(共21张PPT)
湖北省枣阳市第一中学
刘德琴
Unit
one
breaking
records
learning
about
language
Three
ways
to
learn
English
words
1.Learn
words
by
transformation(转换)
2.Learn
words
by
synonym(同义词)
3.Learn
words
by
classification(分类)
1.approximate
近似的,大概的
2.adjustment
调整,调节
to
learn
words
by
transformation
review
3.
accomplish
完成,实现
4.devotion
热爱,投入
5.motivation
动机
Cooperate
and
improve
together
Complete
the
table
verb
Noun
Adjective
approximate
adjustment
accomplish
devotion
motivation
approximate
approximation
adjust
adjustable
accomplishment
accomplished
devote
devoted/
devoting
motivate
motivated/
motivating
choose
a
word
from
the
table
above
to
complete
each
sentence
below
1.He
is
__________to
his
wife
and
gives
her
anything
she
asks
for
.
2.Can
you
tell
me
the
______________number
of
athletes
in
your
club?
devoted
approximate
3.It
was
a
huge
_______________for
her
to
reach
the
top
of
the
mountain
.
4.Some
people
have
the
ability
to
__________
others
to
try
to
achieve
their
goals
.
5.she
has
_____________to
the
fact
that
she
will
never
win
the
meter
swimming
event.
accomplishment
motivate
adjusted
to
learn
words
by
synonym
2.Find
words
in
the
reading
passage
that
are
similar
in
meaning
to
the
underlined
words
below.
Write
down
the
pairs
of
words.
When
am
on
holiday,
don't
do
the
usual
kinds
of
things
like
catching
up
with
friends
or
cleaning
the
house
or
finishing
a
book.
go
walking
alone
in
the
mountains.
It
doesn't
matter
what
the
weather
is
like.
However
severe
the
journey
is,
as
long
as
am
with
nature,
don't
care.
For
me,
there
is
something
sacred
about
breathing
clean
air,
listening
to
the
sounds
of
birds
and
observing
the
plants
and
animals
around
me.
When
reach
the
highest
place
on
my
walk,
like
to
sit
in
silence
for
a
long
time
and
enjoy
the
beautiful
scenery
in
front
of
me.
It
is
like
food
for
my
spirit.
Last
year
invited
two
friends
to
come
with
me.
Unfortunately
they
were
not
very
fit
and
so
the
walk
was
hard
on
them.
was
worried
that
we
wouldn't
reach
our
campsite
before
dark
and
begged
them
to
walk
faster.
They
complained
loudly
all
the
way.
When
the
walk
was
over,
we
all
agreed
that
it
was
an
enjoyable
experience.
However,
the
truth
was
that
would
never
invite
them
to
come
walking
with
me
again.
And,
they
would
probably
never
want
to!
1.usual____
.severe_____
3.sacred_____
4.spirit________
5.
hard
_____
6.begged_____
7.truth_____
conventional
tough/difficult
spiritual
soul
tough
urged
reality
To
learn
the
words
by
classification
In
groups
of
four,
add
as
many
words
as
you
can
to
each
box.
Compare
your
lists
with
another
group.
Then
share
your
lists
with
the
class.
brainstorm
Events
:
gymnastics
,marathon,
triathlon,…
The
training
is
…
tough,
tiring
,
Stressful
……
The
event
is
…
fascinating
,
exciting
,
……
Events
:
gymnastics
,marathon,
triathlon,…
diving
cycling
swimming
tennis
shooting
football
volleyball
basketball
wresting
boxing
Sailing
athetics
,…
basketball
boxing
The
training
is
…
tough,
tiring
,stressful,…
Interesting
rewarding
worthwhile
dangerous
severe
painful
strict
Skilful
……
The
event
is
…
fascinating
,exciting
,…
Interesting
challenging
inspiring
thrilling
frustrating
rewarding
Worthwhile
demanding,…
Make
a
summary
Write
a
short
passage
about
your
favorite
sport
trying
to
use
as
many
words
we
learned
today
as
possible
.
Homework
:
1.remember
the
words
learned
today
2.preview
the
grammar
of
subject