中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit
Heroes综合练习
一、单词拼写
1.
She
said
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)goodbye
to
us,
_________(挥手)
her
hands
from
the
window
of
the
train.
2.
There
is
a
nonstop
__________(航班)from
Beijing
to
Paris.
3.
They
achieved
their
aim
through________
(暴力).
4.
_________(质量)
is
often
more
important
than
quantity.
5.
The
girl
is
down
r
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ecently
because
her
parents
are
getting
__________(离婚).
6.
Not
all
young
people___________(反应)
to
events
in
the
same
way.
7.
A_____________(关系)
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
based
on
trust
and
understanding
is
very
valuable.
8.
He________(犯错误)a
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
serious
mistake
in
his
work,
so
he
soon
lost
his
job.
9.
Did
you
hear
abou
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)t
this
morning’s
traffic
accident?
people
were_______(受伤).
10.
Tom
and
Jim
are
twins
but
have
quite
different________(性格).
11.
It
is
________(绝对)
vital
that
the
matter
be
keep
secret.【出处:21教育名师】
12.
She
speaks
Engli
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)sh
so
well
that
her
friends
are
filled
with
________(羡慕).
13.
really
__________
(钦佩)
people
who
can
work
in
such
difficult
conditions.
14.
York
was
__________
(创立)
by
the
Romans
in
the
year
AD.21cnjy.com
15.
In
an
ideal
world,
would
everyone
get
treated
e__________?
16.
I’ve
been_
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)_________
(努力)
to
understand
this
article
all
afternoon.
17.
has
a
great
i__________(影响)on
our
daily
life.
18.
Many
workers
wer
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)e
on
the
march,
__________(抗议)
against
the
noise
of
their
workplace.
19.
To
our
____________(amaze),
our
team
won
the
game
at
last.
20.We
should
do
more
to
take
care
of
the
___________(残疾的)people.
21.
It
is
a
big
__________(挑战)for
me
to
do
the
job.
22.
F__________(幸运的是),
she
passed
the
very
difficult
exam.
23.
People
who
are
very
___________(技术娴熟的)
practice
very
hard.21
cnjy
com
24.
They
call
for
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
all
nations
to
live
__________
(peace)
together
and
understand
each
other.
25.We
should
reward
them__________
(慷慨)
for
a
hard
day's
work.
26.
It
was
most__________
(慷慨的)
of
you
to
lend
me
the
money.
27.
Obviously
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)he
kept
silent
in
order
not
to
get__________
(involve)
in
your
arguments.
28.
We’re
wait
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ing
to
see
what
our__________
(compete)
do
before
we
make
a
move.
29.
There
ar
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)e
many
unknown
things
in
the
world
waiting__________
(explore).
30.____________(judge)
by
his
accent,
he
must
be
from
the
South.
二、介词、副词填空
1.
In
the
rush
to
ge
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)t
out
of
the
building,
got
separated
______
my
mother.
2.
heard
a
voice
from
the
cupboard
shouting
“Let
me
______!”
3.
Who,
______
you
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)r
opinion,
is
the
best
football
player
in
the
world
today?
4.
My
roommates
want
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)to
have
a
party,
but
I’m
not
keen______
the
idea.
5.
You
can’t
expect
h
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)im
to
do
it
all
______
his
own.
He
is
far
too
small.
6.
We’re
getting
______
much
better
now
that
we
don’t
live
together.21世纪教育网版权所有
7.
The
judge
reacted
angrily______
the
suggestion.21教育网
8.
New
Zealand
wine
is
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
______
high
quality
and
sells
well
all
over
the
world.
9.
She’s
been
involved
______
animal
rights
for
many
years.
10.
The
stores
have
to
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
compete______
customers
in
the
Christmas
season.
三、单句改错
1.
In
case
of
fire,
you
should
always
stay
calmly.
2.
He
got
promote
soon
after
he
entered
the
company.
3.
“You
can
always
find
what
you
need.”
they
smiled
confident.
