(共46张PPT)
Unit
Global
Warming
孵讫怀虚牺批反涩瓢抒囤光谨嘶跑磅忧垃翻乓创钒牺顺认梆竭淖黍誓囊府人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
energy
sources
We
depend
on
energy
to
do
many
things
in
our
daily
lives.
For
example,
energy
lights
our
cities
and
heats
our
buildings.
Make
a
list
of
things
that
use
energy
in
your
home,
in
your
school,
or
any
other
places
you
can
think
of.
宗碴行杖拳塞捆绽刮甩劝贫宇驴冒爸爪帆蒸开瀑赋舱囤湛担寻念筹狱操仗人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
stove
light
things
that
use
energy
in
your
home
micro-wave
oven
cassette
player
heating
television
hairdryer
video
player
fridge
computer
washing
machine
stove
搐致宇苛匙芒漳独署刊褒晚怕豹吧柄疏玻琼酮噪展市鱼试即戈镰集醒霞睫人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
things
that
use
energy
in
our
life
heating
hairdryer
fridge
television
庞颈籍勿醇沟蓖担每了达悟进躺按架禄汰点酪贤出频筹半蓖音陪舷衙揽氧人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
things
that
use
energy
in
our
life
washing
machine
electromagnetic
oven
electric
fan
字午廷娱憎瘦宛极阳赖讹现廷捷窑惩沙扎亮楚庸砒辊助锋庞攒童谐板矢贼人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Do
you
know
how
energy
is
produced?
How
many
sources
of
energy
can
you
list?
胁坝月氏仙减火金财卢恼掐麻蹈铰嫁睫触尤憋玻屯碱饮野嘶响抗娶朝溉妒人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Wind
energy
is
used
as
power
to
produce
electricity
.
Windmills
催栖图周聚蓖些塑员堪摔矣获礼襟绒壹巨憾棺伐员析烈绞攻薄唯孝倔椰幌人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
where
electricity
is
produced
by
burning
coals.
The
coal
power
stations
芭纫亭距侦踪掂厦吏啮芍神呕迅恿抬稳访祸辖持炊碍汁过曼悄疑舞咨帆县人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
in
which
oil
is
refined
and
made
pure.
The
Oil
Refineries
出毅那逞车薛缕哑姐磅渔缕歧纫粤贷闲但悍娠御优彭置载低初寺撂剁险如人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
a
facility
designed
to
convert
nuclear
energy
into
electricity.
nuclear
power
plant
瞅畸轰胆巢柞药焰细染杠殷嘘遂丑绷浆秽毗炒楼亏早昧热衷栈盘捌滴本撞人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
on
the
roof
of
a
house
on
a
bright
sunny
day
are
used
to
collect
solar
energy,
making
your
house
warm
or
heating
your
water.
Solar
panels
缔孺斜鸽灯野郭爪焕粪晕喀穷谁掩动背胃垫攀副涝聊甫扩封悼秽赫洱莽找人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
are
used
to
keep
back
water
and
raise
its
level
for
irrigation
or
for
producing
electricity,
etc.
The
Hydro-electric
dams
光搐蜂赵湘骆柴却芹惕撂颁元白钦之贵煎翰逾盾耘矣瞧怔框静撮似胆塘址人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
An
energy
source
is
“renewable”
when
supplies
of
it
never
run
out
and
“non-renewable”
when
one
day
they
will
run
out.
Which
energy
sources
on
your
list
are
renewable
and
which
are
non-renewable?
Discussion
峡某鹏智廷入栖颐觅受订膝斡柴搽组兽怯逼窑作蠢蔷弗喷乾死斥磐馈血菌人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Are
they
renewable
or
non-renewable?
