Module 3 Unit 7 Open day 第三课时课件(共21张PPT)+教案+素材


名称 Module 3 Unit 7 Open day 第三课时课件(共21张PPT)+教案+素材
格式 zip
文件大小 10.2MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-05-08 08:52:56



牛津深圳版英语五年级下册Unit 7 Open day

课题 Open day 单元 Unit 7 学科 英语 年级 五年级
学习目标 知识与技能目标:掌握新词语音:[e?]: air ear are。过程与方法目标:能够使用—What will they do ...?—They’ll ...;First, our parents visit.../Next, they visit.../Then they visit.../After that, they.../Finally, they...来描述Open Day活动。 情感态度:培养对美好事物的追求,以及享受用英语表达假期的乐趣。
重点 语音:[e?]: air ear are 句型:1.—What will they do ...?—They’ll ... 2.First, our parents visit.../Next, they visit.../Then they visit.../After that, they.../Finally, they...
难点 使用一般将来时句型正确描述open day活动。

教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Warming up 教师展示上节课文Listen and say和School Open Day,引导学生回顾并朗读。Do you remember? 学生根据提示回顾课文。 直接展示课文,使得学生对重点内容一目了然,有效复习。
讲授新课 Ask and answer讲解前带学生梳理本节任务要求与内容要点:Before the Open Day, our parents will ......,并使用First, our parents visit.../Next, they visit.../Then they visit.../After that, they.../Finally, they...句型进行重点复述; Talk about the plan for the Open Day at your school. 展示模板: S1: What will our perents do first? S2: First, they'll ... S1: What will they do next/then/after that? S2: ... S1: What will they do finally? S2: Finally, they'll ... 并引导学生进行任务。(3)Read aloudFun timeFind the differences.“火眼金睛大挑战~”: 老师选择学生进行任务: 1.朗读左右两组句子并进行翻译,然后找出两组句子的联系并作出说明。 2.根据所给提示,进行造句。 两项任务全部挑战成功,则奖励胜利卡片一张。Think and Write.(1)讲解前带学生梳理本节任务要求与内容要点:Before the Open Day, we can make an invitation card! (2)教师展示要点句型,并通过提问: What can you get from the conversation above? Date? Time? Activeties? When is the Activity 1/2/3/4/5? 引导学生找到本任务的关键点; Then let's try!学生自主进行任务。Learn the sounds(1)教师播放课文对应视频,学生观看并尝试跟读; (2)展示课文文本内容,引导学生找出相同发音。 (3)结合音标和拼读,讲解air/are/ear的发音,并进行随堂练习。Culture corner展示课本图片与内容,进行讲解,并给出话题相关拓展。Practice Fill in the blank. 1. they'll = ___________ 2. What will they do __________?(在那之后) 3. Finally, they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the ________________.(会议室) Multiple Choice ( ) 1.Then they'll talk _____ the teachers. A.with B. for ( )2.What is the plan _____ the Open Day? A.on B.of C.for ( )3.Your parents will come to our school _____ two o' clock. B .at C.withSummary复习重点语音:[e?]: air ear are 句型:1.—What will they do ...?—They’ll ... 2.First, our parents visit.../Next, they visit.../Then they visit.../After that, they.../Finally, they...Homework(1)抄写本课词汇; (2)完成课本中的任务; (3)完成本课习题册。 在教师的梳理和引导下,先了解任务重点,再有目的的进行Ask and answer任务。 学生分析两组句子,找出其关系,用自己的语言进行描述,并根据例子进行造句。 学生在句子中找关键信息,并通过“线索”找到问题的答案;同时在开放性问题上发散思维进行创造性学习。 学生观看课文相关视频,跟读文中人物的对话,尝试模仿视频中人物的语音语调,有效的对语音进行听读说。学生学习文化差异,并通过检测进一步巩固知识。 学生先搞清楚要求后再进行任务,使得练习更有针对性,避免学生盲目做任务。 “火眼金睛大挑战~”游戏要求学生做到细心,全面思考并举一反三,使学生的能力在游戏中得到提升。 本活动设计可以锻炼学生的专注与发散思维。 通过视频学习,能促进学生对语音的形象记忆,也方便识记,拼读;结合随堂练习,使得学生可以及时检查,有助于查漏补缺。
课堂小结 这节课的教学任务目标是能熟练使用连词,并能正确运用一般将来时来描述活动。本课为复习+新授课,通过反复播放录音视频并跟读模仿学习词汇和朗读课文;通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,熟悉课文内容,进而可以复述故事,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。
板书 Unit 7 Open day(Lesson 3)语音:[e?]: air ear are 句型: 1.—What will they do ...? —They’ll ... 2.First, our parents visit... Next, they visit... Then they visit... After that, they... Finally, they...

