《 Unit 7 Seeing a film 》课时教学设计
基本 信息 课题课时 Seeing a film 授课类型 新授课
学校名称 教学班级
时间地点 授课教师
学 习 内 容 分 析 本单元的内容是六年级上册的Module 3 Unit 7 Seeing a film, 本单元所在模块的主题是Out and about ,本单元的核心词汇是shall, police, exciting, boring, kill, asleep;核心句型是用Shall we…?对他人提出邀请或建议。基于教材内容和学生实际,本单元以Seeing a film为主题,教师努力做到在语用知识传授与整合式学习中发展语言能力、通过课堂提问设计促进思维品质发展。
学 情 现 状 分 析 本课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,他们通过小学五年的英语语言的学习和熏陶,无论是听说能力、还是单词与句型的积累,他们大部分都有较好的基础。因此教师在教学中安排了小组体验活动、故事情境创设等,给学生创造更多的机会进行口语表达,以提高运用英语交际的能力,最大程度地激发孩子们的知识储备和提供语言输出的机会。?
重 点 难 点 预 设 核心词汇是shall, princess, police, exciting, brave, boring, kill, asleep; 核心句型是用Shall we…?对他人提出邀请或建议
学 习 目 标 设 定 1. 要求学生掌握核心词汇; 2. 能初步运用本单元核心句型Shall we…? 3. 通过小组合作表演课本,培养学生的合作意识和综合语言运用能力,提高学生学习兴趣。?
媒 体 资 源 多媒体课件、教具等
方 式 方 法 1. 师生互动问答2.小组合作学习法 3.情景教学法 4.任务教学法
【 Step?1?Warm-up?&?Revision 】
1. Greetings?
2. Free?talk?
T:?What’s the weather like today?
How are you, today?
What would you like to do this weekend?
Enjoy?a?video?and?talk about the name of the film.
教师与学生亲切交谈,缓解师生之间的陌生感和紧张感,拉近师生距离。? 再通过观看视频的形式给孩子们直观感受电影的魅力,激发学生对电影的兴趣,更好地带入到之后的课文学习中,为新授做铺垫揭示课题Seeing a film。
【 Step?2?Presentation?&?Practice??】
通过观看视频短片Snow White,引出新授对话:
T: Shall we go and see a film this weekend?
S: Sure./ Certainly./My pleasure./I’m afraid not,...
T: What film Would you like to see?
S: I’d like to see....
T: What is it about?
S: It’s about...
T: How is the film?
S: It’s interesting./ exciting./funny./boring.
边呈现对话时边教新学的单词和句型:boring, exciting 和Shall we...
(1)What are they going to do this weekend?
(2)What film would Kitty like to see?
(3)) What does Kitty think of the film?
(4) What film would Peter like to see?
(5)Which film are they going to see?
创设情境,直接把学生带入对话中,引出boring, exciting, interesting和新授句型Shall we...
【 Step?3?Extension?】
Make a?dialogue in groups.
【 Step?4?Summary??&?Homework?】
Show the poster of My People, My Country, and introduce it to students. Tell them: China is becoming more and more powerful. We should love our country!
3. Homework.?
(1). Recite the dialogue on Student’s Book page 46.
(2). Act out the dialogue.
(3). Make four sentences that start with the key pattern “Shall we ...?”
(4). Finish Workbook pages 46 and 48.
1.学生在整个课堂活动中,表现得非常积极,每部电影的播放,都对其有很大的吸引用,对句型的Shall we ...? What ... would you like to ... ?基本能自如地回答;
2. 在新单词boring, exciting的学习也是掌握得很好,并且50%以上学生对拓展的词汇:interesting, romantic, cool, funny, warm, moving,也能运用来表达自己的观感;
3. 小组合作中学生能分配组员角色,把容易表达的句子,教师已经给出的句子给较弱的学生。
Seeing a film
Module 3 Out and about
Oxford English
Period 1
Shall we go and see a film this weekend?
invite(邀请) somebody in a very polite way
Shall we …?
My pleasure.
I’m sorry, ...
I’m afraid not.
Shall we …?
Shall we have a picnic this weekend?
Shall we …?
Shall we go to the beach together
this summer vacation?
Shall we …?
Shall we go and play football
together after class?
Shall we go to the supermarket together
this Saturday afternoon?
What are they going to do this weekend?
What film would Kitty like to see?
What does Kitty think of the film?
What film would Peter like to see?
Which film are they going to see?
Jill: Shall we go and see a film this weekend?
Kitty: Sure. I love films.
Peter: Me too. What would you like to see?
Kitty: I’d like to see Snow White. It’s a story about a beautiful
princess. She meets seven little friends in the forest. It’s an interesting film.
Peter: But I’d like to see Police Story. It’s an exciting film.
Kitty: What is it about?
Peter: It’s about a brave policeman. He catches bad people.
Jill: I’d also like to see Snow White. Shall we see Police Story next time, Peter?
Peter: OK. Let’s go and see Snow White on Sunday afternoon. We can see Police Story next Saturday or Sunday.
S1: Shall we go and see …?
S2: What is it about?
S1: It’s about …
S2: How is the film?
S1: It’s a/an … film.
S2:Ok. Shall we see it at…?
the Ugly Duckling
Harry Potter
How is the film?
Who wuold you like to
see it with?
When do you want to see it?
Which film would you like to see?
What is the film about?
The film I'd like to see
Seeing a film
Oxford English
S1: Shall we go and see …?
S2: What is it about?
S1: It’s about …
S2: How is the film?
S1: It’s a/an … film.
1. Recite the dialogue on Student’s Book page 46.
2. Act out the dialogue.
3. Make four sentences that start with the key pattern “Shall we ...?”
4. Finish Workbook pages 46 and 48.