教学目标设计
学
习内
容分
析
改编Listen
and
Say,进行文本再构。
学
情现
状分
析
五年级学生的年龄在十一岁左右,处于思维活跃阶段,喜欢直观形象贴近生活的事物,有着较强的求知欲和表现欲,对表演、游戏、对话都比较感兴趣,且具有一定的思维能力。本单元的教学对象为五年级学生,经过四年多的英语学习,学生在听说读写等方面有一定的基础,英语思维和口语表达能力都有了较大的进步,语篇阅读及小语篇创作。本单元的教学对象为五年级的学生。
重
点难
点预
设
一、学习并掌握sweater,
coat,
trousers,
shoe的音、形、义。二、能够运用重点句型
Which(pair
of)…
do
you
like,
the
…
one
or
the
…
one?
like
the…
one,
because…进行交流。三、学习并掌握both和
pair
of的正确用法。四、引导学生综合color,
size,
style,
price这几个方面的因素,表达自己对服装的喜好。五、引导学生自主表达,联系真实生活情境创编对话。
学
习目
标设
定
1.能在会话语境中,学习、理解并掌握服装类单词trousers,
sweater,
coat,
shoes的音、形、义及核心句1.
能够听懂,理解、朗读并扮演对话。2.
能够正确运用核心单词和句型在购物情境中,进行choose
clothes的真实交流。3.
培养学生合作意识,在小组合作中分担角色,进行表演。4.
培养学生的培养学生的发散性思维和逻辑性思维,能够尽可能多地考虑购物时的选择标准。5.联系生活实际,培养理性购物的意识,多维度比较,合理选择。
教学策略设计
媒
体资
源
方
式方
法
小组合作学习,师生交流,生生交流
教
学结
构流
程
学习评价设计
【主要内容】
1.
小组讨论上周末到服装店购买衣服。
2.小组开展关于购买衣服脑风暴
3.一起作业网上完成对于相关绘本主题的预热,巩固单词发音
【评价反馈】
1.评价工具:嘴巴表示说得好,手掌表示纪律好,耳朵表示认真听
2.思维导图评价结果(1.
快速
2.
准确
3.
创新
4.
全面)
【主要内容】
1.
合作操练...会话
2.理解Buying
clothes
for
show篇章结构
3.根据录音内容回答问题
4.进行角色扮演
【评价反馈】
1.评价表:VOLUME,
2.图文匹配
3.Read
and
complete,快速准确检测学生对文本的理解和复数能力。
【主要内容】
1.
表演对话内容
2.为Magic
clothes
show设计搭配衣服
【评价反馈】
1.测评内容恰当准备及评价标准科学系统
2.评价表格图文并茂,内容丰富,创意十足,很好地让学生对所学内容进行评价
教学过程设计
步骤
目的
教师活动/方法
学生活动/学法
Warming
up
and
revision
组
织
教
学
及
复
习
一、激发学生已知。引入主题,复习gloves,
skirts,
socks,
T-shirt,
dress,
hat,
shoes,
pants
二、为引入购买衣服的情境做准备。
一、播放歌曲
Magic
clothes
show
引导学生跟唱。二、师生Free
Talk,引入为Magic
clothes
show买新装话题。1.Do
you
want
to
join
the
show?2.
What
clothes
do
you
want
to
buy
for
the
show?3.
Kitty
and
Ben
also
want
to
go
to
the
show,
What
will
they
buy?
一、歌曲欣赏与跟唱,回忆服装类单词。二、观察自己和他人的服装,根据自己的实际情况回答问题。Yes,
want
to...No,
don’t
want
to...I
want
to
buy
a
new…May
be
they
will
buy...
Presentation
新知呈现
一、整体感知对话情境,回答与整体情境相关的简单问题。
一、播放录音,引导学生整体感知对话,提取对话角色信息和场景信息的基本问题。Where
are
they
going?What
are
they
going
to
buy?
一、听音频,理解文本对话的背景信息,人物关系和购物需求。They
are
going
to
the
clothes
shop.Kitty
is
going
to
buy
a
dress.
Ben
is
going
to
buy
trousers.choosing
dresses
and
trousers.
