(共51张PPT)
英语
二年级下册
Baobao
is
at
Amy’s
home.
How
do
you
go
to
school
every
day,
Amy?
On
the
school
bus.
How
about
you?
go
to
school
by
bus.
How
do
you
go
to
work,
Uncle?
go
to
work
by
car.
车展
In
the
afternoon,
Baobao
goes
to
see
cars.
How
does
your
dad
go
to
work,
Baobao?
He
goes
to
work
by
car.
How
does
your
mum
go
to
work?
She
goes
to
work
by
bike.
How
about
your
mum?
She
goes
to
work
on
foot.
Park
Uncle
Pig
Madame
Gazelle
How
do
You
Go
to
Other
Places?
你如何去其他地方?
Weekend
is
coming.
What
do
you
do
on
Saturday,
Baobao?
go
to
the
farm
with
my
family.
They
are
talking
about
the
weekend.
How
does
Baobao
go
to
the
farm?
How
does
Baobao
go
to
the
farm?
How
do
you
go
to
the
farm
on
Saturday?
How
do
you
go
to
the
farm
on
Saturday?
We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.
We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.
Does
your
grandpa
go
with
you?
Does
your
grandpa
go
with
you?
Yes,
he
does.
Yes,
he
does.
Look!
My
uncle
gave
it
to
me
last
Sunday(上周日).
It’s
cute.
like
it.
Does
Baobao’s
uncle
come
on
Sunday?
Does
Baobao’s
uncle
come
on
Sunday?
Does
your
uncle
come
to
see
you
on
Sunday?
Does
your
uncle
come
to
see
you
on
Sunday?
Yes,
he
does.
Yes,
he
does.
How
does
Baobao’s
uncle
come
to
see
him?
Does
he
come
by
taxi?
Does
he
come
by
taxi?
No,
he
doesn’t.
No,
he
doesn’t.
How
does
Baobao’s
uncle
come
to
see
him?
How
does
your
uncle
come?
He
comes
by
car.
.
How
do
you
go
to
the
farm
on
Saturday?
..
We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.
Does
your
grandpa
go
with
you?
.
.
.
..
Yes,
he
does.
..
..
.
Does
your
uncle
come
to
see
you
on
Sunday?
..
Yes,
he
does.
Does
he
come
by
taxi?
.
.
.
..
No,
he
doesn’t.
..
How
do
you
go
to
the
farm
on
Saturday?
We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.
Does
your
grandpa
go
with
you?
Yes,
he
does.
How
do
you
go
to
the
farm
on
Saturday?
We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.
Yes,
he
does.
Does
your
grandpa
go
with
you?
Does
your
uncle
come
to
see
you
on
Sunday?
Yes,
he
does.
Does
he
come
by
taxi?
No,
he
doesn’t.
Does
your
uncle
come
to
see
you
on
Sunday?
Yes,
he
does.
Does
he
come
by
taxi?
No,
he
doesn’t.
How
do
You
Go
to
Other
Places?
你如何去其他地方?
How
do
you
go
to
the
farm?
We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.
Does
your
uncle
come
by
taxi?
No,
he
doesn’t.
.What
do
you
do
on
Saturday?
..
go
to
see
my
aunt
and
uncle.
How
do
you
go
there?
.
.
.
.What
do
you
do
on
Saturday?
..
go
to
see
my
aunt
and
uncle.
..
go
there
by
bus.
..
How
do
you
go
there?
.
.
.
..
go
there
by
bus.
..
Hello,
Aunt!
Hello,
Uncle!
.What
do
you
do
on
Sunday?
..
go
to
the
zoo
by
subway.
Maomao
goes
there,
too.
Does
he
go
there
by
subway?
.
.
.
..
Yes,
he
does.
..
.What
do
you
do
on
Sunday?
..
go
to
the
zoo
by
subway.
Maomao
goes
there,
too.
Does
he
go
there
by
subway?
