Module 2 Unit 6 E-friends Period 1 课件(18张PPT)+表格式教案


名称 Module 2 Unit 6 E-friends Period 1 课件(18张PPT)+表格式教案
格式 zip
文件大小 5.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-05-19 08:49:26


Oxford English
Module 2 Relationships
Period 1
How do you make friends?
1.Does Kitty have an e-friend?
No,she doesn’t.
2. Would she like to have an e-friend?
Yes, she ’d like to.
3. What would Kitty like to know about him or her?
She’d like to know about his or her family and hobbies.

school life
Talk about your friend.
Yes, I’d like to.
I’d like to have one in…
I’d like to know about…
No, I wouldn’t.

Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?
different counties
in the UK
talk about our favourite
in Australia
Would you like to
What would you like to
family and hobbies
Sydney Opera House
Language: English

Capital: Canberra
The Great Barrier Reef
the UK
Big Ben
Language: English

Capital: London
The British Museum
University of Cambridge
London Bridge
Statue of Liberty
Language: English

Capital: Washington
Yellowstone National Park
Niagara Falls
the US
Columbia University
Language: English

Capital: Ottawa
Rocky Mountain
maple leave
Where would you like to go?
I’d like to…Because…
Pair work
A: What would you like to know about him or her?
B: I’d like to know about his or her…
A: She is from…/ She is…/ There are…/ She likes…
B: That’s great!
A: Would you like to be an e-friend with her?
B: Yes, because…/ Sorry, because…
The UK
Name: Lily
Family members: 4
Hobbies: singing
Favorite animal: panda
Name: Mary
Family members:3
Hobbies: reading
Favorite animal: cat
Name: Jason
Family members:5
Hobbies: swimming
Favorite animal: dog
1.To know more about your favourite country.
2.Make a mind map of your e-friend.

《六上Unit6 E-friends Period 1》课时教学设计通用
基本信息 课题课时 Period 1 E-friends in other countries 授课类型 常态课
学校名称 授课教师

学习内容 分析 六年级上册第二模块以Relationships为核心话题, 本单元E-friends谈论网友的相关内容。学习Australia、Canada、the US, the UK国家的名称,分辨不同国家的国旗,并学习句型Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? Yes, I’d like to. / No, I wouldn’t.
学情现状 分析 六年级学生有一定的英语学习积累,能和同学们进行合作学习,能运用英语就不同的话题进行小组讨论并展示。但是,学生之间的英语水平差距较大,个别学生基础薄弱,部分学生口头表达能力较弱,需要积极引导。
重点难点 预设 1.核心词汇Australia, Canada, the UK, the US。 2. 准确运用句型“Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? What would you like to know about your e-friend?”来表述讨论的内容; 3、了解如何更详细地描述与e-friend之间讨论的事情。
学习目标 设定 1、准确了解e-friend 的定义; 2、掌握重点词汇的音形义:Australia, Canada, the US, the UK; 3、能学会在正确情境下运用句型“Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? What would you like to know about your e-friend?” 通过Listen and say 中的对话学习,帮助学生掌握句型“Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?”
教法学法 情景教学法;任务教学法;小组合作

教学环节 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
一 组织教学及复习 1.话题导入,请学生谈谈他们的朋友。 T:Do you have a friend? Who is he or she? Is he or she in our class? What does he or she like? 2. 引出e-friend。 T: You all have friends. Most of you make friends at school. Do you know other ways to make friends? T: The friends we make through the Internet like using e-mail or QQ, what can we call them? T: Yes, we call friends from network e-friends. 1.S:Yes, I do. He /She is… He /She likes… 2. S: We can make friends by QQ, Wechat, e-mail and so on. S:E-friends. 问题热身的同时导入e-firend
新知识的呈现与归纳 1.播放视频,出示问题。 T:1. Does Kitty have an e-friend? 2. Would she like to have an e-friend? 3. What would Kitty like to know about him or her? 2.教师出示练习。 T: Who is Jill’s e-friend? Who can be Kitty’s e-friend? Who is Joe’s e-friend? 1.回答问题。 S1:No, she doesn’t. S2: Yes, she’d like to. S3: She’d like to know about his or her family and hobbies. 2. 完成练习并用自己的语言转述。了解其他国家文化。 1.通过问题了解学生掌握文本情况,细化文本。 2.检验学生对文本的掌握情况。
新知识的巩固与活用 教师提出问题: They have e-friends in other countries. Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? What would you like to know about your e-friend ? 给出肯否回答的范例。 2.出示课文内容。 3.出示填空文段。 4.让学生在小组内进行角色扮演对话。 5.呈现Australia、the UK、the US国家的著名景点及动物图片,多维度介绍各国特点。 6.提出问题,引发讨论。 T:Where would you like to go? 7.呈现来自不同国家的人物信息。 1.学生小组讨论,操练句型,合作完成对话。 S1: Yes, I’d like to. I’d like to have one in… S2:I’d like to know about…
2.齐读课文。 3. 学生在该文段填入合适的词。 4.小组内角色扮演对话。 5.了解各国特点。 6.小组内讨论并对话,学生展示 。 7.学生根据图片和句式提示进行Pair work,通过小组形式讨论组织对话并展示。 1. 操练重点词汇,强化学习效果,培养小组合作和综合语用能力。 熟悉课文内容。 3. 检验学生对本节课所学内容 的掌握情况和语言表达能力。 4.通过学生进行角色扮演,不断输出语言。 5.拓展各国的信息,是学生开拓视野。 6.提出问题,开拓学生思维。 7.通过设置情境,活用句型,学以致用。
作业设计 To know more about your favourite country. Make a mind map of your e-friend.
板书设计 Unit 6 E-friends Australia Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? Canada Yes, I’d like to. the UK No, I wouldn’t. the US
活动小结 本节课通过问题热身导入,引出本课主题e-friends,介绍了核心词汇Australia, Canada, the UK, the US和核心句型Would you like to…? 通过问题了解学生掌握文本情况,细化文本。通过学生进行角色扮演,不断输出语言。通过设置情境,活用句型,学以致用。