教学基本信息
学科
英语
年级
四年级
单元
第七单元
课时
第一课时
单元整体思路
本单元位于四年级下册第7单元,主题是Saying
Sorry。本单元主要学习的是关于询问发生了什么事情及其回答的交际用语。学生在本单元提供的情景对话中,学习询问发生的事情的交际用语及其应答,并养成做错事情要道歉的意识。本单元还呈现了相关动词及它们的过去式:break(过去式broke),happen(过去式happened),drop(过去式dropped),lose(过去式lost)等,一般过去时是首次在本教材中出现,本单元只侧重了解其时态的表意功能,不做结构上的重点处理。本单元共包含五个课时,其中第一课时主题是主动承认错误,宽容待人。第二课时主题养成做事认真的好习惯。第三课时主题是不仅要主动承认错误,还要及时弥补错误。第四课时主题为成为一名做事认真、有礼貌的好孩子。第五课时为绘本课。
第一课时Lesson23话题是主动承认错误,宽容待人。通过Yangyang把好朋友Maomao的生日礼物玩具小汽车掉到地上弄坏了,主动上门道歉,寻求对方的原谅,引导学生反思,明白主动承认错误,不仅能积极的取得对方的谅解,还能保持和同学之间的友谊。
第二课时Lesson
24话题是养成做事认真的好习惯,会让我们的生活更加井然有序。通过Baobao做事不认真的坏习惯,丢了钥匙,书包又落在操场上,体会这种不好的生活习惯对自己造成的麻烦。引导学生反思自己的行为,意识到好习惯的养成对我们的生活是有帮助的。
第三课时Lesson
25话题是做错事,我们不仅要主动承认错误,还要及时的弥补过错。通过Maomao忘了按时遛狗,造成拉拉在家随地小便又把花瓶打碎,事后Maomao主动承认错误又及时打扫。再次体会做错事并不可怕,首先要主动承认错误,在我们力所能及的范围内及时的清理干净,取得别人的谅解,才能成为一名有礼貌的小学生。
第四课时Lesson26话题是做一名做事认真,有礼貌的好孩子。复习梳理与孩子们生活息息相关的动词短语,引导学生在相应场景中体验和实践核心语言,提升语言运用能力,成为一名有好习惯,懂礼貌的好孩子。
第五课是绘本阅读。学生理解绘本故事,内化语言知识,了解阅读策略,运用所学内容解决自己生活中的问题,明确行为准则,成为一名做事认真,有礼貌的好孩子。
单元教学目标
1.能听懂会说本单元关于询问发生了什么事情,及其回答的交际用语,并能在语境中运用。
2.
能理解认读本单元的重点词汇,并能在语境中运用,
3.
能正确流利地朗读对话,能对重点句型进行替换展示。
4.
能了解字母h在单词中的读音。
5.
能读懂、朗读转述主课文的小短文,回答问题,能听懂听力材料并进行排序。
6.向学生强调做错事要及时道歉的道理。
第一课时教学目标及重难点
教学目标:
在本节课结束后,学生能够:
1.能正确、流利地朗读本课对话,表演对话。
2.能用“I'm
sorry
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.”表达做错事情向对方道歉和用“It's
all
right./Never
mind”应答没关系,并在实际情景中运用。
3.能认读词汇break(broke),drop
(dropped),fix,
never,并能在实际情景中运用。
4.能树立做错事情及时道歉的意识。
教学重点:
能正确、流利地朗读本课对话,表演对话。
能用“I'm
sorry
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.”表达做错事情向对方道歉和用“It's
all
right./Never
mind”应答没关系,并在实际情景中运用。
3.能认读词汇break(broke),drop
(dropped),fix,
never,并能在实际情景中运用。
教学难点:
能用“I'm
sorry
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.”表达做错事情向对方道歉和用“It's
all
right./Never
mind”应答没关系,并在实际情景中运用。
2.
理解一般过去时的表意功能。
教学过程
Step1:Warming
up
Activity
1:
Listen
to
a
song.听一首歌曲
T:
What
did
the
children
do?
【设计意图】通过歌曲直观感受做错事后应如何做,帮助学生迅速进入课堂,进入单元话题.
Activity
2:
呈现无意做错事的图片
T:We
often
make
mistakes
in
our
daily
life.
What
happened?What
should
they
do
then?
【设计意图】贴近生活的图片激发学生已知,活跃学生思维,带着问题学习本课内容,为后续活动做准备。
Step2:Presentation
Activity
1:
Look
at
the
pictures观察主题图,预测故事
T:Whose
house
is
it?
T:Yangyang
is
coming.
