选修六 Unit 17 Laughter (8)
高二年级 英语
Communication Workshop
By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to:
retell the life story of Hou Baolin;
use exaggeration to produce funny effects;
talk about yourself in an exaggerated way.
What do you know about xiangsheng, Chinese cross-talk?
Time of Origin:
Venues (场所):
“face and voice”, a form of comic dialogue;
Qing Dynasty (1644-1911);
one, two or more;
skillful play of words;
teahouses and theaters in Tianjin and Beijing.
Famous cross-talk performers
Hou Baolin (1917-1993):
comedian and stage actor, one of the most influential cross-talk performers;
language master and expert at combining Beijing Opera elements in his performances.
Activity 1—listening
Listen to a TV program and choose the correct answers.
Check the answers to the listening
1. b) he was born into a very poor family
2. a) started learning Beijing Opera
3. c) his brilliant performances made cross-talk unbelievably popular
4. a) bringing laughter to his audiences
5. b) were Hou Baolin’s students
Activity 2—note-taking and speaking
Listen to the interview for a second time, take notes and answer the following questions:
What was xiangsheng like before and after Hou Baolin?
What did Hou do to promote xiangsheng?
Activity 2—note-taking and speaking
1. What was xiangsheng like before and after Hou Baolin?
Before: a form of entertainment that played a very small role;
After: unbelievably popular and broke the tradition; great reputation and much glory.
Activity 2—note-taking and speaking
2. What did Hou do to promote xiangsheng?
Wrote and performed xiangsheng dialogues;
Trained the younger generation;
Art director and part-time professor.
Activity 3—retell Hou Baolin’s life story based on the following mind map
Hou: founder of xiangsheng
early life
contributions to xiangsheng
xiangsheng before and after Hou
creativity and performance
training of the younger generation
relationship with the audience
What Beijing Opera elements can you find in Hou’s performance?
Beijing opera
Four artistic methods: singing, dialogue (speaking), dancing and martial art (fighting);
Other components: costumes, facial painting and stage properties.
The elements in the video: singing, speaking and dancing.
What can we learn from Hou’s success in making xiangsheng popular again?
1. be creative and original;
2. have profound knowledge and life experiences;
3. have sincere love for his career and his audience.
Activity 1—listening
Listen to a conversation and fill in the blanks.
1. It’s freezing
2. an igloo in the Arctic
3. absolutely nothing
4. house was on fire
5. a million times
6. ages
7. everything there is to know
Check the answers to the listening
Exaggeration (n.): the?fact?of making something seem larger, more important, better or worse than it really is.
an igloo in the Arctic
How do we exaggerate in English?
1. Use words including numbers, nouns and adjectives:
2. Use figurative speech (修辞手法) including metaphors (暗喻) and similes (明喻):
call my name a million times; have tons of homework to do;
It’s colder in this room than an igloo in the Arctic;
He looked like/as if he’d seen a ghost!
You’ve made over 1400 films and you’ve gone to a total of 6 years of college.
Meryl Streep has been nominated (提名) for Oscar for a total of 18 times. It sounds good, but if you do the math, between the dresses, hair and makeup, that’s hundreds of thousands of dollars. Meryl could not afford to be nominated again.
Think about how numbers are used to exaggerate
Think about how metaphors and similes are used to exaggerate
lava (n.): 岩浆
sunbathe (v.i.): 晒日光浴
“Michael McIntyre’s Easter Night at the Coliseum”
1. You know the balloon fat.
2. British people, we sunbathe like we’ve been shot.
3. They don’t have an ounce of body fat. Perfect tans. They swim like dolphins. You don’t see even a splash when they enter the water. …British kid, we’ve got cream lava into our body.…You can see the fingerprints of our parents going in circular motions.
Activity 2—paraphrase the exaggerated sentences
He could see Tom’s plan from miles away.
The TV was so tiny that Tom had to use a magnifying glass.
I bet I can kick that can right over the moon!
Mr. Pearson clapped his loud hands together! That noise scared the daylights out of me.
1. He could see Tom’s plan from miles away.
He saw through Tom’s plan easily.
2. The TV was so tiny that Tom had to use a magnifying glass (放大镜).
The TV was too tiny for Tom to see clearly.
3. I bet I can kick that can right over the moon!
I bet I can kick that can very far.
4. Mr. Pearson clapped his loud hands together! That noise scared the daylights out of me.
I was terrified by Mr. Pearson’s loud clap.
Activity 3—imagine you are a famous person and make up things about yourself. Exaggerate!
sports star
film star
Three steps to produce exaggeration
Step 1: pick a noun;
Step 2: decide on an attribute (属性) that can be exaggerated;
Step 3: exaggerate the attribute you have chosen.
Exaggerate about yourself
Step 1: pick a noun—billionaire;
Step 2: decide on an attribute—wealthy;
Step 3: exaggerate “wealthy”.
Step 1: pick a noun—sports star;
Step 2: decide on an attribute—skillful;
Step 3: exaggerate “skillful”.
sports star
Exaggerate about yourself
Step 1: pick a noun—film star;
Step 2: decide on an attribute—popular;
Step 3: exaggerate “popular”.
film star
Exaggerate about yourself
Across the culture
What are the similarities and differences in exaggerations in Chinese and English?
Exaggerations using numbers
I used to walk to school 40 miles uphill—both ways.
I have fifty million hours of homework to do tonight.
Let’s stay together for infinity.
English: The last time I heard that joke, I was riding a dinosaur!
Chinese: 你这笑话都老掉牙了!
English: There's enough food in my house to feed an entire army.
Across the culture
Chinese: 我家的粮食都够吃一辈子了。
Exaggerations using figurative speech
English: I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
Chinese: 我都饿得前胸贴后背了!
Chinese: 我穷得叮当响了。
Across the culture
English: I’m as poor as a church mouse./ I don't have two cents to rub together.
Exaggerations using figurative speech
Hou Baolin’s inspiring life story and contributions;
Exaggerations for funny effects;
Numbers and figurative speech in exaggerations.
Describe a situation that left you a deep impression and share it with your classmates. Exaggerate!