Unit5 Reading教学设计
Book 8 Unit5: Meeting your ancestors
【单元名称】Unit5 Meeting your ancestors
Section 1阅读课框架单
教材版本:人教版 册数:Book 8单元:Unit 5 编写人: 课型(课时):阅读课-Section 1
教 材 分 析 本单元的主题是考古学,阅读“热身”部分以四张古文物照片导入新课,通过让学生鉴别照片上的物品,讨论物品的原材料及其用途来激发学生了解古物的兴趣。“读前”呈现了北京猿人的头盖骨图片,通过讨论我们今天使用的生活用品及生活方式猜测几万年前北京猿人可能使用的生活用品及生活方式,将学生的思维引入史前人类的生活,为下文的阅读做好铺垫。“阅读”部分设计了一组英国学生到周口店遗址进行参观的场景,通过学生与考古学家的对话,了解早期的人类的生活方式。“理解”部分设计了三个练习。第一个练习让学生阅读文章然后回答问题,此活动考察的是学生对阅读文章表层信息的理解。第二个练习让学生找出早期人类生活不同于现代人的三个方面(住宅、工具、穿着);第三个练习让学生找出考古学家介绍周口店遗址时所涉及的三个话题。通过这些练习活动,让学生对阅读进行更深的理解,同时培养学生捕捉文章细节的能力。
教 学 目 标 语言知识目标:重点词汇和短语Alternative interrupt assume sharpen ample primitive preserve Regardless of at most cut up等 2. 重点句子 You must be aware that it’s here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world. We have been excavating layers of ash almost six meters thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. 充分地理解文章Reading部分,能清晰地掌握文章的总体框架,并能正确回答课后的细节理解问题。语言能力目标:1)阅读文章,理解文章的表层信息。2)通过活动和练习,对文章有深层次的理解。3)充分发挥学生的主体地位,调动学生思维的积极性,提高综合语言的运用能力。4)能培养学生捕捉文章细节的能力。 情感态度价值观目标:了解远古人类的生活,并理解远古人类在及其恶劣的自然环境里能用自己的智慧战胜自然,并推动着人类文明的发展。
教 学 重 难 点 教学重点:1)学习本单元的词汇和句型2)提高综合阅读理解能力 教学难点:能理解带有情态动词表示推测的句子在文章中的含义。
建 议 教 法 本课首先让学生看几幅图片并以此进行讨论,来引出本节主题“周口店之行”,进而对于周口店的发现,北京人的生存状况有所了解。并且以此感受到人类的变迁,以及现在生活和古人类生存的巨大差距,让学生更加珍惜现在的生活。
????在新课的讲授中,配有相关历史图片,有助于学生理解。对于文章的理解,通过不同的层层递进的阅读方式:skimming, scanning and careful reading等手段达到由浅入深的理解。而且同时配有不同类型的习题,多方面的练习,达到全面的掌握和巩固。
教学流程 (详见相应教学设计)
教学评价 1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。 2.阅读使用寻读和略读,由易到难逐层递进,逐渐深入地掌握文章内容 3.课后的活动设计体现对文本内容的深度挖掘和文本再构,体现了对学生思维品格的训练与培养。
步骤 过程 措施(教师活动与学生活动) 目的 持续性评价
DELC1预备与激活先期知识 DELC2获取新知识 DELC3深度加工知识 Step2Pre-Reading (读前) (6 mins) 1. Teacher asks students a moral question and guide thestudents to skim the text and discuss with students what the value of such a website would be.(3 mins)T: Is it right for some members of society to get extra help because they have a disability?S: (Group discussion and give answers)T: “Family Village” is a website offering the disabled a communication opportunity in the Internet. Do you think it beneficial to the disabled people? 2. Teacher asks the Ss to predict the content of the text by inferring from the title and picture.(3mins)T: Please glance at the title and picture. Can you guess what kind of information would be included in disabled students’ story?(make a list on the board of possible topics)S: Make predictions.关于残疾人是否应该得到更多的帮助这个话题的讨论为引入阅读文本的背景知识进行铺垫: 让学生更加了解这个网站的存在意义和价值。 2. 该活动是为了向学生提供文本背景知识:让学生了解网站的内容是残疾人故事自述和交流的平台。老师在黑板上写下学生给出的答案,可能的答案有: Sorrow, tough, disability, unlucky, grateful,sympathetic1.学生是否了解中西方对待残疾人的态度的文化差异。 2. 学生是否能借助题目和图片预测文本内容;是否积极地看待残疾人的生活。 Step 1Warming up (热身) Step2 While-reading(读中) Step3 post-reading (读后) Step 4 Homework (课后练习) Show the students some pictures of some earliest people, and answer the questions:Who are they? Where are they from? Look up some information about Zhou Koudian Caves and share it with our partners. The teacher gives the possible answer of Zhou Koudian Caves. Task 1: Skimming. Tell the 3 topics that the archaeologist talked about.Stage one: Stage two: Stage three: Task 2: Scanning. Read the text again and get the main idea of the dialogue and then write down the three ways in which the life of early people differs from modern ones.Homes: Tools: Dress: Task 3: Careful reading. ⅠRead the text carefully and fill in the chart. 详见PPT Ⅱanswer the following questions after careful reading. Why have the English students come to the ZhouKoudian caves? Where did early people live?How did they keep warm? What did they use for doors?What did they eat? What animals were their most dangerous enemies?Keys: The students want to find out about how early people lived. There are no such sites in England while the ZhouKoudian caves provide an excellent example of a site where early people lived. Early people lived in caves.They constructed the fires in the center of the caves to keep them warm. They might have kept fires burning all winter. They hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep out the cold.The archaeologist thinks they may have used animal skins.They ate animal meat, such as tigers and bears, and fish from the lake nearby. They also picked fruit when it was ripe.Tigers and bears were their most dangerous enemies. Ⅲ Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. 详见PPT Task 4. Compare modern people and Peking man, and finish the following form.详见PPT Write a summary about the text and includes following questions:Do you think it is important to know about them? Why? Suppose you are a guide, how can you introduce Zhou Koudian Caves to foreign friends? Write it down on your notebook. 浏览warming up几张图片,了解北京周口店人的长相特征及他们的洞穴。引起学生对于远古人类和其生活方式的兴趣。 通过寻读,大致了解文章的主要信息及人物关系。 Keys: Stage one: life in the cave. Stage two: what can we learn from the needle. Stage three: what can we learn from the necklace. Keys: Homes: caves, perhaps with skins to keep out the cold. Tools: scrapers, axe- heads, bone needles 深层次理解文章通过详细阅读,了解洞穴的结构及远古人类的生活方式。 通过回答问题,逐段理解文章。 再次浏览文章,并尽量理解文章的重难点知识,为下面的课做好准备。 通过写summary,从整体上再次理解文章。 1.通过学生回和答,激发兴趣 扩展学生知识量,并且能激发他们的自信。 通过再次寻读,熟悉文章,并能训练学生快速定位并寻找信息的技巧。 训练学生深层次理解文章的能力。
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