教
案
教学基本信息
课题
(2)
学科
英语
学段:
小学
年级
六年级
教材
书名:
义务教育教科书英语六年级下册
出版社:
北京出版社
出版日期:2015
年
月
教学目标及教学重点、难点
本课出自北京版小学英语六年级下册第六单元。本单元由
课时组成,本课为第二课时。
本单元是复习单元,涵盖本册
1-5
单元的知识内容,以及小学六年学习的四种英语时态。单元练习题从听、说、读、写四个英语能力方面对学生进行训练。本单元课时内容如下:
(
基于以上内容分析,将本单元教学目标定为:
1、能够把前
个单元的知识融会贯通,运用到实际的语言交际中去。
2、能够通过听、说、读、写的技能训练,促进学生相关主题内容语言能力的不断提升。
3、能够通过全方位、多层面的复习和练习,使不同层次的学生查漏补缺、温习旧知、开拓思维,在不断归纳、改进中掌握学习策略。
4、能够通过语法讲解及练习,使学生掌握一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时和现在进行时四种时态的用法及语言结构。
本课教学目标:
通过“思维导图”,学生能够从年龄、居住地、工作、外貌、性格等方面介绍自己的家人。
通过“图片和部分句子、词汇”,学生能够简单描述自己的房间。
通过“阅读不同场景和部分句子、词汇”,学生能够初步运用所学语言进行交流。
通过“自主感知”、“归纳总结”和“习题操练”等活动,学生能够掌握一般将来时的用法及三种句型。
本课重点:
通过“思维导图”对语言进行归纳、提炼,提高学生语言的思维品质。
本课难点:
掌握“一般将来时”的三种句型结构及用法。
)
教学过程(表格描述)
教学环节
主要教学活动
设置意图
Leading-in
T:
Good
morning
boys
and
girls!
Today,
you’ll
practice
speaking
skill
and
review
a
tense,
“simple
future”.
Are
you
ready?
Here
we
go!
明确本节课的主要复习内容。
Speaking
skill
Activity1:
Let’s
talk
1.Free
talk
T:
This
is
a
family
tree.
How
many
people
are
there
in
your
family?
There
are
in
mine.
Or,
you
want
to
know
someone
in
my
family,
for
example,
my
cousins.
You
can
ask
me
these
questions.
How
many
cousins
do
you
have?
How
old
is
your
youngest
cousin?
Where
does
he/she
live?
What
does
he/she
do?
What
does
he/she
look
like?
What's
he/she
like?
通过与学生交流各自的家庭情况,调动学生已有的旧知。
通过介绍老师的表
妹,帮助学生梳理出
2:
Mind
Map
T:
Look
at
the
mind
map.
We
can
talk
about
these
aspects.
Let’s
ask
together.
从哪几方面介绍一个人。
3.
Read
an
introduction
T:
Let’s
read
this
introduction
together.
This
time,
would
like
to
tell
you
about
my
uncle.
Ready?
Go!
T:
Now,
you
know
how
to
introduce
a
person.
Please
practice
with
the
mind
map,
it
makes
your
speaking
clear
and
logical.
Activity2:
Let’s
draw
and
say
Let’s
think
T:
Draw
your
bedroom
and
say
something
about
it.
What’s
in
your
bedroom?
Yes,
we
can
answer
with
“There
is.../There
are...”
What
do
you
think
about
your
bedroom?
We
can
say,
“It’s
a
lovely/beautiful/tidy
bedroom.”
Let’s
say
T:
Look
at
my
bedroom.
Let’s
say
something
about
it.
What
can
you
see?
What
do
you
think
about
this
bedroom?
T:
Let’s
read
it.
Activity3:
Let’s
play
and
say
T:
There
are
three
scenes.
Let’s
red
them.
T:
Let’s
read
together.
How
many
people
are
there
in
this
scene?
Where
are
they?
Yes,
think
they
are
at
B’s
home.
wants
to
go
to
the
bathroom,
and
shows
where
it
is.
Can
you
make
a
dialogue?
T:
The
second
scene.
There
are
also
two
people
here.
What
happened?
Let’s
read.
is
thirsty,
and
gives
something
to
drink.
Let’s
make
a
dialogue.
T:
The
third
one.
What
is
it
about?
Let’s
read.
wants
to
use
B’s
computer.
