U3
Healthy
diet
Do
a
quiz.
Read
and
circle.(1
equals
to
points.
equals
to
points.
equals
to
point.)
eat
a
lot
of
meat.
Never
B.
Sometimes
C.Always
(2)I
eat
a
lot
of
fruit
and
vegetables.
A.
Always
B.
Sometimes
C.Never
(3)
drink
a
lot
of
cola.
A.Never
B.
Sometimes
C.Always
eat
a
lot
of
rice
and
drink
a
lot
of
water.
A.
Always
B.
Sometimes
C.Never
eat
a
lot
of
sweet
food.
Never
B.
Sometimes
C.Always
often
eat
before
bedtime.
A.Never
B.
Sometimes
C.Always
often
eata
lot
of
hambuergers.
Never
B.
Sometimes
C.
Always
Think
and
talk
about
how
to
help
yourselves
or
your
friends
to
keep
a
healthy
diet
with
your
partners.学段及科目
六年级英语
授课教师
时间
课题及课时
6AM1U3
Healthy
or
unhealthy?
第二课时
教材版本
牛津英语六年级上册
学校名称
授课地点
教学分析与目标设计
学情
分析
课标
要求
能与教师或同学就熟悉的日常话题交换信息。能根据提示简要描述一件事情。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作。
学习内容
深圳牛津版六年级上册Module1
Unit3。根据课本内容,整合三个话题。第一课时Healthy
Meals(会话课),教学内容是Listen
and
say、Look
and
learn和Do
a
survey第二课时
Healthy
diet(阅读课)教学内容是Look
and
read、Do
a
quiz
和活动手册P96和第三课时Healthy
life(以读促写作文课),教学内容是
Learn
the
sounds、culture
corner和补充材料
学情
现状
本单元授课对象是六年级学生,大部分学生具有较好的听、说、读、写能力:他们思维活跃,具备初步获取关键信息的能力,能就日常话题阐述自己的观点和想法,并能进行基础会话和自主创编故事。他们喜欢通过小组合作、情景表演等方式来学习和再现知识,能够通过思维导图的方式来总结归纳和运用知识。他们具备一定的信息素养,能够通过现代信息技术查阅并运用课外资料。基于此,我们在设计教学时采用学生感兴趣的读、贴、创、画、编等教学方式,
让学生以最自然的表达方式输出语言。
学习
目标
知识
技能
能应用核心句型:Having
a
healthy
diet
is
very
important.To
keep
a
healthy
diet,
we
should
have
...because
they
give
us...We
shouldn’t
eat...
because...
2.能通过两两合作、小组合作和个人回答等方式,应用核心句型回答问题和进行案例分析与生活方式的调整。
3.能应用金字塔与课文案例分析就健康和不健康的饮食和生活方式进行辨别并给于合理建议。
过程方法
积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。
2.
能通过调查、解读思维导图、小组讨论等方式,提高自主学习和小组探究的能力。
情感
态度
1.能辨别健康与不健康的饮食及生活方式的差异,意识到健康生活的重要性。
2.感受健康食物的营养价值及摄取量的适当,并能给予自己与他人建议。
3对比了解不同的饮食习惯与生活方式会产生的影响。
教学
策略
重点
难点
学生通过分析什么是healthy
diet?然后在健康周中完成个人饮食习惯调查,金字塔知识学习以及案例分析等三个方面进行描述。
方式方法
情景教学法和任务驱动法;创设情境,在情境中推动学习任务。
小组合作探究学习;四人小组合作讨论给出合理建议。
媒体
技术
多媒体:课件、音频、视频。
教学
流程
结构
【评价内容】
检测学生是否理解视频的内容。自由表达谈论What
is
healthy
diet
?
T:What
is
healthy
diet?
S1:
It’s
about
health
eating
habit.
S2:
It’s
about
how
to
keep
a
health
body.
T:That’s
right.
It
is
about
healthy
way
we
eat.
2.
检测学生是否理解healthy
life
的意义。学生以小组合作的形式讨论What
is
a
healthy
diet?
How
do
you
keep
a
healthy
diet?
T:Let’s
do
a
quiz
and
learn
the
food
pyramid.
S1:
S2:
S3:
S4:
【评价方式】
1.
以问卷形式检测学生是否理解教授的内容并通过问卷得分评价出自己的饮食是否健康,激发探索的欲望。。
2.
以小组合作的形式讨论是否自主运用核心句型。
【
视频导入,激活思维
】
1.
播放食物图片,帮助学生回顾第一课时所学内容。
2.通过提问What
is
are
the
pictures
about?,引出本节课的话题Healthy
diet.
【设计意图】
1引导学生在情景中回顾所学内容.形成语块。
【
师生交流,引入课程主题】
1.
