The
fourth
period(第四课时)
Part
Let’s
learn
&
Match
and
say
?
教学内容与目标
课时教学内容
课时教学目标
Let’s
learn
通过图片、实物、课件等并结合孩子们郊游的情景,能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式“smaller,bigger,thinner,heavier,stronger”等。能够熟练运用上述单词描述人物和事物的特点。能够了解部分形容词由原形变成比较级时需要双写词尾字母,再加-er或者是变y为i,再加-er。
Match
and
say
能够运用B部分所学的词汇与句型描述并比较小朋友们钓到的鱼的特征,达到运用语言的目的。
?
教学重点
1.
能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式“smaller,bigger,
thinner,heavier,stronger”等。
2.
能够灵活运用所学的形容词比较级描述人物和事物的特征差异。
?
教学难点
单词heavy,
thin和big的比较级的构成方式。
?
教学准备
PPT课件、课文音频、视频、实物、纸鱼等。
?
教学过程
Step
1:
Warm-up
&
Revision
&
Lead-in
1.
Greetings.
2.
Let’s
do.
T:Let’s
say
and
do
together.
3.
Revision.
Show
the
pictures
and
the
words
of
“Let’s
learn”
in
Part
on
the
(出示课件)
The
teacher
asks
questions
like
these:
Who
is
older/younger/taller/shorter?
Whose
dress
is
shorter/longer?
Students
answer
these
questions
to
review
the
learned
words
and
sentences.
4.
Lead-in.
riddle:
can
blow
it
bigger
and
bigger.
also
can
make
it
smaller
and
smaller.
We
need
lots
of
them
in
a
party.
What
is
it?
Ss:…
◆
Teaching
purpose
热身活动活跃课堂气氛。简单的问答复习A部分的单词,为本课的单词学习进行预热。猜谜活动极大地调动学生的积极性和好奇心,吸引学生主动学习。
Step
2:
Presentation
1.
Learn
the
words
“bigger,
smaller”.
T:Yes,the
answer
is
a
balloon.
The
teacher
takes
out
a
balloon.
Ask
a
student
to
blow
it.
When
the
student
is
blowing,
the
teacher
leads
the
others
to
say,
“bigger,bigger,
bigger”.
Then
the
teacher
writes
down
the
words
“big—bigger”
on
the
blackboard.(Write
“-ger”
in
red
chalk.)
When
the
balloon
is
big
enough,
the
teacher
takes
it
in
hand
carefully.
T:Look!
can
make
it
smaller.
The
teacher
makes
the
balloon
smaller
and
smaller,
and
leads
students
to
say,
“smaller,
smaller,
smaller”.
At
last,the
teacher
writes
down
the
words
“small—smaller”
on
the
blackboard.
(Write
“-ler”
in
red
chalk.)
Show
the
picture
of
Mike
and
Wu
Yifan
on
the
(出示课件)
T:They
are
looking
at
their
feet.
Whose
feet
are
bigger?
S:Mike’s.
T:Yes.
Mike’s
feet
are
bigger
than
Wu
Yifan’s.
Wu
Yifan’s
feet
are
smaller
than
Mike’s.
Lead
students
to
read
the
words
for
several
times.
◆
Teaching
purpose
延续热身活动的谜语,拿出谜底物品,用气球来演示bigger和smaller,使学生更加直观地理解这组形容词的意义。
2.
Learn
the
words
“heavier,
thinner”.
(1)
Present
a
picture
of
a
pig
and
its
weight
on
the
T:How
heavy
is
it?
Ss:It
is
kilograms.
T:Is
it
heavy?
Ss:Yes,it
is.
Present
a
picture
of
an
elephant
and
its
weight
on
the
T:How
heavy
is
it?
Ss:It
is
7,000
kilograms.
T:Is
it
heavy?
Ss:Yes,it
is.
◆
Teaching
purpose
教师利用同类对比法引导学习“更重的heavier”和“更瘦的thinner”,避免给学生造成误解。同时渗透情感教育,提醒学生注意饮食健康,多运动。
T:Which
animal
is
heavier,the
pig
or
the
elephant?
Ss:The
elephant.
T:Great!
The
teacher
writes
down
the
words
“heavy—heavier”
on
the
blackboard.
(Write
“-ier”
in
red
chalk.)
Lead
students
to
read
the
words
for
several
times.