4.
The
children
talke
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)d
so
loudly
at
dinner
table
that
had
to
struggle
to
heard.
5.
Although
in
my
opi
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)nion,
the
old
professor
didn’t
come
up
with
his
own.
6.
This
is
the
first
time
that
he
competed
against
a
tennis
champion.
7.
When
it
comes
to
repair
bikes,
really
know
nothing.
8.
Her
mother
d
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)id
everything
she
could
give
her
child
a
better
education.
9.
You
can’t
imagine
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)what
difficulty
we
had
arrived
home
in
the
snowstorm.
10.
His
sister
left
home
in
1998,
and
has
not
heard
of
ever
since.
四、阅读理解
Metro
Pocket
Guide
Metrorail
(地铁)
Each
passenger
n
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)eeds
a
farecard
to
enter
and
go
out.
Up
to
two
children
under
age
five
may
travel
free
with
a
paying
customer.
Farecard
machine
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)s
are
in
every
station.
Bring
small
bills
because
there
are
no
change
machines
in
the
stations
and
farecard
machines
only
provide
up
to
$5
in
change.
Get
one
day
of
unlimi
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ted
Metrorail
rides
with
a
One
Day
Pass.
Buy
it
from
a
farecard
machine
in
Metro
stations.
Use
it
after
9:30
a.m.
until
closing
on
weekdays,
and
all
day
on
weekends
and
holidays.
Hours
of
service
Open:
a.m.
Mon.
--
Fri.
a.m.
Sat.
--
Sun.
Close:
midnight
Sun.
--
Thurs.
a.m.
Fri.
--
nights
Last
train
times
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)vary.
To
avoid
missing
the
last
train,
please
check
the
last
train
time
posted
in
stations.
Metrobus
When
paying
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)with
exact
charge,
the
fare
is
$1.35.
When
paying
with
a
SmartTrip
card,
the
fare
is
$1.25.
Fares
for
the
senior/
disabled
customers
Senior
citizens
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)65
and
older
and
disabled
customers
may
ride
for
half
the
regular
fare.
On
Metrorail
and
Metrobus,
use
a
senior/disabled
farecard
or
SmartTrip
card.
For
more
information
about
buying
senior/disabled
farecards,
SmartTrip
cards
and
passes,
please
visit
MetroDoors.com
or
call
202-637-7000
and
202-637-8000.
Senior
citizen
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)s
and
disabled
customers
can
get
free
guide
on
how
to
use
proper
Metrobus
and
Metrorail
services
by
calling
202-962-1195.【版权所有:21教育】
Travel
tips
(提示)
●
Avoid
riding
durin
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)g
weekday
rush
periods
–
before
9:30
a.m.
and
between
and
p.m.
●
If
you
lose
so
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)mething
on
a
bus
or
train
or
in
a
station,
please
call
Lost
&
Found
at
202-962-1195.
1.
What
should
you
know
about
farecard
machines?
A.
They
start
selling
tickets
at
9:30
a.m.
B.
They
are
connected
to
change
machines.
C.
They
offer
special
service
to
the
elderly.
D.
They
make
change
for
no
more
than
$5.
2.
At
what
time
does
Metrorail
stop
service
on
Saturday?www.21-cn-jy.com
A.
At
midnight.
B.
At
a.m.
C.
At
a.m.
D.
At
7a.m.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
3.
What
is
good
about
a
SmartTrip
card?
A.
It
is
convenient
for
old
people.
B.
It
saves
money
for
its
users.
C.
It
can
be
bought
at
any
time.
D.
it
is
sold
on
the
Internet.
4.
Which
number
should
you
call
if
you
lose
something
on
the
Metro?
A.
202-962-1195
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
B.
202-962-1100
C.
202-637-7000
D.
202-637-8000
Pet
owners
ar
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)e
being
encouraged
to
take
their
animals
to
work,
a
move
that
scientists
say
can
be
good
for
productivity,
workplace
morale
(士气),
and
the
well-being
of
animals.21
cnjy
com
study
found
that
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
25%
of
Australian
women
would
like
to
keep
an
office
pet.
