Man’s
Four
Legged
Friend
教学设计
教学材料
Man’s
Four
Legged
Friend
教学内容
这是一节关于狗的介绍的阅读课,包括狗在人们生活和工作中的不同角色、狗的特点以及养狗的利弊。
教学目标
原则
说明
知识目标学生可以了解狗在人类生活中的作用,以及它们与人类的关系。学生可以学会运用快速阅读的方法,在阅读过程中快速找到具体的信息。学生可以学会用英语表达他们的个人意见。
本节课的主题与狗有关,通过学习,学生将对狗有更多的认识,在关于狗的问题上能有多方面的批判性思考,通过思考形成并阐述自己的观点。
能力目标学生可以通过快速阅读和详细阅读来提高对文章的阅读能力(猜测、略读和扫描)。学生可以通过解决问题和完成任务来训练听力技能。学生可以通过组织一篇文章来发展他们的写作能力。
本节课为阅读课,通过预测,扫读,寻读,猜测词义及推理等基本活动,学生能够进一步掌握阅读技巧。多样化的课堂形式,能够训练学生的听力、写作等技能,促进学生的听、说、读、写全面发展。
情感与态度目标通过小组活动和讨论,激发学生的合作意识。学生可以提高他们学习英语的兴趣,以便他们愿意用英语谈论他们最喜欢的动物或宠物,并向同学表达他们的意见。学生可以树立保护动物的意识,使他们善待动物,视动物为人类的朋友。
通过小组活动和讨论,激发学生的合作意识。本节课的主题与生活息息相关,能够更迅速地激发学生的学习兴趣,引起他们对话题的思考,增强他们保护动物的意识。
重难点
如何获得收集、处理信息的能力,最终达到用英语自由表达个人意见的目的。
高一学生的思维由感性阶段向理性阶段逐渐转化,表达观点时对理性与感性信息的把控是重难点。
教学环境
“智慧校园”
教学工具
多媒体计算机、黑板、粉笔、投影仪
座位设置
学生们根据任务分成四个小组。
此类设计有利于学生的合作学习。
过程和活动
教学过程和活动
学习过程和活动
说明
Ⅰ.任务前阶段:头脑风暴与导入
(3
minutes)
The
teacher
is
going
to
show
some
pictures
through
and
ask
the
students
what
they
see.
T:
What
is
on
the
screen?S:
Grassland.T:
What
do
you
expect
to
see
on
the
Grassland?S:
(list
different
kinds
of
animal
like
cow,
horse).The
teacher
is
going
to
show
what
there
are
in
the
picture
and
ask
the
students
to
say
out
the
new
words
(shepherd,
a
flock
of
sheep).T:
Okay,
we
can
see
there
is
a
shepherd.
So
who
do
you
think
is
the
shepherd
helper?
An
animal?
Or
another
person?S:
Animal.T:
What
kind
of
animal?S:
Dogs.
The
students
are
going
to
look
at
the
pictures
on
the
screen.They
are
going
to
have
an
interaction
with
the
teacher,
answering
some
questions.They
are
going
to
be
encouraged
to
talk
about
what
there
might
be
in
the
picture.They
are
going
to
say
out
the
new
words
loud
following
the
teacher.
教师引导学生进行头脑风暴,学生集思广益,更快地参与课堂活动中来。利用一段flash动画引出狗在人们生活中的作用的简单介绍,使学生对狗在生活中的作用有所了解。另外Flash动画的生动形象也激发了学生学习本课的兴趣。在语境中呈现新词,也能够扫清阅读上的语言和文化障碍,激发学生的阅读动机。
Ⅱ.
任务介绍和任务明确
(2
minutes)
The
teacher
is
going
to
inform
the
students
what
they
are
going
to
do
in
this
lesson
and
what
their
final
outcome
will
be.T:
Today
we
will
learn
about
dogs
so
that
after
studying
you
can
write
an
article
about
your
own
opinions
on
whether
it
is
good
or
bad
to
keep
a
dog.
