中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
牛津深圳版英语五年级下册Unit
Seeing
the
doctor
第二课时教学设计
课题
Seeing
the
doctor
单元
Unit
学科
英语
年级
五年级
学习目标
知识与技能目标:掌握句型What's
wrong
with
you?
You
should/shouldn't
...。过程与方法目标:能够熟读A
toothless
tiger故事,并用自己的话描述。情感态度:培养对美好事物的追求,对健康的重视。
重点
单词:ill,wrong,headache,fever,should,medicine,rest,toothache,present,world句子:主语
+
should/shouldn't
+
动词原形
难点
使用句型正确表达疾病和建议。
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
导入新课
Warming
up
-Back
to
back.教师展示生病的图片,同学们做游戏进行回顾。四人一组,将以下图片分别贴在背上,组员们背对背,每次只两人转身,看着另两幅图片,仿照例子进行造句。Ask&Answer
—What's
wrong
with
you?—I
have
...—You
should...
学生做游戏回顾上节句型
趣味性导入,进行复习。
讲授新课
Read
a
story视频课文对应动画视频观看。Read
a
story详解(1)根据对话的层次,分段进行讲解,重点讲解连词的使用,以及Which句型的表达;(2)Read
aloud
学生分角色朗读课文。Act
out
the
story展示课本任务,引导学生解答。
important
words
展示本节涉及到的生词,引导学生熟悉词汇。Little
testTick
the
correct
answers.
展示课文图片与重点概括,引导学生进行匹配。Practice
Fill
in
the
blank.1.
The
tiger
likes
the
candy____________
.(非常)2.
All
the
animals
_______________
the
tiger.(害怕)Multiple
Choice(
)
1.he
has
a
____.A.teethache
B.toothache(
)2.
They
_____
all
the
tiger’s
teeth
___.A.pull...
out
B.push...out
C.pull...
inSummary复习重点词汇ill,wrong,headache,fever,should,medicine,rest,toothache,present,world以及重点句型主语
+
should/shouldn't
+
动词原形。Homework(1)熟读本节故事;(2)使用本节重点句型完成对话;(3)完成本课习题册。
观看课文相关视频,跟读文中人物的对话,尝试模仿视频中人物的语音语调,根据已学词汇,尝试说出对话主题,用自己的话来描述视频内容。
通过反复的听读训练,掌握词汇;通过练习和测试,巩固单词;分小段进行句型讲解,可以让学生对重点内容产生深刻认识;专项练习和拔高练习,可以使学生对于知识点得到充分练习,便于重点难点的巩固。
课堂小结
这节课的教学任务目标是能理解并会朗读课文;能听懂、会说、会拼读单词和短语:ill,wrong,headache,fever,should,medicine,rest,toothache,present,world。本课为复习+新授课,通过反复播放录音视频并跟读模仿学习词汇和朗读课文;通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,熟悉课文内容,进而可以复述故事,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。
板书
Unit
Seeing
the
doctor(Lesson
2)单词:ill,wrong,headache,fever,should,medicine,rest,toothache,present,world。句型:主语
+
should/shouldn't
+
动词原形
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Unit
Seeing
the
doctor
沪教牛津版
五年级下
四人一组,将以下图片分别贴在背上,组员们背对背,每次只两人转身,看着另两幅图片,仿照例子进行造句。
—What's
wrong
with
you?
—I
have
...
—You
should...
All
the
animals
are
afraid
of
the
tiger.
所有动物都怕这只老虎。
The
animals
have
a
meeting.A
clever
fox
has
a
good
idea.
动物们在开会。一只聪明的狐狸想到了一个好主意。
The
fox
gives
the
tiger
a
lot
of
candy.The
tiger
likes
the
candy
very
much.
狐狸给了老虎很多糖果。老虎非常喜欢糖果。
老虎每天都吃这些糖果。不久它就牙痛了。其他动物们过来帮忙。它们把老虎的牙都拔了出来。它变成了一只没有牙的老虎!
The
tiger
eats
the
candy
every
day.
Soon
he
has
a
toothache.
The
animals
come
to
help.
They
pull
all
the
tiger’s
teeth
out.
He
becomes
a
toothless
tiger!
Answer
the
questions
1.
Who
are
the
animals
afraid
of?
2.
What
does
the
fox
give
the
tiger?
3.
What
gives
the
tiger
a
toothache?
4.
How
do
the
animals
help
the
tiger?
All
the
animals
are
afraid
of
the
tiger.
The
animals
have
a
meeting.
The
fox
gives
the
tiger
a
lot
of
candy.The
tiger
likes
the
candy
very
much.
Soon
he
has
a
toothache.
They
pull
all
the
tiger’s
teeth
out.
Tick
the
correct
answers.
Fill
in
the
blank.
1.
The
tiger
likes
the
candy____________
.
(非常)
2.
All
the
animals
_______________
the
tiger.
(害怕)
very
much
are
afraid
of
Multiple
Choice
(
)
1.he
has
a
____.
A.teethache
B.toothache
(
)2.
They
_____
all
the
tiger’s
teeth
___.
A.pull...
out
B.push...out
C.pull...
in
Key
words:
ill,wrong,headache,fever,should,medicine,rest,toothache,present,world
Key
sentences:
What's
wrong
with
you?
主语
+
should/shouldn't
+
动词原形.
(1)熟读本节故事;
(2)使用本节重点句型完成对话;
(3)完成本课习题册。
谢谢
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