The
sixth
period
(第六课时)
Part
Start
to
read
&
Let’s
check
&
Let’s
sing
?教学内容与目标
课时教学内容
课时教学目标
Start
to
read
·能够找出并能听、说、读、写图片中的字母·能够听、说、认读表示颜色的单词“red,
green,
yellow,
blue,
black,
white,
orange,
brown”
Let’s
check
·能够独立完成Let’s
check板块的练习
Let’s
sing
·能够听懂、跟唱歌曲,并能创编新的歌曲
?教学重点
能够掌握本单元所学的字母和表示颜色的单词。
?教学难点
能够独立完成Let’s
check板块的练习。
?教学准备
教学课件、课文录音、视频、单词卡片、颜色卡片、蜡笔等。
?教学过程
Step
1:
Warm-up
&
Lead-in
1.
Greetings.
T:
Hi,
boys
and
girls!
Ss:
Hello,
Miss/Mr…
T:
Good
afternoon/morning,
S1!
S1:
Good
afternoon/morning,
Miss/Mr…
…
2.
Enjoy
a
song—ABC
song.
(课件出示:教材P6
Let’s
sing板
块的歌曲)
T:
Let’s
sing
the
song
together.
Clap
your
hands,
please!
3.
Listen
and
do.
Say
the
instructions
and
let
students
do
the
actions.
T:
Orange,
orange.
Sit
down.
Black,
black.
Stand
up.
White,
white.
Touch
the
ground.
Brown,
brown.
Turn
around.
Step
2:
Presentation
1.
Find
and
say.
(1)
Sharp
eyes.
T:
Boys
and
girls!
There
are
many
stars
on
the
Read
the
letters
on
the
stars
immediately
when
they
appear.
Let’s
look
and
read
them
quickly.
(2)
Find
and
say.
Let
students
look
at
the
picture
and
find
out
the
letters
in
it.
(课件出示:教材P19
Find
and
say的图片)
Try
to
find
out
the
most
letters.
T:
Here
is
a
beautiful
picture.
We
can
see
many
beautiful
things.
Wow!
Look!
see
a
big
letter
“C”.
(Point
to
the
big
letter
“C”.)
What
letters
do
you
see?
S1:
see…
S2:
see…
S3:
see…
S4:
see
C,
a,
D…
…
Ask
students
to
count
the
letters.
T:
How
many
big
letters
“A/B/C/D”
do
you
see?
Ss:
see…
“A/B/C/D”.
T:
How
many
small
letters
“a/b/c/d”
do
you
see?
Ss:
see…
“a/b/c/d”.
2.
Review
the
words
about
colours.
(1)
Ask
students
a
question
“What
colour
do
you
like?”
Lead
students
to
answer
with
the
words
about
colours.
Give
the
relevant
colour
cards
they
like
to
students.
T:
What
colour
do
you
like?
S1:
Red.
S2:
Blue.
S3:
Yellow.
…
(2)
Find
friends.
Ask
students
to
try
to
remember
their
classmates’
favourite
colours.
Students
who
can
remember
their
favourite
colours
mutually
will
be
friends.
3.
Read
and
tick.
Show
the
picture
of
“Read
and
tick”
on
the
(课件出示:教材P19
Read
and
tick的图片)
Explain
the
rule
of
the
task
and
make
a
demonstration
first.
Then
let
students
read
and
tick
by
themselves.
T:(Point
to
the
red
barrel.)
Look!
What
colour
is
it?
Ss:
It’s
red.
T:
Great.
It’s
a
red
barrel.
Can
you
see
the
word
“red”?
Ss:
Yes.
T:
So
we
should
tick
on
the
square
frame
of
the
red
barrel.
Please
finish
the
rest.
Check
the
answers
together.
(Answers:
√blue
√black
√brown
√green
√yellow
√red)
Step
3:
Practice
1.
Listen
and
tick
or
cross.
(1)Show
the
pictures
of“Listen
and
tick
or
cross”on
the
(出示课件)
Let
students
look
at
the
four
pictures.
Ask
some
questions
to
help
them
predict
the
meaning
of
the
pictures.
T:
What
can
you
see
in
the
pictures?
S1:
can
see…
S2:
can
see…
…
T:
Who
can
you
see
in
Picture
and
Picture
3?
S1:
can
see
Miss
white
and
Mr
Jones.
S2:
can
see
Wu
Yifan,
Mike
and…
T:
Good!
The
man
in
Picture
is
Mike’s
Dad.
They
are
our
friends.
What
are
they
talking
about?
Now,
let’s
listen
and
tick
or
cross.
(2)
Play
the
recording
and
let
students
finish
the
task.
(课件出示:教材P20
Listen
and
tick
or
cross的音频)
Ask
students
to
pay
attention
to
the
key
words.
(3)
Check
the
answers
with
students.
(Answers:
1.√
2.×
3.×
4.×)
2.
Match
and
colour.
Show
the
pictures
of
“Match
and
colour”
on
the
(出示课件)
Let
students
say
the
colours
they
have
learned
one
by
one.
Then
ask
them
to
finish
the
task
by
themselves.
T:
Can
you
say
the
colours
in
English
quickly?
S1:
Blue.
S2:
Red.
S3:
Black.
…
T:
Well
done!
Now,
please
match
the
words
to
the
pictures.
Then
colour
the
pictures
with
your
crayons.
Step
4:
Consolidation
&
Extension
“Story
time”
1.
Let’s
sing!
(1)
Play
the
video
of
the
song
for
the
first
time.
(课件出示:教材P20
Let’s
sing板块的视频)
Let
students
listen
to
it
carefully.
T:
How
many
colours
can
you
hear?
