Module 2 Unit 4 Our neighbours Period 1 Getting to know our neighbours 课件(51张PPT)+教案(含评价与反思)


名称 Module 2 Unit 4 Our neighbours Period 1 Getting to know our neighbours 课件(51张PPT)+教案(含评价与反思)
格式 zip
文件大小 8.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-05-24 09:27:10


Unit4《 Our neighbour 》课时教学设计
基本 信息 课题课时 Unit4《 Our neighbour 》第1课时 授课类型 对话课
学校名称 教学班级
时间地点 授课教师
学 习 内 容 分 析 本单元是Module2 Relationships中的Unit4 Our neighbours,运用新旧知识结合过去时句型Did you play with Sam last weekend?等引导学生在交流中向他人介绍和描述自己的邻居。根据单元内容,设计单元教学安排如下: 第一课时: Getting to know our neighbours. ( Listen and say, look and learn) 第二课时:A noisy neighbour. ( Read a story) 第三课时: Different neighbours. ( Think and write, learn the sounds) 根据第一课时look and learn, listen and say, do a quiz课本内容,整合设计了以下第一课时教学内容: 1、搬入新居Move to new neighbourhood 2、认识邻居Know our neighbours 3、邻里相处Relationship with our neighbours 小区安全 Keep Safety in neighbourhood
学 情 现 状 分 析 六年级英语在小学英语教学中起着承上启下的作用,既是五年级的衍生又是初中一年级的铺垫。除了学习新知识外,还要梳理旧知,总结和巩固小学阶段的学习。
重 点 难 点 预 设 1、描述自己和邻居相处的情况。Did you….? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. 2、含行为动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句及其回答。在句型Did you…?中动词用原形。
学 习 目 标 设 定 1、语言能力。 (1)、掌握look and learn单词:neighbours, son, daughter (2)、通过listen and say关于邻居情况的对话,帮助学生掌握过去时的一般疑问句及其回答。Did you…? (3)、能介绍邻居基本情况。 学习能力。扩大学生语言输入,能小组合作去体验、分享、交流。 思维品质。调动学生的学习与探究欲望,丰富学生的情感、积极体验态度。 4、文化品质。 通过学习,学生的情感意识得到了很好的培养,学生们懂得了邻里之间要互相关心、互相照顾、互相帮助,垃圾分类,不高空抛物,遛狗要牵绳子等。
媒 体 资 源 PPT、歌曲、实物。
方 式 方 法 一、体验式教学法: 1、以活动为主导。 2、行动性理念。 3、主体性理念。 4、操作性理念。 5、运用性理念。 二、基本式体验式教学法步骤: 体验Experience 分享Share 交流Process 整合Generalize 应用Apply
教 学 结 构 流 程 教学结构流程: 一、搬入新居Move to new neighbourhood 歌曲视频创设情境。 二、认识邻居Know our neighbours Go and visit your neighbours. Introduce your neighbours. 邻里相处Relationship with our neighbours Listen and do. Chants. Guessing game. Neighbours Day 小区安全 Keep Safety in neighbourhood 总结Summary. 作业Homework.
Class begins.
Good morning, boys and girls.
Good morning, Miss Sabrina.
Move to a new neighbourhood.
Let’s watch a video. If you can follow, let’s sing together.
Today we’re going to talk about unit4 Our neighbours.(板书)
No---n Eight----eigh b our n+eigh+bour+s
A neighbor is a person who lives nearby our house or apartment that is next door.
2、Now We all move to a new neighbourhood.
What’s the name of the neighbourhood. It is Luofang Garden. (板书)
We will have a lot of neighbours here.
1.歌曲视频即是引入,又刚好学习强调了单词neighbour, neighbourhood, house, flat, vila.
3. What do you want to know about your neighbours? 黑板上画思维导图
Who are your neighbours? (Who)
Where are they from? (Where)
What do they do? (Job)
How old are they? ( age)
What do they look like? ( appearance)
Do they have children? (children)
Do they have pets? (pets)
Do they live with parents? (parents)
Know our neighbours 认识邻居
1、Visit our neighbours. 拜访邻居。
If you want to know your new neighbours.
We should go and visit them.
How to visit our neighbours?
Take out the paper. Let’s see.
Step1 Bring your gift, knock at the door. Tell your name and Say Hello.
Step2. Talk about appearance
Step3. Ask where are they from?
Then ask them age, job, hobbies, favourite food, wife, husband, children, parents and pets.
2. Now, Everybody takes paper. 1(每人发一张)
Go and visit your neighbours. Please be polite, take your small gift.
Step1: Bring your gift, knock at the door. Say Hello.
Hello! My name’s Paul. I’m your new neighbour. What’s your name?
My name’s Tim.
A gift for you. Nice to meet you.
Thank you. Nice to meet you, too.
Step2: Talk about appearacne外表。 (双方看到外表)
You look tall and handsome.
Thank you. You are beautiful and nice.
Where are you from? I’m from the UK. What about you?
I’m from the US.
How old are you? I’m ten years old. And you?
I’m 40 years old.
What do you do? I’m a student. What do you do?
I’m a teacher.
What do you teach? I teach Maths.
Step6: Hobbies兴趣爱好。
What do you like doing?
Step7: Couples夫妻。
Do you have a wife/husband?
What does she/he do?
Step8: Children孩子。
Do you have children?
Yes, I have a son. Yes, I have a son and a duaguther. No, I don’t have.
Step9: Parents父母。
Do you live with your parents?
Yes, I do. No, they live in the countryside.
Do you have pets?
Yes, I have a dog. No, I don’t like pets.
2. Ss go and visit, ask and answer. (目标去获取信息)
Listen to me,
Group2 visit group1.
Group4 visit group3,
Group6 visit group5,
Group 8 visit group7.
3、Introduce your neighbours.
Time’s up. It’s time to introduce your neighbours.
Please Group1and 3, stand in two circle.
Group2 and 4, stand in two circle.
Group5 and 7, stand in two circle.
Group6 and 8, stand in two circle.
Ok, listen to music, outside circle walk. When music stop, then stop and talk to your partner about your neighbours.你对面的那位。
Who are your neighbours? Do you know them? Please introduce to your partner.
4. Now open your English book at Page24.
Listen and answer my question.
Who is Peter’s neighbor?
Where are they from?
What does Mr Green do?
What does Mrs Green do?
Do they have children?
Who are they?
Peter sometimes meet The Greens in the morning.
What about you?
What do you do with your neighbours?
四、Relationship with your neighbours.邻里相处
1. 带读PPT, Let’s read together:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never.
2. Look at the pictures. Everybody, stand up, I read, you do actions.
I always say hello to my neighbours.
I usually play football with my neighbours.
I often climb the mountain with my neighbours.
I sometimes go to the park with my neighbours.
I seldom watch TV with my neighbours.
I never drink coffee with my neighbours.
2、过去式练习 Here are some regular and irregular verbs of past Tense. let’s chant together.
1 is-was-was 2 Play-played-played 3 do—did-did 4 Can-could-could
5 watch-watched-watched 6are-were-were 7 take-took-took
8have-had-had 9 drink-drank-drank 10 eat-ate-ate
11 go-went-went 12 buy-bought-bought 13 dig-dug-dug
14 visit-visited-visited15 read-read-read 16 see-saw-saw
17 swim-swam-swam 18 write-wrote-wrote 19 make-made-made
20 ride-rode-rode
3、 Did。。过去时疑问句型练习。。
(1) Let’s play a guessing game. (PPT)
What did he do? Did he…?
4. Guessing in your groups.
5. Open your books at P24. Let’s listen .

