Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Period 2 Reading and Thinking (49张PPT)+ 教案


名称 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Period 2 Reading and Thinking (49张PPT)+ 教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-05-09 15:19:53


Unit 3 Period 2 Reading and Thinking教学设计
Period 2 Reading and Thinking
Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
During this period, the class will focus on reading and thinking.
Students are expected to get insight into the view of San Francisco.
The teachers would inspire students to learn how to classify and organize the information.
Learn and master the key words and phrases.
Train the students’ ability to organize the information.
Enable the students know about cultural diversity
Encourage students to learn more about gold rush.
Master the usage of key words and phrases.
Improve the students’ ability to classify and organize information.
Enable the students to understand the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity.
The understanding of knowledge points.
Make the students organize information.
Daily routine
Step 1
Warm up
Teacher greets the whole class as usual.
Activate students and remind them to concentrate.
Step 2
Preview check
Teacher asks students the meaning of words and phrases learnt last lesson.
Students answer the questions loudly together.
Check the teaching situation of last lesson quickly.
Help students consolidate the knowledge points.
Step 3
Teacher presents a video.
2 minutes tour of San Francisco
Do you want to visit San Francisco?
After acknowledging the information and the meaning of the new words, answer the questions.
Use video to catch students’ attention.
Expand their horizons and spark their interest.
Step 4
New words
Teacher explains the meaning of the new words, and asks students to translate the meaning of the whole sentence.
Her attitude has definitely changed for the better since she started this new job.
He works in an office tower in downtown San Francisco.
in or to the central part of a city
That means she was required to live in the district by at least Nov. 3, 2019.
The speech had several comic touches.
funny and making you want to laugh
We agreed on a price but afterwards they wanted £10 extra.
None of them saw what they did as a career: it was simply a way to earn a living.
to earn enough money to pay for everything you need
There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could select one of them.
china jazz bar diagram journal-pictures
The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.
Teach the meaning of new words.
Step 5
Let’s play
Teacher choses students to answer the questions.
I __________ saw Sandra getting on the bus, so she must have decided not to work late.
Now 5,000 new children will be attending the _________ already overburdened school system.
I've got a meeting __________ in 20 minutes so I'll have lunch on the hoof.
You can't expect to _________ a living from your painting.
If you're a good boy at the doctor's I'll take you swimming _________.
The drama has some __________ moments.
He was _________ to play for Australia at the age of only 18.
He __________ to have met the president, but I don't believe him.
keys: 1. definitely 2. district’s 3. downtown 4. earn 5. afterwards 6. comic 7. selected 8. claims
Familiarize the new words
Clear the tackle of the next step.
Step 6
Pair work
Teacher encourages students to use the key words and phrases learnt to discuss with their partner about the following topics:
Find San Francisco on the map.
Discuss this question in groups: What do you know and want to know about the city?
Discuss with their patterner and voice their opinions.
Familiarize students with key words.
Make students use core words and phrases.
Exercise students’ expression and speaking skills.
Step 7
Reading Practice
Scan Li Lan's travel journal and find out the places that she has been to or plans to visit.
has been to: Redwood Forest, Napa Valley, Mission District, a local museum, Chinatown
Plan to visit: Richmond District
Read the travel journal again and complete the timeline of Li Lan's trip.
Before coming to San Francisco
before coming: camped in the Redwood Forest; visited Napa Valley
morning: explored the neighborhood; learnt about Mission School art; ate Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck
afternoon: went to a historical museum
evening: went to Chinatown to enjoy some home style cooking
will go to a jazz bar in the Richmond District
Answer the questions using information from the travel journal.
What impressed the writer first about San Francisco?
What is so special about the Mission District?
Why did Chinese immigrants go to San Francisco?
What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal?
The beautiful old buildings, may sitting on top of big hills.
The Mission District is a vibrant, historical area full of culture and life.
To seek their fortune in the fold rush.
The Mission District which is full of people from Mexico or Central America; Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck; Chinatown.
