Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Period 2 Reading and Thinking (55张PPT)+教案


名称 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Period 2 Reading and Thinking (55张PPT)+教案
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文件大小 19.5MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-09-23 15:23:43



Unit 2 Period 2 Reading and Thinking教学设计

课题 Period 2 Reading and Thinking 单元 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 学科 English
教材分析 During this period, the class will focus on reading and thinking.Students are expected to get insight into life choices.The teachers would inspire students to draw conclusions.
教学目标与核心素养 Learn and master the key words and phrases. Train the students’ ability to draw conclusions. Enable the students know about how to make life choices. Encourage students to learn more about a famous doctor.
重点 Master the usage of key words and phrases. Improve the students’ ability to make conclusions. Enable the students to understand the moral decisions.
难点 The understanding of difficult sentences. Make the students draw conclusions.

教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Daily routine
Step 1 Warm upTeacher greets the whole class as usual. Activate students and remind them to concentrate.
Step 2 Preview checkTeacher asks students the meaning of words and phrases learnt last lesson. Students answer the questions loudly together. Check the teaching situation of last lesson quickly.Help students consolidate the knowledge points.
Step 3 VideoTeacher presents a video of a trailer.Do you know which movie trailer this is? Can you guess what the story is about? After acknowledging the information and the meaning of the new words, answer the questions. Use video to catch students’ attention. Expand their horizons and spark their interest.
Step 4 New wordsTeacher explains the meaning of the new words, and asks students to translate the meaning of the whole sentence.She decides to use charts and diagrams to illustrate. =demonstrate The museum is full of rare and precious treasures. =valuablemarriagetuition feesscholarshipstaffkindergartenresident physicianclinicHis opinion represents that of the majority. minority He complained that his boss was useless and he had too much work. complaint n.How much would it cost to hire a car for the weekend? give somebody workpay for use of somethingIf that is not what you want, reject them completely. =refuse rejection n.Seeing that you have no time I have Peter replace you. replacement n. Teach the meaning of new words.
Step 5 Let’s playTeacher choses students to answer the questions.The boy who won the _________ was a quite outstanding student. When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of _________. He _______ his lecture with stories of his own experiences in the field.The __________ of the employees have university degrees It will take a long time to repair a broken ________. This letter is really _______ to me because it's the last one that Pete ever wrote. Workers _________ about the conditions in which they are forced to work. I was _______ by the first company I applied tokeys: 1. scholarship 2. kindergarten 3. illustrated 4. majority 5. marriage 6. precious 7. complain 8. hired Familiarize the new wordsClear the tackle of the next step.
Step 6 Pair workTeacher encourages students to use the key words and phrases learnt to discuss with their partner about the following topics:Think about this question and share your ideas with your partner: What are some important life choices?Important choices a person can make in life include decisions on university study, jobs, and marriage partners. These choices are important because they determine our future. From a wider perspective, however, the most important choices include moral decisions—how we live our lives and treat others. Such choices may not necessarily change our life paths, but they will determine how we are remembered by others, the degree of respect and love we earn, and our own ability to have clean consciences and live with ourselves. Discuss with their patterner and voice their opinions. Familiarize students with key words. Make students use core words and phrases. Exercise student’s expression and speaking skills.
Step 7 Reading PracticeAnswer the following questions.What hard choices was Dr Lin faced with throughout her life? Underline the sentences about these choices. What were the results of her choices? What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning Dr Lin's life choices?Keys:Underlined sentences: At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine; Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer; Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic; She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors.She did not get married; she did not stay in the US; she opened a private clinic; she spent her time tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors rather than government work.The author wants to illustrate what it means to live a selfless life, caring for others.Read the text again and answer the questions. Use the facts and details from the text to support your conclusions.What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life?What kind of person do you think Dr Lin was?Keys:The principle was to deny herself, and put others first.Lin appeared to have been a very kind woman who was passionate about helping others.Complete the following sentences using suitable verbs from the text. Be sure to use the correct forms.Many studies have shown that shy, passive children tend to be socially ____________ by their classmates. She was so scared during the interview that she completely forgot how she should ____________ to the questions. Many Americans ____________ about the sharp increase in the cost of health care and health insurance recently. One of the advantages of ____________ energetic and positive young people is that they ____________ to show interest in their work and they are eager to learn.The student union will hold a special meeting in January to ____________ someone to replace the secretary.keys:rejectedrespondcomplainedhiring; tendelect Follow the teachers thinking flow and learn some basic knowledge.after reading finish the task and volunteer to voice their answer Learn the basics of the text. Exercise students’ skimming skill. Develop students’ team spirit. Help students better understand the details in this passage.