The
students
are
going
to
be
informed
what
they
are
going
to
do
in
this
lesson
and
what
their
final
outcome
will
be.
At
the
same
time
they
are
going
to
be
encouraged
to
size
up
the
tasks,
as
well
as
themselves.
明确阅读目的和布置任务,体现了师生民主平等,也有利于学生自主规划、主动参与活动。活动以教师讲解为主。
Ⅲ.
阅读前任务:预测课文的可能内容(5
minutes)
The
teacher
is
going
to
help
the
students
form
the
schemata
by
a
discussion
of
the
following
question
between
partners.T:
Before
studying,
can
you
predict
the
content
of
this
text
according
to
its
topic?And
the
teacher
will
write
the
following
two
patterns
on
the
Blackboard
if
necessary
to
set
up
a
scaffold
before
the
group
work:The
text
will
talk
about…The
author
will
tell
us….Then
the
teacher
will
take
down
the
possible
guesses
and
also
the
questions
on
the
Bb
after
the
Group
work.
The
students
are
going
to
predict
the
possible
content
of
the
text.The
students
are
going
to
work
in
group
and
each
group
will
send
a
representative
to
give
a
sentence
to
predict
what
the
text
might
talk
about.
读前活动重点在于构建学生阅读图式,为下步阅读活动做好铺垫。在这个过程中,训练学生预测能力。在语言方面,如果学生有困难,教师提供一个“支架”。活动以学生小组互动为主。
Ⅳ.
阅读时任务:阅读所需信息
(25
minutes)
The
teacher
is
going
to
ask
the
students
to
skim
the
text
then
ask
them
to
match
the
main
statements
with
the
paragraphs.
(3
minutes)ColumnⅠColumn
ⅡParagraph1Dogs
are
excellent
guards.Paragraph2Dogs
are
man’s
working
mates.Paragraph3Dogs
are
Part
of
man’s
family.
Paragraph4Dogs
are
wonderful
trackers.Paragraph5Dogs
are
dangerous
killers.The
teacher
is
going
to
ask
the
Ss
to
scan
paragraphs
and
fill
in
the
blanks
about
the
kind
of
dogs.
(2
minutes)For
a
long
time
in
history,
Dogs
were
being
____
and
being
____.Some
were
made
__,
others
were
_____
or
______.The
teacher
is
going
to
ask
the
Ss
to
discuss
in
groups
about
which
sentence
best
summarizes
the
relationship
between
man
and
his
dog
after
reading
the
paragraph3.
(2
minutes)The
teacher
is
going
to
play
the
recording
of
the
paragraph
and
asks
the
Students
to
fill
in
the
table.
(10
minutes)NameSauerBobbieOwnerWhenWhatHow
farThe
teacher
is
going
to
ask
the
Ss
to
infer
part
of
speech
and
meaning
through
context
and
some
knowledge
of
vocabulary
structure
when
reading
the
paragraph
5.
The
teacher
will
list
three
ways
to
word-guessing
on
the
Bb:
(8
minutes)According
to
the
definition
clue.According
to
synonyms
and
antonyms.According
to
word
formation.The
teacher
ask
questions:What
is
the
terrible
disease
that
a
dog
carries?When
a
person
is
bitten
by
a
dog,
how
does
he
know
that
he
is
infected?Which
sentence
summarizes
the
relationship
between
dogs
and
man?
The
students
are
going
to
skim
the
text
for
information
needed.
Through
the
text
reading
and
their
prediction
comparing,
individually,
the
students
are
going
to
match
the
main
statements
with
the
paragraphs
in
minutes.They
are
going
to
pick
up
the
things
that
the
author
talks
about
and
then
have
a
class
interaction
to
collect
what
they
pick
in
minutes.They
are
going
to
have
a
discussion
in
groups
about
and
then
to
have
a
class
interaction
to
collect
their
ideas
in
minutes.The
students
are
going
to
listen
to
the
recording
of
the
paragraph
4.