T:What
will
Yangyang
do?
T:
Who’s
this
man?
T:
What
is
in
Yangyang’s
hand?
【设计意图】通过观察主题图,培养学生对非文本信息获取的能力,猜测故事大意,培养学生的思维能力。
Activity
2:观看课文动画,了解对话大意
T:
Why
does
Yangyang
look
worried?
【设计意图】学生通过观看完整视频,整体了解对话大意。
Activity
3:观看课文动画,提取细节信息
T:
Yangyang
broke
Maomao’s
toy
car.
How
did
he
break
it?
Ss:He
dropped
it
on
the
floor.
T:
He
broke
Maomao’s
toy
car.
He
says
sorry.
What
does
Maomao’s
dad
say?
Ss:It’s
all
right,
Yangyang.Don’t
worry.
can
fix
it.
T:
The
toy
car
is
Maomao’s
birthday
gift.
What
does
Yangyang
ask?
Ss:It’s
Maomao’birthday
gift.
Will
he
be
upset?
T:
How
does
dad
answer?
Ss:I’m
sure
he
won’t.
Never
mind.
T:
What
do
you
think
of
Yangyang?
Is
he
a
good
boy?
【设计意图】通过视听,聚焦细节,帮助学生结合自身生活经验理解细节信息,借助问题引领,启发学生推测、猜测的思维能力。帮助他们感知和学习核心语言,培养学生听、说、读、思的语言能力。并引导学生做错事要主动认错,才能和朋友有好相处。
Step3:Practice
Activity
1:
Review
the
dialogue复习对话
Ss
watch
the
video
again.学生再次观看动画。
Ss
listen
and
repeat
sentence
by
sentence.学生跟读每句话。
LetSsanswer
the
questions,making
sure
that
they
understand.学生回答问题,检测是否理解对话。
Ss
retell
the
story.学生复述故事。
【设计意图】通过完整观看视频、听音逐句跟读、分角色朗读、根据对话内容回答问题、选择正确的信息将语段补充完整,落实对话内容的理解,内化核心语言,为后续综合运用语言奠定基础。
Activity
2:
续编故事,在情景中继续学习含有动词过去式的短语
T:Listen!What
happened?
Ss:Lingling
broke
the
cup.
T:What
happened
to
the
ball?
Ss:Baobao
kicked
the
ball
into
the
lake.(Ss
learn
kicked.)
【设计意图】帮助学生在情景中,进一步体会过去时的用法,感受主动承认错误,获得别人谅解的快乐.
Activity
3:借助图片,引发思考
T:Look
at
our
friends.
They
made
some
mistakes.
What
did
they
do?
Ss:
Stepped
on
the
book,broke
the
toy
plane,
T:What
will
they
say?
T:What
do
you
think
of
them?
【设计意图】梳理细节信息,帮助学生在语境中理解并复习重点词汇和句型。再次体会出错不逃避,勇于承认错误,宽容待人,他们是我们学习的榜样。
Step
4:
Product
Activity
1:联系生活,迁移应用
T:
learn
a
lot
from
you,
want
to
be
a
good
mom
and
a
good
teacher.So
want
to
say
sorry
tomy
son.
T:Who
do
you
want
to
say
sorry?
Please
write
it
down.
Activity
2:润物细无声,水到渠成
T:
Do
you
remember
them?
What
should
they
do
then?
Ss:They
should
say
“I'm
sorry”first.(回答本课开头的问题,更是对学生行为的内化)
【设计意图】依托本课主题,学生在连贯且有现实意义的情景下进行有效的语言输出,提升语言综合运用能力。内化学生的行为。
Step
5:
Let’s
summarize
T:
Today
we
learned
about
the
past
form.When
we
make
a
mistake.
What
do
we
say
first?
We
should
say
I'm
sorry
…
.
think
your
friend
will
forgive
you.
If
your
friends
say
sorry
to
us,
we
should
say
it's
all
right.
Never
mind.
We
forgive
them.
Only
in
this
way,
we
can
be
good
friends
forever.
【设计意图】复现和梳理本课主题下的新知词汇和句子,帮助学生形成在表达过去发生的事情时用过去式的意识。并再次提示学生主动承认错误,宽容待人是优秀品质。
Step
6:
Homework
朗读第23课。
完成任务单中的【课后学习任务】。(共70张PPT)
(1)
英语
四年级下册
What
did
the
children
do?
Let's
enjoy!
broke
the
eggs
splashed
the
paint
泼洒了油漆
What
did
the
children
do?
打碎了鸡蛋
I'm
sorry.
That's
I'm
sorry.
