(共25张PPT)
Unit
What's
he
like?
Part
Let’s
learn
&
Match
and
say
PEP·五年级上册
Ask
and
answer
A:
Who’s
your...teacher?
B:
...
A:
What’s
he/she
like?
B:
He/
She
is
...
Sharp
eyes
Lead-in
What's
the
boy
like?
He's
polite.
polite
有礼貌的;客气的
What
are
they
like?
They're
helpful.
helpful
有用的;愿意帮忙的
Look
at
the
kids.
Who's
helpful?
√
√
√
You're
clever!
聪明的;聪颖的
clever
Lily
is
clever.
Tony
is
clever,
too.
But
Lily
is
hard-working.
Tony
Lily
工作努力的;辛勤的
hard-working
What's
he
like?
He
is
hard-working.
Is
the
boy
hard-working?
No,
he
isn't.
What's
she
like?
She
is
shy.
羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的
shy
polite
helpful
shy
clever
hard-working
Let's
read
Let's
learn
What's
Wu
Yifan
like?
He's
hard-working.
Group
work
What
...
like?
...
Match
and
say
He
is
polite.
She
is
shy.
They
are
helpful.
They
are
hard-working.
What's
he
like?
He
is
polite.
What___
____like?
_________.
What's
missing
What's
missing
What's
missing
What's
missing
Group
work
Talk
about
your
classmates!
______is
polite.
______is
hard-working.
______is
clever.
______is
helpful.
______is
shy.
Exercise
1.害羞的
A.
shy
B.
strict
C.
shop
2.聪明的
A.
colour
B.
clever
C.
clock
3.有礼貌的
A.
kind
B.
funny
C.
polite
4.有用的
A.
hard
B.
helpful
C.
happy
5.辛勤的
A.
hard-working
B.
here
C.
quiet
一、根据中文意思,选出对应的单词。
二、单项选择。
(
)
1.—______he
like?
—He’s
polite.
A.
What
are
B.
What
C.
What’s
(
)
2.Chen
Jie
is
helpful
_____
home.
A.
at
B.
in
C.
on
(
)
3.Wu
Yifan
is
_____.
A.
work
hard
B.
hard-working
C.
hard
work