Complete the following sentences using words from the travel journal. Be sure to use the correct forms.
Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that _________ after it. More than 80% of the city was destroyed, including much of the _________ area. One area that was hit the hardest was the Mission _________.
Yunnan Province is _________ one of the most diverse provinces that I have ever been to. Apart from being the kingdom of flowers, it is home to many ethnic minority groups. After visiting the southern part of Yunnan, I have to _________ that it is the best _________ of China to escape the cold winter.
occurred, downtown, District
definitely, admit, region
Did Li Lan enjoy her trip in San Francisco?
Can you find some evidence to support your idea?
Para 1: city of San Francisco
Para 2: Mission District
Part 3: local museum
Para 4: Chinatown
Para 5: Richmond District
Follow the teachers thinking flow and learn some basic knowledge.
after reading finish the task and volunteer to voice their answer
Learn the basics of the text.
Exercise students’ skimming skill.
Develop students’ team spirit.
Help students better understand the details in this passage.
Step 8
Classify and organize information
We can better understand a passage by classifying or organizing the information in it. Classifying means deciding the kind of information. e.g. dates, numbers, opinions. Organizing means putting things in order, e.g. according to how old, how much, what kind. Sometimes it is a good idea to draw a diagram to organize the information in the passage.
Discuss these questions in groups.
Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture? What do you think brought about the cultural diversity?
What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity?
One culturally diverse place that I have been to is Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province. 1 went there last year with my family to see the Ice and Snow Festival, and I was amazed at how the culture was different to most other Chinese cities. There is a big Russian influence there, with beautiful Russian architecture and lots of interesting restaurants. I learnt that Harbin is called “the Oriental Moscow" and that many Russians settled there to help build the railway over 100 years ago.
The benefits: People are able to experience a wide variety of cultures, making their lives more interesting.
The challenges: People may have trouble communicating or understanding each other.
Discuss with their patterner and then share their ideas.
Voice their opinions.
Practice their team spirit.
Practice their thinking skill and imagination.
Practice their speaking and listening.
Step 9
Reading Extension
Gold rush
A gold rush is a new discovery of gold—sometimes accompanied by other precious metals and rare-earth minerals—that brings an onrush of miners seeking their fortune.
Major gold rushes took place in the 19th century in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, South Africa and the United States, while smaller gold rushes took place elsewhere.
A video about The California gold rush
Get the knowledge.
Broaden their horizons in an interesting way.
Step 10
Language points
Teacher explains the language points and make some exercise.
1.admit vi. & vt. 承认 vt. 准许进入(或加入)
admit doing 承认做过…;准许做
admit into 准许进入
admit of 容许;有…可能
be admitted as 被接受进入
She ____ my dictionary.
It took a lot of courage to ____you were wrong.
He was____ Beijing university.
This matter ____no delay.
keys: admitted taking; admit that; admitted into; admits of
2.occur vi. 发生;出现
occur for 发生在…时候
A terrible accident ________,however, occur the other day and we witnessed it ________ accident.
A.does; by
B.did; by
C.has to; on
D.had to; on
keys: B
mission n. 传教(区);重要任务;使命
abort mission 放弃任务;终止任务
foreign mission 外交使团;外交大臣
mission impossible 不可能的任务
mission statement 宗旨
mission accomplished 任务完成
The captain urged that the mission before dark.
[ ]
A. must be finished
B. be finished
C. ought to be finished
D. was finished
keys: B
4. seek 寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求
seek one’s fortune 寻求成功致富之路;闯世界
hide and seek 藏猫猫
seek after 追求;探索
seek a vote 拉选票
seek ease and comfort 贪图安逸
seek refuge 寻求避难;寻求庇护
seek through 搜查遍
seek for personal development 追求个人发展
Some people will pursue it, seek for it; somebody will ignore it or dissipate it.
The purpose many people practice job-hopping is to seek their fortune in most times.
