

名称 Noises
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文件大小 24.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 上海牛津(绿色上教版)
科目 英语
更新时间 2011-05-14 20:11:57



①了解“noises”,认识形容“noises”的形容词loud,quiet以及掌握生活中发出各种声音的物体的名称,如:radio, , television, lorry, telephone, drill, aeroplane,boat等名词。
②学会运用新句型What’s that noise It’s a/an...进行流利的问答。
1.教学重点:掌握新句型What’s that noise It’s a/an...
2. 教师准备本课时的课件或教学时钟。
↘ 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)
((1)Enjoy a song:Old MacDonald had a farm (2) Let’s act: T: Old MacDonald had a farm. There are many animals on the farm. Let’s act these animals, OK I am a bird. Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! I am a cat. Meow! Meow! Meow! I am a dog. Woof! Woof! Woof!I am a duck. Quack! Quack! Quack! I am a pig. Oink! Oink! Oink! 通过Enjoy a song 和Let’s act学生的思维随着身体动起来,并复习旧知识,为引新知识做准备。
Listen and guess: What can you hear Teaching: noisesa. T:Xu, Who comes here Listen. What can you hear 在学生的每一次回答Ss:I can hear a/an…后补充说T: It’s a noise. It’s a/an…T:Today we will talk noises. 教师出示课题noises带读noise——noisesT: Today we have a new friend. He is Gogo. He is a country mouse. SS: Hello, I ’m Gogo.I’m a country(乡村) mouse.T: He has another friend, Nono.He is a city mouse.Nono invites Gogo to go to his house.Let’s go and have a look what can Gogo. b. Practice 根据Gogo行进路径操练。Ss: I can hear noises_______.(in the street ,in the zoo, in the house) (2)Teaching: lorry, louda. In the city, what can Gogo hear Let’s listen! Gogo:What’ s that noise Ss: It’s a/an …(a drill, an aeroplane) T: Is it an aeroplane Ss: No. 图片和文字出现lorry.T: Can you read it 学生在sorry提示下尝试拼读lorry出示lorry词卡,指名学生读 b.操练T: Can you describe the lorry Ss: The lorry is …(big, red, old, new…)c. T: Does Gogo like it Listen.Gogo: Oh, no. It’s loud. I don’t like it. I can’t read. 出示loud词卡,指名学生读 ou ou {au} loud Ss act as Gogo: Oh, no. It’s too loud. I don’t like it.I can’t read.(3)Teaching: What’s that noise It’s a/ an…T: Gogo doesn’t like the lorry. So he goes to the zoo with Nono. Gogo and Nono play a game: What’s that noise T: Let’s play with them, OK PracticeSs read one by oneS1: What’s that noise SS: It’s a /an…( T: I can make noise. Quack! Quack! What’s that noise Ss: It’s a duck.T: Can you make noises )一生模仿动物声音,一生问:What’s that noise T: Gogo and Nono play games very happy. They chant with their animals friends. Are you happy Let’s chant, OK Chant: S1: What’s that What’s that What’s that noise S2: Quack, quack, It’s a duck. It’s a duck.It’s a yellow duck.Teaching: television, radioa. T: Gogo and Nono play tired. So they go to Nono’s house. They want to sleep. But they can’t. Why Let’s have a look.Gogo:What’s that noise Nono:It’s a/an…(Sound1 a telephone) Gogo: It’s too loud. I don’t like it. I can’t sleep.Sound2 Ss puzzled, T show two pictures: A .television ,B. radio b. Show television card te-le-vision television SS read one by one T: Nono has a television. Miss Mei I have a television, too.Look, what colour is it Ss: It’s black and white.将颜色卡纸放在教具隔层T: what colour is it now Ss: It’s black white and green.T: Yes. It’s a black white and green.