Sue
Chaseling
of
Petcare
information
Service
said
the
practice
of
keeping
office
pets
was
good
both
for
the
people
and
the
pets.
“On
the
pets’
side,
they
are
not
left
on
their
own
and
won’t
feel
lonely
and
unhappy,”
she
said.
study
of
major
companies
showed
that
73%
found
office
pets
beneficial,
while
27%
experienced
a
drop
in
absenteeism
(缺勤).21·cn·jy·com
Xarni
Riggs
has
tw
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)o
cats
walking
around
her
Global
Hair
Salon
in
Paddington.
“My
customers
love
them.
They
are
their
favorites,”
she
said.
“They
are
not
troublesome.
They
know
when
to
go
and
have
a
sleep
in
the
sun.”
Little
black
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)J
has
spent
nearly
all
his
two
years
“working”
at
Punch
Gallery
in
Balmain.
Owner
Iain
Powell
said
he
had
had
cats
at
the
gallery
for
years.
often
lies
in
the
shop
window
and
people
walking
past
tap
on
the
glass,”
he
said.
MsChaseling
s
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)aid
cats
were
popular
in
service
industries
because
they
enabled
a
point
of
conversation.
But
she
said
owners
had
to
make
sure
both
their
co-workers
and
the
cats
were
comfortable.
5.
The
percenta
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ge
of
American
companies
that
are
in
favor
of
keeping
office
pets
is
_____.
A.
73%
B.
27%
C.
25%
D.
15%
6.
We
know
from
the
text
that
“BJ”_______.
A.
works
in
the
Global
Hair
Salon
B.
often
greets
the
passers-by21·世纪
教育网
C.
likes
to
sleep
in
the
sun
D.
is
a
two-year-old
cat21教育名师原创作品
7.
The
best
title
for
this
text
would
be_______.
A.
Pets
Help
Attract
Customers
B.
Your
Favorite
Office
Pets【来源:21cnj
y.co
m】
C.
Pets
Join
the
Workforce
D.
Busy
Life
for
Pets
五、短文改错
watch
until
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)12
o’clock,
so
could
not
go
over
my
lessons.
got
up
very
late
that
had
to
go
to
school
without
breakfast
in
a
hurry
but
was
late
for
the
first
class.
When
entered
the
classroom,
the
teacher
had
to
stop
explain
an
important
problem,
and
all
the
eyes
fixed
upon
me.
My
face
turned
red.
Something
even
more
worse
happened
to
me
in
English
class.
The
teacher
asked
me
to
recite
the
text,
yet
could
speak
nothing
but
sorry,
for
did
not
spend
any
time
prepare
my
lessons.
The
teacher
looked
at
me
with
his
coldly
eyes.
stood
at
my
bench
without
daring
to
raise
my
head.
How
a
terrible
day
had!
will
never
do
anything
like
this.
六、语法填空
Once
there
l
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ived
a
rich
man
wanted
to
do
something
for
the
people
of
his
town.
first
he
wanted
to
find
out
whether
they
deserved
his
help.
In
the
center
of
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)the
main
road
into
the
town,
he
placed
very
large
stone.
Then
he
(hide)
behind
a
t
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ree
and
waited.
Soon
an
old
man
came
along
with
his
cow.2·1·c·n·j·y
“Who
put
this
st
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)one
in
the
center
of
the
road?”
said
the
old
man,
but
he
did
not
try
to
remove
the
stone.
Instead,
with
some
difficulty
he
passed
around
the
stone
and
continued
on
his
way.
man
came
alon
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)g
and
did
the
same
thing;
then
another
came,
and
another.
All
of
them
complained
about
the
stone
but
not
tried
to
remove
.
Late
in
the
afternoon
a
young
man
came
along.
He
saw
the
stone,
(say)
to
himself:
“The
night
will
be
very
dark.