5.series n. 一系列;连续;接连
series of 一系列或一连串(事件)
in series 连续地;按顺序排列;串联
in series with 与…相连;与…串联
The TV series is________. I"ve never seen a better one before.
[ ]
A. thought little of
B. thought highly of
C. thought little
D. thought highly
-I don’t think your uncle really likes drama series.
-No, _________ he still watches the program.
[ ]
A. and
B. so
C. or
D. but
keys: D
6.apart from 除了…外(还);此外
aside from
I’m worn out, ____, the bike doesn’t work well, ___ I can’t go further.
[ D]
A. apart from; so
B. except for; because
C. beside; because
D. besides; so
apart from, except for, beside均为介词
7.escape vi. & vt. 逃走;逃脱;避开
n. 逃跑;逃脱;解脱
escape from 逃避,逃出
escape valve 安全阀
narrow escape 千钧一发;九死一生
Mark often attempts(企图) to escape ________ whenever he breaks traffic rules.
A.having been fined
B.to be fined
C.to have been fined
D.being fined
keys: D
The bird was lucky to escape ________.
B.to catch
C.being caught
D.to be caught
keys: C
8.bring about 导致;引起
bring down 降低;击落
bring forward提前;提出
bring into effect 实行;实施
bring into operation 投入运转;实施
bring to mind 想起
I didn’t bring my homework, I ______ it at home.
A.forgot B.forget C.left
keys: C
It is uncertain ________ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. (2010·浙江)
A.that B.what C.how D.whether
keys: B
Listen to the key knowledge points carefully and take exercise.
Know about the knowledge points deeper.
Step 11
Teacher asks students to fill the gap together.
Capital cities usually a _________ wide variety of people. This ________ due to people moving to the city to ________. Although many ________ it is tough to ________ a good living in the city, most choose to _________ there. The latest report shows that the _________ of people moving to the city is on the rise This in turn increases the cultural __________ of the city, which makes the city even more attractive to outsiders.
seek their fortune
Do these exercises.
Check the situation that students have learnt.
Make students familiarize these key words and phrases.
Summary and Homework
Step 12
Teacher leads students to have a summary of this lesson.
Knowledge points:
admit, definitely, occur, downtown, mission, district, comic, afterwards, seek, earn, select, china, jazz, bar, diagram, journal, claim, series, escape, bring about, head to, seek one’s fortune, earn a living, series of, apart from.
San Francisco
Classify and organize information
The benefits and challenges of cultural diversity
Gold rush
Follow the teacher’s thinking flow and read the words and phrases loudly.
Consolidate students’ knowledge.
Form knowledge system.
Step 13
Write an essay about cultural diversity.
Take notes.
Consolidate students’ knowledge and prepare for the following lesson.

Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Period 2 Reading and Thinking
Knowledge points:
admit, definitely, occur, downtown, mission, district, comic, afterwards, seek, earn, select, china, jazz, bar, diagram, journal, claim, series, escape, bring about, head to, seek one’s fortune, earn a living, series of, apart from.
San Francisco
Classify and organize information
The benefits and challenges of cultural diversity
Gold rush
Unit 3
Diverse Cultures
Period 2
Reading and Thinking人教版(2019) 必修三Lead-inLead-inDo you want to visit San Francisco?New wordsHe works in an office tower in downtown San Francisco.Her attitude has definitely changed for the better since she started this new job.in or to the central part of a cityNew wordsThe speech had several comic touches.That means she was required to live in the district by at least Nov. 3, 2019.funny and making you want to laughNew wordsNone of them saw what they did as a career: it was simply a way to earn a living. We agreed on a price but afterwards they wanted £10 extra.to earn enough money to pay for everything you needNew wordsThere was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could select one of them.The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.New wordschinajazzNew wordsbardiagramjournalLet’s play看谁猜的快又准!Let’s play1. I __________ saw Sandra getting on the bus, so she must have decided not to work late.
