(共16张PPT)
Unit
What’s
he
like?
Part
Let’s
learn
&
Match
and
say
polite
有礼貌的;客气的
短语
be
polite
to
sb.
对某人有礼貌
例句
He
is
polite
to
the
old.
他对老人很有礼貌。
单元新词
hard-working
工作努力的;辛勤的
例句
The
donkey
is
hard-working.
驴很勤劳。
单元新词
helpful
有用的;愿意帮忙的
联想
help(名词)帮助
例句
The
computer
is
helpful
to
her.
电脑对她很有用。
单元新词
单元新词
拆拼记忆法
拓展
help(帮助)
ful(形容词后缀)
helpful(有用的;愿意帮忙的)
口诀:放学后帮助妈妈做家务,做个“有用的”好孩子!
类似构词:rain(雨)+y(形容词后缀)=rainy(下雨的)
clever
聪明的;聪颖的
近义
smart(形容词)聪颖的;机灵的
例句
The
monkey
is
very
clever.
猴子很聪明。
单元新词
shy
羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的
例句
My
brother
is
a
shy
boy.
我哥哥是一个腼腆的男孩。
单元新词
单词检测
Match.
把单词和含义意思连线。
helpful
polite
shy
clever
hard-working
羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的
工作努力的;辛勤的
有用的;愿意帮忙的
有礼貌的;客气的
聪明的;聪颖的
Let’s
learn
polite
helpful
hard-working
clever
shy
What's
Wu
Yifan
like?
He's
hard-working.
Match
and
say
What's
he
like?
He's
polite.
He's
polite.
She
is
shy.
They
are
helpful.
They
are
hard-working.
Pair
Work
Role
play:
两人一组,用以下单词描述一下你的同学吧!
helpful
polite
shy
clever
hard-working
随堂练习
1.
The
boy
is
very
________.
polite
hard-working
2.
My
sister
is
______________.
一、根据图片和句意补全句子。
随堂练习
3.
The
monkey
is
________.
clever
helpful
4.
The
girl
is
________
at
home.
5.
He
is
a
little
________.
shy
随堂练习
二、单项选择。
(
)1.
—What
_____
Amy
like?
—She's
clever.
A.
is
B.
are
C.
am
(
)2.
Jack
and
Jim
_____
hard-working
at
school.
A.
do
B.
is
C.
are
课时小结
重点单词:polite,
hard-working,
helpful,
clever,
shy
课后作业
掌握本课学习的新词,并用这些词描述一下你的同桌吧。
完成练习题。