<21:
The
Fable
of
the
Woodcutter>>教学设计
教材分析:本单元通过学习诗歌,寓言及童话故事,让学生感受西方文学艺术的语言魅力。本节课要学习的伐木工的这则寓言故事能够启发学生认识到诚实是日常生活中最重要的品质之一,鼓励他们要做诚实的人,传递正能量。
学情分析:绝大多数农村孩子的英语课外读物很少,他们对西方文学及文化的了解仅限于翻译过来的中文版。通过学习,要让孩子们感受到西方文学艺术的语言魅力并知道诚实也是西方人推崇的一种重要品质;其次,对于受客观条件限制的农村孩子来说,拥有标准的语音语调及流利的口语表达感觉很难,要减小与大城市孩子的差距,英语课上大量的正音、听读、复述等口头表达的练习当属重中之重。
教学目标:
1.语言目标:fable,
woodcutter,
axe,
dive,
spirit,
silver,
policy,
admit
sth.
to
sb,
make
one’s/a
living,
dive
into…,
Honesty
truly
is
the
best
policy.
2.能力目标:学生会大声朗诵课文,明白寓言寓意,对寓言进行复述并绘声绘色地表演出来。
3.情感目标:通过学习唤起学生对西方文学的热爱并能让学生深刻体会到诚实的重要性,并意识到自己也要做一个诚实的人。
教学重、难点:
1.
鼓励引导学生能流利地复述、绘声绘色地表演这则寓言;
2.
启发学生认识到诚实的重要性,做一个诚实的人。
教学方法:情景法、听说法、交际法
教学准备:
录音机;PPT及寓言视频;表演道具(金、银、铁三把斧子及仙子花环等)
教学过程:
Step
1.
Greetings
Step
2.
Lead
in
T:
We
have
enjoyed
five-line
poems
in
last
lesson.
Do
you
think
it’s
interesting?
(Yes.)
We
will
enjoy
a
kind
of
story
today.
It’s
a
fable.
Have
you
learned
a
lot
about
fables?
at
first,
let’s
enjoy
a
fable.
(Play
the
video
about
the
fable)
T:
What’s
a
fable?
1.
story,
but
a
fictional
story;
2.
It
is
about
animals,
plants,
forces
of
nature,
etc.
3.
It
always
has
a
moral
lesson.
moral
teaches
about
right
and
wrong,
and
good
and
bad
.
Do
you
like
reading
fables?
What
fables
have
you
read?
eg:
The
Wolf
and
the
Lamb
,The?Hare?and?the?Tortoise,
etc.
We
will
learn
Lesson
21:
The
Fable
of
the
Woodcutter
today.
It’s
very
special
and
interesting,
believe
you
like
it
very
much.
Let’s
go!
(教学意图:引导学生在上一课five-line
poems的基础上对fables这种文体有个大致了解,视频的穿插用于激趣,并让学生感受纯正的美音,为后面复述、表演做铺垫。)
Step
3.
New
words
Check
to
see
if
the
Ss
have
previewed
the
new
words
and
correct
their
pronunciation.
?
fable
?
woodcutter
?
axe
?
dive
(dove
/dived)
?
admit
?
silver
?
policy
?
spirit
?
honesty
(教学意图:为理解寓言大意扫除生词障碍,正音熟读为后面复述、表演做准备。)
Step
4.
Listen
and
fill.
1.
Play
the
audiotape
and
ask
the
Ss
to
listen
carefully.
All
the
Ss
should
close
their
books
and
write
down
the
answers
on
the
paper.
2.
Check
their
answers.
(教学意图:训练学生的听力并让学生感悟本课的新单词在整片文章的用法,继续熟识本课新单词。)
Step
5.
Key
phrases
Ask
the
Ss
to
read
the
text
after
the
tape
and
underline
the
phrases.
Then
check
them.
很久以前
谋生
为……感到难过
向……承认
潜入水中
想出
取回
(教学意图:让学生在句子中、课文中理解短语的用法。)
Step
6.
Practice
Ask
the
Ss
to
finished
them
in
two
minutes
and
then
check
the
answers.
They
can
tell
the
reason
why
they
did
like
this.
Fill
in
the
blanks
with
the
correct
forms
of
the
words
or
phrases
in
the
box.
silver
admit
make
one’s
living
come
up
with
dive
into
1.
He_________
to
his
parents
that
he
broke
the
window.
They
were
happy
with
his
honesty.
2.
That
old
lady
is
very
poor.
She
_______________
by
selling
newspapers.
3.
I’m
afraid
to________
the
swimming
pool.
4.
He
____________
a
fun
way
to
learn
math.
5.
She
wore
a
______
chain
around
her
neck.
(教学意图:让学生熟练掌握短语的用法,并通过解释解题思路训练孩子们应对中考的答题技巧。)
Step
7.
Read
and
answer
a.
Read
the
lesson
again
and
answer
the
questions.
1.
What
happened
to
the
woodcutter
when
he
was
cutting
wood
beside
a
lake?
2.
Who
appeared
as
the
woodcutter
cried?
3.
How
did
the
woodcutter
get
back
his
old
axe?
4.
Why
did
the
spirit
give
the
woodcutter
the
other
two
axes
as
presents?
b.
Ask
four
students
to
answer
them
and
evaluate.
Step
8.
Activities
Activity1:
Read
the
lesson
after
the
tape
again
and
then
use
the
mind-map
to
retell
the
story.
(One
student
retells
one
paragraph)
Activity2:
Act
out
the
fable.
(Ask
the
Ss
to
practice
in
pairs,
and
choose
two
talented
students
to
present
in
front
of
class.)
(教学意图:通过听读纠正孩子们的语音语调,
通过复述和表演训练孩子们的口语表达能力。)
Step
9.
Thinking
1.
Think
about
the
spirit
and
the
woodcutter.
Match
each
person
with
the
words
that
describe
them.
(Ask
two
students
to
finish
it.
The
spirit
is
,
and
.
The
woodcutter
is
and
.)
2.
What
should
we
learn
from
the
woodcutter?
Honesty
truly
is
the
best
policy.
(教学意图:通过分析人物,
引导学生认识到诚为上策。)
Step
10.
Summary
If
we
be
honest
to
others,
they’ll
be
honest
to
you
in
return.
Being
honest
is
the
most
important
in
our
daily
life.
We
should
be
an
honest
person/student.
(教学意图:进行情感的升华,鼓励并引导学生要做一个诚实的人。)
Step
11.
Homework
?
Learn
the
key
words
and
phrases
by
heart.
?
Find
another
fable
and
act
it
out
in
English.
教学反思:
这节课我注重了人人参与,给每个同学都给了一次表现机会,但我个人认为评价不够到位;还有在课堂上引出了诚实待人的重要性,如能加以拓展,鼓励学生将生活中的诚信故事用英语分享交流或用英语谈谈以后如何做诚实的人(如不说谎,考试不作弊等等),这样会更好一些。