2. Now 5,000 new children will be attending the _________ already overburdened school system.
3. I've got a meeting __________ in 20 minutes so I'll have lunch on the hoof.
4. You can't expect to _________ a living from your painting.definitelydistrict’sdowntownearnLet’s play5. If you're a good boy at the doctor's I'll take you swimming ___________.
6. The drama has some __________ moments.
7. He was _________ to play for Australia at the age of only 18.
8. He __________ to have met the president, but I don't believe him.afterwardscomicselectedclaimsPair workFind San Francisco on the map!Pair workLet's discuss!What do you know and want to know about San Francisco?Scan Li Lan's travel journal and find out the places that she has been to or plans to visit.Has been to:Redwood Forest
Napa Valley
Mission District
a local museum
ChinatownPlan to visit:Richmond DistrictReading taskClassify and organize informationWe can better understand a passage by classifying or organizing the information in it. Classifying means deciding the kind of information.
dates, numbers, opinions.
Organizing means putting things in order.
according to how old, how much, what kind.
Sometimes it is a good idea to draw a diagram to organize the information in the passage. Read again and complete the timeline of Li Lan's trip.Before coming to San Francisco:camped in the Redwood Forest
visited Napa ValleyMorning:Reading taskexplored the neighborhood;
learnt about Mission School art;
ate Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truckTomorrow:will go to a jazz bar in the Richmond DistrictEvening:went to Chinatown to enjoy some home style cookingAfternoon:went to a historical museum1. What impressed the writer first about San Francisco?
2. What is so special about the Mission District?
3. Why did Chinese immigrants go to San Francisco?
4. What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal?Answer the questions using information from the travel journal.Reading taskWhat impressed the writer first about San Francisco?
What is so special about the Mission District?The beautiful old buildings, may sitting on top of big hills.The Mission District is a vibrant, historical area full of culture and life.Reading taskWhy did Chinese immigrants go to San Francisco?
4. What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal?To seek their fortune in the fold rush.The Mission District which is full of people from Mexico or Central America; Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck; Chinatown.Reading taskAfter readingComplete the following sentences using words from the travel journalOver 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that _________ after it. More than 80% of the city was destroyed, including much of the _________ area. One area that was hit the hardest was the Mission _________.
Yunnan Province is _________ one of the most diverse provinces that I have ever been to. Apart from being the kingdom of flowers, it is home to many ethnic minority groups. After visiting the southern part of Yunnan, I have to _________ that it is the best _________ of China to escape the cold winter.occurreddowntowndefinitelyDistrictadmitregionAfter readingDid Li Lan enjoy her trip in San Francisco?
Can you find some evidence to support your idea?amazed, impressedAnd what a city … rebuild itself after the earthquake … so many beautiful old buildings … on the top of big hills … offering great view…interestedI walked around looking at the street art for a few hours … quite modern and lively … delicious … A real mix of cultures here!After readingtouchedThe museum did a really good job … immigrants left their own country … carried a bit of home in their hearts… built a new home here.happy… so many good cafes and restaurants … beautiful china plates … What good food!eager to knowCan’t wait!DiscussionDiscuss these questions in groups.1. Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture? What do you think brought about the cultural diversity?
2. What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity?Share your idea!Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture? What do you think brought about the cultural diversity?One culturally diverse place that I have been to is Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province. 1 went there last year with my family to see the Ice and Snow Festival, and I was amazed at how the culture was different to most other Chinese cities. There is a big Russian influence there, with beautiful Russian architecture and lots of interesting restaurants. I learnt that Harbin is called “the Oriental Moscow" and that many Russians settled there to help build the railway over 100 years ago.Discussion2. What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity?DiscussionBenefits:Opportunities to experience different cultures and customs
personal growth (culture awareness, intercultural communication, cooperation)
More open-minded society
Exchange of innovative ideas.Challenges:Misunderstanding across languages and cultures
Conflicting values and lifestyles
Unconscious cultural biasesReading ExtensionA gold rush is a new discovery of gold—sometimes accompanied by other precious metals and rare-earth minerals—that brings an onrush of miners seeking their fortune. Major gold rushes took place in the 19th century in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, South Africa and the United States, while smaller gold rushes took place elsewhere.Reading Extension承认做过…;准许做准许进入容许;有…可能admit vi. & vt. 承认 vt. 准许进入(或加入)

admit doing
admit into
admit of
be admitted as
Language points被接受进入1. She ______________ my dictionary.
