Unit6 In a nature park 教案(共6课时)


名称 Unit6 In a nature park 教案(共6课时)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-05-13 21:44:47


教学内容 UNIT6 A Nature Park 课时 3 总课时序号
教学目标 1能够正确说出字母组合ou的发音, 并能够根据其发音规律拼读新单词。 ???A层学生:能通过例词自主地归纳出字母组合ou的发音,并能够根据其发音规律拼读新单词。 B、C层学生:在A层学生归纳的基础上与老师的引导下理解字母组合ou的发音规律。 2、掌握四会单词mouse, house, sound, count
教学重难点 ou字母组合的发音规律,能听辨朗读,并拼写相关的单词 mouse、house、 sound、count 难点:根据ou的发音规律,能够用自然拼读法尝试拼读不认识的单词,试着掌握阅读绘本故事的意思
创设氛围 ,复习旧知    1、师生问好,自由交谈 在没上课之前,我就会与学生进行朋友式的会话:Hi! Good morning, boys and girls. How are you  教师就这样面带微笑,边说边走下讲台与学生握手问候。然后,结合本单元的主题nature park,进行师生自由谈论。Do you like parks  Is there a nature park in Shantou  2、播放含有字母组合ow歌谣,师生共同演唱。        3、播放Phonic Song,全班吟唱。 二、创设情景,导入新课    1、以“猜”开篇,激起好奇心。 T: Today we will meet a friend in our class. Guess! Who is this friend   出示被遮盖一部分的人物,让学生猜测这位朋友是谁?    2、引出本课的主人公Mickey Mouse,渗透新知。 教学生读Mickey Mouse 的名字,引导学生用以前学过的语音知识拼读Mickey ,同时mouse中的ou渗透这节课的教学新授点。  3、创设整体语境,布置评价机制。     T: Mickey Mouse will invite some of you to Disneyland in Hong Kong. But you have to learn something in Mickey Mouse Club House. If you word hard, get more points, you will get the ticket to Disneyland in Hong Kong.     三.新课呈现,逐步操练    1、Task 1:听一听。用课件播放关于Mickey Mouse 的趣味小故事,让学生静听。     2、自主发现ou的发音规则 同桌之间讨论如下问题:What’s the same about the four words  以自主体会发现ou 的发音。 课件出示: h.ou.se→house    m.ou.se→mouse s.ou.nd→sound     c.ou.nt→count     3、教师将四个单词书写在黑板上,并齐读。在此过程中,教师注意口型示范以及纠音。同时,告诉学生字母组合ow在一些单词中发音和ou字母组合ow在一些单词中发音一样。 比如flower, cow…,让一些学生举例。  4、播放节奏动感的ou发音视频,同时引导学生模仿跟读。 5、有节奏的朗读chant。 6、认识ou 家族,进一步操练拼读能力。 Task 3:Can you read   小组PK south  cloudy , playground ,about , shout , mouth, blouse, out, outside 7、 Task4:游戏“London bridge is falling down” 让两个学生各执一张辅音字母卡片,高举胳膊架起一座桥,另外若干个学生执元音字母组合卡片钻桥洞,剩余学生唱歌曲,待歌曲唱完,大桥塌下,扣住一个学生。三个学生高举手中的卡片组成一个单词。让全班学生去拼,看谁拼得又快又准,予以表扬。    四、拓展提高,综合运用    1、Task5:完成课本内容,巩固发音规律 。 (1)Look,listen and circle.听单词圈出正确的单词。 (2)Look,listen and write. 听单词书写单词。  Look,listen and circle.听单词圈出正确的单词。Look,listen and write. 听单词书写单词。 Task6:Tongue twister 学生根据自己的能力自由选择一些含有ou的绕口令朗读。  3 、Task7:欣赏绘本故事<A Round House >。 教师在播放绘本<A Round House >的动画前,让学生试读故事标题,然后播放两遍绘本动画:第一遍侧重于学生整体感知故事,第二遍鼓励学生尝试跟随录音一起朗读。 绘本文本如下:(后面附绘本故事) A  Round  House ? There is a house ,a round ,round house. ? In the round round house ,there is a round, round mouse. ? In his round, round mouth, there is a round , round ball. ? Look out ! The ball rolls! ? The ball rolls around the house. ? The mouse runs after the ball. ? Where’s the round ball  ? There is no round ball. ? Only the round, round house. ? And the round ,round mouse 

