Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Period 4 Reading for Writing (47张PPT)+教案


名称 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Period 4 Reading for Writing (47张PPT)+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-09-23 15:23:43



Unit 2 Period 4 Reading for Writing教学设计

课题 Period 4 Reading for Writing 单元 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 学科 English
教材分析 During this period, the class will focus on reading for thinking.Students are expected to get the skill to write a review.The teachers would inspire students to master the skill to share opinions about stories.
教学目标与核心素养 Learn and master the key words and phrases. Train the students’ ability to write a review. Enable the students know about how to share opinions. Encourage students to know more about moral stories.
重点 Master the usage of key words and phrases. Improve the students’ ability to write.
难点 Let students master how to write a review.

教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Daily routine
Step 1 Warm upTeacher greets the whole class as usual. Activate students and remind them to concentrate.
Step 2 Preview checkTeacher asks students the meaning of words, phrases and knowledge points learnt last lesson. Students answer the questions loudly together. Check the teaching situation of last lesson quickly.Help students consolidate the knowledge points.
Step 3 Video: The stone in the roadDo you like this story? Why?Do you want to know more about the details? After getting the information and the meaning of the new words, answer the questions. Use pictures to catch students’ attention. Expand their horizons and spark their interest.
Step 4 New wordsTeacher explains the meaning of the new words, and asks students to translate the meaning of the whole sentence.I found him in tears in his bedroom.tearful adj. Thankfully no one was harmed in the accident. damage or injuryharmful adj.He's the despair of his parents because he shows no interest in getting a job. feeling of hopelessness She struggled with all her might to get free. powermighty adj.He's under a great deal of stress.a large amount of Teach the meaning of new words.
Step 5 Let’s playTeacher choses students to answer the questions.In_________, the theatre director searched everywhere for a new lead actor. Did you notice the _________ in his eyes when he talked about Diane?Missing a meal once in a while won’t do you any_________.If you do something with all your _________, you do it using all your strength and energy. It made ________________ difference. keys:1. despair 2. tears 3. harm 4. might 5. a great deal of Familiarize the new wordsClear the tackle of next step.
Writing practice
Step 6 Let’s learnTeacher shows the questions and asks students to answer.Answer the questions.What was the king’s idea for teaching an important lesson to his people? What was the response from most of the people? What did the young girl think and do when she saw the coins?keys:He put a huge stone in the middle of a road, and watched to see if anyone would move it.Most of the people just got upset that the stone was in their way. She thought that the money belonged to someone else and that it should be returned.This story presented different people’s emotions and responses when they came across the same problem. Complete the table according to the story.Discuss the questions.What do you think this fable is trying to tell us? Do you think the king was wise? Why or why not? Can you think of times in your own life when you felt and acted like the girl or like the other people in the story? Give examples.keys: The moral of the story is that we should all take responsibility for our community. I don't think that the king was very wise, however, because no one learnt anything from his experiment. The milkman, the woman with her water pot, and the other villagers continued on their travels without having changed their attitudes at all. The king did find one responsible young girl, but she was already a responsible person before she encountered the stone in the road.There have been times when I have acted responsibly like the girl in the story. For example, I recently saw some children playing on a dangerous balcony, and so I warned them it was dangerous and had them go somewhere else to play. However, often I'm more like the milkman in the story because I'm very busy with my own work and worries. Do the practice. Familiarize students with analysis skills. Exercise students’ writing skills.
Step 7 Write a reviewThe main purpose of a review is to give your opinion about a piece of writing. You should first give a short description of the waiting, and then clearly state your opinion and your reasons.A review of a short story should include the following: IntroductionIn the introduction, you should include some basic facts about the story, including the title, the author and the story genre. You should also say something about your opinion of the story, along with your reasons for liking or disliking it.SummaryBriefly summarize the story. Discuss the setting, the main character(s) and the main events or problems that the characters experience. Do not give the ending away!Personal reflectionDiscuss what you like or dislike about the story. Give reasons to support your opinion. You may want to compare and contrast the story with other stories you have read by the same author or in the same genre. You can also compare the story to your own personal experience or a current event in the news.Critical analysisIn the critical analysis, some questions to explore are: What is the author’s purpose for writing the story? Is the author successful in achieving this purpose? What is the setting of the story? Is it appropriate to the genre? How well are the characters developed? Do they