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Unit 7 Open day
沪教牛津版 五年级下
The Open Day is on 30th April.Ms Guo is asking the children about the day.
Ms Guo: Children, your parents will come to our school at two
o' clock in the afternoon.I' ll meet them at the school gate.What will they do first? Can you tell me?
Kitty: First, they' ll visit our classroom.
Ms Guo: That' s right. What will they do next?
Joe: Next, they' ll visit the art room.
Alice: Then they' ll go to the hall.
Peter: After that, they' ll go to the library.
Ms Guo: Finally, they' ll meet the teachers in the meeting room.
It is two o'clock in the afternoon. Ms Guo welcomes the parents at the school gate.
First, Ms takes the parents to the classroom. She tells them about the lessons.
Next, they go to the art room. The children show their parents some beautiful pictures.
Then they go to the hall.The children sing for their parents.
After that, they go to the library. They look at the homework and projects on the board.
Finally, they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.
Talk about the plan for the Open Day at your school.
2.根据所给提示,进行造句。 两项任务全部挑战成功,则奖励胜利卡片一张。
First, they' ll visit our classroom.
Next, they' ll visit the art room.
Then they' ll go to the hall.
After that, they' ll go to the library.
Finally, they' ll meet the teachers in the meeting room.
First, Ms Guo tells them about the lessons.
Next, the children show their parents some beautiful pictures.
Then, the children sing for their parents.
After that, the parents look at the homework and projects on the board.
Finally, the parents have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.
eg: First, our perents will visit our classroom, and Ms Guo will tell them about the lessons.
Next, they'll ________________, and __________ will _______________.
Ms Guo:
The Open Day is on 30th April.
Children, your parents will come to our school at two o' clock in the afternoon.
Kitty: First, they' ll visit our classroom.
Joe: Next, they' ll visit the art room.
Alice: Then they' ll go to the hall.
Peter: After that, they' ll go to the library.
Ms Guo: Finally, they' ll meet the teachers in the meeting room.
Before the Open Day, we can make an invitation card!
What can you get from the conversation above?
Activeties? When is the Activity 1/2/3/4/5?
Please visit our school on the Open Day!
Date: ___________________________________________
Time: from_____________ to _______________
Here are the activities for you:

Any questions, please ask _____________(class teacher).
Can you see the bear, Clare?
It has long, brown hair.
And it's eating a yellow pear.
Clare, don't go near that bear!
hair chair air
Clare share
bear wear
Use 'T' or 'F'.(T-ture F-false)
________ hear bear wear
________ share are fear
________ chair bear Clare
In the UK, schools often have Parents' Evenings.
It's a time for teachers and parents to talk.
Parents' Evening 家长会,面向学生、学生家长,以及教师的交流、互动,介绍性的会议或活动。
Fill in the blank.
1. they'll = ___________
2. What will they do __________?(在那之后)
3. Finally, they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the ________________.(会议室)
they will
after that
meeting room
Multiple Choice
( ) 1.Then they'll talk _____ the teachers.
A.with B. for
( )2.What is the plan _____ the Open Day?
A.on B.of C.for
( )3.Your parents will come to our school _____ two o' clock. B .at C.with
Key sounds: [e?]: air ear are
Key sentences:
1.—What will they do ...?
—They’ll ...
2.First, our parents visit...
Next, they visit...
Then they visit...
After that, they...
Finally, they...
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