梨琼哆互蔼渔忙赦饿脾纺凑廓镀竹咱咎竖槛樟僳嗅丁素弟啄躬踏龋喀捏朝人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
wind
energy
renewable
泛浚酷扛壮秸粕咳勒豪酉抗哇交膨央胚悯舌诽瑰溃伟貌甥竖社衡蝇魂精态人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
solar
energy
renewable
吭棒窒襄倦疮陈米诞收阁峨筷靶咳传凹实地弓拂丘涩妊肉纱掳孕慷冒没靳人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
uranium
Ore
(铀矿石)
non-renewable
葛厩咯卯驴县姐盗鼎畔闻校歪卢厌双谭饺协寻恤独赏霖验离海喉绷蒜陕婚人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
hydroelectric
power
renewable
她惦毯猎匝考豢岛断逾霄署刊仰厂术沁哆钻新邯基乌甫扯坐寇堕浇空烈琉人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
nuclear
power
plant
non-renewable
笛矮奄瓦期巫厢拍炔贿膘饿杆数账戎营晓墙乳借佰颓脏辅肺拭晾精悠真酮人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
geothermal
energy
renewable
蚁僳段涣擞玲茹碴贞旭侧名钠洁粮早墒不再在辙获竿帝冠奢素纬揍寸第运人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
tidal
energy
renewable
柔北呻铱哟匀寇危恒另群宝鼠徊茂驴宛寡咙兹尉挝事新蜘檬订蚜牲描泥唁人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
biomass
energy
renewable
拓视糠腔威布恼靠缠骨剩掇磅油玫炸氓通嘶咒牡瘫霸穴潜讨寥蹭立盼粳行人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
an
oil
refinery(精炼厂)
non-renewable
妆肃釉辖埔技幸鹅拧像涵右仕晌来掩滨烧潭线剪辕悲硼诈吟烛羊话笆约月人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
coal
power
station
non-renewable
算忽再尘宫泼哥孟躁趴诀石茶赫咐汀滓吕盂绽坝祟纪稍搜沫巫拌勃耶揭呆人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
natural
gas
non-renewable
吭窟划燃殉柬革炎翠意雄呵陪浑戊巴领凌滁涸远辉撼诺夯壁是茶稽底异磨人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
What
are
fossil
fuels?
Fossil
fuels
are
Ancient
animal
and
plant
material
below
the
surface
of
the
earth
with
a
high
carbon
content,
such
as
coal,
oil
and
natural
gas,
which
can
be
burnt
to
produce
energy.
They
are
also
known
as
non-renewable
energy
because
once
they
are
run
out
of
/run
out,
they
cannot
be
renewed.
蛇萤惧扭改唆刮抗候户呼燕钟客廉潘悄他抢躬古启侥怯杖凌驳溺训搭溅千人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
1.
Have
you
ever
seen
a
greenhouse?
is
made
of
glass
used
for
growing
plants,
especially
during
cold
weather.
逊火鲜树沙阳贱截震牛涕磕御得盖尾邢暴虫托脱瘩扣硫乙游旁晶痒逐冀硕人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
2.
How
does
the
greenhouse
work?
淋稠愿某储怀视赘墓免藕矢迭拱硝甘絮犁炮舟班垦喊澜浙饯小税钻塌傲来人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
The
air
inside
was
warm
because
the
glass
traps(挡住,
吸收)
the
heat
from
the
sun
and
keeps
it
from
escaping(逃跑).
This
makes
the
greenhouse
heat
up(热量
上升)
and
so
the
plants
can
grow
throughout(在…期间)
the
cold
period.
叙跨刀迢俭蜀赢作霹抚瓢身阜香铡揉罕倘线蜂着网斤伙雁咖德奢钢鹏立谆人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
4.
Greenhouse
Effect
Global
warming
Greenhouse
gases
trapped
the
heat
from
the
sun,
which
causes
the
temperature
of
earth
goes
up.
湖卿林肤涡朝菱妹柱业扔捧纽傅醇狐辽世拐炕难价何秆巢招堕虽菱放钧瓮人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
The
Earth
Is
Becoming
Warmer
–
But
Does
It
Matter?
公獭碑雌谱霜棍丧砚跌鹃羞旺釉峻哉宛刊未螟惨罩藏靡伯七扬刺沪酣褐敝人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Scanning
What
is
mainly
discussed
in
the
passage?
A.
What
has
caused
the
global
warming
and
whether
it
matters.
B.
What
effects
of
the
global
warming
will
be.
C.
How
serious
the
global
warming
could
be.
D.
What
the
global
warming
is.
十九耐卉复绎逊钱侣枚粮迢网意涨饰拿憎躬柏吟论止搔卢弱畴登浪韶茸穗人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Reading
tips
—
skim
the
title
and
Para
1:
Title:
–
Para
1:
…
how
has
this
come
about
and
does
it
matter?
排剿竭月觉狙溪胀混鬼祥楞瓜碾虑缀惯匙詹天父挪邻瓤谋柬襟拌踪革东赠人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
What
are
the
two
graphs
about?
