教学基本信息
学科
英语
年级
四年级
单元
第六单元
课时
第一课时
单元整体思路
本单元位于四年级下册第六单元,主题为安全与规则,围绕安全话题展开,以安全为主线。通过本单元的学习让学生听懂、会说、会用关于安全的交际用语。学会向他人解释不安全和危险的原因,了解一些关于室内和室外活动警示语的说法,同时学会树立安全意识。本单元共包含五个课时,其中第一课时和第二课时主题为游玩中的人身安全。第三课时主题为特定场合下的安全规则。第四课时主题为总的安全与规则。第五课时为绘本课,主题为Playing
it
safe。第一课时(Lesson19)本课主题为玩耍中的安全问题,课文以Maomao放风筝为主线,学习有关表示禁止、劝告的用语“Please
don’t
....”,并根据所提供的情景,进行对话交流。第二课时(Lesson20)本课主题为玩耍中的安全问题,课文以以Guoguo想要在冰面上滑冰为主线,学习询问能否在什么地方做什么事情的句子,并向他人解释不安全和危险的原因,让学生有辨别危险的意识,同时能够及时警告他人,帮助他人避免危险境况。第三课时
(Lesson21)本课主题为特殊场合下的安全规则,课文以Sara和Yangyang逛庙会为主线,学习在人群中如何提醒他人有不安全的因素,应该怎么做。同时树立在各种环境下要树立良好的安全意识。第四课时(Lesson22)通过复述、听力理解、短文阅读,书写等一系列活动,复习梳理本单元有关警示标识,安全标语等词汇及句型,并能在熟悉的情景中使用指示牌标语。利用韵文和视频,学习本单元语音知识。第五课时绘本课,主题为Playing
it
safe,分三个部分介绍了在不同场景下游戏有何危险和如何避险,这三个场景分别为在轮滑和车类游戏时的安全,操场或游乐场中的安全,最后是水上运动的安全,通过学习这三个场景让学生了解游戏安全的重要性。
单元教学目标
能够理解、朗读对话内容,并尝试转述。能在语境中理解运用单词:safe、dangerous、front、thick、enough、safety、crowd、push、slowly。能听懂、会说、会用与安全有关的交际用语,理解祈使句Don’t
do
sth和No
doing
sth的用法,并能在语境中灵活运用。能够掌握字母g在单词中的两种不同发音、并准确读出语音词汇和小韵文。通过本单元的学习,了解一些关于室内和室外活动警示语的说法,同时树立安全意
识、文明意识。
第一课时教学目标及重难点
教学目标:能够理解、朗读对话内容,并尝试复述。能听懂、会说词组:fly
the
kite,
cross
the
street,
walk
your
dog,
keep
off
the
grass,
pick
flowers,
Don’t
litter。能听懂、会说有关表示禁止、劝告的用语“Please
don’t
fly
your
kite.”并依据所提供的情景,进行对话交流。结合对话内容,让学生学会保护自己,同时树立安全意识、文明意识。教学重点:能够理解并运用以下词汇fly
the
kite,cross
the
street,
walk
your
dog,
keep
off
the
grass,
pick
flowers,
Don’t
litter。2.
能用主要功能句“Please
don’t
fly
your
kite
here.”“Why
not?”“It’s
not
safe./
It’s
dangerous.”并在语境下进行对话交流。教学难点:当发现别人在玩耍中存在危险的时候,能运用所学句型进行劝阻和提醒。
教学过程
Step
1:
Warming
up教师自我介绍,并介绍本单元内容。教师出示一些警示图的图片,让学生感知本课即将学习的内容,并为导入新课做好铺垫。
T:
Where
can
you
see
these
signs?【设计意图】借助图片帮助学生理解学习内容,使学生快速的进入到英语课堂的学习氛围中。Step2:Presentation谈论课文主题图T:
Who
are
they?
Where
are
they?
What
does
Maomao
want
to
do?【设计意图】通过阅读主题图和问题引领,发展学生观察、分析、合理推测的思维能力。讨论课文大意T:
Can
Maomao
fly
a
kite
here?