They
will
capture
key
information
and
take
notes.
When
finishing
listening,
they
are
going
to
fill
in
the
table.Under
the
guidance
of
the
teacher,
the
students
read
the
paragraph
and
guess
the
meaning
of
the
words
“disease-rabies,
infected,
stage,
symptoms,
horrible”
by
the
methods
they
learned.
And
then
answer
the
questions.
此阶段的主要任务是理解文本并在阅读过程中训练学生的阅读技能。主要活动有略读了解课文大意,寻读捕捉具体信息,划分课文结构,回答事实性问题和推理性问题,根据上下文猜测词义等。阅读本身是个信息输入的过程,应该是学生自主活动。教师的主要任务是搭建支架(如设计问题)提高学生阅读的效率,提供足够时间让学生自主阅读,设计话题诱发小组合作学习,同时教师提供必要的资源。因此这阶段活动主要以学生自主、合作为主,教师的责任以调控、评价、帮助等为主。学生的阅读活动从自己的预测(图式)与文本的互动开始,获取主要信息(课文内容的框架及作者想表达的)并通过学生间互动(小组合作),深入解读信息背后的文化知识(tips
&
warnings
for
the
text)
Ⅴ.
阅读后任务(10
minutes)
任务一:
写一篇短文。(7
minutes)
写是英语学习中的重要技能之一。为培养学生的持续学习兴趣,提供给学生的题目是一个open-ended
question,学生需要根据自己的判断能力来决定问题的答案并给出自己的论点,从而培养了学生加工信息的能力,同时也满足了不同层次学生的学习需求,增强其书面运用英语的自信心。
The
teacher
is
going
to
guide
the
students
in
writing.
The
teacher
is
going
to
give
the
students
the
task
of
discussing
about
“whether
it
is
good
or
bad
to
keep
a
dog”.The
teacher
will
ask
students
to
write
down
their
opinion,
go
around
the
class
to
monitor
their
work,
and
offer
any
necessary
help.
The
students
are
going
to
write
a
article
to
express
their
own
opinions
about
keeping
a
dog.The
students
are
going
to
discuss
in
groups
and
take
notes.
After
discussing,
they
can
form
their
own
opinion
and
then
write
a
short
passage.
任务二:
强调保护动物的重要性。
(3
minutes)
因为这是一篇与动物有关的文章,因此为了进一步加强学生保护动物的意识,运用一位环境学家的话来作为本科的结束语。概括说明了保护动物的重要性和重要意义。
The
teacher
uses
the
words
of
an
environmentalist
as
the
conclusion
of
the
undergraduate
course,
combining
the
content
of
the
text,
to
convey
the
importance
and
significance
of
animal
protection
to
the
students.T:
“We
human
beings
have
the
highest
intelligence
that
animals
can
never
have.
We
are
also
the
biggest
users
of
the
earth’s
resources.
Therefore,
we
should
take
the
responsibility
to
protect
our
animal
friends.”
Do
you
all
agree?
Actually,
besides
dogs,
we
have
a
lot
of
animals
unfortunately
not
all
the
people
realize
the
importance
about
animal
protection.
So
what
I’d
like
you
to
do
is
to
produce
a
slogan
which
will
raise
people’s
awareness
of
animal
protection.
The
students
think
about
what
environmentalists
say
and
strengthen
their
awareness
of
animal
protection.
Ⅵ.作业
The
students
do
a
survey
on
their
classmates
about
the
reasons
for
raising
or
not
raising
dogs
at
home
and
complete
the
article
about
“whether
it
is
good
or
bad
to
keep
a
dog”.
To
produce
a
slogan
about
animal
protection.
通过调查的形式,收集并形成自己的观点,培养学生良好的写作习惯。设计口号的过程中,学生能够深入探究动物保护的内涵,并且增强动物保护的意识。
板书设计
?
