(共34张PPT)
Module
My
favourite
things
Oxford
English
Music
She
is
magic.
He
is
magic
,too.
a
magic
man
Enjoy
a
story
long
,
long
time
ago,
a
magic
story
happened
in
the
city
of
Hamelin(哈梅林),Germany(德国).
1.
What's
characters(角色)
in
the
story?
1.There
is
a
_
_
_
_
on
the
box.
mouse
mice
mouse
2.There
are
two
_
_
_
_
under
the
box.
mice
1.
What
happens
in
the
city?
2.
Who
comes
to
help
the
people?
There
are
many
mice
in
the
city.
man
comes
to
help
the
people.
3.
How
does
the
man
drive
away
the
mice?
4.Why
do
the
children
walk
behind
the
man?
He
plays
magic
music.
Because
the
man
plays
magic
music
again.
5.
Do
the
children
come
back
home?
Yes,
they
do.
1.
Why
does
the
man
play
magic
music
again?
The
people
don't
give
the
gold.
2.
Why
does
the
man
help
the
people?
He
wants
a
bag
of
gold.
many
mice
There
are
many
mice
in
the
city.
a
man,
help,
a
bag
of
gold
One
day,
a
man
comes.
can
help
you.
Give
me
a
bag
of
gold!
Sure!
play
magic
music,
mice,
walk
The
man
plays
magic
music.All
the
mice
walk
behind
him.
There
are
no
mice
in
the
city
now.
no
mice,
do
not
give
No.
Please
give
me
the
gold
.
play
magic
music,
children,walk
The
man
plays
magic
music
again.
All
the
children
walk
behing
him
.
give
the
gold,
children,
come
home
The
people
give
the
man
his
gold.
The
children
come
home.
First
There
is
a
big
tiger
in
the
city.
It
does
harm
to
(伤害)the
people.
The
people
are
scared.
Next
First
After
that
???What
happens
to
the
tiger?
the
tiger
falls
asleep.
the
tiger
is
dead.
What
can
we
learn
from
this
story?
What
can
we
learn
from
this
class?
The
people
should
give
the
gold
to
the
magic
man.
We
should
be
honest
(诚实).课题:深圳版牛津英语
四年级下册
Module2
Unit
Music
教学内容:Enjoy
a
story
-Magic
Music
学生情况分析:
四年级学生经过三年半的英语学习在基础知识与技能方面已有较多的基础,总体上对英语学习保持着较大的兴趣。特别是四年级上学期经过调考的磨练,孩子们的听说读写能力都有较大的提升,其中阅读和写作能力提升明显。
孩子们对语言的掌握和理解有性别差异和个体差异,一小部分孩子缺少学法意识、表演中过分依赖文本或者不愿开口表达。所以需要教师精心设计教学活动,吸引孩子注意力,激发孩子想说、想演的欲望。同时加强学法指导,提高孩子们做题效率从而树立自信心。
单元教学目标:
1、能认读、拼读出magic,
mice
和mouse并能区分mouse是单数,mice是复数形式。
2、能听懂并流利复述故事内容,在此基础上能进行故事表演。
3、能理解故事基础上创编新的故事。
4、能养成课后总结的学习习惯,并领悟出诚实守信的故事寓意。
教学重难点
教学重点:理解、表演故事,综合运用语言。
教学难点:1.能流利复述故事的基础上创编故事
2.感受不同人物的情感,声情并茂地表达对话。
教学过程:
Procedures
Contents
Methods
Purposes/Effect
一:Pre-task
preparation
1)Sing
and
playShow
time3)
T:
Boys
and
girls,
like
music.
can
play
the
guitar.
can
sing
many
songs.
Let’s
see.
If
you
understand
the
song,you
can
sing
with
me
.T:Ok!
can
sing
English
songs.
Can
you
sing
English
songs?
Who
can
sing
for
usSing
“The
music
man”T(教师):
so
great!
think
all
of
you
can
sing
English
songs,
so,
let’s
sing
together.
Ready
?S(学生):Go
通过教师吉他演奏,边边唱已学过歌曲,导入音乐话题,同时激发兴趣。通过学生举手自由演唱一两句自己会唱的英文歌3.全班配合动作,歌唱本单元所学歌曲”The
music
man”,调动学生的眼耳口手等感官,激发学生热情。
二While-task
procedures
1)Look
and
read2)look
and
enjoy3)
Think
and
answerthink
and
try6)read
and
answer7)read
and
enjoy8)Repeat
the
story
T(教师):
Wow!
The
music
make
the
world
wonderful.
The
music
make
us
happy.
Music
is
a
magic.
