牛津深圳版英语五年级下册Unit 7 Open day
课题 Open day 单元 Unit 7 学科 英语 年级 五年级
学习目标 知识与技能目标:掌握新词meet,school gate,show,art room,hall,finally,meeting room。过程与方法目标:能够使用First, our parents visit.../Next, they visit.../Then they visit.../After that, they.../Finally, they...来描述Open Day活动。 情感态度:培养对美好事物的追求,以及享受用英语表达假期的乐趣。
重点 单词:meet,school gate,show,art room,hall,finally,meeting room句子:First, our parents visit.../Next, they visit.../Then they visit.../After that, they.../Finally, they...
难点 使用句型正确描述open day活动。
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Warming up 教师展示重点词汇相关的图片,以及文字提示,引导学生说出图片对应词汇。 教师展示上节课文,引导学生回顾重点短语。 讲解上节课本习题Ask&Answer Do you remember? 学生根据图片,回顾词汇;根据提示回顾课文。 进一步对开放日活动更加熟悉。
讲授新课 Look and Read教师展示课文对应视频,让学生观赏并尝试跟读课文; 根据图画的顺序,分段进行讲解,引导学生理顺Open Day的活动顺序; (3)Read aloud 学生分角色朗读课文。Fun timeRole-play.按顺序展示活动图片,引导学生熟悉并自主叙述Open Day活动。Write and say.What do the parents do on the Open Day? Complete the sentences. Then give a report. (1)教师展示课本任务,通过上个环节图片的描述,引导学生完成句子;(2)展示活动步骤,引导学生完成报告;Practice Fill in the blank. 1. Ms Guo ___________ the parents at the school gate.(欢迎) 2. She tells them about the__________.(课程) 3. They look at the homework and __________ on the board. Multiple Choice ( ) 1._____, they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.. A.Family B. Finally C.Final ( )2.The children _____ their parents some beautiful pictures.. A.show B.showing C.shows ( )3.The _____ sing for their parents. A.childs B .child C.childrenSummary复习重点词汇Key words: meet,school gate,show,art room,hall,finally,meeting room,以及重点句型First, our parents visit.../Next, they visit.../Then they visit.../After that, they.../Finally, they...Homework(1)抄写本课词汇; (2)完成report对话; (3)完成本课习题册。 有步骤的学习课文,并练习first等词汇的使用;观看课文相关图片,图文联系朗读课文;观看课文相关视频,跟读文中人物的对话,尝试模仿视频中人物的语音语调,根据已学词汇,尝试说出对话主题,用自己的话来描述视频内容。 通过视频观赏,使学生明确课文内容,熟悉句子顺序; 通过图片理解,循序渐进,使学生更容易理解课文,便于重点难点的巩固。
课堂小结 这节课的教学任务目标是能理解并会朗读课文;能用连词描述活动。本课为复习+新授课,通过反复播放录音视频并跟读模仿学习词汇和朗读课文;通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,熟悉课文内容,进而可以复述故事,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。
板书 Unit 7 Open day(Lesson 2)单词:meet,school gate,show,art room,hall,finally,meeting room 句型: First, our parents visit... Next, they visit... Then they visit... After that, they... Finally, they...
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Unit 7 Open day
沪教牛津版 五年级下
Do you remember?
Do you remember?
The Open Day is on 30th April.Ms Guo is _____ the children about the day.
Ms Guo: Children, your parents ____ come to our school at two o' clock in the afternoon.I' ll meet them _______________.What will they do ____? Can you tell me?
Kitty: First, ____________________.
Ms Guo: That' s right. ____________________?
Joe: Next, they' ll visit ____________.
Alice: Then they' ll ____________.
Peter: After that, they' ll go to the library.
Ms Guo: Finally, they' ll meet the teachers ________________.
The Open Day is on 30th April.Ms Guo is asking the children about the day.
Ms Guo: Children, your parents will come to our school at two o' clock in the afternoon.I' ll meet them at the school gate.What will they do first? Can you tell me?
Kitty: First, they' ll visit our classroom.
Ms Guo: That' s right. What will they do next?
Joe: Next, they' ll visit the art room.
Alice: Then they' ll go to the hall.
Peter: After that, they' ll go to the library.
Ms Guo: Finally, they' ll meet the teachers in the meeting room.
What is the plan for the Open Day? Write1-5.
It is two o'clock in the afternoon. Ms Guo welcomes the parents at the school gate.
First, Ms takes the parents to the classroom. She tells them about the lessons.
Next, they go to the art room. The children show their parents some beautiful pictures.
Then they go to the hall.The children sing for their parents.
After that, they go to the library. They look at the homework and projects on the board.
Finally, they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.
What do the parents do on the Open Day? Complete the sentences. Then give a report.
What do the parents do on the Open Day? Complete the sentences. Then give a report.
first Ms Guo tells them about the lessons
next The children show their parents some beautiful pictures.
then The children sing for their parents.
after that The parents look at the homework and projects on the board.
finally The parents have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.
Fill in the blank.
1. Ms Guo ___________ the parents at the school gate.(欢迎)
2. She tells them about the__________.(课程)
3. They look at the homework and __________ on the board.
Multiple Choice
( ) 1._____, they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room..
A.Family B. Finally C.Final
( )2.The children _____ their parents some beautiful pictures..
A.show B.showing C.shows
( )3.The _____ sing for their parents.
A.childs B .child C.children
Key words: meet,school gate,show,
art room,hall,finally,meeting room,
Key sentences:
First, our parents visit...
Next, they visit...
Then they visit...
After that, they...
Finally, they...
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