通过课前问答与情境创设,引导学生四人小组讨论What
is
a
healthy
diet?
How
to
keep
a
healthydiet?
1)
观看一段关于healthy
life的视频,引导学生说出这节课的主题健康生活healthy
life,老师板书到黑板上。
2)指着黑板上的板书healthy
diet,问学生,Dear
students,
do
you
know
what
a
healthy
diet
is?学生可能会回答:I
think
healthy
life
is
Eating
good
food,
Eating
right.
3)老师总结并板书:I
think
we
should
hve
a
healthy
diet.
And
how
do
you
keep
a
healthy
diet?
4)学生可能会回答:We
should...
every
day.
2.
通过讨论,学生回答,形成思维导图。
1)老师总结并板书:To
keep
a
healthy
life,
we
should
follow
the
food
pyramid
and
have
a
good
habit.
2)Now
let’s
have
a
group
work.
Four
students
a
group.
Try
to
give
advices.
3)抛出问题,引入问卷,使学生理解自己与他人的饮食水平与习惯,最后给出合理建议。
【设计意图】
2.通过学生之间的讨论,阅读填充金字塔内容,帮助学生构建知识框架。
【问题引导、分模块推进】
Task
①总读:Having
a
healthy
diet
is
very
important
to
us.What
is
a
healthy
diet?今天Dr.
Li
will
tell
us
in
this
healthy
day.
②分读金字塔四大模块内容,作用及摄取量。To
keep
a
healthy
life,
we
should
eat
a
lot
of
grains,
fruit
and
vegetables,
because
they
give
us
energy
and
vitamins.
We
should
eat
some
meat
and
dairy
product,
because
they
give
us
protein.
We
should
eat
a
little
fatty
food
but
not
too
much.
Beacuse
they
can
make
us
become
fat.
Task
2:
Do
a
quiz
Task
3:
Food
pyramid:
a
balanced
diet
What
should
we
eat
every
day?And
how
much
of
them
should
we
eat?
(
a
lot
of,
plenty
of,
much,many,
a
little,
a
few)
It
is
important
to
eat
many
different
kinds
of
food,
but
we
should
be
careful
about
the
amount
we
eat.
We
should
eat
a
lot
of
rice
and
noodles
every
day.
We
should
also
eat
a
lot
of
fruit
and
vegetables.
Meat,
fish
and
eggs
are
good
for
us,
but
don’t
eat
too
much.
Remember
to
drink
plenty
of
water.
Task
4:Read
the
report
from
Dr.
Li
①Tim
and
Judy
:
strong
and
healthy
Why?
How?
②Lily
and
Bob
:
fat
and
unhealthy
Why?
How?
③Summary:
What
do
healthy
children
eat?
Task
5:Analyze
your
quiz
and
your
partners’
eating
habits
What
do
you
think
of
your
eating
habit?
and
your
classmates’
habit?
Do
you
have
any
healthy
tips
for
them?...
Good
habits
can
help
us
to
stay
healthy
too.
Brush
our
teeth
twice
a
day
and
wash
our
hands
before
meals.
Don’t
stay
up
late.We
should
get
enough
sleep
every
day.
四人讨论建议。最终输出完整的健康饮食方案。
Task
:
More
tips
for
keeping
a
healthy
diet
Homework:
1.
Introduce
the
food
pyramid
for
your
friends
and
your
family
Do
a
survey
about
your
parents’
meals
and
give
them
some
advices.
【设计意图】
1.问题引导,帮助学生描述。
2.两人相互讨论,善于发现问题。
3.引导学生开展合作探究、结合生活实际活用核心句型。
【
整体展示情感升华】
良好的饮食给我们带来了健康,我们应该珍惜好生命,培养自身良好的饮食习惯。
【设计意图】
1.通过分享展示学生思维导图作品,给予学生肯定,培养学生学生思维品质。
1.日常对话导入,引入医生与健康日能激发学生兴趣,激活学生思维。
2.视频及多媒体的巧用,帮助学生在真实情境中灵活运用核心句型。
3.引导学生在情景中开展小组合作探究活动,激活思维,提高综合语用能力。
【优点与特色】
1.情境导入,激发学生兴趣,激活学生思维。
2.通过师生阅读与讨论,解读食物金字塔,再根据食物金字塔标准去判读自身与案例中人物的饮食是否恰当,并总结提出适当的建议,培养自身与他人良好的饮食习惯。
3.开展小组合作探究,激活思维,提高综合语用能力,案例分析能力与信息提取能力。
【问题与建议】
小组讨论的时间给得不够充分。
文本处理还不够全面,成熟。
【自我反思】
分段推进时应该把二、三、四段的逻辑框架编排的更对仗,方面后面的问题讨论。
科普性知识的教授有了新的突破与见解。(共34张PPT)
What
food
or
drink
is
it?