Step 8 Draw conclusionsAs you read, pay attention to facts and details mentioned by the author, and put them together to draw conclusions about the topic. Discussion:What is illustrated by my choices in life? What is the main principle guiding me in my choices in life? Under what principle should I live by in making choices in my life? How will that change my life? Discuss with their patterner and then share their ideas. Voice their opinions.Practice their team spirit.Practice their thinking skill and imagination.Practice their speaking and listening.
Step 9 Difficult sentencesTeacher explains the difficult sentences.To a person nothing is more precious than their life, …These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.nothing is + (形容词)比较级 + than … 没有什么比…更加…句中their相当于his or her。 在现代英语中,人们对诸如person、somebody、anyone这类性别不明的指代,除了宽泛地使用he or she、him or her外,更多时候会结合语境选用复数概念进行指代,即使用they/them/their。carry sb. through 为短语动词,表示 “帮助或使得某人勇闯难关、战胜病魔等” 。To me, nothing can be __________________(important) than a healthy body. In my eyes, nothing is _________ (good) than your presence. Let’s keep our voices low – someone is taking _______ (one’s) naps in the classroom. If anyone finds my glasses, could ______ let me know?My confidence, together with the skills you taught me, __________________(帮助我通过) the exams.keys: more importantbetter theirtheycarried me through Listen to the key knowledge points carefully and take exercise. Know about the knowledge points deeper.Let students know how to use these words and phrases.
Step 10 Language pointsTeacher explains the language points and make some exercise.1.illustrate vt. (举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图illustrate with 用…来说明;给…加(插图)The teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to ___ the point. A.illustrate B.suggest C. express D.recognize keys: AHe pointed at the ______ to illustrate his point. [ ] A. diagram B. kilogram C. dialogue D. techniquekey: A2. complain vi. & vt. 抱怨;发牢骚 complain about 抱怨,投诉complain of 抱怨,诉苦complain to 向…抱怨Don’t complain ________ your teachers________ doing too much homework, because they want you to be the best.A.to; to B.to; about C.about; to D.about; aboutkeys: BDon’t complain ________ your neighbors. You’d better get on well with them. A. with B. to C. at D. aboutkey: Drespond vt. 回答;回复vi. 做出反应;回应response n. 反应;回答;回复respond by 以…方式反应respond to 对…作出反应;顺从;相应respond with 回复Don’t respond to any e-mails ______personal information, no matter ______ official they are.A.requested, how B.requesting, how C.requesting, what D.requested, whatkeys: B The police ___________ emergencies in just a few minutes.?[ ] A. respondedB. response?C. respond toD. response to ?key: Celection n. 选举;推选;当选elect vt. 选举;推选election campaign 竞选运动;选举活动election committee 选举委员会election day 选举日popular election 普选He finally won the general election because many of his promises were quite popular _____ the voters.A.for B.in C.to D.with key: D President Obama won the 2012 election over Romney and is once more in _______ of the White House A. return B. search C. relief D. powerkey: D5.series n. 一系列;连续;接连series of 一系列或一连串(事件)in series 连续地;按顺序排列;串联in series with 与…相连;与…串联The TV series is________. I"ve never seen a better one before. [ ] A. thought little of B. thought highly of C. thought little D. thought highlykeys:B-I don’t think your uncle really likes drama series. -No, _________ he still watches the program. [ ] A. and B. so C. or D. butkeys: D6.tend vt. 照顾;照料 vi. 倾向;趋于tend to do sth. 易于做某事;往往会发生某事____ children tend to prefer sweets to meat.A.The most B.Most C.Most of D.The most of the keys: B7.retire vi. & vt. 退休;退职;退出retirement n. 退休;退职;退役retire from 从…退休 retirement age 退休年龄I want to retire ______. [ ] A. somewhere beautiful B. beautiful somewhere C. anywhere beautiful D. beautiful anywhere. keys: A He had to retire early _______ poor health.[ ] A. as a result B. because C. so D. because of keys: D8.insurance n. 保险;保险业insure vt. 确保,保证vi. 确保;投保accident insurance 意外保险;事故保险all risk insurance 统保health insurance 健康保险 energetic adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的energy n. 精力;能量;活力 John is a(n)_______ boy.Whenever I see him, he is working. A. cautious B. energetic C. familiar D. outgoingkey: B
Step 11 ExerciseTeacher asks students to fill the gap together.The survey says that the __________ of citizens are satisfied with the government's efforts to reduce smog. When he came out of his office, it was already midnight and __________ of the restaurants were closed. This picture __________ how water can be reused and recycled. Can you __________ what your hometown was like when you were young? You might not believe this, but even some famous authors' books were __________ many times before being accepted and published. He offered her more coffee, but she _________ politely.keys:majoritymostillustratesdescribe rejectedrefused Do these exercises. Check the situation that students have learnt.Make students familiarize these key words and phrases.
Summary and Homework
Step 12 SummaryTeacher leads students to have a summary of this lesson.Knowledge points:illustrate, precious, marriage, majority, complain, fee, respond, response, scholarship, hire, physician, reject, clinic, election, decade, elsewhere, tend, publish, staff, retire, saving, kindergarten, principle, passive, scare, sharp, insurance, energetic, replace, carry sb through sth, tuition fees, resident physician, tend to do sthOthers:Make choices in life Draw conclusions Follow the teacher’s thinking flow and read the words and phrases loudly. Consolidate students’ knowledge. Form knowledge system.
Step 13 HomeworkWrite a story about “An important choice in my life” Take notes. Consolidate students’ knowledge and prepare for the following lesson.