Let’s
watch.【设计意图】通过完整观看动画,感知对话大意,培养学生快速获取核心信息的能力。讨论课文细节内容并观看视频T:
Can
Maomao
fly
a
kite
here?
What
does
Grandma
say
to
Maomao?Ss:
Grandma
says:
Excuse
me,
young
man.
Don’t
fly
your
kite
here.T:
How
does
Maomao
say:Ss:
Why
not?
T:
Why
can’t
he
fly
a
kite
here?
Let’s
watch
again.
Ss:
Because
there
are
wires.
It’s
not
safe.T:
Where
can
he
fly
the
kite?Ss:
He
can
do
it
at
the
square
in
front
of
the
museum.【设计意图】通过视听,聚焦细节,帮助学生结合自身生活经验理解细节信息,借助问题引领,启发学生推测、猜测的思维能力。帮助他们感知和学习核心语言,培养学生听、说、读、思的语言能力。Step
3:
Practice听录音并跟读T:
Listen
and
repeat【设计意图】在跟读课文的过程中夯实认读的基础,达成准确朗读的目标。回答问题T:
Here
are
some
questions.
Let’s
answer.【设计意图】通过回答问题,检测学生本科知识点是否掌握,并为下面复述活动做铺垫。复述课文T:
Now,let’s
retell.【设计意图】通过复述课文的活动,进一步巩固课文内容。学习短语,并进行问答练习T:
Let’s
listen,
look,
and
learn【设计意图】通过问答活动,学习新短语,巩固本课句型。Step
4:
ProductionLet’s
doT:Look
at
the
picture.
Where
is
it?
What
should
we
pay
attention
to
when
we
are
here?Ss:
No
swimming
here.
No
littering
here.
Don’t
pick
flowers.
Keep
off
the
grass.【设计意图】通过此活动,学生了解更多日常生活中的警示标识,并了解Don’t....和No...两种不同的表达形式。Step
5:
SummaryReview
the
dialogue.T:
同学们,今天我们通过19课的学习,知道了在电线附近放风筝是非常危险的,我们应该选择一个合适的地点,并注意我们的人身安全。下面我们一起再来回顾一下课文。Review
the
key
sentences.T:
In
our
daily
life,
some
activities
are
safe,
while
others
maybe
dangerous
to
us.
When
people
do
dangerous
activities,
we
can
give
advice
in
this
way:
Excuse
me
...
please
don’t
...
.It’s
not
safe./
It’s
dangerous.【设计意图】复现和梳理本课主题下的新知词汇和句子,帮助学生意识到安全是我们日常生活中最重要的,我们应该遵守规则。Step
6:
Homework朗读第19课。完成任务单中的【课后学习任务】。(共98张PPT)
(1)
英语
四年级下册
Safety
rules
安全规则
Warning
signs
警示标语
安全框内
Don't
run.
Let’
say!
Don't
pick
flowers.
Don't
swim.
Don't
litter.
Don't
talk.
Don't
smoke.
No
photos.
No
food
and
drinks.
Keep
off
the
grass.
Where
can
you
see
these
signs?
安全框内
parks
cinemas
shopping
centers
subways
road
We
can
see
them
everywhere
in
our
daily
life.
Who
Where
What
grandma
and
Maomao
in
front
of
the
building
fly
a
kite
here
Can
Maomao
fly
a
kite
here?
Let’s
watch!
Can
Maomao
fly
a
kite
here?
No,
he
can't.
Excuse
me,
young
man,
please
don't
fly
your
kite
here.
Why
not?
Why
can't
he
fly
a
kite
here?
Let’s
watch!
Do
you
see
those
wires?
It's
not
safe.
wires(电线)
wires
Do
you
see
those
wires?
It's
not
safe.
safe
安全的
not
safe
不安全的
Do
you
see
those
wires?
It's
not
safe.
see.
It's
dangerous.
=
not
safe
不安全的
dangerous
危险的
It's
not
safe
/
It's
dangerous.
It's
not
safe
/
It's
dangerous.
It's
not
safe
/
It's
dangerous.