Play
sport.
Don't
eat
junk
food.
Have
breakfast
on
time.
…
Brush
teeth
every
day.
Health
Week
is
coming!
Tips
for
healthy
diet
P17
Task
1:
Listen
and
answer
1.
What
kinds
of
food
do
we
need?
2.
How
much
of
them
do
we
need?
3.Why
do
we
need
these
food?
Food
is
very
important
for
us.
It
gives
us
different
kinds
of
nutrition.
balanced
diet
makes
us
strong
and
healthy.
First,
we
need
a
lot
of
grains
like
bread,
cereals(谷物)and
rice.
They
give
us
energy.
Second,
we
also
need
a
lot
of
fruit
and
vegetables.
They
give
us
vitamins(维生素)
and
keep
us
from
getting
ill.
Third,
we
need
some
meat,
eggs
and
some
dairy
products(奶制品)
like
milk,
cheese
and
yogurt
(酸奶).
They
give
us
good
protein(蛋白质)
to
build
up
our
muscles
(肌肉)
and
bones(骨头).
Fourth,
we
need
only
a
little
fatty
food(脂肪类食物)
like
oil,
sweets,
junk
food
and
soft
drink(饮料).
They
give
us
energy
but
also
lots
of
sugar
and
fat.
We
don’t
need
too
much
of
it.
Circle
the
key
words
Food
is
very
important
for
us.
It
gives
us
different
kinds
of
nutrition.
balanced
diet
makes
us
strong
and
healthy.
First,
we
need
a
lot
of
grains
like
bread,
cereals(谷物)and
rice.
They
give
us
energy.
Second,
we
also
need
a
lot
of
fruit
and
vegetables.
They
give
us
vitamins(维生素)
and
keep
us
from
getting
ill.
Third,
we
need
some
meat,
eggs
and
some
dairy
products(奶制品)
like
milk,
cheese
and
yogurt
(酸奶).
They
give
us
good
protein(蛋白质)
to
build
up
our
muscles
(肌肉)
and
bones(骨头).
Fourth,
we
need
only
a
little
fatty
food(脂肪类食物)
like
oil,
sweets,
junk
food
and
soft
drink(饮料).
They
give
us
energy
but
also
lots
of
sugar
and
fat.
We
don’t
need
too
much
of
it.
Underline
the
reasons
Pair
work:
stick,
write
and
say
Fatty
food
meat
and
dairy
product
fruit
and
vegetables
grains
sugar,
fat
protein
vitamins
energy
Food
pyramid
grains
fruit
and
vegetables
milk,
meat,
eggs
and
cheese
sugar,
oil
and
junk
food
Every
day,
We
should
eat/drink
a
lot
of
…,
some
…
and
a
little/a
few
…
think
that
is
healthy/unhealthy.
Let's
Read
more
tips
meat
and
dairy
product
Fatty
food
Tim
Judy
Lily
Bob
Let's
read
some
reports
we
have.
Tim
and
Judy
Lily
and
Bob
How
are
they?
Look
and
say
What
do
they
often
do?
strong
and
healthy
fat
and
unhealthy
Whose
food
pyramid?
Tim
and
Judy’s
Lily
and
Bob’s
Listen
and
judge
Are
they
healthy
or
unhealthy?
Why?
Report
1:
Tim
and
Judy’s
food
pyramid
a
lot
of
1.
What
do
Tim
and
Judy
often
eat?
2.
What
do
Tim
and
Judy
drink?
3.
What
do
they
often
do?
How
are
they?
Tim
and
Judy’s
food
pyramid
a
lot
of
some
They
eat
some
______________.
They
also
drink
some
_____________.
Look
and
complete
some
Tim
and
Judy
eat
...
Because
...
They
drink
a
lot
of
...
Because
...
They
often
...
Listen
and
repeat
a
little
They
are
_____.
Healthy
children
eat
a
lot
of
fruit
and
vegetables.
They
eat
a
lot
of
rice
and
drink
a
lot
of
water.
Because
they
give
them
vitamins
and
energy.
They
eat
some
fish,
chicken
and
eggs.
They
also
drink
some
milk.
Because
they
give
them
protein.They
eat
a
little
sweet
food.
Because
they
give
them
too
much
sugar
and
fat.
Healthy
children
often
eat...
Because...
They...
Report
1:
Lily
and
Bob’s
food
pyramid
Lily
and
Bob
...
Look
and
complete
They
should
not
_____.
They
do
not
...
Look
and
complete
Lily
and
Bob’s
food
pyramid
They
should
_____.
Healthy
children
don't
eat
too
much
candy,
hamburgers,
ice
cream
or
chocolate.