2. It took a lot of courage to __________ you were wrong.
3. He was ____________ Tsinghua university.
4. This matter ___________ no delay.
这事不容耽搁admitted takingadmit thatLanguage pointsadmitted intoadmits ofoccur for 发生在…时候2. occur vi. 发生;出现Language pointsA terrible accident ________, however, occur the other day and we witnessed it ________ accident.
A. does; by B. did; by
C. has to; on D. had to; ondidby放弃任务;终止任务外交使团;外交大臣不可能的任务3. mission n. 传教(区);重要任务;使命abort mission
foreign mission
mission impossible
mission statement
mission accomplishedmissionLanguage points宗旨任务完成The captain urged that the mission ___________ before dark.
[ ]
A. must be finished
B. be finished
C. ought to be finished
D. was finishedBLanguage points普寻求成功致富之路;闯世界藏猫猫seek 寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求
seek-sought-soughtseek one’s fortune
hide and seek
seek afterseekLanguage points追求;探索拉选票贪图安逸seek a vote
seek ease and comfort
seek refuge
seek through
seek for personal developmentseekLanguage points寻求避难;寻求庇护搜查遍追求个人发展Some people will pursue it, seek for it; somebody will ignore it or dissipate it.
The purpose many people practice job-hopping is to seek their fortune in most times.
有人追求它,探寻它;有人漠视它,挥霍它。Language points许多喜欢跳槽的人目的往往是为了寻找成功的机会。5. series n. 一系列;连续;接连 Language points一系列或一连串(事件)连续地;按顺序排列;串联series of
in series
in series with与…相连;与…串联The TV series is________. I've never seen a better one before.
A. thought little of B. thought highly of
C. thought little D. thought highly
BLanguage points-I don’t think your uncle really likes drama series.
-No, _________ he still watches the program.
A. and B. so C. or D. but
D6. apart from 除了…外(还);此外 Language pointsaside from
excluding除了…之外I’m worn out, ____, the bike doesn’t work well, ___ I can’t go further.
[ ]
A. apart from; so
B. except for; because
C. beside; because
D. besides; soDLanguage pointsbesides可用作副词,表示“而且,此外”,起补充说明作用
apart from, except for, beside均为介词7.escape vi. & vt. 逃走;逃脱;避开
n. 逃跑;逃脱;解脱
Language points逃避,逃出安全阀escape from
escape valve
narrow escape千钧一发;九死一生Mark often attempts(企图) to escape ________ whenever he breaks traffic rules.
A. having been fined B. to be fined
C. to have been fined D. being finedDLanguage pointsThe bird was lucky to escape ________.
A. catching B. to catch
C. being caught D. to be caught
C7. bring about 导致;引起 Language points降低;击落提前;提出bring down
bring forward
bring into effect
bring into operation
bring to mind实行;实施投入运转;实施想起Chemical pollution will bring about a threat to agriculture and food chain, and ______ to human health.
A.frequently B.significantly
C.steadily D.consequentlyDLanguage pointsIt is uncertain ________ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. (2010·浙江)
A.that B.what C.how D.whetherBExerciseCapital cities usually a _________ wide variety of people. This ________ due to people moving to the city to ________________. Although many ________ it is tough to ________ a good living in the city, most choose to _________ there. The latest report shows that the ___________ of people moving to the city is on the rise This in turn increases the cultural __________ of the city, which makes the city even more attractive to outsiders.containoccursseek their fortuneclaimearnsettlepercentagediversitySummaryHomeworkWrite an essay about cultural diversity.谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员?