Did Peter see The Greens this morning?
What did Peter do with Mike and Nancy last weekend?
Did Alice play with Sam last weekend?
4、 邻居节活动。
Today is a neighbor day. We’are going to have some activities.
Let’s see, what activities do we have? Neighbor Miss Chen….
Group1: Share food. 邻里百家宴
Group2: Sing Karaoke. 邻里卡拉OK
Group3: watch movies 看电影。
Group4: Do sports. 一起运动。
Group5: play games. 玩游戏。
Group6: Help neighbours. 帮助邻居.
Group1:准备真实食物或一些食物的照片。( apples, chocolate, candy, cola, eggs, oranges, vegetables, chicken, meat, biscuits, milk, bread, noodles, rice, sandwich, hot dog, cookies, pie, pizza, cake, fish, tea, coffee, fruit, fish and chips, corn, soda, orange juice, water, soda, lemonade, milk shake, milk tea)
Group2: Sing Karioke. 邻里卡拉OK大家唱。话筒2,3个。 准备一些英文歌名。 Group3: watch movies 看电影。准备电影海报,一些电影名。
Group4: Do sports. 一起运动。羽毛球,篮球,跳绳,乒乓球拍,高尔夫球,网球, 跑步,排球,准备道具。
Group5: play games. 玩游戏。准备游戏类
Play chessed, played the piano, play the violin, played the guitar, play Guzheng,
Play games. Watched TV.
Grou6: Help neighbours. 帮助邻居.
准备纸张内容。打扫卫生。修理物品。洗衣服,梳头发, 提重物,。。。
(2) now go and enjoy your neighbour day.
(3) Ask and answer.
What did you do on neighbour day? Please write down.
I ate an apple. It was yummy.
I watched a film. Zezha is a young hero. People fear and hate him.
I played golf. It was tiring but wonderful.
(4) T asks students. How was your Neighbour Day?
(4) Share and talk.
1&4, 2&3, 5&8, 6&7.
五、邻里安全提示。 Neighbourhood Safty Tips
1. Let’s watch Video 1. 空抛物。视频边播放边暂停。
What did he do? He threw a water bottle.
So Neighbourhood Safty tip 1: Don’t throw from a height.
2、跳舞音乐太响。Turn down the music.
3、扔垃圾在地上。Don’t throw rubbish on the floor. / Don’t litter.
4、狗不牵绳子,乱跑。A dog needs a rope.
5、按门铃。Don’t open the door easily.
6、小心用电和煤气. Be careful of electricity and gas.