Some
neighbors
will
come
along
(late)
in
the
dark
and
will
fall
against
the
stone.”
Then
he
began
to
move
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)the
stone.
He
pushed
and
pulled
with
all
his
(strong)
to
move
it.
How
great
was
his
surprise
at
last!
the
stone,
he
found
a
bag
of
money.
Unit
Heroes
综合练习答案
一、单词拼写
1.waving
2.fligh
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)t
3.violence
4.Quality
5.divorced
6.react
7.relationship
8.committed
9.injured
10.characters11.
absolutely
12.
admiration
13.
admire
14.
founded
15.
equally
16.struggling
17.
influence
18.
protesting
19.amazement
20.
disabled
21.
challenge
22.
Fortunately
23.
skillful
24.
peacefully
25.
generously
26.
generous
27.
involved
28.
competitors
29.
to
be
explored
30.
Judging
www-2-1-cnjy-com
二、介词副词填空
1.
from
2.
out
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?).
in
4.
on
5.
on
6.
on/along
7.
to
8.
of
9.
with
10.for
三、单句改错
1.
calmly-ca
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)lm
2.
promote-promoted
3.
confident-confidently
4.
to后加be
5.
in-against
6.
competed前加has
7.
repair-repairing
8.
give前加to
9.
arrived-arriving
10.
not后加been
四、阅读理解
五、短文改错
1.watch-watched
2.very-so
3.but-and
4.explain-explaining
5.eyes后加were
6.去掉more
7.speak-say
8.prepare-preparing
9.coldly-cold
10.How-What2-1-c-n-j-y
六、语法填空
1.who\that
2.
But
3.
a
4.
hid
5.
Another
6.
it
7.
saying
8.
later
9.strength
10.
Under
21世纪教育网
www.21cnjy.com
精品试卷·第
页
(共
页)
"http://www.21cnjy.com/"
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit
Heroes综合练习
一、单词拼写
1.
She
said
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)goodbye
to
us,
_________(挥手)
her
hands
from
the
window
of
the
train.
2.
There
is
a
nonstop
__________(航班)from
Beijing
to
Paris.21·cn·jy·com
3.
They
achieved
their
aim
through________
(暴力).
4.
_________(质量)
is
often
more
important
than
quantity.www-2-1-cnjy-com
5.
The
girl
is
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
down
recently
because
her
parents
are
getting
__________(离婚).21教育名师原创作品
6.
Not
all
young
people___________(反应)
to
events
in
the
same
way.
7.
A_____________(关系)
based
on
trust
and
understanding
is
very
valuable.
8.
He________(犯错误)a
s
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)erious
mistake
in
his
work,
so
he
soon
lost
his
job.
9.
Did
you
hear
abou
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)t
this
morning’s
traffic
accident?
people
were_______(受伤).
10.
Tom
and
Jim
are
twins
but
have
quite
different________(性格).
11.
It
is
________(绝对)
vital
that
the
matter
be
keep
secret.
12.
She
speaks
Eng
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)lish
so
well
that
her
friends
are
filled
with
________(羡慕).【版权所有:21教育】
13.
It
was
most__________
(慷慨的)
of
you
to
lend
me
the
money.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
14.
York
was
__________
(创立)
by
the
Romans
in
the
year
AD.21世纪教育网版权所有
15.
In
an
ideal
world,
would
everyone
get
treated
e__________?
16.
I’ve
been__________
(努力)
to
understand
this
article
all
afternoon.
17.
really
__________
(钦佩)
people
who
can
work
in
such
difficult
conditions.
18.
has
a
great
i__________(影响)on
our
daily
life.【来源:21cnj
y.co
m】
19.
Many
work
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ers
were
on
the
march,
__________(抗议)
against
the
noise
of
their
workplace.
20.
am
not
su
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)re
of
the
exact
___________(关系)
between
them.I
think
they
are
brother
and
sister.
21.We
should
do
more
to
take
care
of
the
___________(残疾的)people.【出处:21教育名师】
22.