think, feel, speak and act in a believable way? How well is the plot structured? Is the action suspenseful enough? Are the events too predictable? What is the theme, or the central idea, of the story? Does the story have a ‘coda’, or a lesson? What is it? Does the story have a ‘twist’, or an unexpected ending? Does the author use any literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, or alliteration?ConclusionIn the conclusion, you should evaluate the story and either recommend it or not recommend it to others, depending on whether you think it is worthwhile reading. Before you begin writing the review, make sure you read the story closely and take good notes.Write a review of the fable. Use the outline below to help you.What is the title of the story? What kind of story is It? What is the mam idea of the story?What is the author’s purpose? Were the details of the story clear? Do you think the story achieved its purpose?What did you like about the story? What did you not like about the story? Would you recommend this story to others?Sample"The Stone in the Road" is an old fable about a king who thinks his people are lazy, so he puts a large stone in the middle of the road and hides and waits to see if anyone will try to move it. The author used this story to impress upon readers the need to take personal responsibility for problems in the community. The story was quite successful in achieving its purpose, and I liked it because it had a clear moral. However, while the moral of the story is clear, the actions of the king seemed pointless to me, because none of the characters in the story learnt anything. For this reason, I think there are better stories that can be used to impress upon people the need for personal responsibility. Students learn how to write. Get the tips of writing.Improve their fast-writing skill.
Step 8 Pair workExchange drafts with your partner!Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.Does the writer give a short description of the story? Does the description include the most important details of the story? Does the writer give his/her opinion about the characters or their actions? Is the review welt-organized? Does the writer use the -ing form as the adverbial in the review? Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors?Get your draft back and revise it. Use what they have learnt to check their partner’s writing. Practice their writing and analysis skills.Share their ideas and broaden their horizons. Practice their team work sprit.
Step 9 Language pointsTeacher explains the language points and makes some exercise.tear n. 眼泪;泪水in tears 流着泪;含着泪tear down 拆毁;拆卸tear oneself away 勉强使自己离开tear apart 扯开;把…弄乱tear up 撕毁What happened to her?I saw her________ in her eyes just now. A.in a tear B.in tear C.in tears D.in the tearskeys: CNo conclusion _______ about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until several discussions have been made. A.will be reached  B.is reached  C.is being reached  D.had been reachedkeys: Aharm n. & vt. 伤害;损害 harmful adj. 能造成损害的;有害的 come to harm 受到损害The harm the modern farming methods have done________ the countryside is considerable. [ ]A.on B.to C.at D.forkeys: Bhurt: 普通用词,较口语化,侧重指给有生命的东西造成机体上或精神、感情上的或轻或重的伤害。 injure: 较hurt正式,多用于有生命的事物。既可指伤害别人的事物。即可指伤害别人的健康、外貌、自尊心、名誉等,又可指使别人受伤或东西受损,同时含有受伤害部分至少暂时丧失功能的意味。 wound: 专指对身体的重伤,尤指在战斗中受的伤,强调外部创伤;也可指精神方面的伤害。 harm: 主要用于有生命的东西,语气略强于injure,指引起严重的痛苦和损伤;有时也用于抽象事物,指造成任何不良后果。用injury, harm, hurt和wound的正确形式填空1. Two football players were out of the team because of __________.2. It was a severe _____to her pride.3. The poor dog was licking(舔) its __________.4. The waste and poison may do great ________ to the things around us.keys: injuryhurtwoundharmdespair n. 绝望 vi. 绝望;感到无望in despair 处于绝望中despair of 对…绝望;失望Jim was so badly burnt that at first they began to ______ of his life. A. despair B. designate C. disappoint D. despisekey: AWith all his friends and money ________, he fell into great despair. A. had gone B. were gone C. gone D. goingkey: Ca great deal (of) 大量a great deal of + 不可数名词a great many of + 可数名词复数形式a great number of + 可数名词复数形式a large amount of + 不可数名词 ________ the houses were flooded after the rain. A. A great deal of B. A great many C. A great many of D. The number ofkey: C___ new products have been successfully made in the factory.A.A great deal of B.A number of C.The number of D.A great amount ofkey: B Help students know about the knowledge points deeper.Let students know how to use these words and phrases.
Step 10 ExerciseTeacher asks students to fill the gap together. Complete the passage using the correct form of the verbs.After ___________ that I was going to be my aunt’s bridesmaid, I felt so __________ that I didn’t sleep very well the night before her wedding day. Although I was tired, I didn’t mind __________ up early the next morning to go to my aunt’s house to get dressed up. I put on my blue dress and my aunt, of course, wore a white silk dress. When my aunt finally appeared at the back of the church, __________ a bunch of flowers, everybody looked at her with __________ smiles. After the wedding, I left the church __________ slowly behind my aunt and her husband. In the evening, we had a celebration party. Everybody was very happy, __________ and __________ until midnight.keys: hearingexcitedgettingholdingadmiringwalkingsingingdancing
Summary and Homework
Step 11 SummaryTeacher leads students to have a summary of this lesson.Language pointstear, harm, in despair, in tears, a great deal ofOthers:The stone in the road how to write a review Follow the teacher’s thinking flow and read the words and phrases loudly. Consolidate students’ knowledge. Form knowledge system.
Step 12 HomeworkPerfect your review. Take notes. Consolidate students’ knowledge and prepare for the following lesson.