板 书 Unit 2 Morals and VirtuesPeriod 2 Reading and ThinkingKnowledge points:illustrate, precious, marriage, majority, complain, fee, respond, response, scholarship, hire, physician, reject, clinic, election, decade, elsewhere, tend, publish, staff, retire, saving, kindergarten, principle, passive, scare, sharp, insurance, energetic, replace, carry sb through sth, tuition fees, resident physician, tend to do sthOthers:Make choices in life Draw conclusions Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.—— John C. Maxwell

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Unit 2
Morals and Virtues

Period 2
Reading and Thinking
人教版(2019) 必修三
Don’t be fooled by what you don’t know.
Don’t be afraid of where you want to go.
Cause there is a voice inside telling you what is right.
New words
New words
tuition fees
New words
resident physician
New words
New words
The museum is full of rare and precious treasures .
She decides to use charts and diagrams to illustrate.
New words
He complained that his boss was useless and he had too much work.
His opinion represents that of the majority.
complaint n.
New words
How much would it cost to hire a car for the weekend?
give somebody work
pay for use of something
New words
If that is not what you want, reject them completely.
Seeing that you have no time I have Peter replace you.
rejection n.
replacement n.
Let’s play
Let’s play
1. The boy who won the _________ was a quite outstanding student.
2. When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of _____________.
3. He ___________ his lecture with stories of his own experiences in the field.
4. The __________ of the employees have university degrees
Let’s play
5. It will take a long time to repair a broken ________.
6. This letter is really _______ to me because it's the last one that Pete ever wrote.
7. Workers _________ about the conditions in which they are forced to work.
8. I was _______ by the first company I applied to
Pair work
Important choices
Important choices a person can make in life include decisions on university study, jobs, and marriage partners. These choices are important because they determine our future.
From a wider perspective, however, the most important choices include moral decisions—how we live our lives and treat others. Such choices may not necessarily change our life paths, but they will determine how we are remembered by others, the degree of respect and love we earn, and our own ability to have clean consciences and live with ourselves.
1. What hard choices was Dr Lin faced with throughout her life? Underline the sentences about these choices.
2. What were the results of her choices?
3. What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning Dr Lin's life choices?
Read the scene and answer the questions.
Reading task
What hard choices was Dr Lin faced with throughout her life? Underline the sentences about these choices.

Underlined sentences:
At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine; Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer; Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic; She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors.
Reading task
2. What were the results of her choices?
She did not get married;
she did not stay in the US;
she opened a private clinic;
she spent her time tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors rather than government work.
Reading task
3. What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning Dr Lin's life choices?
The author wants to illustrate what it means to live a selfless life, caring for others.
Reading task
After reading
Complete the following sentences using suitable verbs from the text. Be sure to use the correct forms.
1. Many studies have shown that shy, passive children tend to be socially ____________ by their classmates.
2. She was so scared during the interview that she completely forgot how she should ____________ to the questions.
3. Many Americans ____________ about the sharp increase in the cost of health care and health insurance recently.

After reading
4. One of the advantages of ____________ energetic and positive young people is that they ____________ to show interest in their work and they are eager to learn.
5. The student union will hold a special meeting in January to ____________ someone to replace the secretary.