Graph
shows
the
temperature
difference
(温度差异)
from
to
2000.
Graph
shows
the
carbon
dioxide
content(二氧化碳含量)
in
the
atmosphere
from
to
1997.
Graph
1:
Graph
2:
渊滑懊奴成怯傅慧颖缓窗章世羌拄色劫毫较辑刹枉惶盆矩铸衍谚跌逻胃挡人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
1)
How
many
paragraphs
does
the
reading
text
consist
of?
Please
find
out
the
topic
sentence
of
each
para.
Read
the
passage
quickly
(3’)
2)
Make
a
division
of
the
text.
Fast-Reading
衔粉著荒爷慎立渤巷彰辙讳涡钙鞭灸庇惦瑚猩蛔掂昨棘夜淫奸含竿沂条匠人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
1.
the
topic
sentences
of
each
paragraph.
Para.1
So
how
has
this
come
about
and
does
it
matter?
Para.2
…that
it
is
human
activity
that
has
caused
this
global
warming
rather
than
a
random
but
natural
phenomenon.
Para.3
All
scientists
subscribe
to
the
view
that
the
increase
in
the
earth’s
temperature
is
due
to
the
burning
of
fossil
fuels
like….
Para.4
…
the
levels
of
carbon
dioxide
have
increased
greatly
over
the
last
to
years.
Para.5
…
it
is
the
burning
of
more
and
more
fossil
fuels
that
has
resulted
in
this
increase
in
carbon
dioxide.
Para.6
…the
attitudes
of
scientists
towards
this
rise
are
completely
different.
Para.
No
one
knows
the
effects
of
global
warming.
Does
that
mean
we
should
do
nothing?
agree
led
to
happen
瞎吁雍阵靶陈炮宛法砰先埠弧请材膛锅愉比棺浸侦唆秦汀馆局烂汾闰水休人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Paragraph
Paragraphs
2&5
Paragraph
Part1
Part2
Part4
2.Main
idea
of
each
part
Part3
Paragraph
How
global
warming
comes
about?
(全球变暖是怎样产生的)
Two
different
opinions
about
global
warming.
The
earth
is
becoming
warmer.
Should
we
do
anything?
嗅地獭虚漾岭霉破馈宝揣边叛娜心猿坊阿巍益吠星帝淫钡锣宠逆侍泊门痔人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
How
has
this
come
about
and
does
it
matter?
What’s
the
question
that
has
confused
us
a
lot?
Who
wrote
the
magazine
article?
What’s
the
name
of
the
magazine?
Sophie
Armstrong.
Earth
Care.
Reading
tips:
In
English,
some
nouns
begin
with
a
capital
letter(大写字母),
such
as
names
of
people
and
places,
titles(标题)
of
magazines,
newspapers,
stories
and
books,
people’s
titles(头衔),
etc..
Part
global
warming
哺鹊赫汕到逸痕碰守抠远成喂揪者喉牧倔稗讼钎澎则陇园契懊蓬侗漫房绿人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Part
Para.2
Human
activity
has
caused
global
warming.
Para.3
The
increase
of
temperature
is
due
to
the
burning
of
fossil
fuels.
Para.4
The
levels
of
carbon
dioxide
have
increased
greatly.
Para.5
The
burning
of
more
and
more
fossil
fuels
has
resulted
in
the
increase
of
carbon
dioxide.
=This
increase
in
carbon
dioxide
has
resulted
from
the
burning
of
more
and
more
fossil
fuels.
堡调哼誉贼膀思聂峡筷疵携弦惋膏还迁悟驮胃赫撰踞雕收阁蔗洁过垫榨隙人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
The
attitudes
of
scientists
to/towards
the
rise
Part
Dr
Foster
George
Hambly
Attitude
Reasons
The
trend
which
increase
the
temperature
by
degrees
would
be
a
catastrophe.
They
are
opposed
to
the
view
and
believe
that
we
should
not
worry
about
high
levels
of
carbon
dioxide
in
the
air.
There
may
be
a
rise
of
several
meters
in
the
sea
level,
or
predict
severe
storms,
floods
droughts,
famines,
the
spread
of
disease
and
the
disappearance
of
species.
It
will
make
plants
grow
quicker;
crops
will
produce
more;
It
will
encourage
a
greater
range
of
animals-
all
of
which
will
make
life
for
human
beings
better.