Practice
新知操练
一、理解对话内容,在情境中操练核心句型和单词。二、在听读模仿中,学习并操练核心句型。三、带着问题听音频,理解文本第二小段内容。四、运用核心句型,自主表达,巩固新知。五、突破Try
both
on.让学生体会文本中角色特点和情绪,帮助学生更深入地理解文本并表演会话。六、迁移所学知识,运用核心句型,半自主表达。给出突破难点
pair
of七、突破难点,操练a
pair
of
的用法八、提出与Size相关的问题,设计Ben
的裤子尺寸,在情境中理解并运用size。九、引导学生自主表达,检查新知掌握情况。
一、设置文本细节问题,播放音频,请同学带着问题听录音,并回答问题。询问Kitty喜欢那件衣服,以及为什么喜欢,在情境中教授并操练buttons
和
price.Which
dress
does
kitty
like,
the
blue
one
or
the
pink
one?Why
does
Kitty
like
the
pink
one?Why
does
Kitty
like
the
blue
one?二、呈现已学对话录音,Role
read,并通过Pair
work操练核心句型Which…,
,请两组同学展示,并基于学生的表演评价。三、询问Kitty喜欢蓝色裙子的原因,播放问题相关音频,引导学生回答,并在情境中教授、引导学生操练cheap,
comfortable,两两操练第二段。四、同时展示两件裙子,询问学生的选择偏好,操练核心句型Which…,比较价格和款式。展示不同的外套和毛衣款式,激活新学单词coat
,
sweater。师生演示后,两两操练操练,请三组同学展示。Which
...
do
you
like,
the
blue
one
or
the
pink
one?五、询问Kitty将要试穿哪件衣服,播放音频,感受Kitty情绪的升华,两两操练,请两组同学Role
Play,针对学生的生成多维度评价。再听音频,引导学生体会角色情绪,感受真实对话情境。Which
dress
will
Kitty
try
on?Role
read.六、通过图片感知第二段会话情境,
引导学生半自主操练核心句型留白Ben的回答,鼓励学生自主表达...出示衣服类的图片,在情境中理解并运用a
pair
of,并校对课前习答案,区别a
和
a
pair
of.What
is
Ben
going
to
buy?Which
pair
of
trousers
do
you
like,
the
white
one
or
the
brown
one?七、
通过图片展示先预热复习重点句型和难点,Which
pair
of
...
do
you
like,
the
...
one
or
the
...
one?教师展示实物,通过实物展示进行生生问答,夯实句型,为学生在生活中学会询问选择自己喜欢物品打下基础。八、询问Ben的裤子尺寸,引导学生在情境中学习size,拓展size的常见种类,给出图片,让学生结合自身实际回答自己的尺寸,练习…is
my
size.
What
is
Ben’s
size?M
is
Ben’s
size.What
is
your
size。九、留白Ben的对话,引导学生自主性表达,检查新知掌握情况。两两操练Ben购买衣服的对话,请两组学生展示。What
does
shop
assistant
say?Why
will
Ben
choose
this
one?
一、带着细节问题,再听对话,回答细节性问题。学习、理解并操练buttons.Kitty
likes
the
blue
one
and
the
pink
one.Because
pink
is
her
favorite
color.
Because
the
blue
one
is
beautiful.
And
it’s
cheap.二、听第一小段音频,感知Kitty心情,有感情role
read,
跟同桌操练核心句型Which…三、听第二小段对话,回答问,学习cheap,comfortable单词,并表达自己的服装细节特点。两两操练对话。四、仔细观察两件裙子的差别,表达自己的选择偏好,与同桌讨论。Pair
work:
Which
...
do
you
like,
the
blue
one
or
the
pink
one?I
like…because…五、听第三小段对话,回答问题,学会both的正确用法。She
will
try
both
on.感知Kitty和shop
assistant的角色特点和心情,有感情角色扮演。六、观察图片,捕捉信息,猜测对话。学习Pair
of,并能迁移运用。带入角色,进行个性化表达。He
is
going
to
buy
a
pair
of
trousers.学生听录音后回答Ben的喜好。
like
the...七、学生用重点句型进行问答,角色扮演八、理解size含义,说出Ben和自己的size。M
is
Ben’s
size.…
is
my
size.九、根据图片猜测对话,进行自主表达,两两操练。Here
is
your
size.I’ll
try
on…Because
it’s
cheap/
cool.
