冀教版英语Unit
Culture
shapes
UsLesson
Different
Manners
教学设计
Grade
Grade
Lesson
Type
Reading
Name
School
一、指导思想和理论依据
《英语课程标准(2017年版)》中提出了“英语学习活动观”,即“学生在主题意义引领下,通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等一系列体现综合性、关联性和实践性等特点的英语学习活动,使学生基于已有的知识,依托不同类型的语篇,在分析问题和解决问题的过程中,促进自身语言知识学习、语言技能发展、文化内涵理解、多元思维发展、价值取向判断和学习策略运用。”因此教师在设计英语课堂活动时,要注意让学生语言知识与语言技能整合发展,思维品质不断提升,文化意识不断增强,学习能力不断提高。《中小学生英语阅读素养框架》(王蔷,2016)中指出英语阅读素养包含“阅读能力”“阅读品格”两大要素。阅读能力包括解码能力、语言知识、阅读理解、文化意识等四个维度14个要素;阅读品格则包括阅读习惯和阅读体验两大方面6个要素。在英语阅读课堂教学中,应该关注到阅读能力和阅读品格六个维度的多个要素,努力提升学生的英语阅读素养。
二、教学背景分析
1.
文本解读:主题意义和主要内容“Different
Manners”是一篇记述中外文化差异的文章。作者以第一人称“Wu
Zhou”的口吻记叙了中国和加拿大在六个不同场合下的不同礼仪。依次记叙了“被表扬时”、“被询问年龄时”、“给老年人让座时”、“和客人就餐时”、“结账付款时”、“给小费时”中国人和加拿大人的不同生活习惯和表现方式。尽管中西方文化有巨大差异,作者在文章最后用“understand”和“live
together””work
together”来结尾,希望人们用理解和包容来看待不同的文化。2.
学情分析已有基础:初三年级的学生已具备较好的阅读和表达能力,关于跨文化交际的话题,学生并不陌生,从课内外阅读中和生活体验中也接触过很多文化差异的内容,所以学生具有一定的提取信息,处理信息和浅层思考的能力,并能简单地表达自己的观点。存在不足:学生的跨文化意识仅是略知皮毛,对于细节差异、社会习俗以及外来文化的理解和评判比较浅显,对语言的深层感受能力也还有待提高。
三、教学目标
1.
梳理文本中中外文化的礼仪差异,获取东西方国家不同礼仪的细节信息。2.
结合语境理解并正确运用部分词汇的意思,如offer,
guest,
virture,
private,
extra等。3.
通过思考和讨论,详细分析不同场景下中外礼仪的不同表现,并推断人们在不同礼仪下的心理活动,反思评价外国礼仪的态度和取向。4.
讲述中外礼仪要点和自己的看法,并通过迷你剧编演,展开想象和创造,加深对中外礼仪的理解,在表演中表达自己的体验和感受。5.
在语言学习中,乐于接触异国文化,热爱祖国文化,享受英语学习的乐趣。
四、教学重难点
教学重点:梳理文本结构,获取中外文化不同礼仪的细节信息,分析礼仪差异的不同表现。教学难点:讲述中外礼仪要点和自己的观点,展开想象和创造编演迷你剧,表达自己的体验。
五、教学流程
Pre-reading读前活动:1.
图片引入,感知主题;2.
词汇学习,做好准备;3.
谈论图片,提出预测;While-reading
读中活动:4.
阅读连线,整体感知;5.
对比填空,细节提取;6.
同伴对学,讲述分享;Post-reading
读后活动:7.
语境学习,内化巩固;8.
编演探讨,迁移创新;9.
总结点睛,拓展延伸。
六、教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
Step
1Greetings
Teacher
greets
to
the
whole
class.
Students
read
the
class
slogan:
Today
am
better
than
yesterday!
激励口号,点燃课堂。
读前活动pre-reading
Step
2Look
and
Guess
Teacher
shows
two
pictures
on
the
screen
and
make
the
students
observe
and
talk
about
them.
"../Local%2520Settings/Temp/ksohtml2908/wps4.jpg"
\
Q:
What
are
the
people
doing
in
the
pictures?
What
are
saying?
Do
they
have
good
manners
in
China?
Are
the
manners
still
good
in
Canada?
观察图片,引入话题。激发阅读兴趣,感知主题阅读。
Step
3Learn
and
Play
Teacher
shows
some
new
words
and
phrases
from
this
lesson,
and
make
the
students
understand
and
use
them
correctly
while
playing
the
P.K.
game.
Students
read
the
words,
and
play
the
“Spelling
Bee”
game.
