点:使学生掌握一些有关如何保持健康的词汇和表达。2. 难点:学生把所学词汇和表达用于写作和日常表达中。
教学环节 环节目标 教学内容 学生活动
Step1 和学生拉近距离并且提示学生上课时间到了,要集中精神。 Greeting Greeting
Step2Lead in 用图片导入新授课,直观、生动,结合学生平时生活中的活动,掌握这些活动的意义。从而引出课文里对于保持大脑健康的句型。 Show some pictures to the students to lead in the text.Teacher:today, we’ll learn about how to stay healthy. First, let me show you some pictures.The first picture, What is she doing?The second one:What is she doing?The third, What are they doing?…………Next, XX,please! What is he doing?The last one, What are they doing?XX,please!Do you like these pictures?Why do you like them? Well done, thank you. Students watch pictures and answer questions. Ss: She is listening to music.Ss: She is writing.The first group students: They are drawing.…………XX: He is reading. XX: They are watching TV.Ss: Yes. S1: ……S2:……S3:……
Step3ListeningClass work: let’s do it! No. 1 结合上述引入,学生通过听力,掌握一些课文里出现的相关信息和句型。 从而引出保持健康的第一步是保持大脑健康。 Play the audiotape for lesson 38, play it once and ask the students just to listen.Play the audiotape a second time and ask the students to complete the exercise.Check the answers as a class and read these sentences..Teacher: There are some information in the text. So please listen to the statements and fill in the blanks. The first letter is given.Please turn to page 101, let’s do part 1.Are you ready?Have you heard answers clearly?OK, once again.Let’s check it. Students listen to the text twice and write down their answers.And then all of the students answer two questions together, the other three questions are answered one by one. Ss: Yes. Ss: No.
Step4Reading(1) 学生通过读第一段课文,总结出通常所做的活动是对大脑的锻炼。掌握表达方式:We should exercise our minds. School is great for building our minds.从而引出第二个话题how to stay healthy bodies? Let the students read paragraph 1 loudly. The teacher leads the way to find out “ We should exercise our minds.” And know about the above activities can exercise our minds.Teacher: Actually, these activities can make our brains strong. Please read paragraph 1 loudly.So we should exercise, first, we should exercise our minds.But what about our bodies?How can we stay healthy bodies? The students read paragraph 1 loudly, and summarize that we should exercise, first, we should exercise our minds. S1: We should eat good and healthy food;S2: We should play sports.S3: ……S4: ……
Step5Free talk 学生通过自由讨论,填表,看视频等活动总结出how to stay healthy bodies. Give the students a few minutes to talk each other, the teacher helps students make a form to summarize some food and activities, and the find out which food is unhealthy and which activities are unhealthy.Enjoy a video to learn about how to eat healthy food.After finding out unhealthy activities, ask the students to answer what we can do. Teacher: Let’s have a free talk, like this: what do you like to eat?/ what do you like to do after school? You can talk each other. Do you know the following food and activities are healthy or unhealthy?Please look at these food, can you tell me which food is unhealthy?……is unhealthy food. What is healthy food? Let’s enjoy a video. You know some healthy food, who can tell me how to eat these healthy food. You have learnt about how to eat healthy food, now look at these activities, which activities are unhealthy?So what can we do to stay healthy bodies? There is an old saying: A healthy body is a healthy mind. It’s true, our bodies need a lot of exercise and healthy food. Students have a free talk each other. And the show their results to all class. Students watch a video about healthy food.Students describe what sports they can play. Ss: Yes Ss: …… Ss: ……(A student describe how to eat these healthy food) Ss: ……Ss: …… S1: ……S2: ……S3: ……(Some students answer the question one by one.)
Step5Reading(2) 学生默读,加深记忆,挖掘出在前面的活动环节中没有想到的保持健康的方式方法。 Ask the students to read Lesson 38 silently, and add some information to the lists independently. Teacher : we will learn this text further, Read the lesson and find out some information from the text to the lists below.Do you agree with ……? Students write some information which they find.A student writes the answers on the screen. Discuss the answers as a class. Ss: ……
Step6Writing 学以致用,把课堂里的表达归纳成一篇作文 Ask the students to write a composition(作文)about how to stay healthy according to the text, the students can use some sentences of this text.A group shows their composition to the class and all students check and correct. Teacher : now you have learnt about how to stay healthy, so please write a composition about how to stay healthy according to the text, you can use some sentences of this text.. The students practice writing in pairs. A group shows their composition to the class and read it.
Step7Summary 巩固本课学习重点 Let students summarize the importance of the health, and make a list in groups.The teacher summarize key points of the text.Teacher: we have learnt how to stay healthy, please discuss the importance of the healthy, and make a list.Teacher: today, we have learnt how to stay healthy, we should exercise, first, we should exercise our minds; second, we should exercise our bodies.Do you understand?Class is over. Students talk and write their ideas.Some groups show their ideas. S1: ……S2: ……S3: …… Ss: Yes.
七、教学评价1.(1)引课较好,考查学生的基础知识掌握的情况;??(2)教学思路清晰,符合“三维目标”要求,教学实施较好,能基本体现“合作、探究、互动、评价”的教学模式,充分体现以学生为主体,促进学生主动学习.2.(1)语速适中;?(2) 能以例贯穿课堂教学,引发学生思维、讨论,促进师生互动,活跃课堂气氛。?(3)能利用多媒体辅助教学。(4)教学思路清晰,教学实施恰当,教学效果较好;?(5)能注意大部分同学的听课状态,深入到学生当中,激发大部分同学参与课堂教学之中;?(6)拓展教学较好。?3.(1)教学基本功较扎实(教态、语言、逻辑、引导);???(2)教学思路较清晰;??(3)能利用例引导学生积极参与课堂教学,能让学生大胆发表自己的意见,课堂实施效果较好;??(4)小亮点1:能结合实际生活,理论结合实际,让学生可以学以致用;??(5)小亮点2:善于利用希沃软件,用手机上传学生的成果,做到实时反馈,达到立竿见影的效果;??(6)板书规范,没有因为有多媒体而忽略板书。?4.(1)教学设计思路较清晰,课堂教学能根据教学设计,基本达到教学目的;???(2)能利用观看动画视频等活动,调动学生学习的积极性;???改进之处:在引入部分可以通过分组抢答活动激发学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,培养合作精神和竞争意识,提高课堂教学效果;教师的英语口语有待提高;
八、教学反思本课的整体设计思路是:以情景教学法贯穿始终,把知识和技能融为一体。通过形式多样的活动(如Pair work, Group work, Work alone等)使师生互动,生生互动。利用多媒体和智能语音教具系统辅助教学,突出重难点。通过看、听、说、读、演等途径来攻克难点,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中掌握所学知识,在活动过程中发展和运用自己所学语言。本设计充分体现了“学中用,用中学,为用而学”的理念,使学生在完成各种任务的过程中逐步形成运用语言的能力,为他们的终生学习和发展打下良好的基础。但是在其他方面,总结了一下,觉得还是有很多问题:1、个人的教学基本功还有待提高,特别是英语口语,特别希望能长期参加英语口语的培训。2、学生的思维还是有很大的局限性,写作文的时候大部分句子都是课文里的原句,学生还不能用自己的语言表达。3、课堂结尾处理的过于仓促。4、任务分配还没有到位。学生对小组合作的意义没有领会,原则上要以优带差,以差促优,但是再合作过程中,基本上都是优等生在从事学习活动。我想通过这堂课,在以后的班级小组合作中,我还要加强这方面的训练,找一些更为高效的方法,学生之间的配合也需要大量的时间去尝试琢磨。