.
.
.
..
Yes,
he
does.
..
.
What
do
you
do
on
Saturday?
..
go
to
the
park.
How
do
you
go
to
the
park?
.
.
.
go
to
the
park
by
car.
..
..
.
What
do
you
do
on
Saturday?
..
go
to
the
park.
How
do
you
go
to
the
park?
.
.
.
go
to
the
park
by
car.
..
..
Park
.
What
about
Sunday?
..
go
to
the
hospital.
take
care
of
the
old.
.
What
about
Sunday?
Do
you
go
there
by
car?
.
.
.
No,
don’t.
go
there
by
subway.
..
..
..
go
to
the
hospital.
take
care
of
the
old.
Do
you
go
there
by
car?
.
.
.
No,
don’t.
go
there
by
subway.
..
..
.Look!
This
is
my
sister.
She
goes
to
the
library
on
weekends.
..Is
the
library
far
from
your
home?
Library
Cici
Tom
..No,
it’s
close.
.
No,
...
.
No,
she
doesn’t.
Cici
Tom
Yes,…
.
Yes,
she
does.
zz
…?
Does
she
go
to
the
library
by
bike?
…?
Does
she
go
there
on
foot?
资料
mule
cute
music
uniform
There
lives
a
mule
on
a
farm.
Everybody
likes
the
mule.
He
likes
listening
to
music.
He
likes
wearing
the
uniform
to
work.
What
a
cute
mule!
Do
you
like
him?
mule
music
uniform
cute
Uu
u
s
e
使用
u
b
c
e
u
m
t
e
How
do
You
Go
to
Other
Places?
你如何去其他地方?
How
do
you
go
to
the
farm?
We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.
Does
your
uncle
come
by
taxi?
No,
he
doesn’t.
music
mule
uniform
Listen
and
read
Lesson19.
Read
and
match.
See
you
next
time!教学基本信息
学科
小学英语
年级
二年级
单元
课时
Lesson2
How
do
you
go
to
other
places?
单元整体思路
单元教学目标
通过本单元的学习,学生能够:
1.
在语境中认读、理解并运用以下短语:by
bus,
on
the
school
bus,
by
car,
by
bike,
by
train,
by
plane,
by
ship,
by
taxi,
by
subway,
on
foot,
go
to
work,
go
to
school,
go
to
the
farm。
2.
运用句型“How
do
you
go
to
school/
work/
the
farm
…?”和“How
does
your
dad/
mum
go
to
work?”询问他人上学、上班和去其他地方的出行方式,用“I
go
to
school/
work/
the
farm…
by…
.”和“He/
She
goes
to
work
by…
.”进行回应;运用句型“Does
he/
she
go
to…by…?”对第三人称进行提问,并用“Yes,
he
does./
No,
he
doesn’t.
”进行肯定和否定的回答。
3.
理解并能够朗读Unit5三篇对话。
4.
学习元音字母u在闭音节和开音节单词中的发音,进行区分并尝试拼读。
5.
合理选择出行方式并了解相应交通规则。
第二课时教学目标及重难点
教学目标:
通过本节课的学习,学生能够:
1.正确朗读Lesson
19对话内容;
2.
学习使用“How
do
you
go
to
…?”“Does
he
/she…?”询问他人去其它地方的交通方式;在谈论去其它地方的出行方式时,根据情境运用句型“I
go
to…by…
.”“Yes,
he/
she
does.”“No,
he/
she
doesn’t.”和短语
by
bus,
on
the
school
bus,
by
car,
by
taxi,
on
foot,
by
subway进行回应。
3.
借助故事复习并朗读元音字母u在开音节中的发音。
教学重点:
1.
正确朗读Lesson19对话内容;
2.
使用句型
“How
do
you
go
to
…?”
“I
go
to
…
.”;
“Does
he/
she
go
to…
?”
“Yes,
he/
she
does.”
