《
Unit
》第一课时教学设计
教学目标设计
学
习
内
容
分
析
本课内容为四年级上册第八单元,继过去所学句型
What
do
you
like?和Would
you
like
some...?进一步学习What
would
you
like?
I’d
like.....句型来询问商店的物品及付款。通过复习之前学习过的食物词汇,要求学生能够运用核心句型,能购买东西并问钱及付款。
学
情
现
状
分
析
四年级的孩子已经积累了一定的词汇,并且对于购买东西及如何付款的情景问答可以熟练地掌握。
重
点
难
点
预
设
重点:1.
掌握食物类的核心单词。
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like.....句型。
难点:1.
食物类名词的可数与不可数。
How
much
is
it/are
they?
的选择。
学
习
目
标
设
定
学生在正确认读单词的基础上,通过阅读Listen
and
say的语段,了解如何用核心句型What
would
you
like?
I’d
like.....购买东西并问钱及付款。
通过Peppa一家的对话,熟悉运用核心句型What
would
you
like?
I’d
like.....
激发并引导学生的珍惜食物,并能在真实情境中学会选购食物。
教学策略设计
媒
体
资
源
多媒体:
电脑,PPT,Peppa
视频
课本
方
式
方
法
本课时要求学生在真实情境中学会选购食物,完成Listen
and
say的模拟练习,用四人小组合作完成的Peppa一家角色扮演。教师采取Task-based
Language
Teaching任务型教学法,创设情景,师生互动问答,两人小组合作对话,四人小组合作等方式进行学习。
教
学
结
构
流
程
学习评价设计
【主要内容】
四人小组合作角色扮演
【评价反馈】
通过食物类词汇的学习,学生学会用核心句型在真实情景中进行对话。
【主要内容】
1.
2.四人小组对话并角色扮演
【评价反馈】
1.通过练习过程和结果反馈,检查学生对Listen
and
say内容的理解和掌握情况
2.通过小组情景对话,检测学生对核心句型运用的掌握情况,对课堂知识整合的运用。
【主要内容】
1.学生学会在情景中购买食物
2.学生角色扮演
【评价反馈】
1.通过课堂学习,学生能选购食物并询问价格。
2.学以致用,学生能掌握和运用所学知识,开口说英语。
教学过程设计
【歌曲导入】
播放Peppa
Pig
视频,提问学生。
【设计意图】
通过视频并提问,引出本课背景。
【新知呈现1】
1.就视频内容,与学生交流并并提问:
Where
are
the
Peppa
Family?
What
do
they
get?
2.通过Peppa的日记,学习课本中的新词汇,帮助学生理解熟悉核心句型。
通过Peppa
提问Daddy
Pig,
引出核心句型:What
would
you
like?
I’d
like.....
请学生回答,并学习词汇:fish
和
meat.
【设计意图】
通过对话的设计,让学生能说,会说,并引入句型和新单词学习。
【新知呈现2】
通过Peppa
与Mummy
Pig,
George的对话,分别引出新词汇tomato,
potato,
carrot,oranges,apples,
pizza
和cake.
学生运用这些词汇用What
would
you
like?
I’d
like.....回答问题并能造句。
通过对Peppa
日记的分析,能完成表格并能在四人小组中进行情境表演。
【设计意图】
学生对日记的阅读理解,回答问题,并能在情境中进行表演。
【巩固新知】
1.小组进行讨论练习。
2.巡视学生完成情况,并邀请学生作答。
T:Here
is
a
task
for
you,fill
in
the
blanks
and
answer.
【设计意图】
通过练习设置,检查学生对日记内容的理解。
【活用新知】
四人小组为单位,以课本上的情境来进行对话练习。
2.邀请三组四人小组上台进行表演,其他组进行评价。
【情感教育】
教导学生珍惜食物,不浪费。
【设计意图】
引导学不浪费,珍惜食物。
学生总结:邀请学生汇报学习收获
教师总结:引导学生对本课重点知识点进行小结
生生互评,教师对表现好的小组及个人进行表扬。
课后作业:创造情境对话,并在微信群进行分享。
【优点与特色】
1.学生通过一起作业网进行预习跟读,预先对课文进行感受和学习,为课堂学习做好准备。
2.教师利用学习过的食物进行问答,让学生能说。
3.学生运用核心句型进行情景对话。
【问题与建议】
1.应当关注学困生的课堂细节,引导学生真正掌握知识点
2.及时纠正学生的课堂错误。
【优点与特色】
1.课堂练习的设置和检查反馈,能及时检测学生知识点的巩固
2.视频导入,环节衔接符合小学生特点,生动自然。
3.
Peppa一家的角色设定,贴合学生的心理特征,学习有强烈的学习兴趣。
【问题与建议】
1.小组展示时,应该关注语言的准确性,并后面指出纠正。
2.生生评价时,可让学生多说。
【优点与特色】
1.课堂衔接与过渡自然,顺畅。
2.课堂重难点突出,如重点单词would
和核心句型What
would
you
like?
I’d
like......