(2)The
teacher
chooses
a
thin
student
and
asks
him
or
her
to
stand
up.
T:Do
you
think
he/
she
is
heavy?
Ss:No,he/
she
is
thin.
T:Good
answer.
Can
you
find
a
thinner
student
in
our
class?
is
thinner
than
him/her.
T:Good!
Who
is
thinner
than
Ss:…
Find
the
thinnest
student
in
the
class
in
this
way.
The
teacher
writes
down
the
words
“thin—thinner”
on
the
blackboard.(Write
“-ner”
in
red
chalk.)
Lead
students
to
read
the
words
for
several
times.
Show
the
picture
of
Jim
and
John
on
the
(出示课件)
T:How
heavy
is
Jim?
Ss:He
is
kilograms.
T:Who
is
thinner?
And
who
is
heavier?
Ss:John
is
thinner.
Jim
is
heavier.
T:Do
you
know
why
Jim
is
heavier?
Maybe
he
eats
too
much
fast
food.
So
we
should
eat
less
fast
food
and
exercise
more.
Then
we’ll
be
more
healthy.
(Write
down
the
key
sentences
“—How
heavy
are
you?
—I’m…kilograms.”
on
the
blackboard.)
Lead
students
to
read
the
sentences
for
several
times.
3.
Learn
the
word
“stronger”.
Show
the
picture
of
Zhang
Peng
and
Sarah
on
the
(出示课件)
T:Zhang
Peng
is
a
helpful
boy.
Look
at
this
picture.
Sarah’s
bag
is
too
heavy.
She
can’t
carry
it.
Zhang
Peng
helps
her.
Do
you
know
why
Zhang
Peng
can
carry
this
heavy
bag?
Ss:…
T:Because
he
is
strong.
So
who
is
stronger,Sarah
or
Zhang
Peng?
Ss:Zhang
Peng
is
stronger.
T:Wonderful!
So
if
you
are
strong,you
can
help
others,
too.
The
teacher
writes
down
the
words
“strong—stronger”
on
the
blackboard.(Write
“-er”
in
red
chalk.)
Lead
students
to
read
the
words
for
several
times.
◆
Teaching
purpose
情景导入学习“strong—stronger”。同时,渗透情感教育,鼓励学生助人为乐,尽自己的能力多帮助别人。
Step
3:
Practice
1.
Watch
and
read.
The
teacher
plays
the
cartoon
of
“Let’s
learn”.
Students
watch
the
cartoon
and
try
to
read
after
it.
2.
Play
games.
(1)
Work
in
pairs.
Compare
the
size
of
school
supplies
or
body
parts.
Ask
some
pairs
to
show
their
works.
Each
group
which
does
a
good
job
can
get
a
paper
fish.
(2)
Find
the
differences
and
try
to
describe
them.
The
teacher
makes
a
model:Lily
is
younger
than
Lucy.
The
student
who
makes
a
sentence
can
get
a
paper
fish.
◆
Teaching
purpose
设计了以游戏为主的练习环节,使学生在一段时间的学习过后,可以放松下来,在愉悦的氛围里对所学知识进行练习与运用。
Step
4:
Consolidation
&
Extension
Match
and
say
1.
Ask
the
students
who
get
the
paper
fish
to
stand
up
and
try
to
describe
their
fish.
Make
a
model:
My
paper
fish
is
thin./
My
paper
fish
is
big./
…
T:You
can
find
your
fish
on
your
book.
2.
Finish
the
match
task.
T:
Today,the
children
go
fishing
in
a
pool.
Please
observe
the
fish
in
the
pool.
They
are
different.
First,please
help
each
child
choose
a
fish.
Match
them
with
a
line.
3.
Ask
students
to
compare
each
child’s
fish.
Make
a
model:
Mike’s
fish
is
bigger
than
Sarah’s./
Sarah’s
fish
is
thinner
than
Chen
Jie’s.
4.
Show
time.
Students
stand
up
and
say
their
own
sentences.
◆
Teaching
purpose
通过Match
and
say这个板块引导学生完成连线任务,并使用所学知识对不同形态的鱼进行描述对比,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。
?
板书设计
?
作业设计
Write
down
the
key
words
on
the
exercise
book.
?
教学反思
1.
本节课充分运用动作演示法来导入新课,让学生在观察、比较和发现中去学习新知识,真正体现了“学中用,用中学”的原则。
2.
