Women’s Volleyball Team
National Basketball Team
Hockey Team
Weight-lifting Team
Table Tennis Team
National Football Team
National Badminton Team
Gymnastics Team
National Diving Team
Think about it!
Which is the dream team of China ?
Diving team
Chinese Diving Dream Team
Won many gold medals in diving since 1984.
At 2000 Olympics won five of the eight diving
The most victories.
Other countries want to catch up with China.
Canada and US want Chinese diving coaches.
Lesson 35 The Dream Team
Learning Objectives
listen for specific information.
form the spirit of teamwork.
By the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
express your own views about ‘How to make your team become a dream team?’ with the expressions in this lesson.
read for gist and specific information.
Listen and match other countries’ dream teams
basketball team
ice hockey team
soccer team
volleyball team
What is a dream team?
A dream team is considered to be the greatest team in its field.
At the 1992 Olympics, the U.S. basketball team defeated all the other teams and won the gold medal. People called them the Dream Team. They had a great influence on people everywhere --- not just in the Olympics Games. A dream team is considered to be the greatest team in its field. There are many dream teams in the world of sports. Canada’s dream team plays on ice---it’s the country’s ice hockey team. For Brazil, it might be the men’s volleyball or soccer team.
Skim the first paragraph:
At the 1992 Olympics, the U.S. basketball team defeated all the other teams and won the gold medal. People called them the Dream Team. They had a great influence on people everywhere --- not just in the Olympics Games. A dream team is considered to be the greatest team in its field. There are many dream teams in the world of sports. Canada’s dream team plays on ice---it’s the country’s ice hockey team. For Brazil, it might be the men’s volleyball or soccer team.
What is the most important part of a dream team?
Scan the text and answer questions.
1.Why do people call basketball team the dream team?
2.What does a dream team have ?
3.How can the players perform better?
1. Why do people call them the dream team?
Because at the 1992 Olympics, the U.S. basketball team defeated all the other teams and won the gold medal.(Para.1 Line 1)
2.What does a dream team have ?
A dream team has not only the best players and the best coach , but also the best team spirit.(Para.3 Line 1)
3.How can the players perform better?
By working together, and they never give up.
(Para.3 Line 3)
winning gold medals
the best players
the best coach
the best team spirit
What is the most important part of a dream team?
By working together, and they never give up.
The best team spirit
That’s what makes a dream team!
Our class is just like a big team.
Dream Class 5
‘What are the important parts to make
your class become a dream team?’
Dream Class 5
Group Work - Design a poster of your group
‘How to make your group become a dream team?’
Design your team motto, logo, or song, etc.
Set your team goals.
Make your team rules or regulations.
Define the responsibility of each member.
Working together!
Let’s make our class the best!
Dream Class 5
Design a poster about your class to show you’re a big dream team.