The
second
period(第二课时)
Part
Let’s
learn
&
Let’s
do
?教学内容与目标
课时教学内容
课时教学目标
Let’s
learn
·能够听、说、认读颜色单词“red,
yellow,
green,
blue”
Let’s
do
·能够听懂该板块的指令用语,并能按照指令用语做出相应的动作
?教学重点
能够听、说、认读表示颜色的单词“red,
yellow,
green,
blue”。
?教学难点
能听懂Let’s
do板块的指令用语,并能按照指令用语做出相应的动作。
?教学准备
教学课件、课文录音、视频、人物头饰、颜色卡片、魔法棒等。
?教学过程
Step
1:
Warm-up
&
Lead-in
1.
Greetings.
T:
Hello,
boys
and
girls!
Ss:
Hello,
Miss/Mr…
T:
Hello,
S1!
Good
morning.
S1:
Hello,
Miss/Mr…
Good
morning.
T:
Hello,
S2!
Good
morning.
S2:
Hello,
Miss/Mr…
Good
morning.
T:
Hello,
S3!
Good
morning!
S3:
Hello,
Miss/Mr…
Good
morning.
……
2.
Listen
and
do.
T:
Take
out
your
pens,
pencils,
books,
rulers
and
crayons.
Now,
please
listen
and
do.
(Demonstrate
for
students
first.)
Show
me
your
book.
T:
Show
me
your
ruler.
Students
show
the
rulers.
T:
Show
me
your
pencil.
Students
show
the
pencils.
T:
Show
me
your
crayon.
Students
show
the
crayons.
…
Students
show
the
books.
3.
Enjoy
a
song—Colour
song.
T:
You
all
did
a
very
good
job!
It’s
a
happy
day!
Let’s
enjoy
a
nice
song
together!
Play
the
recording
and
explain
the
word
“rainbow”
with
the
picture.
(课件出示:教材P20
Let’s
sing板块的歌曲音频和一张彩虹的图片)
Step
2:
Presentation
1.
Learn
the
new
words
about
colours.
(1)Teach
the
word
“red”.
Show
the
magic
stick
and
say
“Three,
two,
one!”(课件出示:依照翻译笔的点动,先呈现一只没有颜色的小狗,点一下变成红色小狗,接着点第二下变成绿色小狗,点第三下变成黄色小狗,点第四下变成蓝色小狗)
T:
have
a
magic
stick.
This
is
a
dog.
Three,
two,
one!
Look!
This
is
a
red
dog.
Red,
/e/-/ed/-/red/,
red.
Write
down
the
word
“red”
on
the
blackboard
and
teach
it
in
high
and
low
voice.
T:
Red,
red,
red.
see
red.
Follow
me,
please!
Ss:
Red,
red,
red.
see
red.
(2)
Teach
the
word
“green”.
T:
Three,
two,
one!
Now,
look!
This
is
a
green
dog.
Green,
/gr/-/i:/,n/,
/gri:n/,
green.
Write
down
the
word
“green”
on
the
blackboard
and
teach
it
in
high
and
low
voice.
T:
Green,
green,
green.
see
green.
Follow
me,
please!
Ss:
Green,
green,
green.
see
green.
(3)
Teach
the
word
“yellow”.
Let
one
student
hold
up
the
magic
stick
and
say
“Three,
two,
one!”
T:
red
dog?
S1:
No!
T:
green
dog?
S1:
No.
T:
Oh,
this
is
a
yellow
dog.
Read
after
me,
please!
Yellow,
/je/-/l??/,
/’jel??/,
yellow.
Write
down
the
word
“yellow”
on
the
blackboard
and
lead
students
to
read
it
several
times.
T:
Yellow,
yellow,
yellow.
see
yellow.
Ss:
Yellow,
yellow,
yellow.
see
yellow.
(4)
Teach
the
word
“blue”.
T:
There
is
another
dog.
What
colour
is
it?
Can
you
guess?
S1:
Red.
S2:
Green.
S3:
Yellow.
…
T:
Let’s
see.
Say
“Three,
two,
one!”
together.
Ss:
Three,
two,
one!
T:
What
colour?
Ss:
…
T:
Blue!
This
is
a
blue
dog.
Read
after
me!
Blue,
/bl/-/u:/,
/blu:/,
blue.
Write
down
the
word
“blue”
on
the
blackboard
and
lead
students
to
read
it
several
times.
T:
What
colour
do
you
see
now?
Ss:
see
blue.
2.
Look
and
say.
Let
students
look
at
the
picture
and
say
the
colours
of
the
rainbow
by
using
the
sentence
structure
“I
see…”quickly.