It
is
a
big
__________(挑战)for
me
to
do
the
job.
23.
F__________(幸运的是),she
passed
the
very
difficult
exam.
24.
People
who
are
very
___________(技术娴熟的)
practice
very
hard.
25.
They
cal
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)l
for
all
nations
to
live
__________
(peace)
together
and
understand
each
other.
26.We
should
reward
them__________
(慷慨)
for
a
hard
day's
work.
27.
Obviously
he
k
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ept
silent
in
order
not
to
get__________
(involve)
in
your
arguments.
28.
We’re
waiting
to
s
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ee
what
our__________
(compete)
do
before
we
make
a
move.
29.
There
are
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)many
unknown
things
in
the
world
waiting__________
(explore).
30.____________(judge)
by
his
accent,
he
must
be
from
the
South.
二、介词、副词填空
1.
In
the
rush
t
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)o
get
out
of
the
building,
got
separated
______
my
mother.
2.
heard
a
voice
from
the
cupboard
shouting
“Let
me
______!”
3.
Who,
______
your
o
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)pinion,
is
the
best
football
player
in
the
world
today?
4.
My
roommates
w
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ant
to
have
a
party,
but
I’m
not
keen______
the
idea.
5.
You
can’t
ex
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)pect
him
to
do
it
all
______
his
own.
He
is
far
too
small.
6.
We’re
getting
______
much
better
now
that
we
don’t
live
together.21
cnjy
com
7.
The
judge
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)reacted
angrily______
the
suggestion
that
it
hadn’t
been
a
fair
trial.21教育网
8.
New
Zealand
wine
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
is
______
high
quality
and
sells
all
over
the
world.
9.
She’s
been
involved
______
animal
rights
for
many
years.
10.
The
stores
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
have
to
compete______
customers
in
the
Christmas
season.
三、单句改错
1.
In
case
of
fire,
you
should
always
stay
calmly.
2.
He
got
promote
soon
after
he
entered
the
company.21cnjy.com
3.
“You
can
always
find
what
you
need.”
they
smiled
confident.
4.
The
children
ta
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)lked
so
loudly
at
dinner
table
that
had
to
struggle
to
heard.
5.
Although
in
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)my
opinion,
the
old
professor
didn’t
come
up
with
his
own.
6.
This
is
the
first
time
that
he
competed
against
a
tennis
champion.
7.
When
it
comes
to
repair
bikes,
really
know
nothing.2-1-c-n-j-y
8.
Her
mother
did
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)everything
she
could
give
her
child
a
better
education.
9.
You
can’t
imagin
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)e
what
difficulty
we
had
arrived
home
in
the
snowstorm.
10.
His
sister
left
home
in
1998,
and
has
not
heard
of
ever
since.
四、阅读理解
Metro
Pocket
Guide
Metrorail
(地铁)
Each
passeng
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)er
needs
a
farecard
to
enter
and
go
out.
Up
to
two
children
under
age
five
may
travel
free
with
a
paying
customer.
Farecard
machin
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)es
are
in
every
station.
Bring
small
bills
because
there
are
no
change
machines
in
the
stations
and
farecard
machines
only
provide
up
to
$5
in
change.
Get
one
day
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)of
unlimited
Metrorail
rides
with
a
One
Day
Pass.
Buy
it
from
a
farecard
machine
in
Metro
stations.
Use
it
after
9:30
a.m.
until
closing
on
weekdays,
and
all
day
on
weekends
and
holidays.
Hours
of
service
Open:
a.m.
Mon.
--
Fri.
a.m.
Sat.
--
Sun.
Close:
midnight
Sun.
--
Thurs.
a.m.
Fri.
--
nights
Last
train
times
vary.
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
To
avoid
missing
the
last
train,
please
check
the
last
train
time
posted
in
stations.
Metrobus
When
paying
w
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ith
exact
charge,
the
fare
is
$1.35.
When
paying
with
a
SmatTrip
card,
the
fare
is
$1.25.
