The
sixth
period(第六课时)
Part
Start
to
read
&
Let’s
check
&
Let’s
sing
?教学内容与目标
课时教学内容
课时教学目标
Start
to
read
·能够找出并能听、说、读、写图片中的字母·能够听、说、认读表示五官和身体部位的单词,并数出对应的单词个数
Let’s
check
·能够根据图片信息预测听力考查点,并有意识地去听录音,完成排序·能够观察图片,朗读单词并完成配对练习?
Let’s
sing
·能够理解、跟唱歌曲,并能创编新的歌曲
?教学重点
能听、说、认读本单元与五官及身体部位有关的单词。
2能够独立完成Let’s
check板块的练习。
?教学难点
能够在日常生活中自然地运用本单元句型进行交际。
?教学准备
教学课件、课文录音、视频、小礼物等。
?教学过程
Step
1:
Warm-up
&
Revision
1.
Greetings.
2.
Let’s
sing.
Lead
students
to
sing
the
chant
with
the
melody
of
Two
tigers.
(课件出示:歌曲《两只老虎》的旋律)
3.
Revision.
T:
Boys
and
girls,
Let’s
play
the
game
“I
say,
you
do”.
Are
you
ready?
Let’s
go!
Clap
your
hands!
Wave
your
arms!
Shake
your
body!
Stamp
your
foot!
Touch
your
nose!
Touch
your
ear!
Open
your
eyes!
…
Step
2:
Presentation
1.
Turn
and
turn.
Show
the
turntable
with
the
pictures
of
body
parts
and
facial
features
on
the
(课件出示:转盘图)
Turn
the
turntable
and
ask
students
to
say
the
corresponding
words.
2.
Make
a
dialogue.
Let
students
make
a
dialogue.
Give
an
example
first.
Then
ask
students
to
practice
in
pairs
and
share
it
with
the
class.
3.
Find
and
say.
Let
students
look
at
the
picture
of
“Find
and
say”
carefully.
(课件出示:教材P29
Find
and
say的图片)
T:
Wow!
Look!
There
are
so
many
candies.
What
else
can
you
see?
Ss:
Letters!
T:
Great!
What
letter
can
you
see?
S1:
see
a
big
E.
S2:
see
a
big
F.
…
T:
Now,
please
circle
all
the
letters.
How
many
letters
can
you
see?
How
many
big/small
letters?
Ss:
…
4.
Read
and
count.
(1)
Show
the
picture
of
the
clown
on
the
(课件出示:教材P29
Read
and
count的小丑图)Lead
students
to
describe
the
clown
with
the
sentence
structure
“This
is
the
arm/ear/hand…”
(2)
Show
the
words
on
the
clown.
(课件出示:小丑身体栏中的单词)Invite
some
students
to
read
the
words
one
by
one.
Let
students
point
to
the
corresponding
body
parts
while
reading
the
words.
(3)
Let
students
count
the
words.
Check
the
answers
on
the
(课件出示:
教材P29
Read
and
count的答案)
Step
3:
Practice
1.
Listen
and
number.
(1)Let
students
look
at
the
pictures
of
“Listen
and
number”
by
themselves.
(课件出示:教材P30
Listen
and
number的图片)Lead
them
to
predict
the
content
of
every
picture.
Remind
students
to
pay
attention
to
the
key
information.
(2)
Play
the
recording.
(课件出示:教材P30
Listen
and
number的音频)Let
students
listen
to
the
recording
and
try
to
number
the
pictures.
(3)
Check
the
answers
together.
Then
ask
students
to
read
the
listening
material.
(课件出示:教材P30
Listen
and
number的听力材料及答案)
2.
Look
and
match.
(1)
Show
the
picture
of
“Look
and
match”
on
the
(课件出示:教材P30
Look
and
match的图片)
Let
students
describe
what
they
see.
T:
Who
are
they?
What
are
they
doing?
What
can
you
see?
(2)
Invite
some
students
to
read
the
words
one
by
one.
Then
ask
students
to
read
the
words
group
by
group.
(3)
Let
students
match
the
words
to
the
pictures.
Then
check
the
answers.(课件出示:教材P30
Look
and
match的答案)
Step
4:
Consolidation
&
Extension
Let’s
sing.
(1)Play
the
cartoon
for
the
first
time.
(课件出示:教材P30
Let’s
sing板块的视频)
Let
students
get
the
meaning
of
it.
Help
students
understand
the
meanings
of
the
words
“shoulders,
knees,
toes”
by
body
language.
(2)Play
the
cartoon
again.
(出示课件)
Let
students
learn
to
sing
and
do
the
actions
after
the
cartoon.
Then
ask
students
to
practice
the
song
in
groups
and
show
it
to
the
class.
(3)Create
your
own
song.
Encourage
students
to
create
their
own
songs.
Give
an
example.
T:
Now,
please
create
your
own
song.
Let
students
sing
their
own
songs.
?板书设计
?作业设计
1.
Read
the
key
words.
2.
Sing
your
own
song
to
your
family.
3.
Do
the
exercises.
?教学反思
1基于单元整体教学,将重点单词和句型较好地进行了整合,融入游戏、歌曲等多种活动中。
2注重对学生学习方法的指导,包括听的指导、说的指导和读的指导。
3充分利用了多媒体资源辅助教学,利用课件为学生创设一定的情境,让学生能够在情境中自然地会话。
4鼓励学生创编歌曲,增强了学生的自信心,培养了学生的综合能力和创造力。
?Teaching
Contents
&
Teaching
Aims
Start
to
read
·Be
able
to
find
as
well
as
listen,
speak,
read
and
write
the
letters
in
the
picture.
·Be
able
to
listen,
speak
and
read
the
words
of
this
unit
and
count
the
words.