采用创设真实场景、图片对比、实物展示等多种方式教学单词,注重学生学习方法和学习策略的培养,引导学生自主学习。
3.
多个游戏活动的设计激发了学生的学习兴趣,调动了学生的学习热情,营造积极的学习氛围,很好地吸引了学生的注意力。
4.
整个课时环节紧密,流程清晰,能够很好地达成本课时的教学目标。
5.
充分利用身边的道具,让学生在体验中学习,在学习中体验,使他们在比较中加深了对形容词比较级的理解,学习起来更加轻松。(共40张PPT)
Unit
How
tall
are
you
?
PEP·六年级下册
Part
Let’s
learn
&
Match
and
say
Let's
do
Big,
big,
big,
make
your
eyes
big.
Bigger,
bigger,
bigger,
make
your
eyes
bigger.
Small,
small,
small,
make
your
eyes
small.
Smaller,
smaller,
smaller,
make
your
eyes
smaller.
Long,
long,
long,
make
your
arms
long.
Longer,
longer,
longer,
make
your
arms
longer.
Short,
short,
short,
make
your
arms
short.
Shorter,
shorter,
shorter,
make
your
arms
shorter.
Review
younger
older
taller
shorter
shorter
longer
Who
is
older/
younger
/taller/
shorter?
Whose
dress
is
shorter/
longer?
riddle
can
blow
it
bigger
and
bigger.
also
can
make
it
smaller
and
smaller.
We
need
lots
of
them
in
a
party.
What
is
it?
It’s
a
balloon.
Mike’s
feet
are
_____
than
Wu
Yifan’s.
Wu
Yifan’s
feet
are
_______
than
Mike’s.
bigger
smaller
Whose
feet
are
bigger?
Mike’s.
How
heavy
is
the
pig?
Yes,
it
is.
It’s
kilograms.
Is
it
heavy?
It’s
7,
kilograms.
Yes,
it
is.
How
heavy
is
the
elephant?
Is
it
heavy?
Which
animal
is
heavier?
heavy
heavier
更重的
The
elephant
is
heavier
than
the
pig.
kg
kg
Find
the
thinnest
student
in
the
class
Do
you
think
he/
she
is
heavy?
______
is
thinner
than
_______.
Who
is
thinner
than
______?
How
heavy
is
Jim?
He
is
kilograms.
Who
is
thinner?
And
who
is
heavier?
John
is
thinner.
Jim
is
heavier.
Why
is
Jim
heavier?
Maybe
he
eats
too
much
fast
food.
So
we
should
eat
less
fast
food
and
exercise
more.
Then
we’ll
be
more
healthy.
Zhang
Peng
can
carry
this
heavy
bag.
Why?
Because
he
is
strong.
strong
stronger
更强壮的
Zhang
Peng
is
stronger
than
Sarah.
Let’s
learn
Game
1:
比大小
两人一组,比一比学习用品或者身体部位的大小。
smaller
bigger
Game
2:
找不同
Lucy
Lily
shorter
thinner
taller
older
heavier
younger
stronger
What
are
the
differences
between
Lily
and
Lucy?
Lucy
Lily
shorter
thinner
taller
older
heavier
younger
stronger
Lily
is
younger
than
Lucy.
____
is
______
than
____.
Help
each
child
choose
a
fish.
Match
and
say
_____
fish
is
____
than
____.
I’m?the?biggest?thing?in?the?ocean
I’m?a?giant?squid
(鱿鱼)
and?I’m?big.
I’m?bigger?than?these?shrimp
(虾).
I’m?bigger?than?these?clams
(蚌).
I’m?bigger?than?this?crab.
I’m?bigger?than?that
jellyfish.
I’m?bigger?than?these
turtles.
I’m?even
bigger?than?this?octopus.
I’m
bigger?than?that?shark
(shhh!).
I’m
bigger?than?this
fish.
I’m
the
biggest
thing
in
the
ocean!
What
happened?
The?poor?little?giant?squid?in?the?whale’s?tummy.
What
can
you
learn
from
the
story?
Blackboard
design
Unit
How
tall
are
you?
big-bigger
small-smaller
thin-thinner
heavy-heavier
strong-stronger
How
heavy
are
you,
Jim?
I’m
...
kilograms.
You’re
heavier
than
me.
Homework
Write
down
the
key
words
on
the
exercise
book.