Now,
read
after
me.
MagicSs(学生):MagicT(教师):M-a-g-i-cSs(学生):M-a-g-i-cT(教师):A
magic
manSs(学生):A
magic
man.T(教师):She
ismagic.Ss(学生):She
ismagic.T(教师):He
is
magic,
too.Ss(学生):He
is
magic,
too.T(教师):
Wow
!
it’s
a
magic.
The
rabbit
disappear.
Plenty
of
doves
fly
from
the
woman.T(教师):
Let’s
enjoy
a
magic
story.
long
,
long
time
ago,
a
magic
story
happened
in
the
city
of
Hamelin(哈梅林),Germany(德国).let’s
see
what
happened.T(教师):it’s
a
nice
story.
Think
about
this
“What's
characters(角色)
in
the
story?”S1(学生):the
music
man、the
people、mice4)T(教师):
now,
read
after
me.
mouse,
M-o-u-s-e,mouse.
mouse.
Mice
,M-i-c-e.
three
mice,
many
mice.Ss(学生):mouse,
M-o-u-s-e,mouse.
mouse.Mice
,M-i-c-e,three
mice,
many
mice.5)T(教师):Who
can
try
to
fill
in
the
blank.S1(学生)1.There
is
a
_
_
_
_
on
the
box.
2.There
are
two
_
_
_
_
under
the
box.T(教师):Let’s
read
the
story
following
the
tape.
Ready?Ss(学生):Go!
1.
What
happens
in
the
city?S1(学生):There
are
many
mice
in
the
city.2.Who
comes
to
help
the
people?S1(学生):A
man
comes
to
help
the
people.3.
How
does
the
man
drive
away
the
mice?S1(学生):He
plays
magic
music.4.Why
do
the
children
walk
behindthe
man?S1(学生):Because
the
man
plays
magic
music
again.5.
Do
the
children
come
back
home?S1(学生):Yes,
they
do.7)T(教师):
Which
groups
can
read
those
three
pictures?Ss(学生):Why
does
the
man
play
magic
music
again?S1(学生):The
people
don't
give
the
gold.2.
Why
does
the
man
help
the
people?S1(学生):He
wants
a
bag
of
gold.8)T(教师):
This
part,
according
to
the
picture
and
key
words,
repeat
the
story.
Who
can
try
to
repeat
the
story.S1、S2....repeat
the
story,
according
the
key
words.
1)首先采用朗读、拼读单词和单词放入句中识记的方法,帮助学生理解和学习难点单词。其次建立图片和单词的联系,帮助学生突破难词。通过简单故事介绍和视频欣赏,学生了解故事背景和故事梗概梳理故事角色区分老鼠的单数形式mouse和复数形式mice,解决重点词汇。5)理论联系实际,老鼠单数形式mouse和复数形式mice在具体题目中的运用,帮助学生形成解决问题的能力。6)任务教学法:跟着录音朗读,锻炼学生语音语调,并思考问题,解析故事概况。7)与任务教学法相结合,通过小组细读,深入解析事故发展和重点情节。明确主人公行为背后的意图。8)通过提供关键词和图片,让学生回忆故事内容并准确流利地复述出来,发散学生思维,锻炼语言输出能力。
三After-task
procedures
1)Role
play2)Make
a
story
Ss
play
the
story
in
their
groups.2)T(教师):
First,
There
is
a
big
tiger
in
the
city.
It
does
harm
to
(伤害)the
people.
The
people
are
scared.S1、S2...(学生):T(教师):
May
be
the
tiger
is
dead
or
the
tiger
falls
asleep.
1)创设情境,通过表演形式,给孩子创造语言综合能力展示的机会,并深切感知角色情绪情感状态。2)创设新的老虎伤人情境,头脑风暴创编故事结局,激活思维,扩展思维的广度和宽度。
四Summary
1)Think
and
summary
1)T(教师):What
can
we
learn
from
this
class?S1、S2....(学生):The
people
should
give
the
gold
to
the
magic
man.
We
should
be
honest(诚实).
总结课文内容并进行情感教育和品质教育,让学生从故事中总结诚实待人的美好品质,告诉学生在日常生活和学习中时刻践行这种美好品质。
五Homework
Repeat
and
play
the
story
at
home,
invite
your
families
to
be
your
audience.
作业旨在延伸巩固课堂,结合学生爱演爱表现和家校联合的优势,孩子在家里复述和表演故事并录视频上传到英语微信群。,家长做评委并给出意见。同时孩子们可以在群里互相观看同学的表演,交流讨论,形成良好的学习风格。
六blackboard
mice
mouse