Fares
for
the
senior/
disabled
customers
Senior
citizens
a
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)nd
older
and
disabled
customers
may
ride
for
half
the
regular
fare.
On
Metrorail
and
Metrobus,
use
a
senior/disabled
farecard
or
Smar/Trip
card.
For
more
information
about
buying
senior/disabled
farecards,
SmarTrip
cards
and
passes,
please
visit
MetroDoors.com
or
call
202-637-7000
and
202-637-8000.
Senior
citiz
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ens
and
disabled
customers
can
get
free
guide
on
how
to
use
proper
Metrobus
and
Metrorail
services
by
calling
202-962-1195.
Travel
tips
(提示)
●
Avoid
riding
during
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
weekday
rush
periods
–
before
9:30
a.m.
and
between
and
p.m.
●
If
you
lose
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
something
on
a
bus
or
train
or
in
a
station,
please
call
Lost
&
Found
at
202-962-1195.
1.
What
should
you
know
about
farecard
machines?
A.
They
start
selling
tickets
at
9:30
a.m.
B.
They
are
connected
to
change
machines.
C.
They
offer
special
service
to
the
elderly.
D.
They
make
change
for
no
more
than
$5.
2.
At
what
time
does
Metrorail
stop
service
on
Saturday?
A.
At
midnight.
B.
At
a.m.
C.
At
a.m.
D.
At
7a.m.
3.
What
is
good
about
a
SmarTrip
card?
A.
It
is
convenient
for
old
people.
B.
It
saves
money
for
its
users.
C.
It
can
be
bought
at
any
time.
D.
it
is
sold
on
the
Internet.
4.
What
is
good
about
a
SmarTrip
card?
A.
It
is
convenient
for
old
people.
B.
It
saves
money
for
its
users.
C.
It
can
be
bought
at
any
time.
D.
It
is
sold
on
the
Internet.
5.
Which
number
should
you
call
if
you
lose
something
on
the
Metro?www.21-cn-jy.com
A.
202-962-1195
B.
202-962-1100
C.
202-637-7000
D.
202-637-8000
Pet
owners
are
being
e
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ncouraged
to
take
their
animals
to
work,
a
move
that
scientists
say
can
be
good
for
productivity,
workplace
morale
(士气),
and
the
well-being
of
animals.2·1·c·n·j·y
study
found
that
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)25%
of
Australian
women
would
like
to
keep
an
office
pet.
Sue
Chaseling
of
Petcare
information
Service
said
the
practice
of
keeping
office
pets
was
good
both
for
the
people
and
the
pets.
“On
the
pets’
side,
they
are
not
left
on
their
own
and
won’t
feel
lonely
and
unhappy,”
she
said.
study
of
major
companies
showed
that
73%
found
office
pets
beneficial,
while
27%
experienced
a
drop
in
absenteeism
(缺勤).21·世纪
教育网
Xarni
Riggs
has
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
two
cats
walking
around
her
Global
Hair
Salon
in
Paddington.
“My
customers
love
them.
They
are
their
favorites,”
she
said.
“They
are
not
troublesome.
They
know
when
to
go
and
have
a
sleep
in
the
sun.”
Little
black
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)has
spent
nearly
all
his
two
years
“working”
at
Punch
Gallery
in
Balmain.
Owner
Iain
Powell
said
he
had
had
cats
at
the
gallery
for
years.
often
lies
in
the
shop
window
and
people
walking
past
tap
on
the
glass,”
he
said.
MsChaseling
said
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
cats
were
popular
in
service
industries
because
they
enabled
a
point
of
conversation.
But
she
said
owners
had
to
make
sure
both
their
co-workers
and
the
cats
were
comfortable.
6.
The
perce
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ntage
of
American
companies
that
are
in
favor
of
keeping
office
pets
is
_____.
A.
73%
B.
27%
C.
25%
D.
15%
7.
We
know
from
the
text
that
“BJ”_______.