“No,
he/
she
doesn’t.”和短语
by
bus,
on
the
school
bus,
by
car,
by
taxi,
on
foot,
by
subway在情
境中谈论去其它地方的交通方式。
教学难点:
在情境中谈论自己和他人去不同地方的交通方式。
教学过程
Step
Leading
in
the
topic
Activity:Warm
up
复习旧知:在课文情境中回顾17、18课内容,师生互动,带领学生复习主要功能句型。
激活话题:观看佩奇一家讨论周末去哪里和怎么去的视频,引出词汇park,
hospital,激活“去其它地方的交通方式”这一话题与相关句型。
T:
Peppa’s
uncle
goes
to
the
park
on
Saturday.
Peppa’s
family
go
to
the
hospital
on
Sunday.
They
may
go
there
by
subway.
On
weekend,
people
often
go
to
different
places
in
different
ways.
【设计意图】通过再现课文情景,播放学生喜欢的视频引导学生进入本课话题的学习,初步感知本课关于How
do
you
go
to
other
places?的主题。
Step
Learning
the
new
dialogues
Activity
1:Watch
and
learn
Lesson
一、学习Lesson19对话一
1.介绍本课主人公,补充背景,进入话题。
T:It’s
Friday.
After
school,
Lingling
goes
to
play
at
Baobao’s
home.
They
are
talking
about
the
weekend.
Baobao
tells
Lingling
“I
go
to
the
farm
with
my
family.”
2.播放对话动画视频1,提出问题
How
does
Baobao
go
to
the
farm?
学生观看动画视频,理解对话大意,获取Baobao去农场的方式,提取关键句“How
do
you
go
to
the
farm?”“We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.”
3.
观看主题图,播放Lingling问Baobao爷爷是否跟他们一起去农场的对话,提取句型“Does
your
grandpa
go
with
you?”“Yes,
he
does.”并指导学生跟读。
二、学习Lesson19对话二
1.
补充背景,承接话题。
T:
Baobao
shows
Lingling
his
new
toy
plane.
He
says
“Look!
My
uncle
gave
it
to
me
last
Sunday.”
2.播放Lingling问Baobao叔叔周日是否来看他的对话,获取叔叔每周日都来的信息及句型。
3.播放Lingling猜测叔叔是否坐出租车来的对话,提取关键句“Does
he
come
by
taxi?”
“No,
he
doesn’t.”并指导学生跟读。
【设计意图】通过播放视频与录音、出示图片,使学生在对话情境中理解并学习新语言。通过带读跟读环节,帮助学生学习记忆功能句型。
Activity
2:
Practice
the
dialogue
in
lesson
1.
播放
Lesson
19对话录音,指导学生跟读。
2.
师生分角色扮演对话,再次操练句型。
3.
小黑板小结本课功能句型:“How
do
you
go
to
the
farm?”“We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.”“Does
your
uncle
come
by
taxi?”
“No,
he
doesn’t.”
【设计意图】在跟读录音过程中,引导学生练习句型,读准发音;通过分角色朗读,帮助学生记忆功能句型;通过小黑板总结本课功能句型,帮助学生做阶段性小结。
Step
Practice
to
use
the
dialogue
Activity
1:
Practice
the
dialogue
呈现Lingling和Baobao继续交谈的情境。
T:
Baobao
also
wants
to
know
what
Lingling
does
on
weekend.
呈现Lingling和Baobao对话的场景,引导学生操练和拓展询问去其它地方的交通方式的问答句。
(1)学生在语境中尝试互相询问
“What
do
you
do
on
Saturday?”
并回答
“I
go
to
see
my
aunt
and
uncle.”
继续询问“How
do
you
go
there?”并回答“I
go
there
by
bus.”
(2)学生在语境中尝试互相询问
“What
do
you
do
on
Sunday?”
并回答
“I
go
to
the
zoo
by
subway.
Maomao
goes
there,
too.”
