Unit4 My room教案


名称 Unit4 My room教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(刘兆义主编)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-06-03 07:33:11



第 四单 元 教 学 概 要 说 明 主备人
教 材 简 析 本单元共七部分。 1. Listen and fill in the numbers. 2. Mime the action story. 3. Listen and say the chant. 4. Where are the book, pencil, ruler and erasers? 5. Find the ten hidden words. 6. True or false. 7. A story-The sofa. 通过听和找引出新单词,然后通过听说读写和故事等活动巩固新词。最后用所学的知识写句和短文。
学 情 分 析 1.大部分学生能做到课上认真听讲,认真听录音并努力模仿跟读,敢于大声朗读、回答问题和表演,有的学生还敢于提出疑问。 2.多数学生课后能认真完成作业,有较强的自觉性和积极性。 3.个别学生能做到课前预习。
目 标 导 向 知识:1. 四会单词:lamp mirror picture sofa wardrobe; 2. 学会句子:How much is (the lamp)? Where’s my pencil case? 3.学会理解:You’re reading a book. A bee lands on your book. You climb on the wardrobe. You look behind the curtains. The bee is on your nose. 技能: Listen, say, read, mime and write. 情感态度:Train the ability of Listen, say, read, and write. Train the spirit of working together.
教 法 与 学 法 1.根据课文特点和学生实际情况,用图片和动作等激发兴趣法,引导法,听读感悟法进行教学。 2、通过情境展示,引导学生听读自悟。 3、为学生提供多种形式的听说读写训练并进行适时评价,促使学生熟练掌握所学知识并不断提高听说读写能力。
课 时 安 排 教学时间建议6课时。 第一块内容:1a、1b、5、6、 四个部分。(2课时完成) 第二块内容: 3、4、部分。(2课时完成) 第三块内容:2a、7、部分。(2课时完成)
Unit 4 My room

课 题 主备人 主讲人 授课日期 缺课学生
Unit 4 My room
教 学 目 标 知识与技能 Learn to use: mirror, picture, wardrobe, curtains, window, TV, table, sofa, and lamp.How much is (the lamp)? Where’s my pencil case? The pencil case is on/under/ behind/in front of /in .....
过程与方法 Listen and filling in the numbers. Sing the chant.Learn the story and text, then write the sentences and My classroom
情感态度 价值观 To love our room.
重 点 The new words. 突破 方法 Look, listen, say and write.
难 点 Mime the story. 突破 办法 利用课内外资源,通过合作、交流突破。
教 法 导引法。 学法 在教师的引导下自读自悟、质疑探讨相结合。
教 具 准 备 Pictures, tape and flash 课时 Six
设计理念 本设计旨在体现引导学生运用自主、合作、探究的学习方式;结合课文形式,体现英语教育的特点;致力提高全体学生的英语素养。
板 书 设 计 Unit 4 My room mirror wardrobe picture window curtains TV table sofa lamp Where’s my pencil case? The pencil case is on/under/ behind/in front of /in .....

教 师 导 引 学 情 预 设 实 际 生 成
Unit 4 My room (period 1,2)Step1.Warm-upStep2. Presentation Teach the words: Present the following vocabulary using the pictures or flash. Look at the picture and describe in the introduction: Mirror , wardrobe, picturecurtains, window, TV, table, sofa, and lamp.Step3. Drill1.Look at the picture and read the words one by one. 2.Look at the picture and guess the words 3.Play the tape.Open the books and write the words. Finish the part 5,part6. Step4. Consolidation Unit 4 My room (period 3,4)Step1. Warm-up Greeting. 2. Review the words of the room. 3. Guess the wordsStep2. Presentation Listen and say the chant. The teacher read the chant to class. The teacher reads again Play the tape Step3.Drills 1. Tell the pupils to look atthe picture of part4 for a minute and try to find the missing objects. Close the books and ask “Where’s the ruler?” 1.Review the words of the classroom. Describe my classroom. Review the structure “there is/are....on /in /in front of/ behind/ under....” a. Read the words and spell. b. Listen to the tape. a. Listen to the tape again and write the numbers. b. In order to find out what is in the box. Do it in groups a. Read the words and spell. b. Listen to the tape. c. Recite the words and write. Ask and answer in daily. Look at the picture and say words one by one. Look at the picture and guess the words Read the chant by themselves or in groups . Look at the books and listen. Look at the books and read

教 师 导 引 学 情 预 设 实 际 生 成
“Is the pencil under the table?” “Where’s the eraser?” “Is it on the clock?”Step4. Consolidation Say the sentences using The … is in/on/under/behind the ... in groups Unit 4 My room (period 5)Step1. Warm-upReview the chant. Say the sentences what they wrote.Step2. Presentation 1. Draw a bee and teach bee. 2. Do “jump up” and teach it. 3. Play the tape of the action story. 4. Play the tape again and ask some questions. 5. Play the tape again and do the action story.Step3.DrillsPlay the tape and fill in the number.Step4. Consolidation Unit 4 My room (period 6)Step1. Warm-up A story-The sofa Review How much is it? How are they? Step2. Presentation1. Teach How much is the lamp/sofa? Using the pictures. 2. Introduce Please, give it to after the teacher.Read the chant following the tape. 1.Listen and say the chant. 2.Write the sentences using The … is in/on/under/behind the ... Say the chant. Read the sentences what they wrote one by one. Look and learn bee. Read and do “jump up” Listen to the action story with closing the books.Listen again and answer the questions. Listen and mime the action story.Listen and fill in the number. Check the answers. Listen and mime the action story. Look at the teacher and answer the questions. Look and say after the teacher.

教 师 导 引 学 情 预 设 实 际 生 成
us. I can’t find… We don’t like. 3. Show the flash and play the tape. 4. Play the tape again. Show some questions. Read it by yourselves and find the questions 6. Explain the questions they pointStep3.Drills Choose the picture the teacher gave to play Step4. Consolidation Three teams to play Listen to the story. Play the story. Look and learn following the teacher. Look at the flash picture and listen to the tape. Try to understand the meaning of the story. Listen again and answer the questions. Read after the teacher. Ask some questions that they don’t understand Other pupils explain the questions.
教 学 反 思