板 书 Unit 2 Morals and VirtuesPeriod 4 Reading for WritingLanguage pointstear, harm, in despair, in tears, a great deal ofOthers:The stone in the road how to write a review

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Unit 2
Morals and Virtues

Period 4
Reading for Writing
人教版(2019) 必修三
The Stone in the Road
New words
I found him in tears in his bedroom.
He's under a great deal of stress.
tearful adj.
New words
Thankfully no one was harmed in the accident.
damage or injury
harmful adj.
New words
He's the despair of his parents because he shows no interest in getting a job.
feeling of hopelessness
New words
She struggled with all her might to get free.
mighty adj.
Let’s play
Let’s play
1. In _________, the theatre director searched everywhere for a new lead actor.
2. Did you notice the _________ in his eyes when he talked about Diane?
3. Missing a meal once in a while won’t do you any _________.
4. If you do something with all your _________, you do it using all your strength and energy.
5. It made ________________ difference.
a great deal of
Let’s learn
Read the fable and answer the questions.
What was the king’s idea for teaching an important lesson to his people?

What was the response from most of the people?

What did the young girl think and do when she saw the coins?
He put a huge stone in the middle of a road, and watched to see if anyone would move it.
Most of the people just got upset that the stone was in their way.
She thought that the money belonged to someone else and that it should be returned.

This story presented different people’s emotions and responses when they came across the same problem. Complete the table according to the story.
tripped over the stone
limped away in tears
complained about the stone
nobody made an attempt to move the stone
succeeded in moving the stone to the side of the street
wanted to find the owner of the gold
Person Experience Emotion Response
milkman crashed into the stone angry went away
woman with water
other villagers
young girl
What do you think this fable is trying to tell us? Do you think the king was wise? Why or why not?
2. Can you think of times in your own life when you felt and acted like the girl or like the other people in the story? Give examples.
What do you think this fable is trying to tell us? Do you think the king was wise? Why or why not?
The moral of the story is that we should all take responsibility for our community. I don't think that the king was very wise, however, because no one learnt anything from his experiment. The milkman, the woman with her water pot, and the other villagers continued on their travels without having changed their attitudes at all. The king did find one responsible young girl, but she was already a responsible person before she encountered the stone in the road.
2. Can you think of times in your own life when you felt and acted like the girl or like the other people in the story? Give examples.
There have been times when I have acted responsibly like the girl in the story. For example, I recently saw some children playing on a dangerous balcony, and so I warned them it was dangerous and had them go somewhere else to play. However, often I'm more like the milkman in the story because I'm very busy with my own work and worries.
The main purpose of a review is to give your opinion about a piece of writing.
You should first give a short description of the writing, and then clearly state your opinion and your reasons.
Write a review
A review of a short story should include the following:
Personal reflection
Critical analysis
In the introduction, you should include some basic facts about the story, including the title, the author and the story genre. You should also say something about your opinion of the story, along with your reasons for liking or disliking it.
1. Introduction
Briefly summarize the story. Discuss the setting, the main character(s) and the main events or problems that the characters experience. Do not give the ending away!
2. Summary
Discuss what you like or dislike about the story. Give reasons to support your opinion. You may want to compare and contrast the story with other stories you have read by the same author or in the same genre. You can also compare the story to your own personal experience or a current event in the news.
3. Personal reflection
In the critical analysis, some questions to explore are:
What is the author’s purpose for writing the story? Is the author successful in achieving this purpose?
What is the setting of the story? Is it appropriate to the genre?
How well are the characters developed? Do they think, feel, speak and act in a believable way?
How well is the plot structured? Is the action suspenseful enough? Are the events too predictable?
What is the theme, or the central idea, of the story?
Does the story have a ‘coda’, or a lesson? What is it?
Does the story have a ‘twist’, or an unexpected ending?
Does the author use any literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, or alliteration?
4. Critical analysis
In the conclusion, you should evaluate the story and either recommend it or not recommend it to others, depending on whether you think it is worthwhile reading.
Before you begin writing the review, make sure you read the story closely and take good notes.
5. Conclusion
Let’s write
Let’s write
The outline below may help you:
Paragraph 1:
Basic information about the story
What is the title of the story?
What kind of story is it?
What is the main idea of the story?
Let’s write
Paragraph 2:
Your analysis of the story
What is the author’s purpose?
Were the details of the story clear?
Do you think the story achieved its purpose?
Paragraph 3:
Your opinion about the story
What did you like about the story?
What did you not like about the story?
Would you recommend this story to others?
"The Stone in the Road" is an old fable about a king who thinks his people are lazy, so he puts a large stone in the middle of the road and hides and waits to see if anyone will try to move it.
The author used this story to impress upon readers the need to take personal responsibility for problems in the community. The story was quite successful in achieving its purpose, and I liked it because it had a clear moral.
However, while the moral of the story is clear, the actions of the king seemed pointless to me, because none of the characters in the story learnt anything. For this reason, I think there are better stories that can be used to impress upon people the need for personal responsibility.
Let’s check
Let’s check
Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.
Does the writer give a short description of the story?
Does the description include the most important details of the story?
Does the writer give his/her opinion about the characters or their actions?
Is the review welt-organized?
Does the writer use the -ing form as the adverbial in the review?
Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors?