继续询问“Does
he
go
there
by
subway?”并回答“Yes,
he
does.”
3.
出示Susie和Peppa打电话聊天的图片,呈现Sussi询问Peppa周末做什么的情境。
T:
Look
at
these
two
friends,
Peppa
and
Susie.
They
are
talking
about
Peppa’s
weekend
on
the
phone.
Susie
wants
to
know
something
about
Peppa’s
weekend.
4.
呈现
Susie和Peppa两人打电话场景,引导学生操练询问及回答去不同地点的交通方式的问答句。
(1)学生在语境中尝试互相询问
“How
do
you
go
to
the
park?”
并回答
“I
go
to
the
park
by
car.”
(2)
学生在语境中尝试互相询问
“Do
you
go
there
by
car?”
并回答
“No,
don’t.
go
there
by
subway.”
【设计意图】在新的场景中拓展本课对话,结合导入部分小猪佩奇视频的内容,引导学生在不同的场景中运用本课词汇和功能句型。
Activity
2:
Use
the
language
呈现情境:Cici和Tom两位同学在楼道宣传墙上看“阅读之星”的照片,Tom告诉Cici
其中有个女孩是自己的妹妹,她每周都去图书馆看书。在情境中检测学生能否掌握并灵活运用本课主要功能句型。
2.
检测学生能否在情境与图片提示下询问、回答去图书馆方式的功能句型“Does
she
go
to
the
library
by
bike?”
“No,
she
doesn’t.”
3.
检测学生能否在情境与图片提示下询问、回答去图书馆方式的功能句型“Does
she
go
to
the
library
on
foot?”
“Yes,
she
does.”
【设计意图】通过创设Tom和Cici聊天谈论自己妹妹去图书馆的情境,考查学生能否根据图片信息提示,掌握本课功能句型。
Activity
3:Enjoy
an
English
song.
欣赏关于交通工具的歌曲。
Step
Phonics
Time
Activity
1:
Tell
a
story.
1.呈现故事。
播放故事课件,师生互动讲故事。
故事内容:
There
lives
a
mule
on
a
farm.
He
is
very
happy
every
day.
He
has
many
friends
on
the
farm.
Everybody
likes
the
mule.
He
likes
listening
to
music.
He
likes
wearing
the
uniform
to
work.
What
a
cute
mule!
Do
you
like
him?
2.通过问题复现单词,引导学生关注字母u。
T:
What
animal
do
we
talk
about
in
the
story?---mule.
What
does
the
mule
like
listening
to?
---music.
When
he
works,
what
does
the
mule
like
wearing?
---
uniform.
Everybody
on
the
farm
likes
this
cute
mule.
Look
at
his
smile.
He
is
so---cute.
【设计意图】通过学生喜欢的故事方式,将含有字母u的开音节单词在故事中呈现。
Activity
2:
Learn
the
sound
/?
/
1.
示范字母u的发音,带读单词。
课件中出示单词mule,
music,
uniform,
cute及相应的图片,带领学生拼读单词,感受字母u在开音节中的发音。
2.
词汇拼读,巩固发音。
use,
cube,
mute
【设计意图】通过学生比较喜欢的讲故事方式,将含有字母u的开音节单词呈现在一起,引导学生借助已知单词的发音,感知元音字母u在开音节中的发音,尝试拼读新单词。
Step
Summary
Activity
1:
Summarize
the
language
and
the
sound
of
letter
“u”
课件呈现小黑板,小黑板逐一呈现本课主要功能句型和语音单词。
Topic
:
“How
do
you
go
to
other
places?”
功能句型:“How
do
you
go
to
the
farm?”
“We
go
to
the
farm
by
subway.”
“Does
your
uncle
come
by
taxi?”
“No,
he
doesn’t.”
语音单词:mule,
music,
uniform
Activity
2:
Homework
1.
Listen
and
read
Lesson
19.
2.
Read
and
match.