用不同颜色卡纸替换T: What can you see Ss: T can see a…and… television. c. CAI :television图片消失,留下radio图片T: It’s a radio. Can you put the letters d-r-i-a-o in right order. d. T: Super! Look, there are six radios. I like radio 2 . It’s blue. It’s funny. What do you like Ss: I like radio…. It’s…( new, small, old, blue…) (5) Teaching: I like it. I don’t like it. quieta. T: Miss Mei I also like radio 6. It’s magic. There are some music in it. Let’s listen. T: Do you like this noise Music1 Ss: Yes, I like it.Music2 Ss: Yes, I like it.Ss: No, I don’t like it. Music3 Ss: No, I don’t like it.Ss read Do you like this noise Yes, I like it.No, I don’t like it.T: Miss Mei I don’t like music 3. It’s loud.I like music1. It’s quiet.b. Show quiet card Ss read one by one: Qu qu {kw} 教师用手势辅助学生发双元音{aie} Let’s share: 了解decibel声音单分贝和噪音的定义loud &quietGame: High &low 学生根据教师的手势向上说loud和向下quiet T: So in our life we have many noises. Tell me what is loud, what is quiet,! Ss: The …is loud. The …is quiet. T: The drill is loud. So please be quiet! Ss: Be quiet!Be quiet _________.( in the street, in the zoo, in the park…) 用guessing game让学生感知noises,引出课题。运用学生喜欢的动物朋友,创设city mouse Nono邀请country mouse Gogo做客的情景,再让学生根据根据Gogo行进路径操练noises.放手让孩子根据已知sorry尝试拼读新知lorry,使他们能体验学习英语的成就感。学生自己make noises,调动身体去演说动物,操练What’s that noise 用琅琅上口的chant创编本课的重点句型,学生动口动手,说说唱唱,缓解课堂学习的疲劳又愉悦了身心。制造信息沟,引导学生听音猜单词,培养学生的观察力和注意力。运用巧妙的教具操练不同颜色的television,让孩子在觉得神奇的氛围中掌握television。 根据教师提供的单词发音和字母,学生正确排字母成新词radio,直拼教学略有成效,孩子体验学习的乐趣。在充分的感受不同音乐中感知loud和quiet,并利用文字和统计图让孩子进一步了解noise。用High &low 游戏调动孩子的学习积极性,主动说loud和quiet。
T: Gogo wants to say:“Be quiet!” Does he like city Let’s go and have a look!Story time:Gogo: Hello, I ’m Gogo.I’m a country(乡村) mouse.Nono: Hello, I ’m Nono.I’m a city(城市) mouse(1)Look and guessGogo: It’s loud. ______________ Nono: It’s a _______.Gogo: Oh, no. It’s too loud. I don’t like it.I can’t read.(2)Listen and fill in blanksGogo:_______________ Nono: It’s a___________.Gogo: Oh, no. It’s too loud. I don’t like it.I can’t write.(3)Pair-work: Read and choose the right sentence.(联系上下文选择正确句子)Gogo: It’s ______.What’s that noise a. loud b. quietNono: It’s a___________. a. telephone b. television Gogo: Oh, no. _____ too loud. a. its b. Its c. It’s I don’t like it.I can’t sleep.(4)Pair-work: make a new dialogue.(同桌两人编一个对话。)Gogo: It’s loud. ______________ Nono: It’s a _______.Gogo: Oh, no. It’s too loud. I don’t like it.I can’t ______.(5)T: Gogo doesn’t like city.Gogo: Oh, no. The city is too loud.My home is_quiet_. Bye-bye! Nono: Oh sorry. Bye-bye!Gogo: I like my home. It’s quiet. It’s green.It’s healthy(健康)for me.Don’t make noises. Protect our environment.(7)T: hen we read books, be quiet, please!When we are in the classroom, be quiet, please!Ss: When we ______, be quiet, please!When we are in the_______, be quiet, please!(read, draw, write, stand up, sit down, open your book, close your book, eat a cake, taste the peach, drink milk, hands up, hands down…) (classroom, office, park, room, zoo, street, room, hall, playground, … )T: Keep the world quiet by doing small things!(从身边的小事做起,让我们拥有一个安静的世界! ) ↘Homework.1. Read 3B BookP32 Look and say. 熟读课本P32.2. Find some noises in your life, and describe it. e.g. The __ is quiet/loud. I (don’t) like it. 找找生活中的noises,并表达你的喜好。3. Find some measures to keep our environment quiet and finish the blanks.课后上网查找让让我们拥有一个安静的世界的措施,并完成表格。 用city mouse Nono和country mouse Gogo创联整个课堂。Look and guess,Listen and fill in blanks,Read and choose the right sentence,make a new dialogue.层层递进,巩固知识,落实读写四会要求。渗透德育教育,让孩子有保护环境意识。分层作业,让孩子根据自己的能力自主选择,自主学习。
在本节课堂上创设city mouse Nono邀请country mouse Gogo来家里做客的的情景,一路上在不同地方的见闻自然引出本课的所学内容。通过guessing game导入重点句型What’s that noise It’s a/an...利用TPR教学法让孩子自己make noises,调动身体去演说动物,并用琅琅上口的chant创编本课的重点句型,学生动口动手,说说唱唱,缓解课堂学习的疲劳愉悦身心的同时巩固知识;激发学习兴趣,运用 变换不同颜色卡纸的方式变出不同颜色的电视机及high& low游戏操练难点television和quiet;在板书设计中两个小组用分贝高低来竞赛,正好巧妙地将loud和quiet呈现给学生,言简意赅,一目了然。各类活动设计的许多环节中,如同桌合作表演、扩展练习等都能注重培养学生互助精神、团队合作精神和竞争意识。
What’s that noise
It’s a/an ….