作业设计 1.Read the story
2.掌握四会单词mouse, house, sound, count

教学内容 UNIT6 A Nature Park 课时 1 总课时序号
教学目标 1.能听、说、读、写单词“forest”,“river”,“lake”,“mountain”和“hill”。
2.能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“Is there a…?”,“Yes,there is.”。
3.能完成“Draw and ask”部分的绘画和问答任务。
教学重难点 重点1.能听、说、读、写单词“forest”,“river”,“lake”,“mountain”和“hill”。
2.能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“Is there a…?”,“Yes,there is.”。
1.Free talk
T:Good morning,everyone.How are you today?
Ss:Fine,thank you.
T:Nice to see you again.
Ss:Nice to see you,too.
2.教师播放歌曲“Apple Tree”的录音,全班学生跟着录音大声唱歌曲,然后让学生分男女生比赛唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习热情。
教师出示两张图片,一张是城市环境恶劣的图片,另一张是城市井然有序、空气清新的图片,问:“Which picture do you like?Why?”。
教师再出示两张图片,一张是遭受污染的乡村图片,;另一张是环境优美的乡村图片,问:“Which picture do you like?Why?”
1.A.Let’s learn
①教师用简笔画在黑板上画一棵树,问:“What’s this?”,学生回答:“It’s a tree.”,然后教师再添加几棵树,说:“Now it’s a forest.Read after me,please.Forest,it’s a forest.”。
②教师在树旁边画一条小河,说:“Oh,there is a river.Read after me,please.River,there is a river.”。
③教师在小河旁边画一个湖,说:“What’s beside the river?It’s a lake.Read after me,please.Lake,it’s a lake.”。
④教师在树的另一边画一座大山和一座小山,说:“Look,there is a mountain and a hill beside the forest.The big one is the mountain and the small one is the hill.”
⑤教师总结:Look at the blackboard now.There is a nature park.How beautiful!Let’s have a look at some nice nature park.
(3)教师指着黑板上自然公园中的河流,问:“Is there a river in the park”,引导学生回答:“Yes,there is.”。
2.A.Draw and ask
(2)学生同桌用句型“Is there a…in front of/beside/behind/…the…?”进行问答练习。
2.Check the answer
范文:This is a picture of a nature park.There is a forest in the park.There are many flowers on the grass.There is a river.There are many fish in the river.The cloud is white.Do you like this park?

作业设计 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。 2.听录音,跟“Let’s learn”部分内容。

【主题】 In a nature park
本单元主要围绕“自然公园”和“村庄”的话题展开,旨在培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感增强学生的环境保护意识,是There be句型的延伸和拓展。整个单元的学习内容不算活泼,甚至有点平淡和枯燥,要激起学生的学习兴趣有—定难度。所以在设计教案时应安排一些趣味性较强的活动,激发学生的学习热情。
从学生知识能力水平上来看,学生在第五单元中已经学会用There be句型的单、复数形式去描述房间里的东西。教学时可以重点知识为基础,设计多种不同的活动,逐步帮助学生掌握要点,突破难度,进一步运用语言知识进行交际;以小组竞争为手段,激发学生的学习热情,提高学习效率。可以利用学生向往田园生活、喜欢田园生活的心理,让学生在积极的情感中学习。
1. 借助图片和录音,能正确听辨、认读本单元三会和四会单词;
2. 能够正确、熟练地朗读A、B部分Let’s talk对话,做到语调、重音自然地道;
3. 从角色扮演到创设情景,能用句型“Are/Is there …?,”和“Yes, there are/is./No, there aren’t/isn’t.”及所学词汇编创一段不少于5句的对话,谈论有关话题。
1. 掌握A、B部分“Let’ s learn”,“Let’s talk”中的单词和句子。
2. 能用句型“Are/Is there …?”和“Yes, there are/is./No, there aren’t/isn’t.”进行问答练习。
1. There be句型的一般疑问句形式及其肯定和否定回答。
2. A、B部分“Let’s talk”中的内容。
第一课时:A. Let’s try Let’s talk
第二课时:A. Let’s learn Draw and ask
第三课时:B. Let’s learn Write and say
第四课时:B. Let’s try Let’s talk
第五课时:A. Let’s spell Let’s wrap it up
第六课时:B. Read and write Let’s check C. Story time