Let’s
check
·Be
able
to
predict
the
examination
points
according
to
the
pictures,
listen
to
the
recording
consciously
and
number
the
pictures.
·Be
able
to
observe
the
pictures,
read
the
words
and
finish
the
task
of
matching.
Let’s
sing
?
·Be
able
to
understand
and
sing
the
song,
and
make
a
new
song.
?Teaching
Priorities
·Be
able
to
listen,
speak
and
read
the
words
of
this
unit.
·Be
able
to
finish
the
exercises
of
“Let’s
check”
independently.
?Teaching
Difficulties
·Be
able
to
use
the
sentence
structures
of
this
unit
properly
in
daily
life.
?Teaching
Procedures
Teaching
Stages
Teacher’s
Activities
Students’
Activities
Teaching
Purposes
Warm-up&
Revision
1.
Greetings.2.
Let’s
sing.Lead
students
to
sing
the
chant
with
the
melody
of
Two
tigers.3.
Revision.Play
the
game
“I
say,
you
do”
with
students.
Give
instructions.
1.
Greetings.2.
Sing
the
chant.3.
Play
the
game.
Do
the
actions
according
to
the
instructions.
Activate
the
learning
atmosphere.
Review
the
words
and
the
sentences.
Cultivate
Students’
interest
in
learning.
Presentation
1.
Turn
and
turn.Show
the
turntable
with
the
pictures
of
body
parts
and
facial
features.
Turn
the
turntable.
Say
the
corresponding
words
according
to
the
turntable.
Create
a
natural
real
situation
to
review
and
practice
the
key
words
and
sentence
structures
of
this
unit.
Prepare
for
the
following
study.
2.
Make
a
dialogue.Let
students
make
a
dialogue.
Give
an
example
first.
Then
ask
students
to
practice
in
pairs
and
share
it
with
the
class.
Try
to
make
a
dialogue.
Practice
the
dialogue
in
pairs
and
share
it
with
the
class.
3.
Find
and
say.Show
the
picture
and
ask
some
questions.
Look
at
the
picture
carefully.
Try
to
find
the
letters
and
count
the
letters.
Cultivate
Students’
observation
ability
by
observing
the
picture.
4.
Read
and
count.(1)
Show
the
clown
on
the
PPT.(2)
Show
the
words
on
the
clown.(3)
Check
the
answers.
(1)
Describe
the
clown
with
the
sentence
structure
“This
is
the
arm/ear/hand…”(2)
Read
the
words
one
by
one.(3)
Count
the
words
and
check
the
answers.
Lead
students
to
describe
the
picture
and
count
the
words.
Provide
guidance
on
Students’
learning
methods.
(续表)
Teaching
Stages
Teacher’
s
Activities
Students’
Activities
Teaching
Purposes
Practice
1.
Listen
and
number.(1)
Show
the
pictures.
Remind
students
to
pay
attention
to
the
key
information.(2)
Play
the
recording.
(3)
Check
the
answers.
(1)
Look
at
the
pictures
carefully.
Predict
the
content
of
every
picture.(2)
Listen
to
the
recording
and
try
to
number
the
pictures.(3)
Check
the
answers
with
the
teacher.
Then
read
the
listening
material.
Train
Students’
ability
of
listening.
Help
students
improvelistening
skills.
2.
Look
and
match.(1)
Show
the
picture
and
ask
some
questions.(2)
Invite
some
students
to
read
the
words.
(3)
Let
students
match
the
words
to
the
pictures.Then
check
the
answers.
(1)
Look
at
the
picture
and
describe
what
they
see.(2)
Read
the
words
one
by
one
and
then
group
by
group.(3)
Match
the
words
to
the
pictures.
Check
the
answers.
Consolidate
the
key
words
with
the
pictures.
Help
students
use
the
words
in
their
real
life
properly.
Consolidation&Extension
Let’s
sing.
Play
the
cartoon.
Let
students
practice
in
groups
and
create
a
new
song.
(1)
Watch
the
cartoon
and
get
the
meaning
of
it.
(2)
Sing
the
song
and
do
the
actions
after
the
cartoon.
Practice
in
groups
and
show
it
to
the
class.(3)
Create
their
own
songs,
then
sing
the
songs.
Review
the
words
and
activate
the
atmosphere
through
the
song.
Enhance
students’
confidence.
Cultivate
Students’
comprehensive
ability
and
creativity.
Homework
1.
Read
the
key
words.2.
Sing
your
own
song
to
your
family.3.
Do
the
exercises.
Teaching
purpose
以歌曲热身,活跃课堂氛围。复习与五官、身体部位有关的单词和指令性用语,调动学生多种感官参与,激发学生的学习兴趣。
Teaching
purpose
通过转盘游戏和创编对话的活动,对本单元的重点单词和句型进行检测和复习,引导学生迅速激活之前所学的知识,增强学习趣味性的同时也能为后面的学习环节做铺垫。
Teaching
purpose
引导学生观察图片,寻找字母并数出找到的字母的个数,培养学生的观察能力。
Teaching
purpose
让学生观察图片,运用所学知识描述图片,再让学生朗读单词并数出对应的单词数量,注重对学生学习方法的指导。
Teaching
purpose
在听力练习之前,预留时间让学生对所听内容进行预测,对学生进行有效的听力技巧指导。
Teaching
purpose
通过配对练习,巩固所学单词,帮助学生在日常生活中熟练使用所学知识。
Teaching
purpose
教唱快乐且节奏感强的歌曲,复习单词的同时还能活跃课堂气氛,通过音乐、韵律和动作来让学生感受英语的节奏美。鼓励学生运用所学知识对歌曲进行大胆创编,增强学生学习英语的自信心。通过音乐和英语的结合,培养学生的综合能力和创造力。