A.
works
in
the
Global
Hair
Salon
B.
often
greets
the
passers-by21
cnjy
com
C.
likes
to
sleep
in
the
sun
D.
is
a
two-year-old
cat
8.
The
best
title
for
this
text
would
be_______.
A.
Pets
Help
Attract
Customers
B.
Your
Favorite
Office
Pets
C.
Pets
Join
the
Workforce
D.
Busy
Life
for
Pets
五、短文改错
watch
until
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)o’clock,
so
could
not
go
over
my
lessons.
got
up
very
late
that
had
to
go
to
school
without
breakfast
in
a
hurry
but
was
late
for
the
first
class.
When
entered
the
classroom,
the
teacher
had
to
stop
explain
an
important
problem,
and
all
the
eyes
fixed
upon
me.
My
face
turned
red.
Something
even
more
worse
happened
to
me
in
English
class.
The
teacher
asked
me
to
recite
the
text,
yet
could
speak
nothing
but
sorry,
for
did
not
spend
any
time
prepare
my
lessons.
The
teacher
looked
at
me
with
his
coldly
eyes.I
stood
at
my
bench
without
daring
to
raise
my
head.
How
a
terrible
day
had!
will
never
do
anything
like
this.
六、语法填空
Once
there
lived
a
ri
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ch
man
wanted
to
do
something
for
the
people
of
his
town.
first
he
wanted
to
find
out
whether
they
deserved
his
help.
In
the
center
of
the
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
main
road
into
the
town,
he
placed
very
large
stone.
Then
he
(hide)
behind
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)a
tree
and
waited.
Soon
an
old
man
came
along
with
his
cow.
“Who
put
this
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
stone
in
the
center
of
the
road?”
said
the
old
man,
but
he
did
not
try
to
remove
the
stone.
Instead,
with
some
difficulty
he
passed
around
the
stone
and
continued
on
his
way.
man
came
alo
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ng
and
did
the
same
thing;
then
another
came,
and
another.
All
of
them
complained
about
the
stone
but
not
tried
to
remove
.
Late
in
the
afternoon
a
young
man
came
along.
He
saw
the
stone,
(say)
to
himself:
“The
night
(be)
very
dark.
Some
neighbors
will
come
along
later
in
the
dark
and
will
fall
against
the
stone.”
Then
he
began
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)to
move
the
stone.
He
pushed
and
pulled
with
all
his
(strong)
to
move
it.
How
great
was
his
surprise
at
last!
the
stone,
he
found
a
bag
of
money.
Unit
Heroes
综合练习答案
一、单词拼写
1.waving
2.fl
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ight
3.violence
4.Quality
5.divorced
6.react
7.relationship
8.committed/made
9.injured
10.character
11.
absolutely
12.
admiration
13.
generous
14.
founded
15.
equally
16.struggling
17.influence
18.
protesting
19.amazement
20.
disabled
21.
challenge
22.
Fortunately
23.skilled/skilful
24.peacefully
25.
generously
26.
generous
27.
involved
28.
competitors
29.
to
be
explored
30.
Judging
二、介词副词填空
1.
from
2.
out
3.
in
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?).
on
5.
on
6.
on/along
7.
to
8.
of
9.
with
10.for
三、单句改错
1.
calmly-calm
2.
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)
promote-promoted
3.
confident-confidently
4.
to后加be
5.
in-against
6.
competed前加has
7.
repair-repairing
8.
give前加to
9.
arrived-arriving
10.
not后加been
四、阅读理解
五、短文改错
1.watch-watched
2.ve
(?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)ry-so
3.but-and
4.explain-explaining
5.eyes后加were
6.去掉more
7.speak-say
8.prepare-preparing
9.coldly-cold
10.How-What
六、语法填空
1.who\that
2.
But
3.
a
4.
hid
5.
Another
6.
it
7.
saying
8.
later
9.strength
10.
Under
21世纪教育网
www.21cnjy.com
精品试卷·第
页
(共
页)
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