Do
you
see
those
wires?
It's
not
safe.
see.
It's
dangerous.
Why
can’t
Maomao
fly
the
kite
here?
It’s
not
safe.
It’s
dangerous.
C.
Both
and
B.
Where
can
fly
the
kite,
then?
?
Where
can
Maomao
fly
the
kite?
Let’s
watch!
?
You
can
do
it
at
the
square
in
front
of
the
museum.
at
the
square
in
front
of
the
museum
square
square
广场
Tian'anmen
Square
Do
you
know
some
famous
squares?
Trafalgar
Square
特拉法尔加广场
Red
Square
红场
Why
can
he
fly
a
kite
at
the
square?
Because
the
square
is
big
and
safe.
All
right,
thank
you.
OK./No
problem.
You
can
do
it
at
the
square
in
front
of
the
museum.
Let’s
watch!
Listen
and
repeat!
P42
1.
What
does
Maomao
want
to
do?
Maomao
wants
to
fly
a
kite
in
the
street.
2.
Can
he
fly
a
kite
here?
Why?
No,
he
can‘t.
Because
there
are
wires.
It's
not
safe.
3.
Where
can
he
fly
the
kite?
He
can
fly
the
kite
at
the
square
in
front
of
the
museum.
Let’
retell!
________
wants
to
fly
a
kite
in
the
street.
There
are
___________.He
can’t
do
it
here.
Because
it's
_____
______
and
it's
___________.
He
can
fly
the
kite
at
the
________
in
front
of
the
______________.
Maomao
wires
not
safe
dangerous
square
museum
________
wants
to
fly
a
kite
in
the
street.
There
are
___________.He
can’t
do
it
here.
Because
it's
_____
______
and
it's
___________.
He
can
fly
the
kite
at
the
________
in
front
of
the
______________.
Let’
read!
Maomao
wires
not
safe
dangerous
square
museum
Safety
Tips
安全小贴士
3.
Prepare
some
first-aid
supplies.
2.
Choose
a
suitable
place
to
fly
the
kite.
1.
We
should
pay
attention
to
the
weather.
1.
We
should
pay
attention
to
the
weather.
2.
Choose
a
suitable(合适的)
place
to
fly
the
kite.
3.
Prepare
some
first-aid
supplies(急救用品).
woundplast
创可贴
safety
officer
安全员
Let’s
listen,
look,
and
learn!
He
is
flying
a
kite.
She
is
walking
her
dog.
They
are
crossing
the
street.
He
is
swimming.
Can
they
do
these
things
here?
Please
don’t
fly
your
kite
here.
fly
your
kite
Please
don’t
fly
your
kite
here.
Why
not?
It's
not
safe.
Please
don’t
walk
your
dog
here.
walk
your
dog
Please
don’t
walk
your
dog
here.
Why
not?
It's
not
safe.
Please
don’t
cross
the
street
here.
cross
the
street
过马路
Please
don’t
cross
the
street
here.
Why
not?
It’s
dangerous.
Please
don’t
swim
here.
swim
Why
not?
It’s
dangerous.
Please
don’t
swim
here.
mountains
river
grass
flowers
Let’
do!
Keep
off
the
grass
禁止摘花!
Let’
read!
禁止游泳!
Let’
read!
禁止丢废弃物!
Let’
read!
远离草坪!
Keep
off
the
grass
Let’
read!
Let's
match!
Keep
off
the
grass
Don't
do
something.
No
doing
something.
禁止做某事。
No
littering.
Don't
litter.
Don't
swim.
No
swimming.
Don't
run.
No
running.
Don't
smoke.
No
smoking.
Mmaomao
wants
to
fly
a
kite
in
the
street.
There
are
wires.
He
can’t
do
it
here.
Because
it's
not
safe
and
it's
dangerous.
He
can
fly
the
kite
at
the
square
in
front
of
the
museum.
Let’
summarize!
Excuse
me,
...
.
Please
don't
...
.
It's
not
safe./
It's
dangerous.
请你完成学习单上的【课后学习任务】。
Homework