语用输出
一、Ben和
Kitty
都如愿买到自己的衣服了,Peter想购买鞋子,呼应开头,激活学生真实生活情境,鼓励学生自主性创编对话。二、情感渗透
一、Peter想要买一双鞋子,在本课学习的基础上进行知识的梳理和拓展,创新。介绍自主表演的角色:孩子和售货员,老师先跟High-level的学生演示,提供示范。让学生小组讨论,两两自编对话。要求必须包含核心句型,设置讨论时间2分钟,结束后,请小组展示。S:
Good
morning.
What
can
do
for
you?P:
want
to
buy…
S:
Which_____
do
you
like,
the_____
or_____?P:Ilike_____,because_____.S:
What
is
your
size?P:
______
is
my
size.
S:
How
does
it
feel?P:
It's
_______.
How
much?S:______________.二、通过图片反差进行价值挂的渗透,各行各业都有自己的着装要求,作为一名学生,又该如何选择恰当合理的着装呢?Clothes
can
show
many
things
about
a
person.Wearing
suitable
clothes
can
make
a
good
impression.
一、小组讨论并进行角色扮演。S:
Good
morning.
What
can
do
for
you?P:
want
to
buy…
S:
Which_____
do
you
like,
the_____
or_____?P:Ilike_____,because_____.S:
What
is
your
size?P:
______
is
my
size.
S:
How
does
it
feel?P:
It's
_______.
How
much?S:______________.二、引发思考,触动心弦。
小结
通过思维导图归纳总结对话中出现的挑选衣服的维度,培养学生的逻辑思维能力和发散性思维能力。
引导学生一起总结如何挑选衣服。
回顾整节课的重要内容,跟着老师一起总结挑选衣服的几个方面。
作
业
作业旨在延伸课堂,并复习课堂重难点词汇及句型,让学生学以致用,让英语真正成为日常交际的工具,并为下节课的学习做适当准备。
1.
Act
out
the
dialogue
with
partner
on
P522.
Design
a
costume(服装)for
Magic
clothes
show.This
is
my
costume
for
the
Magic
clothes
show.It's
a
(pair
of)_________.
It's
___________(colour).I
like
it
because
________________________________________________________________.
教学评价与反思
【优点与特色】
1.学生能很好地突破重难点
2.凸显了学生主体性
3.课堂活泼有趣,在图片视频和实物展示中学生更有兴趣参与课堂
【问题与建议】
1.没有关注到所有学生,对后进生没有关注得很好
2.个别环节时间把握不太合理
【优点与特色】
1.上课非常活动有趣,课堂有趣有料
2.内容设计新颖,重难点突破独到
【问题与建议】
1.希望能关注到所有学生
2.如果能让更多同学得到展示就更好了
第一课时:Buying
clothes
for
show
词汇感知,思维培养
主体文本,感知句型,
情境体验,对话练习
话题:Peter,Kitty和
Ben要去参加Magic
clothes
Show,因此要学会购买衣服
在购买物品时,学会说出自己的需求,并会合理选择
利用核心句型:Which
(pair
of
)...
do
you
like,
the
...
one
or
the
...
one?
Why?
情景对话:购买衣服
情感教育:合理选择,注意形象,得体的着装会留下好印象
课前检测
课堂练测
课后评测
自我反思
同伴评价
专家点评(共35张PPT)
5B
M3
U8
Buying
clothes
P1
Buying
clothes
for
Show
That's
interesting.Let's
buy
clothes
for
the
show.
Where
are
they
going?
What
are
they
buying?
They
are
going
to
the
clothes
shop.
They
are
choosing
dresses
and
trousers.
Listen
and
say
Which
dress
does
Kitty
like?
Why
does
Kitty
like
the
pink
one?
Why
does
Kitty
like
the
blue
one?
Watch
and
answer
Which
dress
does
Kitty
like?
Why
does
Kitty
like
the
pink
one?
Why
does
Kitty
like
the
blue
one?
She
likes
both
of
them.
Because
pink
is
her
favourite
colour.
Because
the
blue
one
is
beautiful.
Watch
and
answer
buttons
price
like
the
pink
one.
Pink
is
my
favourite
colour.
And
it
has
beautiful
buttons.
Which
dress
do
you
like,
the
blue
one
or
the
pink
one?