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教学内容 UNIT6 A Nature Park 课时 4 总课时序号
教学目标 ①Enable the students to listen, say, read and write the new words: house, village, tree, bridge, building. 2.能够运用句型 Are there...? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t。进行对话
教学重难点 1、Main points: How to enable the students to master the new words: bridge, house, tree, building, village. 2、Difficult points: How to enable the students to pronounce village and bridge correctly.
Warm-up 1、Greeting. 2、Do a revision. (1)Review the words of A.Let's learn.(2) Ask the students to look at the picture. Use the sentence "Is there a ... in the nature park?" ?to ask and answer. Presentation 1、Let’s?chant.:Chant?together?and?answer?the?question:Where?is?the?mouse? (1)Lead?to?teach?the?word?“house”. (2)Teach?the?plural?of?house?and?describe?the?houses. 2、Show?the?picture?,there?are?many?houses.?Teach?the?word?“village”. 3、Show?the?PPT:In?the?village,?there?is?a?tree.Teach?the?word:?tree. 4、Ask?some?students?to?say?what’s?other?things?in?the?village. Lead?in?the?new?word?“bridge”. Let’s?play:?What’s?this? 6.Make?a?contrast?between?“house”?and?“building”,?teach?the?word?“building”. 7、?Listen?and?read 8、Consolidation (1)Use?the?sentences?to?describe?the?village. Are?there?…?in?the?village? Yes,there are. No,there aren't. ?Write?and?say. T: What’s in the village???? Ss: There are ?many houses in the village. 3.Design the village. Task1: 你们将是我们的乡村设计师,请你们合作设计出理想的乡村。 T: Now let’s design the village. There are many crayons and?pieces of paper in my hand. Let me take out a piece of paper and draw a village. T: (The teacher draws and says) There is a river in the village. There are some flowers and grass in the village. T: Can you do as me? Task2:? 请将你们的设计作品展示给大家,并进行介绍。 T: OK! Have you finished? Now please come to the teachers’ desk, show your pictures

作业设计 1、Copy the new words. 2、Draw a village, use “There be…”to introduce the picture.
板书设计 Unit6 A natural park house, village, tree, bridge, building. Are there...? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t

教学内容 UNIT6 A Nature Park 课时 6 总课时序号
教学目标 1. 能够理解、认读词汇和短语:nature park, high mountain, village, lake, in front of. 2. 能够运用There be句型描述景物。 3. 通过语篇学习,培养学生热爱地球的情感。
教学重难点 1. 理解、认读high mountain, in front of. 2. 运用There be句型描述景物位置。 3. 能读懂课文,还原自然公园原貌。
Step I: Pre-reading 1. Show the book of earth and know about the new words. T: What can you see on the earth? 2. Introduce Robin. Step II: While-reading 1. Listen to the passage and find out which place Robin sees. T: Listen to the passage and answer the question: which place is it? 2. Read the passage and circle the wild things in the nature park. T: What are there in the nature park? Please read the passage and circle them out. 3. Read the passage and do the exercise. T: What’s on the high mountain? What’s in the village? What’s on the lake? Please read the passage and do the exercise. T: Now can you help me to match the words with the pictures? How do you know that? T: Look, this is the nature park, what else are there in the nature park? There is... There are... 4. Read the passage, draw a picture of the nature park and try to put the wild things on the blackboard in the right places. T: Robin would like to draw a picture of the park. Can you help him? Please work in groups of three. T: Now, I need one of you to put these wild things in the right places. (The teacher deals with “in front of” with the Ss.) 5. The students describe the picture of the park using “there be ...”. T: Now this is the picture of the park, can you describe the picture? 6. Read loudly. Step III: Post-reading Describe the students’ favorite nature park. T: In fact, our earth is very big. Robin wants to visit some other beautiful places. Can you design and describe your favorite nature park to Robin? Please work in groups of three. T: Now who wants to describe your favorite nature park?

作业设计 1. Try to find and read the earth book. 2. Describe your favorite nature park to your friends.
板书设计 Unit6 A natural park Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? There is a tall building in the nature park.