But
is
busy.
is
writing
an
email
now.
What
will
they
say?
T:
Let’s
practice
more.
In
this
scene,
wants
to
copy
B’s
homework.
If
you
were
B,
will
you
lend
it
to
A?
Let’s
read
this
dialogue.
Well
done,
boys
and
girls!
Please
practice
a
lot
after
class.
Remember,
practice
makes
perfect!
通过“思维导图”训练、提高学生有逻辑地表达一段话的能力。
通过询问,调动学生已
有
旧
知
,
复
习there
be
句型,为后面的描述给出语言支撑。
先让学生观察“卧室”的图片,复习室内物品的词汇,为描述自己的卧室做准备。
通过阅读三个场景,
学生明确寻求帮助和提供帮助的情境,
并引导学生调动已有的有关功能句式。鼓励学生用已有语言丰富对话。
Tense
platter
Activity4:
Read
and
think
T:
Let’s
read
these
sentences
and
think
what
“simple
future
tense”
is.
We
see
“next
year”,
“next
week”,
“at
two
this
afternoon”.
They
are
all
about
future
time.
How
to
present
“simple
future
tense”?
Can
you
find
the
different
patterns?
Yes,
they
are
“will”,
“be
going
to”
and
“be
doing”.
Activity5:
Let’s
remember
T:
Generally,
there
are
three
patterns
to
present
“simple
future
tense”.
They
are
used
in
different
situations.
Let’s
check.
Activity6:
Let’s
watch
T:
Let’s
watch
a
video.
Please
pay
attention
to
the
simple
future
tense.
Activity7:
Let’s
practice
T:
Let’s
read
and
complete
the
sentences.
通过读句子,学生感知“一般将来时”的定义,并让学生观察句子,自主找出“一般将来时”的几种不同句子结构,唤起学生对此时态的知识储备。
帮助学生归纳、总结出“一般将来时”的几种句式结构。
通过操练,使学生进一步巩固“一般将来时”的三种句子结构及用法。
Summary
T:
Boys
and
girls.
Today
we’ve
practiced
“speaking
skill”
and
reviewed
the
tense,
“simple
future”.
After
the
class,
you
can
do
more
exercise:
借助思维导图,介绍你家庭成员中的一位。
请用将来时简单介绍一下你近期的出行计划。
T:
You
all
did
good
job
today!
Thank
you
for
watching.
See
you
next
time!
总结本课重点复习内容,与开头相呼应。并布置相关任务,完成书中的练习。(共11张PPT)
(2)
英语
六年级下册
Let's
talk
How
many
cousins
do
you
have?
How
old
is
your
youngest
cousin?
Where
does
he/she
live?
What
does
he/she
do?
What
does
he/she
look
like?
What's
he/she
like?
思维导图
a
person
How
old
is
he/she?
What's
he/she
like?
Where
does
he/she
live?
What
does
he/she
look
like?
g
e
d
d
r
e
s
s
p
p
e
a
r
a
n
c
e
外貌
What
does
he/she
do?
Tr
a
i
t
s
性格特点
.
.
.
o
b
Hello!
have
three
uncles.
The
youngest
one
is
years
old.
He
lives
in
Changping
in
Beijing.
He
is
a
policeman.
He
is
strong.
He
looks
serious.
He
is
very
helpful.
Let's
practice
Tr
a
i
t
s
g
e
d
d
r
e
s
s
o
b
p
p
e
a
r
a
n
c
e
Let's
draw
and
say
Let's
think
What's
in
your
bedroom?
There
is
/
are...
What
do
you
think
about
your
bedroom?
It's
lovely
/
beautiful
/
tidy
...
Let's
say
This
is
my
bedroom.
There
is
a
bed.
There
are
two
pictures
on
the
wall.
There
is
a
desk
and
a
chair
beside
my
bed.
study
there.
You
can
see
a
plant
on
the
windowsill
.
water
it
three
times
a
week.
Next
to
the
window,there
is
a
bookshelf.
have
many
books.
like
reading.
My
bedroom
is
comfortable.
Let's
play
and
say
A:
Can
use
your
bathroom,
please?
B:
Of
course!
A:
Where
is
it?
B:
It's
over
there,
next
to
the
kitchen.
A:
Thank
you!
Let's
play
and
say