They
can
say
the
words
in
sentences.
Students
of
different
learning
levels
can
challenge
different
parts.
Each
student
can
get
something
useful
in
this
part.
学习词汇,纠正语音;拼读游戏,分层竞赛;结合实例,学会运用,为主题阅读清除生词障碍。
Step
4LookandPredict
Teacher
shows
a
picture
of
“Wu
Zhou”
and
gives
a
short
introduction
of
him:
T:Wu
Zhou
has
lived
in
Canada
for
years.
It’s
a
long
time,
but
he
still
doesn’t
feel
Canadian.
Because
Canadian
culture
is
different
from
Chinese
culture.
In
your
opinion,
what
cultural
differences
are
between
China
and
Canada?Students
show
their
ideas.
Possible
answers
are
table
manners,
greeting
manners,
giving
tips
and
so
on.
引发阅读背景,预测阅读内容。
读中活动while-reading
Step
5Read
and
Match
Fast
reading:
Read
quickly
and
get
to
know
the
outline
of
the
whole
passage.
Read
the
lesson
and
match
the
behaviours
with
the
correct
countries.
Canada
China?asking
an
adult’s
age?putting
food
on
a
guest’s
plate?giving
a
tip
to
waiters
and
hotel
workers?sharing
the
cost
of
a
meal
in
a
restaurant
快速阅读,理清语篇结构,把握文本的大意。
Step
6ReadandThink
Detailed
reading:
Read
carefully
and
get
more
information.
Fill
in
the
chart
with
proper
words.
Different
manners
between
China
and
CanadaSituationsChinaCanadaWhen
you
are
praisedyou
should
_____
_____you
should
be
confident
and
____
______
______When
people
ask
others’?agesit’s
_______
in
many
placesit’s
not
_____
to
ask
an
_____
age.They
think
it
is
_________.When
you
offer
a
seat
to
an
elderly
personit’s
________it’s
polite
but
the
elders
may
______
_________when
people
eat
out
in
restaurantspeople
______
______
paying
for
the
mealpeople
often
______
the
cost
of
a
mealwhen
people
have
meals
with
guestsyou
can
____
food
___
their
plates
if
the
guests
have
no
foodyou
_____
food
___
guestswhen
we
talk
about
“tipping”people
_____
give
____
______
to
waiters,
taxi
drivers
or
hotel
workers.Giving
tips
is
_____
done.Students
read
and
think
by
themselves.They
try
to
get
more
detailed
information
while
completing
the
chart.
细节阅读:以文本六个情境为提纲,引导学生进行细节提取。根据上下文捕捉关键信息,分析中外礼仪之间的差异。培养学生在语境中学习生词、推断词义和细节信息的加工处理能力。
Step
7DiscussandShare
Teacher
makes
the
students
do
a
pair
work:
1.
Discuss
different
manners
between
China
and
Canada.
One
talks
about
Chinese
manners
and
the
other
talks
about
Canadian
ones.
Get
the
key
words
while
discussing.2.
Guess
why
Chinese
and
Canadian
manners
are
so
different.
Try
to
analize
what
people’s
attitude
or
local
customs
behind
these
manners.Then
share
their
opinions
in
class.
Students
possible
answers:In
China,
it’s
polite
to
offer
a
seat
to
an
elderly
person.
We
should
take
good
care
of
the
old
people.
It’s
a
traditional
Chinese
virtue.
In
Canada,
it’s
also
polite
to
offer
seats
to
old
people.
But
elderly
people
may
feel
embarrassed
about
being
offered
seats.
They
may
think
you
look
down
upon
them,
and
they
don’t
think
they
need
any
help.
That’s
their
culture.……
学生对学:通过同伴协作互相讲述中外礼仪差异和发表自己对不同礼仪背后的文化理解,加深学生在文本内容上的理解和思考,为下一个分享活动作铺垫。
读后活动post-reading读后活动post-reading
Step
8Study
and
Practice
Teacher
shows
some
sentences
from
the
passage,
and
let
the
students
think
about
the
word
“although/
though”:
1.
Though
Wu
Zhou
has
lived
in
Canada
for
years,he
still
doesn't
feel
Canadian.2.
Although
Canadian
culture
is
different
from
Chinese
culture,
he
has
many
good
friends
in
Canada.3.
In
China
if
someone
praises
you,
you
should
be
modest,
but
in
Canada
you
should
just
say,"Thank
you".
The
students
can
understand
the
meaning
and
make
it
clear
how
to
use
it
correctly
in
a
sentence.
Then
finish
the
exercieses.
Match
and
complete
the
sentences.1.