They
don't
drink
too
much
cola.
Because
they
are
full
of
sugar
and
fat.
They
like
bread,
rice,
fruit
and
vegetables.
They
don't
get
fat
easily.
Healthy
children
don't
eat...
They
don't...
Grains
give
us
power
and
energy.
We
should
eat
more
grains.
Fruit
and
vegetables
keep
us
from
getting
ill.
We
can
eat
a
lot
of
them.
Meat
and
dairy
products
make
us
strong.
But
don't
eat
too
much
meat,
or
you
will
be
fat.
Fatty
food
is
not
good
for
our
bodies.
We
should
only
eat
a
little
fatty
food.
Every
day,
We
should
eat/drink
a
lot
of
…,
some
…
and
a
little/a
few
…
think
that
is
healthy/unhealthy.
Let's
Read
more
tips
How
to
keep
healthy?
Healthy
children.....
eat
a
lot
of/some/a
little
...
eat
healthy
food
have
enough
sleep
often
play
sport
dos
don’ts
eat
unhealthy
food
have
little
sleep
sit
there
all
day
eat
too
much
...
Think
and
say
P17
Go
have
some
tips
for
...
You
should
…
You
shouldn't…
…
think
you
will
be
better.
Healthy
diet
for
my
Miss
Chen:
loudly
eye-contact
correctly
Keep
healthy!
Healthy
children
eat
...
Because...
We
should
…
Healthy
children
do
not
...Because...
We
shouldn't...
A:
B:
C:
D:
We
should
keep
a
healthy
diet!
Think
and
say
Healthy
children
often
...
E:
Good
diet
a
day,
keeps
the
doctor
away.
Homework
1.
Introduce
the
food
pyramid
to
your
friends
or
family.
2.
According
to
the
quiz,
write
some
tips
for
yourself
or
your
friends.
…
have
some
good
eating
habits.
think
can
do
better.
keep
a
healthy
diet
Today
is
health
day.
We
learn
about
the
diet.
Keep
eating
fruit,
Keep
eating
veggies.
Don't
eat
,
Don't
drink
.
Eat
every
day,
Let
the
sweets
go
way.
Hey,hey!
Healthy
diet,healthy
day.
Keep
the
doctor
far
away.
Let’s
Chant
more
Tips
for
healthy
diet
Dr.
Wu
We
should
wash
our
hands
before
you
eat.
You
should
do
some
sport
to
have
a
good
digestion
and
a
strong
body.
Don't
eat
too
much
in
one
time.
Let
your
stomach
have
a
good
rest.
Don't
eat
too
much
candy.
Don't
eat
before
bedtime.
Brush
your
teeth
twice
everyday.
Dr.
Xu
Dr.
Liu
(
)
46.
What
is
the
Food
Pyramid?
A.It's
a
famous
building
in
the
B.It's
a
kind
of
delicious
food
in
the
C.It's
a
tool
to
help
make
healthy
food
choices.
D.It's
a
kind
of
delicious
food
in
Egypt.
(
)
47.
Fruit
and
vegetables
can
give
us
______.
A.protein
.
B.
vitamins
C.
energy
D.
fat
and
sugar
(
)
48.
What
is
at
the
bottom
part
of
the
pyramid?
A.Grains.
B.
Vegetables.
C.
The
Dairy.
D.
The
Fruit.
(
)
49.
The
Food
Pyramid
can
help
us
do
the
following
except
______.
A.controlling
the
amount
of
diet
B.making
healthy
food
choices
C.telling
us
the
nutrients
we
need
D.
showing
how
to
cook
eggs
(
)
50.
We
shouldn't
eat
too
mucn
______.
A.Grains
B.Fruit
and
vegetables
C.Fatty
food
D.MeatKeeping
a
balanced
diet
Food
is
very
important
for
us.
It
gives
us
different
kinds
of
nutrition.
balanced
diet
makes
us
strong
and
healthy.
First,
we
need
a
lot
of
grains
like
bread,
cereals(谷物)and
rice.
They
give
us
energy.
Second,
we
also
need
a
lot
of
fruit
and
vegetables.
They
give
us
vitamins(维生素)and
keep
us
from
getting
ill.
Third,
we
need
some
meat,
eggs
and
some
dairy
products(奶制品)
like
milk,
cheese
and
yogurt
(酸奶).
They
give
us
good
protein(蛋白质)
to
build
up
our
muscles
(肌肉)
and
bones(骨头).
Fourth,
we
need
only
a
little
fatty
food(脂肪类食物)
like
oil,
sweets,
junk
food
and
soft
drink(饮料).
They
give
us
energy
but
also
lots
of
sugar
and
fat.
We
don’t
need
too
much
of
it.