教学内容 UNIT6 A Nature Park 课时 2 总课时序号
教学目标 1.学生能运用听力技巧完成Let’s try相关练习。 2.能够听、说、读、写本课的核心句型:Is there a river in the forest? No, there isn’t. Is there a lake? Yes, there is. 3.能够在语境中理解新单词forest, river, lake, go boating的意思,并能正确发音。
教学重难点 能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用以下句型询问并回答有关什么地放有什么事 物:Is there a …in/near/on…? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
Step?1.?Warm?up 1.?Ice?broken.?Know?about?me:(Which?one?is?Not?true?) 先让学生看一组关于教师个人信息的照片,然后让学生找出不正确的一项。 2.?Review:?Competition ?复习旧知,在师生比赛中复习There?be句型,承接上个猜教师信息的第三个问题的话题,引导学生说出在公园里面有哪些经常看到的东西。 ??????T:?There?are?some?trees?in?the?park. ??????S:?There?is?a?lake?in?the?park. ??????T:?There?are?some?trees?in?the?park. ??????S:?There?is?a?bridge?in?the?park. ????1.?Let’s?try.? ????????T:?Look!?Who?are?they? ?????????Ss:?They?are?Chen?Jie?and?Mike. ????????T:?They?are?not?in?our?school.?They?are?in?the?nature?park.?What’s?in?the?park??Let’s?listen. ????????T:?OK,?which?one?did?you?hear? ?????????S:?Forest. ??????2.?Talk?about?the?map.? ?????????T:?Look?at?this?picture.?Can?you?guess?what?map?is?it??This?is?a?map?of?_______ ?????????S:?Yes. 3.Predicting:?Look?and?guess.? ????????引入Miss?White与Zhang?Peng对话内容,创设We’ll?go?to?the?Qingxi?nature?park.的情景,学生根据上下文猜测缺失的句子。????????T:?That’s?a?good?news.?Zhang?Peng?is?excited.?Let’s?guess?what?does?he?say ??Step?3.?Practice? ????????1.?解构文本Let’s?talk? ???????(1)?Read?and?discuss?小组讨论选择合适的句 ?(2)?Listen?and?check? ??????????(3)?Watch?and?answer? ????????引导学生听对话获取关键信息并回答问题,了解对话大意。 ?(4)?Try,?listen?and?imitate? ???(5)?Dub?the?cartoon?教师播放课文录像,分角色为录像配音,请学生表演展示。 ???(6)?Role?Play ???Step?4.?Production(创造性重构文本)? ???????1.?Ask?questions ????????T:?Do?you?like?this?park??Why? ??????设置开放性问题,活跃学生思维。 ????????T:?Do?you?want?to?know?more?about?Qingxi?Nature?Park??Look!?There?is?a?route?for?you. ????2.?Let’s?talk.?(Substitution)?替换练习,半控制创构文本。 ??????教师提供语言支架,引导学生相互猜一猜自然公园里面能看到什么,用“Is?there?a…in?the?park?”来提问,把提问权还给学生。再播放这条路线看到的东西,进行对话替换 ? ?3.?Make?a?new?dialogue(创造性重构文本) ????????教师展示公园的另一条路线让学生发现美丽的景物,提供可用句型,引导学生创编自己的对话。

作业设计 Write a diary. Today is sunny .I go to the park with my friends . the park is really nice .

教学内容 UNIT6 A Nature Park 课时 5 总课时序号
教学目标 1. 能听、说、认读单词“nature”,“park”和词组“nature park”。 2. 能灵活运用句型“Are there any…?”和“Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.进行问答练习。
教学重难点 1. 能听、说、认读单词“nature”,“park”和词组“nature park”。 2. 能灵活运用句型“Are there any …?”和“Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.进行问答练习。 难点:There be句型的综合运用。
1. 教学新词汇。 教师用多媒体课件出示自然公园的图片,引出词组“nature park”。 2. 教师播放本部分的教学录音,问:“Where do Miss White and her students go?”,学生根据录音内容回答:“They go to the forest.”。 3. 介绍对话情景。 T: There is a nature park in the forest. Now Miss White and Zhang Peng are at the nature park. What are they talking about? Let’s listen to the tape and see. 4. 第一次播放对话录音,全班学生跟着录音读对话,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。 第二次播放对话录音,学生判断下面句子正误。 (1) The nature park is not quiet. (2) There aren’t many people in the nature park. (3) There are some tall buildings in the nature park. (4) There aren’t any animals in the nature park. Answers : (1)?? F ????????? (2) T ?????????? (3) F????? ?????? (4) F 第三次播放教学录音,全班学生分角色跟着录音读对话。 5. 学生同桌合作,戴上人物头饰在小组内练习表演对话,教师提醒学生在表演时注意运用适当的表情和动作,然后请两三组学生上讲台表演,并评选出“最佳表演奖”。 6. Tick a picture and find your “friend”. (1)?? 找两队学生站起来读一读本部分的两段对话。 (2)?? 学生根据对话内容选择相应的图片,师生一起核 开心一刻的游戏 每组学生通过每一组的代表砸出幸运蛋,学生的氛围顿时高涨起来 The first egg There ??????????many people in the park The second egg 恭喜你,你是今天的幸运星! The third egg there, any, buildings, are, tall,? the, nature, in, park(?)(连词成句) The fourth egg There are some tall buildings in the nature park.(改为一般疑问句,并做 否定回答) There are some animals in the nature park.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) The sixth egg There are some ducks and rabbits in the nature park.(改为否定句) ?A.aren`t???????? B.isn`t???????? C.is

作业设计 1.听本课单词录音并跟读两遍。 2.本课单词5。 3.本课单词各写五个问答句。(用there be 句型)
板书设计 Unit6 A natural park Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? There is a tall building in the nature park.