课题
Unit
11Water
课型
Period
two
学习目标
?1、学习Read
a
story;2、能正确读出th?在单词中的发音。?????描2、描述水的来源及水的用途,能简单描述水的形成过程。3.???了解水的重要性,知道应该节约用水。?
教学重、?难点
???1.学习Read
a
story;2、能正确读出th?在单词中的发音。3.?2、描述水的来源及水的用途,能简单描述水的形成过程。3.???了解水的重要性,知道应该节约用水。?
教学准备
PPT,cards
?教学过程
教学环节
教学内容
教学活动
课前准备
?Step
One:
Review?1)Where
does
water
comefrom?2)How
do
we
use
water??
??复习上一节所学的重点句子。
小组合作朗读课文
?Step
Two:?Presentation1.?Readthe
story
by
yourselves.2.?Listen
to
the
tape.3.
Finish??thejourney
of
Little
Water
Drop
and
put
the
sentences
in
order.1)
Little
Water
Drop???????????????tothe
ground.2)
Little
Water
Drop???????????????inthe
sea.3)
Little
Water
Drop
is????????????????thecloud.4)
Little
Water
Drophot
and????????????????tothe
sky.5)
Little
Water
Drop
is????????????????thetree.4
.Role
play.?
???1、?Read
the
story2、?Read
thestory
ingroups.
听力练习整体感知
?Listento
the
radio
.Students
read
theafter
the
tape.
?Listen?to
the
tape
together
合作交流解决问题
2.
Answer
my
question.???1)
Little
Water
Drop???????????????tothe
ground.2)
Little
Water
Drop???????????????inthe
sea.?
?小组讨论回答问题
小组展示
4小组选代表回答问题。.
??小组展示。.
拓展延伸反馈矫正
5、?Listen
tothe
tape6、????????Pairwork.?
Listen
again
.
课堂小结
?Homework??1.Read
the
passage
on
page54--55
twice.???2“Read
astory
”
one
time
.
?
板书设计
???Unit11???water1)
Little
Water
Drop???????????????tothe
ground.2)
Little
Water
Drop???????????????inthe
sea.3)
Little
Water
Drop
is????????????????the
cloud.4)
Little
Water
Drophot
and????????????????tothe
sky.5)
Little
Water
Drop
is????????????????thetree.??
教学反思
?
Contents
Period
Aims
1.
能掌握新词组Little
Water
Drop,
be
up
to
the
sky,
fall
down
to
the
ground,
2.
了解水蒸气的自然知识;4.
能读懂这个故事并能根据提示复述故事。
Teaching
aids
flash,
etc.
Teaching
procedure
Steps
Student’s
activities
Teacher’s
activities
Purpose
Pre-task
preparation
RiddleUseful
water
Guess:
WaterWhat
do
you
do
with
water?
利用猜谜活跃课堂气氛并导入新课。
While-task
procedure
Read
a
story1.
First,
Little
Water
Drop…2.
Next,
the
Sun…3.Then,
Little
Water
Drop
…4.Finally,
Little
Water
Drop
…
Learn
the
journey
of
Little
Water
Drop.go
up
to
the
sky
2.
fall
down
to
the
ground1.
rise
up
to
the
sky2.
Now
he
is
in
a
cloud.fly
over
…[来源:学科网ZXXK]see
some
treesfall
down
to
the
grounddrink
himinside
the
tree
了解水蒸气的自然知识;先整体感知故事。[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]围绕每幅图片,开展问答,学习新词。
Post-task
activities
Fill
in
the
blanksTry
to
say
the
story
Watch
the
flash
again.2.
Fill
in
the
blanks.3.
Say
the
story
in
groups
分层训练,拓展较难的语篇,阅读新语篇,拓宽词汇量。
Homework
1.
Listen
and
read
P76-772.
Try
to
say
the
story
P50
作业跟进,巩固今日所学,分层施教。
[来源:Z_xx_k.Com]