So do you like our Luofang Garden?
Harmony makes a neighbour. 和睦能结邻家。
Helpful people
Friendly people
Nice people
Kind people

七. Homework
1. Listen and read P24.
2. Draw and introduce your neighbours.
(1) Basic information about your neighbours.
Who, Where, appearance, age, job, hobbies, children, parents, pets, eating habbits….
(2)Things you do with neighbours.
always /usually/often/sometimes/seldom/never
(3)Things you did.
2、行动性理念。 使每一位学生能够集中精力自觉自愿的主动参与到各个具体的活动中来,人人动手做,人人动脑想,人人动嘴说,调动多种感官共同参与合作学习。在大家共同参与、交流和沟通的和谐气氛中,体验、感悟和分享学习成果
3、主体性理念。该模式采用 “头脑风暴法”,积极倡导、引导并真正促使被培训者大胆参与,鼓励大家畅所欲言。做到每人有任务,每人有事做。
步骤 教师教学策略 学生学习策略
体验Experience 设计任务或情景 模拟情景、案例学习、实地考察、亲身体验、演示
分享Share 指导员,观察员 小组讨论、小组活动
交流Process 引导反思 班级汇报,内容的分享和传递
整合Generalize 帮助归纳与总结 学生发现改进点,得出新举措
应用Apply 引导运用 迁移实际运用

Unit4 Our neighbours
Period 1 Getting to know our neighbours
Ⅰ、 Move to a new neighbourhood

1、Who are your neighbours? (Who)
2、Where are they from? (Where)
3、What do they do? (Job)
4、How old are they? ( age)
5、What do they look like? ( appearance)
6、What do they like doing? (hobbies)
7、What do they like to eat? ( food)
8、Do they have children? (children)
9、Do they have pets? (pets)
10、Do they live with parents? (parents)

Ⅱ、 Know our neighbours (认识邻居)
(1)Visit our neighbours 拜访邻居
Experiential Learning 1 体验式学习1

Ⅱ、 Know our neighbours (认识邻居)
(2)Introduce your neighbours 介绍邻居
Experiential Learning 1 体验式学习1
Step1: Who
Step2: appearance
Step3: Where
Step4: age
Step5: job
Step6: hobbies
Step7: ( food)
Step8: wife/husand
Step9: children
Step10: parents
Step11: pets

