(共19张PPT)
深圳牛津版五年级上
M3U9
Around
the
city
第二课时
Travel
at
the
zoo
2020/5/25
Check
the
homework
Walk
straight
turn
right
Walk
straight
turn
left
Walk
straight
turn
left
turn
right
Think
and
write
It
is
a
place.
It
is
big.
It
is
clean.
We
can
see
many
doctors
and
nurses
there.
What
is
it?
It
is
a
.
Let’s
guess
hospital
It
is
a
place.
It
is
interesting.
You
can
have
fun
there.
You
also
can
buy
some
toys
there.
What
is
it?
It
is
a
.
Let’s
guess
toy
shop
It
is
a
place.
It
is
beautiful.
There
are
many
flowers
in
it.
You
can
buy
flowers
there.
What
is
it?
It
is
a
.
Let’s
guess
flower
shop
It
is
a
place.
It
is
small.
We
can
send
cards
and
letters
there.
The
postmen
work
there.
What
is
it?
It
is
a
.
Let’s
guess
post
office
It
is
a
place.
It
is
big.
We
can
see
many
animals
there.
What
is
it?
It
is
a
.
Let’s
guess
zoo
What
animals
are
there
in
the
zoo?
elephant
zebra
snake
giraffe
parrot
monkey
bird
lion
bear
leopard
crocodile
Watch
the
video
and
think
about:
What
do
they
want
to
see?
Task
Kitty
wants
to
see
____________.
Alice
wants
to
see
____________.
Peter
wants
to
see
____________.
What
do
they
want
to
see?
the
birds
the
monkeys
the
bears
Kitty
and
her
friends
want
to
see
some
animals.
Here
is
a
map
of
the
zoo.
How
can
they
get
there?
Listen
again
and
draw
the
route(画路线):
Task
Look
at
the
map
and
fill
in
the
blanks:
First,
they
can_________
Summer
Road
and
then
turn
______
at
Spring
Road.
They
can
see
the
________
on
their
______.
After
that,
turn
_____
and
walk
along
___________.They
can
see
the
_____
on
their
_______.
Next,
walk
along
__________
and
see
the
_____.
walk
along
right
monkeys
right
Spring
Road
birds
left
Winter
Road
bears
left
First
then
Next
After
that
Task
Start/stop
Task
(pair
work)
How
to
go
to
see
other
animals:
Group
work
Ask
each
other(问并在图中圈出动物)
want
to
see
the
...
What
do
you
want
to
see?
2.
Talk
about
the
route(组员规划出最合理的路线,并描述出来):
First,
we
can...
The
...
is
...
Next,
we
can...
The
...
is
...
Then,
we
can...
The
...
is
...
After
that,
we
can...
The
...
is
...
Great!
Let’s
go!
Task5
Happy
valley
an
amusement
park
Travel
in
the
amusement
park:
⑩
Merry-Go-Round
swimming
pool
slide
4.
Ferris
wheel
5.
4D
cinema
6.
Free-fall
ride
7.
water
slide
8.
haunted
house
9.
roller
coaster
10.
train
旋转木马
游泳池
滑梯
摩天轮
4D影院
旋转木马
跳楼机
鬼屋
过山车
火车
Happy
Road
Sunny
Road
Funny
Road
Rainy
Road
1.
Listen
and
read
‘say
and
act’
and
try
to
remember
the
phrases
and
sentences.
2.
Finish
Workbook
pages
and
61.
The
End!