That's
dropped
the
book
on
the
floor
stepped
on
his
foot
stepped
on
the
book
broke
the
toy
car
broke
the
cup
What
should
they
do?
Let's
listen
and
say!
Maomao's
House
Who
Maomao's
dad
Where
in
Maomao's
house
Let's
listen
and
say!
Why
does
he
look
worried?
Let's
watch!
I'm
sorry
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.
dropped
it
on
the
floor.
把它掉在地上了
弄坏了毛毛的玩具汽车
broke
the
window
broke
the
watch
I'm
sorry
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.
dropped
it
on
the
floor.
把它掉在地上了
弄坏了毛毛的玩具汽车
dropped
the
book
dropped
the
eraser
I'm
sorry
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.
dropped
it
on
the
floor.
把它掉在地上了
弄坏了毛毛的玩具汽车
Don't
worry.
can
fix
it.
It's
all
right,
Yangyang.
I’m
sorry
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.
dropped
it
on
the
floor.
修理
fix
it
fix
it
Don't
worry.
can
fix
it.
It's
all
right,
Yangyang.
I'm
sorry
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.
dropped
it
on
the
floor.
修理
It's
Maomao's
birthday
gift.
Will
he
be
upset?
I'm
sure
he
won't.
Never
mind.
Never
mind.
It's
all
right.
/
没关系
没关系
want
to
say
sorry
to
him.
?
?
I'm
sorry
broke
your
toy
car.
Never
mind.
Let's
watch!
Let's
listen
and
repeat!
Let's
answer!
1.
Why
does
Yangyang
look
worried?
A.
Because
he
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.
B.
Because
he
broke
Maomao's
model
plane.
Let's
answer!
2.
What
can
Maomao's
dad
do?
He
can
fix
the
toy
car.
Let's
answer!
3.
Is
Yangyang
a
good
boy?
Why?
Yes,
he
is.
Because
he
wants
to
say
sorry
to
Maomao.
Yangyang
looks
___________.
Because
he
________
Maomao's
toy
car.
He
wants
to
say_______to
Maomao.
Maomao's
father
says,“Never
mind.
can
_______
it.”
Yangyang
is
happy
again.
worried
broke
sorry
fix
Let's
retell!
Let's
read!
Yangyang
looks
___________.
Because
he
________
Maomao's
toy
car.
He
wants
to
say_______to
Maomao.
Maomao's
father
says,“Never
mind.
can
_______
it.”
Yangyang
is
happy
again.
worried
sorry
broke
fix
Let's
listen,
look,
and
learn!
What
happened?
broke
the
cup
I'm
sorry
broke
the
cup.
It's
all
right.
What
happened?
kicked
the
ball
into
the
lake
I'm
sorry
kicked
the
ball
into
the
lake.
Never
mind.
I'm
sorry
kicked
the
ball
into
the
lake.
I'm
sorry
broke
the
cup.
一般过去时
Simple
Past
Tense
动词过去式
Past
Form
ate
eat
bread
every
morning.
ate
noodles
yesterday
morning.
eat
Basic
Form
Past
Form
动词原形
动词过去式
一般过去时
Simple
Past
Tense
一般过去时
Simple
Past
Tense
go
go
to
school
by
car
every
day.
went
to
school
by
bus
yesterday.
went
Basic
Form
Past
Form
动词过去式
动词原形
broke
break
dropped
stepped
kicked
drop
step
kick
Base
Form
Past
Form
动词原形
动词过去式
一般过去时
Simple
Past
Tense
I'm
sorry
stepped
on
your
book.
It's
all
right.
Let's
do!
Never
mind.
I'm
sorry
broke
your
toy
plane.
Dear
son,
I'm
sorry
broke
your
toy
ship
yesterday
morning.
Mum
want
to
say
sorry
to
my
son.
want
to
say
sorry
to
you.
Dear
_______,
I’m
sorry
_______
______________.
__
What
should
they
do?
I'm
sorry.
Let's
summarize!
Yangyang
looks
worried.
Because
he
broke
Maomao's
toy
car.
He
wants
to
say
sorry
to
Maomao.
Maomao's
father
says,“Never
mind.
can
fix
it.”
Yangyang
is
happy
again.
Let's
summarize!
一般过去时
Simple
Past
Tense
broke
break
dropped
stepped
kicked
drop
step
kick
Base
Form
Past
Form
动词原形
动词过去式
Let's
summarize!
broke
the
cup
broke
the
toy
car
kicked
the
ball
into
the
lake
stepped
on
the
book
Let's
summarize!
I'm
sorry
…
.
Never
mind./
It's
all
right.
Homework
完成本课学习任务单中课后学习任务。