Listen
and
say
How
about
the
blue
one?
Listen
and
Read
like
the
blue
one
too.
Because
it's
cheap
and
comfortable.
buttons
expensive
Which
dress
do
you
like,
the
___
or
the___?
cheap
like_____________.
Because______________.
200?
150?
150?
Which
______
do
you
like,
the
__
one
or
the
___
one?
like_________.
Because_______________.
sweater
coat
150?
150?
100?
150?
120?
√
√
Which
dress
will
Kitty
?
She
will
try
both
on.
try
on
like
the
blue
one
too.
It's
cheap
and
comfortable.
Which
dress
do
you
like,
the
blue
one
or
the
pink
one?
like
the
pink
one.
Pink
is
my
favorite
color.
And
it
has
beautiful
buttons.
You
can
try
both
on.
That’s
great!
Thank
you.
Role
Read
How
about
the
blue
one?
Role
play
What
is
Ben
going
to
buy?
He
is
going
to
buy
a
pair
of
trousers.
...
...
...
...
Look
and
say
Which_______________________
do
you
like?
______________________
or
________________________
?
pair
of
trousers
the
white
one
the
brown
one
Ben:
like
_____________________.
A:Which
pair
of
trousers
do
you
like,
the
short
one
or
the
long
one?
like
the
long
one
because
it's
my
size.
a
pair
of
short
trousers
a
pair
of
long
trousers
What
is
Ben’s
size?
is
Ben’s
size.
size
small
size
middle
size
large
size
extra
large
size
extra
small
size
extra
extra
large
size
extra
extra
extra
large
size
Which
pair
of
_____
do
you
like,
____
or
____?
like
_______.Because_________.
shoes
A:Which
pair
of
________
do
you
like,
the
______
one
or
the
_______
one?
B:
______________________________.
style
size
colour
Pair
work
Here
you
are.
It’s
______________.
____________________________.
your
size
Ok.
I'll
try
on
the
tousers
Mrs
Li:
_______
dress
do
you
like
,
the
blue
one
____
the
pink
one?
Kitty:
like
the
pink
one.
Pink
is
my
________
colour.
like
the
blue
one
too.
It's
________.
Mrs
Li:
You
can
___________________.
Kitty:
That's
great.
Mrs
Li:
Which
____
_____
trousers
do
you
like,
the
white
one
or
the
brown
one?
Ben:
like
the
brown
_________.
Mrs
Li:
Here
youu
are.
___________________.
Ben:
Ok.
______________________________.
Read
and
complete
Which
or
favourite
beautiful
try
both
on
pair
of
one
It's
your
size
I'll
try
on
the
trousers
Group
work
We
bought
a
dress
and
a
pair
of
trousers.
How
about
you,
Peter?
will
buy
a
pair
of
shoes.
S:
Good
morning.
What
can
do
for
you?
P:
want
to
buy…
S:
Which_____
do
you
like,
the_____
or_____?
P:Ilike_____,because_____.
S:
What
is
your
size?
P:
______
is
my
size.
S:
How
does
it
feel?
P:
It's
_______.
How
much?
S:______________.
Group
work
Please
help
Peter
buy
a
pair
of
shoes.You
can
use
these
to
make
the
dialogue:
Buying
shoes
colour
size
style
price
Clothes
of
different
occupations
...
What
do
you
think
of
them?
How
should
we
wear?
Thinkn
and
say
Clothes
can
show
many
things
about
a
person.
Wearing
suitable
clothes
can
make
a
good
impression.
Act
Act
out
the
dialogue
with
partner
on
P52
Write
Design
a
costume(服装)for
Magic
clothes
show.
This
is
my
costume
for
the
Magic
clothes
show.
It's
a
(pair
of)_________.
It's
___________(colour).
like
it
because
_________________________
_______________________________________.
HomeworkUnit
Buying
clothes
Period
Buying
clothes
for
show
一、Read
and
circle
二、Think
and
say
Peter
wants
to
buy
to
a
pair
of
shoes.
Can
you
help
him?
style
price
Buying
shoes
size
colour
Which
ones
should
use
a
pair
of
blouse
glasses
T-shirt
skirt
shorts
hat
dress
SOcks
shoes
coat
trousers
sweater
jeans
jacket
high-heeled
shoes