Thank
you!Travel
at
the
zoo课堂教学设计
基本
信息
学段及科目
小学五年级上.英语
授课教师
时间
课题及课时
Around
the
city第二课时
教材版本
学校名称
授课地点
学情
分析
课标要求
能正确朗读所学对话;能借助图片、词语或例句等提示,写出简短的英语语句;能在听、说、演、练等课堂活动中提高听说表达能力和交际能力。
学习内容
上海教育出版社深圳牛津版五年级上册第9课第2课时。学习课本Say
and
act部分,巩固复习本单元核心词汇,向他人指路和问路的表达。
学情现状
五年级学生已储备一定的语言组织和表达能力。通过上一课时的学习,学生对本话题感兴趣,敢于联系生活表达,在教学活动设计上,主要引导学生观察思考、对话交流、小组合作。
学习
目标
知识技能
能正确流利地读出本单元的核心单词,turn
left,
turn
right,
walk
straight等
能用Walk
along…等句子帮人指路,会看地图并能准确描述路线。
过程方法
通过视频和图片,引导学生观察并表达;通过游戏,引导学生对话。
运用互联教学助手的交互展示功能,强化单词和句型。
情感态度
1.
在不同的情境下去帮助别人,感到真正的快乐。
2.
学生通过交流合作制定不同的出行路线或方式,学会团结合作。
教学
策略
重点难点
核心句型的语用能力,在实际生活中如何应用所学的知识去问路及指路。
在实际生活问路时,如何听懂关于方向路线的英语表达。
方式方法
教学方法:情景教学法,任务型教学法,游戏教学法
学习方式:体验学习,小组合作学习
媒体技术
多媒体:电脑、音频、视频
“希沃白板”互动教学
教学流程结构
课前检测
【测评内容】
1.运用Turn
left,Turn
right,
Walk/Go
straight等走出迷宫。
2.Think
and
write
【评价方式】
通过笔试和口试,检查学生是否能初步掌握路线的表达,自评和师评的方式共同进行。
课堂测练:
【测评内容】
Listen
and
draw(听录音,划出孩子们描述的路线。)
Group
work(小组对话):小组成员每人说出想看的动物,在图中圈出来,规划一条最合理的参观路线并在图中画出来,最后用First,
then,
next,
after
that等词说出参观路线。
First,
___________________________________________________.
Then,
__________________________________________________.
Next,
__________________________________________________.
After
that,
______________________________________________.
【评价方式】
通过师生互动问答、口头答题、听录音做题等方式检测学生对文本的理解。
小组合作和全班展示,通过自评、互评和师评,检测学生的掌握程度。
课后评测:
【测评内容】
Listen
and
read
‘say
and
act’
and
try
to
remember
the
phrases
and
sentences.
Finish
Workbook
pages
and
61.
选3个自己最想玩的项目,然后写出路线。
First,
___________________________________________________.
Then,
__________________________________________________.
Next,
__________________________________________________.
After
that,
______________________________________________.
情境导入
【Warm-up】
Greeting师生问好,学生观看视频并唱歌。
Check
the
homework,
Think
and
write检查学生的课后巩固和课前预习情况,为新知识做铺垫。
say
You
draw通过画一画的小游戏的形式,反馈学生的掌握程度。
学与教的活动
【Presentation】
Think
and
guess创设情境,通过猜谜语,引出本单元的核心词汇,引出本课的主题ZOO。
Look
and
say看动物园的地图,引导学生认识动物园的地图和各种动物。
Task1:
Watch
and
Think观看视频,回答相关问题,引导学生对文本的初步了解。
Task2:
Listen
and
draw听文本,在动物园地图中划出相关路线。
Read
the
text打开课本,朗读文本,加深学生对文本的了解。
【Practice】
Task3:
Look
at
the
map
and
fill
in
the
blanks.
看地图,完成半控制的文本,加深熟悉文本。
Task4:.利用转盘小游戏,指向不同的动物,让学生说出看不同动物的不同路线,运用本科的关键句型。
Pair
work:结合板书,学生说出自己喜欢的动物和想看的动物,并说出路线图,进行两人对话。
【Consolidation】
Task5:
Group
work.
进行小组合作,活用句型。引导学生进行小组角色分配与表达。
课堂小结
引导学生看深圳欢乐谷的地图,课后独自完成路线设计与表达。