Although
people
have
different
cultures
and
customs,2.
Brian
hasn’t
been
to
China,3.
He
has
been
at
the
new
school
for
only
a
few
days,4.
Though
Liu
Feng
has
many
friends
in
America,
学生在语境中学习“although/though”的用法,体会语法的表意功能,学会在句子中正确运用。
Step
9Create
and
Show
Teacher
shows
six
pictures
of
different
manners,
and
let
students
have
group
work.
They
choose
one
manner
to
talk
about,
create
a
situation
and
act
out
how
Chinese
and
Canadians
behave
in
their
different
ways.
Students
make
a
mini-play
based
on
one
manner
we
learn
today.They
create
a
new
situation,
and
behave
what
Chinese
and
Canadian
people
will
say
and
do
in
their
cultures.
Express
their
understanding
of
manners
in
their
own
words.
通过迷你剧的编演加深学生对文本的理解和思考,发展学生的想象与创造能力。提供六个选择,满足学生的不同水平和要求,培养学生的语言运用能力和想象能力,增强学生积极的阅读体验。
Step
10Summarize
andExpand
T:
Although
Chinese
and
Canadians
have
different
manners
and
cultures,
we
can
still
be
friends.
What
should
we
do
about
different
cultures?
think
we
can:
Do
in
Rome
as
the
Romans
do.
In
fact,
besides
the
manners
we
have
discussed,
there
are
also
some
cultural
differences.
Please
find
more
after
class
and
share
your
ideas
next
class.
对待文化差异,引导学生明了“入乡随俗”是最好的方式。继续查找中外礼仪差异的作业,引导学生进一步巩固本课所学以及对主题阅读的拓展和延伸。
七、教学板书
Lesson
Different
Manners
China
Canada
Being
praised
Paying
for
meals
Asking
ages
Having
meals
with
guests
Offering
seats
Giving
tips
Although
Chinese
culture
is
different
from
Canadian
culture,
We
can
still
make
friends!
八、教学反思
教学特色:本课是阅读课,在基于语篇分析和学情分析之后,设计了层层递进、相互关联的教学目标,教学活动以目标为导向,活动之间的逻辑清楚、衔接紧密且流畅。读前,从图片上的行为引导学生猜测,在中国被认为好的礼仪是否在加拿大也是好的礼仪呢?再到对吴州在加拿大可能遇到的文化差异做出预测,连续的问题链,充分调动了学生的阅读兴趣和动机。读中,从通过整体阅读根据大意进行国家与礼仪行为的连线,到细节阅读提取、分析关键信息,再到基于表层行为推理人们对礼仪行为的心理活动及背后的文化习俗的深层次挖掘和理解,训练学生各种阅读技能和由低到高的思维能力。读后,通过语境感悟重点语法although的表意功能,达到语言知识的内化和巩固;再通过迷你剧的编演和分享,进一步内化文本内容和语言,培养学生的表达能力和语言运用能力;最后通过“入乡随俗”的点睛和继续查找中外文化差异的作业,对阅读主题进行再补充、再延伸。整个教学设计体现了学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新、分类活动的关联与递进,把语言知识学习、语言技能运用、思维品质发展、文化意识形成都有机融入课程内容和教学活动中,在课堂教学中培养学生的英语学科核心素养。教学改进:1.
应用思维导图深入理解文本。本课在细节阅读环节采用了对比填充表格的方式,如果引导学生绘制思维导图,则更能帮助学生在参与、体验和思考的过程中深度理解文本,建构文本的意义。学生也可以多次使用自己已建构的思维导图作为支架,在后续口头表达时帮助学生提升表达的准确性、流畅度和逻辑性,提升学生的学习能力。2.
应用文本改编或续写的方式内化语言知识。本课采用了编演六个迷你剧的方式来鼓励学生发挥创造与想象,如果以文本为依据,让学生对吴州在加拿大的生活经历进行改编或续写,身临其境的角色扮演,更能加深学生对文本的理解和思考,以及对主题意义的深层认识。3.
加强课前准备:搜集中外文化差异。本课让学生在课后利用网路或书刊搜集更多的中外文化差异,以达到对主题阅读拓展认知的目的。如果进行翻转,让学生把搜集活动提到课前,充分准备整理之后再来上课,学生自身的阅读体验和知识储备都会提高一层,文本理解和文化探究也就更加深刻,课堂展示会更加精彩。
A.
but
he
has
already
make
many
friends
there.
B.
they
have
the
same
feelings.
C.
he
still
feels
lonely.
D.
but
he
knows
a
lot
about
our
country.