(课件出示:教材P15
Let’s
learn板块的图片)
Write
down
the
sentence
structure
“I
see…”
on
the
blackboard
and
let
students
practice
it.
3.
Read
and
act.
(1)Play
the
recording
of
“Let’s
learn”.
(课件出示:教材P15
Let’s
learn板块的音频)
Let
students
read
after
the
recording
and
pay
attention
to
the
pronunciation
and
the
intonation.
(2)Let
students
read
the
words
and
the
sentences
by
themselves.
(3)Let
students
practice
in
groups,
and
then
wear
the
headdresses
to
act
out
in
class.
Step
3:
Practice
1.
Play
a
bomb
game.
Ask
one
student
to
come
to
the
front
of
the
classroom.
Let
the
student
choose
cards
about
colours
and
hold
them
up
one
by
one.
The
game
includes
four
rounds.
Set
one
colour
as
the
bomb
of
each
round.
Students
say
the
colours
according
to
the
cards.
When
they
see
the
bomb
cards,
they
should
say
“bomb”.
2.
Sharp
eyes.
(课件出示:依次闪现一支红色蜡笔,一支蓝色蜡笔,一支绿色蜡笔,一支黄色蜡笔)
Ask
students
to
look
carefully
and
say
quickly
with
the
sentence
structure
“I
see
a…crayon.”
3.
Let’s
do.
(1)Show
the
picture
of
“Let’s
do”
on
the
(课件出示:教材P15
Let’s
do板块的图片)
Let
students
listen
and
guess
the
meaning.
(2)Listen
and
do.
T:
Take
out
your
crayons.
Now,
please
listen
and
do.
(Demonstrate
for
students
first.)
Show
me
green.
Students
show
the
green
crayons.
T:
Show
me
red.
Students
show
the
red
crayons.
T:
Show
me
yellow.
Students
show
the
yellow
crayons.
T:
Show
me
blue.
Students
show
the
blue
crayons.
T:
Now,
who
can
be
a
little
teacher?
Please
give
the
instruction
“Show
me…”
(Let
the
other
students
do
as
the
little
teacher
says.)
Write
down
the
sentence
structure
“Show
me…”
on
the
blackboard
and
let
students
practice
it.…
4.
Let’s
chant.
Beat
time
and
let
students
chant
together.
(出示课件)
Step
4:
Consolidation
&
Extension
1.
Find
out
the
four
colours
in
the
classroom.
T:
There
are
different
colours
in
our
classroom.
Look
at
the
blackboard,
the
desks,
the
chairs,
the
pictures,
the
doors
and
the
windows.
Observe
the
objects
carefully
in
the
classroom
and
find
out
the
four
colours
“red,
yellow,
green,
blue”.
2.
Show
some
world
famous
paintings.
T:
In
this
period,
we
have
learned
the
four
colours.
There
are
other
colours
in
our
daily
life.
Colours
can
make
our
life
more
beautiful.
What
colour
do
you
see?
Let’s
enjoy
the
colourful
paintings
together.
(课件出示:色彩搭配经典的世界名画)
Expand
more
words
about
colours
to
students,
such
as
pink,
grey,
purple,
orange…
?板书设计
?作业设计
1.
Practice
the
words
and
the
sentences.
2.
Make
a
new
chant
about
the
colours.
3.
Do
the
exercises.
?教学反思
结合三年级学生的年龄特点,设置丰富多彩的趣味活动,极大地吸引了学生的注意力,并提升了他们的学习兴趣。
寓教学活动于游戏,培养学生的动口动手能力,使得学生在说、做、听、读、玩中体会英语学习的乐趣。
注重语言交际能力的培养,让学生在课堂中真正地运用英语,并能将它们用于现实生活中。
活动设置层次分明,有梯度,有利于提升学生的思维能力。
板书设计简洁明了,为课堂教学提供了很好的辅助作用。
?Teaching
Contents
&
Teaching
Aims
Let’s
learn
?·Be
able
to
listen,
speak
and
read
the
words
about
colours
“red,
yellow,
green,
blue”.
Let’s
do?
?·Be
able
to
understand
the
instructions
and
do
the
actions
according
to
the
instructions.
?Teaching
Priorities
·Be
able
to
listen,
speak
and
read
the
words
about
colours
“red,
yellow,
green,
blue”.
?Teaching
Difficulties
·Be
able
to
understand
the
instructions
of
“Let’s
do”
and
do
the
corresponding
actions
according
to
the
instructions.
?Teaching
Procedures
Teaching
Stages
Teacher’
s
Activities
Students
Activities
Teaching
Purposes
Warm-up
&Lead-in
1.
