(共21张PPT)
Module
Australia
Unit
have
some
photos
that
took
in
Australia
last
year.
Southern
Do
you
know
which
country
it
is
and
where
it
is?
1.
Where
is
Australia?
southern
northern
eastern
western
It’s
in
the
part
of
the
world.
Do
you
know?
2.
What
is
the
capital
of
Australia?
Sydney
Canberra(堪培拉)
3.
What
language
do
the
Australians
speak?
English
map
of
Australia
koala
kangaroo
Uluru
Ayers
Rock
the
Sydney
Opera
House
the
Great
Barrier
Reef
…
Do
you
know
some
symbols
of
Australia?
koala
kangaroos
crocodile
shark
camels
platypus
the
Great
Barrier
Reef(大堡礁)
大堡礁(英文:Great
Barrier
Reef)是世界最大最长的珊瑚礁群,位于南半球。是世界七大自然景观之一,也是澳大利亚人最引以为自豪的天然景观。又称为“透明清澈的海中野生王国”。在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。在礁群与海岸之间是一条极方便的交通海路。风平浪静时,游船在此间通过,船下联绵不断的多彩、多形的珊瑚景色,就成为吸引世界各地游客来猎奇观赏的最佳海底奇观。
1981年列入世界自然遗产名录。
大堡礁中有千余个岛屿,是世界上最大的珊瑚礁群,尤其是那些由几毫米的珊瑚虫组成的珊瑚群,是海洋动物的天堂,更是世界上海洋生物最多的地区之一。
澳大利亚艾尔斯岩石(Ayers
Rock),又名乌卢鲁巨石。艾尔斯岩高348米,长3000米,基围周长约8.5公里,东高宽而西低狭,是世界最大的整体岩石(体积虽巨,只是独块石头)。它气势雄峻,犹如一座超越时空的自然纪念碑,突兀于茫茫荒原之上,在耀眼的阳光下散发出迷人的光辉。
Ayers
Rock
(艾尔斯岩石)
Sydney
Opera
House
(悉尼歌剧院)
The
Opera
House
in
Sydney,
with
the
famous
Harbour
Bridge,
floodlit
behind.
悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚全国表演艺术中心,又称海中歌剧院。它矗立在新南威尔士州首府悉尼市贝尼朗岬角上,紧靠着世界著名得海港大桥得一块小半岛上,三面环海,南端与市内植物园和政府大厦遥遥相望。建筑造型新颖奇特、雄伟瑰丽,外形犹如一组扬帆出海得船队,也像一枚枚屹立在海滩上得洁白大贝壳,与周围海上得景色浑然一体。
Free
talk
What
places
of
interest
would
you
like
to
visit
in
Australia?
And
why?
Think
of
somewhere
you
have
visited
and
which
you
liked,
make
notes
about
the
best
things
you
saw
there.
Say
what
it’s
called.
Mount
Tai
Say
where
it
is.
Shandong
Province
Say
what
special
details
it
has.
one
of
the
Five
Mountains
in
China
Now
work
in
pairs.
Ask
and
answer
questions
about
the
place
you
have
chosen.