Worksheet
for:
Unit
How
can
we
become
good
learners?
话题:Language
learning(语言学习)
School
Class
Name
Date
一、本节课的学习目标
1.能力目标
(1)能正确使用已学过的“提高语言学习方法”的词组和“提建议”的句型。
(2)掌握英语议论文的写作技巧,通过分类使论据更有条理,并能完成以“How
to
learn
English
well”为题的写作任务。
2.情感目标
语言学习需要掌握一定的方法,更要持之以恒。一定要对自己有信心哦。
二、语料箱
▲词块:
memorize
the
words
by
making
word
cards,write
the
new
words
in
your
notebook,
review
words
from
time
to
time,
doing
some
exercises
about
words,
listen
to
tapes,
repeat
out
loud,
read
aloud
to
practice
pronunciation,
join
an
English
club,
have
conversations
with
friends,
keep
reading
English
newspapers
or
magazines,
find
a
pen
pal
to
write
with,
keep
a
diary
in
English,
do
grammar
exercises,
take
notes
in
English,
review
over
and
over
again
▲句型:
Doing…also
helps
a
lot,
Why
not…,
What
about
….,
You
can…,
Maybe
you
should…,
Doing
….is
also
a
good
way,
Try
to
…,
You
can
learn…by
doing
….,
Don’t
forget
to…,
The
best
way
to
learn
is
to…,
First
of
all…
then
…next….
finally,
You’d
better…,
You
are
supposed
to
…,
It’s
best
to..
.
▲名言、谚语、警句:
1.
The
way
to
learn
a
language
is
to
practice
speaking
it
as
often
as
possible.
学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。
2.
As
a
saying
goes,
"Practice
makes
perfect."
俗语说“熟能生巧”。
3.
Where
there
is
a
will,
there
is
a
way.
有志者,事竟成。
4.
Failure
is
the
mother
of
success.
失败是成功之母。
三、写作任务
(一)Video
Lead-in:
what
is
it
about?
The
video
is
about
________________________________________
(二)Free
talk
&
word
chain(词组接龙):
想想有哪些学习英语的好方法?准备接龙咯。
_________________________________________________________________
(三)Mind
map:
咱们把刚才提到的词组分分类,这样思路更清晰哦。
If
we
want
to
learn
English
well,
how
many
aspects
can
we
think
of?
Listening:
_______________________________________________________
_______
:
_______________________________________________________
_______
:
_______________________________________________________
_______
:
_______________________________________________________
_______
:
_______________________________________________________
(四)Group-work:
If
we
want
to
give
advice,
what
sentence
structure
can
we
use
?
Get
ready
to“PK”.
____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________
(五)单元话题写作
英语是一门很重要的学科。然而,很多同学都会在学习英语的过程中遇到不少困难。请结合你和身边朋友、同学的学习经验,以
“How
to
learn
English
well?”为题写一篇文章,给出你的建议。
要求:
1.
给出至少3点建议;
2.
语句通顺、连贯;
3.
词数约80左右。
思路点拨:主要人称:_
____________
主要时态:______________
Beginning:
Main
body:
Ending:
写一稿(first
draft):
写二稿(second
draft):
(六)评价
1.
大声朗读自己的文章,从结构、人称、时态、字数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等方面进行自我修正。
2.
同伴互赏:我欣赏,我快乐!
项目
标准
自我评价
同伴评价
教师评价
结构(3分)
段落合理
(2
分)
衔接自然
(1分)
内容(8分)
3点建议
(6分)
拓展合理
(2分)
语言(3分)
词汇丰富
(1分)
句法正确
,语言优美(
2分)
卷面(1分)
书写工整(
1分)
3.
作文通用修改字符:优美句子~;漏词∧;错处:○;去掉/,语法错误
,人称错误
P,时态错误
(七)总结反思:当我们写议论文的时候,有什么策略可以使用呢?
4(共16张PPT)
写作题目:How
to
learn
English
well?
Learning
aim
Giving
advice
on
learning
English.
Watch
a
video
What’s
it
about?
Free
talk
&
word
chain(词组接龙)
Word
chain
like
this:
–
listen
to
the
tape
listen
to
the
tape
+
do
some
reading
…
listening
speaking
reading
writing
listen
to
English
songs
…
watch
English
movies
let’s
classify:
learn
English
well
Sentence
Structures:
You/we
can…
You/we
should
…
You’d
better…
You/we
are
supposed
to
…
It’s
best
to..
.
Why
don’t
you
…?
Why
not
…
?
…
How
to
learn
English
well
?
As
we
all
know,
it’s
necessary
for
us
to
learn
English
well.
However,
some
students
say
that
it
is
very
hard
to
learn
it
well.
There
are
many
ways
in
fact.
Interest
is
the
first
step
to
learn
English
well.
And
practice
makes
perfect.
So,you’d
better
practise
English
every
day
.
You
can
often
listen
to
real
English
songs
or
watch
English
movies
.What’s
more,
why
not
find
an
English
pen
pal
?
That’s
also
a
good
way
.
hope
these
suggestions
can
help
you
a
lot
.
beginning
ending
主要人称:_________
主要时态:________________
主要句型:___________________________
一般现在时
一、Beginning:
点出学习英语的重要性
具体谈学习英语的方法
提出希望或鼓励
第一或第二人称
二、Main
part:
三、Ending:
表“提建议”的各种句式
英语是一门很重要的学科。然而,很多同学都会在学习英语的过程中遇到不少困难。请结合你和身边朋友、同学的学习经验,以
“How
to
learn
English
well?”为题写一篇文章,给出你的建议。
要求:
1.
给出至少3点建议;
2.
语句通顺、连贯;
3.
词数约80左右。
自评标准:大声朗读自己的文章,从结构、人称、时态、字数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等方面进行自我修正。
自我欣赏与修正
我欣赏,我快乐
注意:作文通用修改字符:优美句子~;漏词∧;错处:○;去掉/,语法错误
,人称错误
P,时态错误
项目
标准
自我评价
同伴评价
教师评价
结构(3分)
段落合理
(2
分)
衔接自然
(1分)
内容(8分)
3点建议
(6分)
拓展合理
(2分)
语言(3分)
词汇丰富
(1
分)
句法正确,语言优美
(
2分)
卷面(1分)
书写工整
(1分)
集体赏析,共同进步
Summary
How
to
write
an
article
on
learning
English?
Where
there
is
a
will,
there
is
a
way
!
Homework
Rewrite
your
article
and
hand
it
in
.
二次修改作文并上交。