What
the
text
talk
about…
?
What
the
author
will
tell
us…
板书设计力求重点突出,简洁明了,以吸引学生的注意力。
21世纪教育网
精品试卷·第
页
(共
页)
""(共18张PPT)
Man’s
Four
Legged
Friend
Period
Reading
What
do
you
expect
to
see
on
the
Grassland?
a
flock
of
sheep
dog
shepherd
Stage
1:
learn
about
dogs
Stage
2:
Write
an
article
Pre-reading
Match
the
main
ideas
with
the
paragraphs.
Paragraph
Paragraph
Paragraph
Paragraph
Paragraph
Dogs
are
man’s
working
mates.
Dogs
are
excellent
guards.
Dogs
are
wonderful
trackers.
Dogs
are
dangerous
killers.
Dogs
are
Part
of
man’s
family.
Pre-reading
The
kind
of
dogs.
For
a
long
time
in
history
Dogs
were
being
raised
to
work
as
man’s
guards.
Dogs
were
being
trained
to
do
many
other
job.
were
made
to
pull
carts
were
bred
to
smell
out
enemies
or
track
the
scent
of
big
animals.
Presentation
hunting
Use
in:
working
sports
police
work
pets
Dogs
have
become
man’s
friends
and
working
partners.
Presentation
Paragraph
Dog’s
excellent
sense
of
smell
to
tell
things
apart
helps
man
and
dogs
themselves
overcome
a
lot
of
difficulties.
Name
Sauer
Bobbie
Owner
When
What
How
far
a
couple
In
travel
though
mountains
kilometres
a
detective
In
Work
alone
and
track
the
thief
kilometres
Presentation
Word-guessing.
rabies:
a
disease
of
dogs
and
other
animals
that
causes
madness
and
death.
Infected
animals
can
pass
the
disease
to
humans
by
biting
them.
So
what
does
it
mean
in
Chinese?
狂犬病
Presentation
Word-guessing.
infected:
adj.
containing
harmful
bacteria(细菌)
So
what
does
it
mean
in
Chinese?
带菌的;感染病菌的
Presentation
Word-guessing.
stage:
a
period
or
state
that
sth/sb
passes
through
while
developing
or
making
progress
So
what
does
it
mean
in
Chinese?
(发展或进展的)时期,阶段,状态
Presentation
Word-guessing.
symptom:
a
change
in
your
body
or
mind
that
shows
that
you
are
not
healthy
So
what
does
it
mean
in
Chinese?
症状
Presentation
Word-guessing.
horrible:
making
you
feel
very
shocked
and
frightened
So
what
does
it
mean
in
Chinese?
令人震惊的;恐怖的
Presentation
Answer
the
questions.
Presentation
What
is
the
terrible
disease
that
a
dog
carries?
Rabies
When
a
person
is
bitten
by
a
dog,
how
does
he
know
that
he
is
infected?
Go
to
a
doctor
at
once.
Dogs
remain
man’s
best
friends,
but
we
should
also
try
our
best
to
guard
against
the
horrible
disease
that
can
be
carried
by
these
friends.
Whether
it
is
good
or
bad
to
keep
a
dog?
Discuss!
___%
It
is
good
to
keep
a
dog
because…
___%
It
is
bad
to
keep
a
dog
because…
“We
human
beings
have
the
highest
intelligence
that
animals
can
never
have.
We
are
also
the
biggest
users
of
the
earth’s
resources.
Therefore,
we
should
take
the
responsibility
to
protect
our
animal
friends.”
Homework
The
students
do
a
survey
on
their
classmates
about
the
reasons
for
raising
or
not
raising
dogs
at
home
and
complete
the
article
about
“whether
it
is
good
or
bad
to
keep
a
dog”.
To
produce
a
slogan
about
animal
protection.
Thanks
for
watching