Step6: 兴趣爱好。
Step7: 夫妻。
Step8: 孩子。
Step9: 父母。
(Book P24)1、Ask and answer.
1、Who are Peter’s neighbours?
2、Where are they from?
3、What does Mr Green do?
4、What does Mrs Green do?
5、Do they have children?
6、Who are they?
7、How old is Mike?
Ⅲ、 Relationship with our neighbours (邻里相处)
Experiential Learning 2 体验式学习2
Ⅲ、 Relationship with our neighbours (邻里相处)
(1)What do you …do with your neighbours?
I always say hello to my neighbours.
I usually play football with my neighbours.
I often climb the mountain with my neighbours.
I sometimes go to the park with my neighbours.
I seldom watch TV with my neighbours.
I never drink coffee with my neighbours.
Ⅲ、 Relationship with our neighbours (邻里相处)
(2) Chant with music. (Past Tense Verbs)
1 is-was-was
2 Play-played-played
3 do—did-did
4 Can-could-could
5 watch-watched-watched
7 take-took-took
9 drink-drank-drank
10 eat-ate-ate

are—were visit—visited go—went play---played
take---took have---had spend—spent stay--stayed
are—were do---did watch—watched drink---drank
Can----could visit-visited dig---dug live---lived
make---made is---was have—had
do—did say---said become—became buy—bought
take---took go—went eat—ate come---came
draw---drew drink---drank fly—flew get---got
go—went have---had play—played visit—visited
fly---flew give---gave meet---met ride---rode
sit---sat sleep—slept spend---spent is---was
are---were write—wrote sing---sang dance—danced
watch—watched play---played run---ran is—was
Eat—ate drink---drank swim---swam make--made
Group8: is---was are---were do—did play—played
Swim---swam come—came drink—drank draw--drew
11 go-went-went
12 buy-bought-bought
13 dig-dug-dug
14 visit-visited-visited
15 read-read-read
16 see-saw-saw
17 swim-swam-swam
18 write-wrote-wrote
19 make-made-made
20 ride-rode-rode

are—were visit—visited go—went play---played
take---took have---had spend—spent stay--stayed
are—were do---did watch—watched drink---drank
Can----could visit-visited dig---dug live---lived
make---made is---was have—had
do—did say---said become—became buy—bought
take---took go—went eat—ate come---came
draw---drew drink---drank fly—flew get---got
go—went have---had play—played visit—visited
fly---flew give---gave meet---met ride---rode
sit---sat sleep—slept spend---spent is---was
are---were write—wrote sing---sang dance—danced
watch—watched play---played run---ran is—was
Eat—ate drink---drank swim---swam make--made
Group8: is---was are---were do—did play—played
Swim---swam come—came drink—drank draw--drew
Ⅲ、 Relationship with our neighbours (邻里相处)
(3) Guessing Game 猜一猜
What did.. do? Did he/she….?
What did he do?
He played football.
What did Donald Trump do?
He played golf.
What did she eat?
She ate a green apple..
What did he do?
He laughed.
What did they do?
They cooked.
What did he do?
He took photos.
(Book P24) (2) Ask and answer.
1、Did Peter see The Greens this morning?
2、What did Peter do with Mike and Nancy last weekend?
3、Did Alice play with Sam last weekend?
Ⅲ、 Relationship with our neighbours (邻里相处)
(3) Guessing Game 猜一猜 (小组练习)

What did.. do? Did he/she….?
Ⅲ、 Relationship with our neighbours (邻里相处)
(4) Neighbour Day邻居节
Group1: Share food. 邻里百家宴
Group2: Sing Karaoke. 邻里卡拉OK
Group3: watch movies 看电影。
Group4: Do sports. 一起运动。
Group5: play games. 玩游戏。
Group6: Help neighbours. 帮助邻居.
What did you do on Neighbour Day?
I +V过去式 . It was __________
I ate an apple. It was yummy.
I played badminton. It was tiring but wonderful.
I helped an old man. I was happy.
What did you do on Neighbour Day?
How was your Neighbour Day?
I +V过去式 . It was __________
I ate an apple. It was yummy.
Wonderful, great, good, interesting, exciting, tiring,
boring, not bad, fun
I had a good time.
I had a lot of fun.
I was happy.
I enjoyed the time.
Ⅳ、 Neighbourhood Safty Tips (小区安全提示)
Tip1:Don’t throw from a height.
Tip2:A dog needs a rope.
Harmony makes a neighbour.
Helpful people
Friendly people
Nice people
Kind people
七. Homework
1. Listen and read P24.
2. Draw and introduce your neighbours.
(1) Basic information about your neighbours.
Who, Where, appearance, age, job, hobbies, children, parents, pets, eating habbits….
(2)Things you do with neighbours.
always /usually/often/sometimes/seldom/never
(3)Things you did.