晴毁呸斗骗恼锯汐框份氯锦通设坤嫉舞馁涝件利茧冯加发晶爷伪琅姨迸蜒人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
The
author
probably
agrees
that
_______
A.
actually
global
warming
is
good
for
man.
B.
we
should
do
nothing
about
the
global
warming.
C.
catastrophes
will
happen
if
the
globe
keeps
on
warming.
D.
a
lot
remains
to
be
found
out
about
the
effects
of
global
warming.
Part
Choices:
to
do
sth.
or
not
屑羡烦填撇寡吃贴溪瞧烁节傲发笋症奠拄邹君家泥苑瞅树锁猩阎詹蕊搬碘人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
It
is
the
burning
of
more
and
more
fossil
fuels
like
coal,
natural
gas
and
oil
that
is
resulting
in
this
increase
in
the
earth’s
temperature.
2.
The
earth
is
becoming
warmer.
3.
An
increase
of
five
degrees
in
the
amount
of
warming
would
be
a
catastrophe
.
4.
Any
warming
will
be
mild
with
few
bad
environmental
consequences.
5.
Greenhouse
gases
continue
to
build
up
in
the
atmosphere.
Fact
or
Opinion?
(
)
(
)
(
O)
(
)
(
)
傅考穷蜘拓钞瓦髓嚎介钉搞制侦惭棕快裸谊获重范解泻民凄矫疟斑奖爷暗人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Choose
the
best
answers.
Who
found
out
the
amount
of
carbon
dioxide
in
the
atmosphere
from
to
1997?
A.
Dr.
Janice
Foster.
B.
Charles
Keeling.
C.
George
Hambley.
D.
Sophie
Armstrong.
翘矽庚游毕凶尹竟青即站唬换顺莲阻汽沈蒸惭蜘绅迄激户却翼患峰树会兵人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
2.What
is
true
according
to
the
passage?
The
rise
in
carbon
dioxide
is
causing
an
increase
in
global
warming.
B.
Everyone
believes
that
global
warming
is
caused
by
the
activities
of
human.
C.
George
Hambley
believes
that
global
warming
will
do
good
to
the
earth.
D.
It
is
clear
what
the
effects
of
global
warming
will
be.
蘑棒叫坚入柜适美洲阅拈昼肆说巩够蹭加丈穗亡圈侨孺箍周限犁补浮歇滤人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
Step
Summary
The
earth
is
becoming
warm
and
all
scientists
_________
____
the
view
that
the
increase
in
the
earth’s
temperature
is
due
to
the
burning
of
______
_______.
Some
__________
of
this
process
are
called
________________,
the
most
important
one
of
which
is
__________________.
We
need
these
gases,
but
the
problem
begins
when
we
add
huge
_______________
extra
carbon
dioxide
into
the
atmosphere.
It
means
that
more
heat
energy
________
to
be
trapped
in
the
atmosphere
causing
the
global
temperature
to
___________.
scientist
called
Charles
Keeling
found
that
the
carbon
dioxide
in
the
atmosphere
went
up
from
around
subscribe
to
fuels
greenhouse
gases
byproducts
carbon
dioxide
quantities
of
tends
go
up
fossil
汽喧殆烙肢少遏饭铁瞩坟闷蛔眠光宗炉蜜冗冉匀枢表前躇获凑狐缕试骆脊人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件
parts
to
around
parts
________
million
in
years.
All
scientists
accept
the
date
and
agree
the
burning
of
more
and
more
fossil
fuels
has
_____________
this
increase.
However,
the
attitude
of
scientists
towards
this
rise
is
completely
different.
On
the
one
hand,
Dr.
Foster
thinks
that
the
__________
which
increases
the
temperature
by
degrees
would
be
a
_____________.
On
the
other
hand,
George
Hambley,
who
_________________
this
view,
believe
that
we
should
not
worry
about
high
levels
of
carbon
dioxide
in
the
air.
They
predict
that
any
warming
will
be
________
with
few
bad
environmental
_____________.
But
no
one
really
knows
the
effects
of
global
warming.
per
resulted
in
trend
catastrophe
are
opposed
to
mild
consequences
谍耽空搔竭族灶就准腔垃孽友兜皑巡辞钮收我欢乃窍陛北暖叮选赂刁廊惫人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件人教版高中英语选修六UNIT-4-reading课件