What
are
they?
Ss:
…
(2)Play
the
song
again.
(出示课件)
Lead
students
to
clap
their
hands
and
sing
with
the
video.
Let
them
practice
in
groups.
Invite
some
students
to
sing
on
the
podium,
and
the
others
sing
and
clap
hands
for
them.
(3)Make
a
new
song
and
draw
a
different
rainbow.
Let
students
try
to
make
a
new
song.
For
example:
Let
students
draw
a
different
rainbow
by
themselves.
?板书设计
?作业设计
1.
Sing
the
song
to
your
family
members.
2.
Read
the
story
of
“Story
time”.
3.
Do
the
exercises.
?教学反思
注重新旧知识的串联,做到以旧带新,以新温旧。
设置的教学活动简单易行,能有效激发学生的学习兴趣。
以旧带新,可以降低学生的学习难度,使学生在轻松的学习氛围中巩固旧知,学习新知。
板书设计条理清晰,一目了然,突出重点。
?Teaching
Contents
&
Teaching
Aims
Start
to
read
·Be
able
to
find
as
well
as
listen,
speak,
read
and
write
the
letters
in
the
picture.
·Be
able
to
listen,
speak
and
read
the
words
about
colours
“red,
green,
yellow,
blue,
black,
white,
orange,
brown”.
Let’s
check?
·Be
able
to
finish
the
task
independently.
Let’s
sing
·Be
able
to
understand
and
sing
the
song,
and
make
a
new
song.
?Teaching
Priorities
·Be
able
to
master
the
letters
and
the
words
about
colours
of
this
unit.
?Teaching
Difficulties
·Be
able
to
finish
the
task
of
“Let’s
check”
independently.
?Teaching
Procedures
Teaching
Stages
Teacher’
s
Activities
Students
Activities
Teaching
Purposes
Warm-up
&Lead-in
1.
Greetings.2.
Enjoy
a
song.3.
Listen
and
do.
1.
Greetings.2.
Sing
the
song
with
the
teacher.3.
Do
the
actions
according
to
the
instructions.
Stimulate
students’
interest
in
learning
and
review
the
knowledge
they
have
learned
through
the
song
and
the
activity.
Presentation
1.
Find
and
say.(1)
Sharp
eyes.
Show
some
stars
with
letters
on
the
PPT.(2)
Find
and
say.
Show
the
picture
of
“Find
and
say”.
Look
and
read
the
letters
quickly.Try
to
find
out
the
most
letters.
Lead
students
to
review
the
letters
they
have
learned
by
observing,
finding
and
saying.
2.
Review
the
words
about
colours.(1)
Ask
students
a
question
and
give
the
relevant
colour
cards
they
like
to
students.(2)
Lead
students
to
find
out
their
friends.
(1)
Answer
the
question.(2)
Try
to
remember
their
classmates’
favourite
colours
Create
an
interesting
learning
environment
and
consolidate
the
memory
of
the
words
about
colours.
3.
Read
and
tick.
Show
the
picture
of
“Read
and
tick”.
Explain
the
rule
of
the
task
and
make
a
demonstration
first.
Read
and
tick
independently.
Make
sure
that
students
can
finish
the
task
correctly
and
independently.
Check
students’
mastery
of
the
words
about
colours.
Practice
1.
Listen
and
tick
or
cross.
(1)
Show
the
pictures
and
talk
about
them.
(2)
Play
the
recording.
Ask
students
to
pay
attention
to
the
key
words.
(3)
Check
the
answers
with
students.
Listen
to
the
recording
and
finish
the
task.
Use
different
activities
to
train
students’
ability
of
listening
and
speaking.Practice
and
consolidate
the
words
about
colours
by
matching
and
colouring.
2.
Match
and
colour.
Review
the
words
about
colours
and
let
students
match
and
colour.
Match
the
words
to
the
pictures
first.
Then
colour
the
pictures
with
the
crayons.
Consolidation&Extension
Lead
students
to
learn
the
song
and
sing
with
the
video.
Let
students
make
a
new
song
and
draw
a
different
rainbow.6.
Let’s
practice
and
act
out.
Listen
to
the
song.
Clap
hands
and
sing
with
the
video.
Practice
in
groups.
Share
it
with
the
class.
Try
to
make
a
new
song
and
draw
a
different
rainbow.
Create
an
active
learning
environment.
Cultivate
students’
divergent
thinking.
Enhance
students’
creativity
and
aesthetic
ability.
Homework
1.
Sing
the
song
to
your
family
members.2.
Read
the
story
of
“Story
time”.3.
Do
the
exercises.
Teaching
purpose
通过师生间的相互问候拉近师生距离;通过歌曲和TPR活动营造愉快、活跃的学习氛围,同时对已学字母以及颜色单词进行复习巩固。
Teaching
purpose
利用观察、找一找、说一说的方式来复习、认读和识别所学字母。
Teaching
purpose
先通过让学生说出自己喜欢的颜色来复习学过的颜色单词。接着通过找朋友的游戏来提升英语学习的趣味性,并进一步巩固对颜色单词的记忆。
Teaching
purpose
通过读和打对勾的方式来检测和巩固学生对于颜色单词的掌握。
Teaching
purpose
请学生先观察图片再听录音,对学生进行有效的听力技巧指导,同时强调听音重点,帮助学生完成听力任务。
Teaching
purpose
通过将单词与对应的颜色图片连线和涂色的活动,进一步操练和巩固颜色单词。
Teaching
purpose
让学生给歌曲打拍子,营造活跃的学习氛围。接着让学生自主创编新歌,并画出自己心目中不一样的彩虹,培养学生的发散性思维,增强创造力和审美能力。