Draw conclusions
As you read, pay attention to facts and details mentioned by the author, and put them together to draw conclusions about the topic.
What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life?
What kind of person do you think Dr Lin was?
Answer the questions. Use the facts and details from the text to support your conclusions.
After reading
What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life?

What kind of person do you think Dr Lin was?

The principle was to deny herself, and put others first.
Lin appeared to have been a very kind woman who was passionate about helping others.
What is illustrated by my choices in life?
What is the main principle guiding me in my choices in life?
Under what principle should I live by in making choices in my life? How will that change my life?
Difficult Sentences
To a person nothing is more precious than their life, …
Language points
句中their相当于his or her。
在现代英语中,人们对诸如person、somebody、anyone这类性别不明的指代,除了宽泛地使用he or she、him or her外,更多时候会结合语境选用复数概念进行指代,即使用they/them/their。
These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.
carry sb. through 为短语动词,表示“帮助或使得某人勇闯难关、战胜病魔等”。
Language points
To me, nothing can be __________________(important) than a healthy body.
In my eyes, nothing is _________ (good) than your presence.
Let’s keep our voices low – someone is taking _______ (one’s) naps in the classroom.
If anyone finds my glasses, could ______ let me know?
My confidence, together with the skills you taught me, __________________(帮助我通过) the exams.
more important
Language points
carried me through
illustrate vt. (举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图
Language points
illustrate with
The teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to ___ the point.
A.illustrate B.suggest C. express D.recognize
Language points
He pointed at the ______ to illustrate his point.
A. diagram B. kilogram
C. dialogue D. technique
2. complain vi. & vt. 抱怨;发牢骚
complain about
complain of
complain to
Language points
Don’t complain ________ your teachers________ doing too much homework, because they want you to be the best.
[ ]
A.to; to B.to; about C.about; to D.about; about
Language points
Don’t complain ________ your neighbors. You’d better get on well with them.
A. with B. to
C. at D. about
3. respond vt. 回答;回复
vi. 做出反应;回应
response n. 反应;回答;回复
respond by
respond to
respond with
Language points
Don’t respond to any e-mails ______personal information, no matter ______ official they are.
[ ]
A.requested, how
B.requesting, how
C.requesting, what
D.requested, what
Language points
The police ___________ emergencies in just a few minutes.?
A. responded
B. response?
C. respond to
D. response to
Language points
4. election n. 选举;推选;当选
elect vt. 选举;推选
election campaign
election committee
election day
popular election
Language points
He finally won the general election because many of his promises were quite popular _____ the voters.
A.for B.in C.to D.with
Language points
President Obama won the 2012 election over Romney and is once more in _______ of the White House
A. return B. search
C. relief D. power
5.series n. 一系列;连续;接连
series of
in series
in series with
Language points
The TV series is________. I've never seen a better one before.
A. thought little of
B. thought highly of
C. thought little
D. thought highly
Language points
-I don’t think your uncle really likes drama series.
-No, _________ he still watches the program.
A. and
B. so
C. or
D. but
Language points
6.tend vt. 照顾;照料 vi. 倾向;趋于
tend to do sth.
____ children tend to prefer sweets to meat.
A.The most B.Most
C.Most of D.The most of the
Language points
7. retire vi. & vt. 退休;退职;退出
retirement n. 退休;退职;退役
retire from
retirement age
Language points
I want to retire ______.
A. somewhere beautiful B. beautiful somewhere
C. anywhere beautiful D. beautiful anywhere.
Language points
He had to retire early _______ poor health.
A. as a result B. because
C. so D. because of
8. insurance n. 保险;保险业
insure vt. 确保,保证
vi. 确保;投保
accident insurance
all risk insurance
health insurance
Language points
energetic adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的
energy n. 精力;能量;活力
John is a(n)_______ boy.Whenever I see him, he is working.
A. cautious B. energetic
C. familiar D. outgoing
Language points
The survey says that the __________ of citizens are satisfied with the government's efforts to reduce smog.
When he came out of his office, it was already midnight and __________ of the restaurants were closed.
illustrate most refuse
describe majority reject
This picture __________ how water can be reused and recycled.
Can you __________ what your hometown was like when you were young?
illustrate most refuse
describe majority reject
5. You might not believe this, but even some famous authors' books were __________ many times before being accepted and published.
6. He offered her more coffee, but she _________ politely.
illustrate most refuse
describe majority reject
Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.

—— John C. Maxwell
Write a story about
“An important choice in my life”
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