tear n. 眼泪;泪水
Language points
in tears
tear down
tear oneself away
tear apart
tear up
What happened to her?I saw her________ in her eyes just now.
A.in a tear
B.in tear
C.in tears
D.in the tears
Language points
No conclusion _______ about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until several discussions have been made.
A.will be reached 
B.is reached 
C.is being reached 
D.had been reached
Language points
harm n. & vt. 伤害;损害
harmful adj. 能造成损害的;有害的
Language points
come to harm
The harm the modern farming methods have done ________ the countryside is considerable.
A.on B.to
C.at D.for
Language points
hurt: 普通用词,较口语化,侧重指给有生命的东西造成机体上或精神、感情上的或轻或重的伤害。
injure: 较hurt正式,多用于有生命的事物。既可指伤害别人的事物。即可指伤害别人的健康、外貌、自尊心、名誉等,又可指使别人受伤或东西受损,同时含有受伤害部分至少暂时丧失功能的意味。
wound: 专指对身体的重伤,尤指在战斗中受的伤,强调外部创伤;也可指精神方面的伤害。
harm: 主要用于有生命的东西,语气略强于injure,指引起严重的痛苦和损伤;有时也用于抽象事物,指造成任何不良后果。
Language points
1. Two football players were out of the team because of __________.
2. It was a severe _____ to her pride.
3. The poor dog was licking(舔) its __________.
4. The waste and poison may do great ________ to the things around us.
Language points
用injury, harm, hurt和wound的正确形式填空
despair n. 绝望
vi. 绝望;感到无望
Language points
in despair
despair of
Jim was so badly burnt that at first they began to ______ of his life.
A. despair B. designate
C. disappoint D. despise
Language points
With all his friends and money ________, he fell into great despair.
A. had gone B. were gone
C. gone D. going
Language points
4. a great deal (of) 大量
Language points
+ 不可数名词
a great deal of
a great many
a great number of
a large amount of
+ 可数名词复数形式
+ 可数名词复数形式
+ 不可数名词
________ the houses were flooded after the rain.
A. A great deal of
B. A great many
C. A great many of
D. The number of
Language points
_______ new products have been successfully made in the factory.
A.A great deal of B.A number of
C.The number of D.A great amount of
Language points
After ___________ that I was going to be my aunt’s bridesmaid, I felt so __________ that I didn’t sleep very well the night before her wedding day. Although I was tired, I didn’t mind __________ up early the next morning to go to my aunt’s house to get dressed up. I put on my blue dress and my aunt, of course, wore a white silk dress.
Complete the passage using the correct form of the verbs.
hold get walk hear
sing excite dance admire
When my aunt finally appeared at the back of the church, __________ a bunch of flowers, everybody looked at her with __________ smiles. After the wedding, I left the church __________ slowly behind my aunt and her husband. In the evening, we had a celebration party. Everybody was very happy, __________ and __________ until midnight.
hold get walk hear
sing excite dance admire
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