(共15张PPT)
Unit
What’s
he
like?
Part
Read
and
write
&
Let's
check
&
Let's
wrap
it
up
复习
1.
to
do
many
things
to
help
others
2.
to
be
nice
to
others
3.
to
understand
things
easily
Read
and
guess.
读一读,猜一猜。
helpful
polite
clever
Read
and
write
Meet
Robin!
Sept.
1st,Tuesday
have
a
robot!His
name
is
Robin.
My
grandpa
made
him.
Robin
is
short
but
strong.
He
is
really
clever.
He
can
speak
Chinese
and
English.
He
is
hard-working.
He
is
very
helpful
at
home.
He
is
strict,
too.
He
makes
me
finish
my
homework!
Read
and
write
Read
and
write
What
is
Robin
like?Read
and
tick
or
cross.
tall
×
strong
helpful
short
√
old
strict
thin
hard-working
clever
×
√
×
√
√
√
√
Design
a
robot
of
your
own.
Draw
and
write
about
him/her.
1.
______
is
__________.
2.
______
is
__________.
3.
______
is
__________.
Read
and
Write
Let’s
check
Listen
and
circle.
Miss
Chen
is
a
maths/science
teacher.
Mr
Grey
is
a
music/Chinese
teacher.
Let's
check
Listen
again
and
answer.
1.
What
is
Miss
Chen
like?
She's
friendly.
2.
What
is
Mr
Grey
like?
He's
funny.
Let's
check
听力原文
1.
Boy:
Hey,
that's
Miss
Chen.
She's
my
maths
teacher.
Girl:
Really?
What's
she
like?
Boy:
She's
friendly.
Let's
check
听力原文
2.
Girl:
Who's
your
English
teache?
Boy:
Mr
Grey.
Girl:
Is
she
funny?
Boy:
Yes,
he
is.
Let’s
wrap
it
up
Think
and
match.
you
we
they
it
he
she
is
am
are
Let’s
wrap
it
up
Choose
and
Write.
helpful.
He
funny.
She
kind.
It
small.
They
old.
We
strong.
am
is
is
is
are
are
随堂练习
一、从方框中选择正确的单词补全句子。
is
are
am
1.
_____
thin.
2.
Robin
_____
really
clever.
3.
_____
she
kind?
4.
We
_____
strong.
am
is
Is
are
随堂练习
二、给问句找答语。
1.
Who's
your
maths
teacher?
2.
Is
your
father
strict?
3.
What's
your
mother
like?
A.
She
is
kind.
B.
Mr
Sun.
C.
Yes,
he
is.
课后作业
熟读Read
and
write中的短文。
完成练习题。