3.利用课堂练习进行巩固,从小组讨论合作中检查掌握和活用情况,教学目标基本达成。
【问题与建议】
1.老师应该避免太多地重复学生的回答,而应该有所选择地重复。
2.小组展示时,应让更多的小组有机会上台说。
【优点与特色】
1.教学设计,从视频导入,接着结合句型用学生熟悉的卡通人物入手引入核心句型,使学生对知识点掌握起来更简单,明白。
2.小组合作进行表演并进行情境对话,对于激发学生的兴趣和合作能力有很大帮助。
3.卡通人物的引入学生课堂上热情和主动性有很大的促进作用。
【主要问题反思】
1.本节课最后的情感升华的拓展中:学生能为学校做什么?给学生的思考时间不够,表达不够。
2.生生评价应该给与更多时间,让学生多思考,多发现。
3.当小组活动展示时,出现的语法错误,应该及时后面一个个纠正过来。总的来说,课堂时间的掌控不够准确。
【改进的方向与措施】
1.拓展部分,给学生充分的时间思考,老师应该帮助学生表达,引导学生表达。
2.生生评价部分应该增加时间,被重视。
3.课堂纠错应该及时,引导学生表达应该准确。
4.课堂各部分时间分配应该更加准确。
【课例研究的主要结论】
1.名词的可数与不可数,以及名词的单复数是这一课的难点,应多加强练习。
2.词汇的拓展可以再多加上一些词汇。(共24张PPT)
Period
Module
Places
and
activities
1.
Where
are
the
Peppa
Family?
2.
What
do
they
get?
November
26th
Sunny
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
...
Can
you
think
of
any
other
things?
Matching
Game
November
20th
Sunny
It
will
be
a
wonderful
party!!
I'd
like
some
and
.
They
can
make
us
strong.
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
What
would
you
like?
So
ask
everyone
what
would
they
like
to
have
in
the
party.
What
would
you
like?
f
sh
i
m
t
ea
November
20th
Sunny
It
will
be
a
wonderful
party!!
I'd
like
some
and
.
These
vegetables
are
healthy.
So
ask
everyone
what
would
they
like
to
have
in
the
party.
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
What
would
you
like?
m
o
a
t
t
o
es
m
o
a
t
t
o
t
o
a
t
p
o
es
es
c
a
t
o
rr
s
o
ox
ox
ox
Fox,
fox,fox!
Box,
box,
box!
The
fox
is
on
the
box!
ot
ot
ot
Pot,
pot,
pot!Hot,
hot,
hot!
Watch
out!
The
pot
is
hot.
op
op
op
Hop,
hop,hop!Top,
top,
top!
Fox
hops
on
top
of
the
box!
November
20th
Sunny
It
will
be
a
wonderful
party!!
I'd
like
some
and
.
They
are
yummy!
So
ask
everyone
what
would
they
like
to
have
in
the
party.
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
What
would
you
like?
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
November
20th
Sunny
It
will
be
a
wonderful
party!!
I'd
like
some
and
.
can
make
some
fresh
juice!
So
ask
everyone
what
would
they
like
to
have
in
the
party.
Who
What
Why
meat
and
fish
carrots
and
tomatoes
oranges
and
apples
pizzas
and
cakes
make
us
strong
vegetables
are
healthy
make
some
fresh
juice
yummy
November
20th
Sunny
Daddy
Pig
would
like
some
fish
and
meat.
Because
they
can
make
us
strong.
It
will
be
a
wonderful
party!!
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
So
ask
everyone
what
would
they
like
to
have
in
the
party.
November
20th
Sunny
Daddy
Pig
would
like
some
fish
and
meat.
Because
they
can
make
us
strong.
Mummy
Pig
would
like
some
carrots
and
tomatoes.
These
vegetables
are
healthy.
It
will
be
a
wonderful
party!!
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
So
ask
everyone
what
would
they
like
to
have
in
the
party.
November
20th
Sunny
Daddy
Pig
would
like
some
fish
and
meat.
Because
they
can
make
us
strong.
Mummy
Pig
would
like
some
carrots
and
tomatoes.
These
vegetables
are
healthy.
George
would
like
some
pizzas
and
cakes.
They
are
yummy.
It
will
be
a
wonderful
party!!
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
So
ask
everyone
what
would
they
like
to
have
in
the
party.
November
20th
Sunny
Daddy
Pig
would
like
some
fish
and
meat.
Because
they
can
make
us
strong.
Mummy
Pig
would
like
some
carrots
and
tomatoes.
These
vegetables
are
healthy.
George
would
like
some
pizzas
and
cakes.
They
are
yummy.
I'd
like
some
like
some
oranges
and
apples.
So
can
make
some
fresh
juice!
It
will
be
a
wonderful
party!!
My
birthday
is
coming
soon,
want
to
make
a
party!
I'm
making
a
shopping
list,
then
we
will
go
to
the
supermarket.
Umm...
In
the
supermarket,
there
are
lots
of
food,
drinks,
and
fruits!
So
ask
everyone
what
would
they
like
to
have
in
the
party.
How
much
are
these?
yuan,
please.
Here
you
are.
Thank
you.
Show
Time
What
would
you
like?
I'd
like
________.
How
much
is
it/
are
they?
It's/They're
_______
yuan.
Here
you
are.
Thank
you.
Homework:
1.
Finish
the
dialogue
on
page
39;
2.
Act
the
dialogue
on
P38;
3.
Listen
and
read
the
story
on
P40
times.