Greetings.2.
Listen
and
do.3.
Play
a
song
and
explain
the
word
“rainbow”.
1.
Greetings.2.
Listen
to
the
instructions
and
do
the
actions.3.
Enjoy
the
song.
3.
Enjoy
the
song.
Create
a
pleasant
learning
atmosphere
and
review
the
sentence
structures
of
greeting.
Let
students
perceive
the
sentence
structure
“Show
me
your…”
through
the
demonstration
and
master
it
through
the
activity.
Use
the
song
to
enliven
the
atmosphere
of
the
class
and
prepare
for
the
following
study.
Presentation
1.
Teach
the
new
words
about
colours
“red,
green,
yellow,
blue”.
Learn
the
new
words
about
colours.
Create
an
interesting
situation.
Let
students
understand
and
learn
the
new
words
with
the
pictures.
Lead
students
to
preliminarily
perceive
the
new
sentence
structure.
2.
Look
and
say.
Let
students
look
at
the
picture
and
say
the
colours
of
the
rainbow
by
using
the
sentence
structure
“I
see…”
quickly.
Look
at
the
picture
and
say
the
colours
of
the
rainbow
by
using
the
sentence
structure
“I
see…”
quickly.
Enhance
students’
learning
of
the
new
words
and
the
sentence
structure
“I
see…”
by
saying
the
colours
of
the
rainbow
quickly.
3.
Read
and
act.Play
the
recording
of
“Let’s
learn”.
Read
after
the
recording.
Read
by
themselves.
Practice
in
groups
and
act
out.
Make
sure
that
students
can
read
the
words
and
the
sentences
correctly
and
fluently.
(续表)
Teaching
Stages
Teacher’
s
Activities
Students’
Activities
Teaching
Purposes
Practice
1.
Play
a
bomb
game.
Set
one
colour
as
the
bomb
of
each
round.
Say
the
colours
according
to
the
cards.
Say
“bomb”
when
the
bomb
cards
appear.
Use
the
games
and
the
activity
to
arouse
students’
interest
in
learning.
Practice
and
consolidate
the
key
words
and
sentences.
Get
ready
for
the
next
step.
2.
Sharp
eyes.
Ask
students
to
look
carefully
and
say
quickly
with
the
sentence
structure
“I
see
a…
crayon.”
Look
carefully
and
say
quickly
with
the
sentence
structure
“I
see
a…crayon.”
3.
Let’s
do.
(1)Show
the
picture
of
“Let’s
do”
on
the
Let
students
listen
and
guess
the
meaning.
(2)Listen
and
do.
Take
out
the
crayons
and
do
the
actions
according
to
the
instructions.
4.
Let’s
chant.
Beat
time
and
let
students
chant
together.
Chant
about
the
colours.
Consolidation&Extension
1.
Lead
students
to
find
out
the
four
colours
“red,
yellow,
green,
blue”
in
the
classroom.
Observe
the
objects
in
the
classroom.
Then
find
out
the
four
colours.
Consolidate
and
expand
students’
knowledge
about
colours.
Develop
students’
comprehensive
ability
of
using
language.
2.
Show
some
world
famous
paintings.
Expand
some
new
words
about
colours.
Enjoy
the
paintings
and
learn
some
new
words
about
colours.
Homework
1.
Practice
the
words
and
the
sentences.2.
Make
a
new
chant
about
the
colours.3.
Do
the
exercises.
Teaching
purpose
通过师生间的情景对话拉近师生距离,创设愉快的学习氛围,同时复习关于打招呼的句型。
Teaching
purpose
教师通过示范让学生感知句型“Show
me
your…”。通过TPR活动,让学生熟练掌握指令性语言
“Show
me
your…”。
Teaching
purpose
用关于颜色的歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,同时引出本课主题,为后面教授四个颜色单词做铺垫。
Teaching
purpose
通过创设有趣的变魔法的情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生能够借助图片直观地理解和学习四个关于颜色的单词,并在教师的引导下初步感知新句型“I
see…”。
Teaching
purpose
通过让学生快速地用英语表达看到的颜色来巩固四个关于颜色的单词,并学会使用句型“I
see…”。
Teaching
purpose
教师播放录音,学生听录音跟读。引导学生按照正确的语音、语调朗读单词和句子,并能在小组中进行角色扮演。
Teaching
purpose
通过游戏和TPR活动来激发学生的学习兴趣,操练和巩固核心词汇以及常用表达,并为后面的拓展活动做铺垫。
Teaching
purpose
巩固和拓展学生对颜色单词的学习,提升学生的综合语言运用能力。